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Q & A with Patty Dominguez


Patty Dominguez is bright young lady that was born November 1st, 1993 in San Antonio, Tx. I
met her May 15th, 2013 as she and her family attended the Peace Officer Memorial in
Washington, DC. Pattys family lost their father, husband, son and brother. Border Patrol and
our country also lost one of its finest Agents in the line of duty. Agent Dominguez was struck by
a vehicle as he was attempting to care for and assist another motorist who had been involved in a
previous accident. I spent some time with Patty this week while she was in DC for an internship
and wanted her insights on being a survivor. I was very impressed by her faith, strength, and
love, and I am proud to be her friend and better for having known her despite the circumstance of
how we met.
Patty, you mentioned some of the agents were talking about your dad today. What was that
like? This is what happened, this guy (a border patrol agent) came into the office

and said he knew me from somewhere and kept staring at me trying to figure out
where he knew me from. Then this light bulb went off on his head and he realized
he didnt know me but knew and had worked with my dad!! He said I looked just
like him!!!!!
In that moment what were your thoughts? I was surprised because Im so far
away from home, Uvalde. I thought it was cool that this guy at Border Patrol
Headquarters knew who my dad was. I am Always happy to hear from someone
who knew him, who worked with him and could share a story, or an impression
about dad or about something they did together.
Was there something he said that really stood out? He said my dad was a good
man and the nicest guy he knew. It made me sad
Where does the sadness come from? I love my dad; the way things happened.
How did he die? He was helping some people who were in a car accident.
Can you specify? There are giant boulders on the road .

Wait! What was the situation? He was at the end of his shift and they called it in
on the radio, and DPS could not respond so my dad said he would go out there,
even though he was suppose to go home. He was on the shoulder helping clear
the accident when he was hit by a truck, a Ford F350.
How did you find out of your dads accident? My dad usually picked me up at work and

that day he did not come. I called home and his cell, and nobody was picking up,

so I sat and waited about 3 or 4 hours after my shift ended, with no idea what was
going on. Then I saw some border patrol trucks pull into the parking lot, in that
moment I had a bad feeling.
They took you home and what did they tell you? They told us he died instantly.
It has to be hard to hear stories but do you know they are healing too? Yes! I am happy to

hear the stories, but sad when I get home because I go back to the day things
How old were you, when your dad passed away? I was 18
Looking back at that moment, that week, what would you change in the way you and your
family was notified about your dad? Other people are involved when you have a

family dynamic, you are not just telling the wife you are telling the children. I
would prefer better delivery of the news when telling the families.
Can you explain?

The agents are great and we love them all, but as a kid this is how I felt. The
agents were there but we were all separated, each of us had one agent with us. We
were all going through our own emotions but it would have been nice to be next to
each other. It would be nice if they know where all family members are before they
tell the wife. One of my siblings was not around and I was waiting for hours.
How long has it been since your dad passed? 3 years ago this past July
It was July 19th.
Did you feel you had to step into your dads shoes after he was gone? Sort of,
I would see my mom and siblings struggling and I wanted to be there for them, the
way he was. Family was the most important thing to my dad, his relationship with
my mom and the kids where the most important to him. I mean we each did our
part to make sure we were a strong family unit. At work, school or anywhere away
from home we did what we had to do, but our home was our sanctuary. It was our
quality time together and we didnt take it for granted.
What do you think your dad would want for you today? I know he wants me to finish

college, he would want me to be happy, to not forget him but to move on.
So when you say move on. But not forget him, what does that mean to you?
Not letting the pain freeze your life and channeling it into good things.

If you could say one thing to your dad, what would it be? Come Back
What can you do to honor your dad? Be a good example for what he stood for and

what I stand for.

So you have been interning in DC, how did you get that gig? Lots of Love

What are you doing: I work in the communications branch known as the COMM
Best thing you have done there? So many things! I hosted The Patrol I was the
news anchorperson, for a video that they produce. The Patrol is a short synopsis
of things that are happening around the Border Patrol and at headquarters.
Where do you go to college? Brigham Young University in Idaho

Are there lots of potatoes? (Burst of laughter) Yes there are tons! I think there are
more potatoes than people, which is why I like it.
Do you have a boyfriend? No (sad face)
What is your dream job? Work in film, movies or music videos
When you say film, which actor would you like to work with? Johnny Depp
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite movie: Meet the Robinsons
I went to church with you and you were quickly transformed into a happy and giddy kid. I
have never seen a kid so excited, how has your faith helped you?

If it werent for my religion I would have no direction. My dad was also a faithful
man in the church he was a very active leader in lots of the church activities, and
he was always very helpful and compassion, he would give the shirt off his back to
those in need.
Now that you have traveled from Texas to Idaho visited the nations capitol and
know there is so much out there to see where do you think youd like to live?
Near a big city, but maybe suburbs or like a little farm!

Hahaha, you are not new to relocation, you are definitely a BP Kid who can
adjust to any situation. Amen!

My Reflection: Patty is an amazing young lady, full of life and dreams any 21 year old would
have. Life goes on for many of us, but for the family of a fallen agent the pain never moves on.
We had many intense moments of tears, pain and laughter. I saw her fighting through her pain to
get her message across. I am grateful for the opportunity she allowed me and feel privileged she
shared her thoughts about her hero dad. I am committed to remembering our fallen by
introducing you to their families.
Do not let fear of what to say keep you from reaching out to the families of our fallen agents.
Thank you Patty for your candid interview and the strength you shared with me.

Nuri Vitiello
Border Heroes Golf Classic
The Real Housewives of B.P. (RHWoBP)

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