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the OO Way
COMP 401, Spring 2014
Lecture 04

TriangleAreaApp example
Write a program that reads input as sequences of
triangle deni#ons.

Each triangle dened by an iden#fying name as a single

word followed by 6 real numbers
ax ay bx by cx cy

Input will end with the word end

For each triangle:

Categorize triangle as one of

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

Report triangle category for each triangle

AUer end of all input
Report average size of triangles by category
Report area of smallest triangle

TriangleAreaApp ta.v01
Write a program that reads input as sequences of
triangle deni#ons.

Each triangle dened by an iden#fying name as a single

word followed by 6 real numbers
ax ay bx by cx cy

Input will end with the word end

For each triangle:

Categorize triangle as one of

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

Report triangle category for each triangle

AUer end of all input
Report average size of triangles by category
Report area of smallest triangle

TriangleAreaApp ta.v02
Write a program that reads input as sequences of
triangle deni#ons.

Each triangle dened by an iden#fying name as a single

word followed by 6 real numbers
ax ay bx by cx cy

Input will end with the word end

For each triangle:

Categorize triangle as one of

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

Report triangle category for each triangle

AUer end of all input
Report average size of triangles by category
Report area of smallest triangle

TriangleAreaApp ta.v03
Write a program that reads input as sequences of
triangle deni#ons.

Each triangle dened by an iden#fying name as a single

word followed by 6 real numbers
ax ay bx by cx cy

Input will end with the word end

For each triangle:

Categorize triangle as one of

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

Report triangle category for each triangle

AUer end of all input
Report average size of triangles by category
Report area of smallest triangle

TriangleAreaApp ta.v04
Write a program that reads input as sequences of
triangle deni#ons.

Each triangle dened by an iden#fying name as a single

word followed by 6 real numbers
ax ay bx by cx cy

Input will end with the word end

For each triangle:

Categorize triangle as one of

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

Report triangle category for each triangle

AUer end of all input
Report average size of triangles by category
Report area of smallest triangle

Review of non-OO approach

All func#ons are sta#c
Variables are all either declared locally or
passed in as parameters
Sta#c class func#ons simply act as a library of
triangle-related func#ons used by our

Thinking with an object mindset

Consider the role of ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy
As a collec#ve, the represent a specic triangle.
Func#ons for nding area and classifying
Onus on us to provide this informa#on as parameters
As well as ensuring that they actually represent a triangle.

Object-oriented programming ips this

Formalizes the collec#ve meaning of these pieces of
informa#on as an abstrac#on.
Provide func#ons that operate on the abstrac#on.

Step 1: Name the abstrac#on

In Java this means create a class
corresponding to the abstrac#ons name.

Step 2: Declare its elds

The elds of your abstrac#on are pieces of informa#on
that collec#vely dene it.
Declared like variables
Must specify type and adhere to variable naming rules.
Directly declared in class deni#on

Here you start to make design decisions

In our example, triangles dened by 3 coordinates.
How else could a triangle be dened?

Note that part of this is deciding on types as well.

What would be impact of choosing something other than double?


Step 3: Dene a constructor

Constructor is a special type of func#on

Job is to create and ini#alize a new instance.

Declara#on diers from a normal func#on

Name must match class name.

Does not have a any sort of return value in its signature.

Within the constructor, the keyword this refers to the new

Any informa#on needed should be passed in as parameters.

Code in the constructor is responsible for making sure that the elds
of this are appropriately set.

To call a constructor, use the new keyword

Result will be a new instance (i.e., object) of the class


Step 4: Dene instance methods

Func#ons/procedures that depend on the specic instance

What func#ons in our example calculate values specic to a par#cular


Declared within class without sta#c

This is what makes the instance methods.

Instance methods only make sense in the context of a specic

Must be called with the . operator using a reference to an object.

Within an instance method, the keyword this provides a reference

to the object itself.
To get to a specic instance eld: this.eld
If unambiguous, then this can be leU o.

Must use this keyword if another local variable or parameter name conicts
with eld name.


One more improvement

No#ce that within area() and category() we end
up calcula#ng side lengths.
Would be beier if we simply provided methods for
retrieving each of the side lengths

Implied this also works for method names

Dont need to use this keyword if method is being called on
the current object


Repea#ng with Point

Consider role of ax, ay within Triangle class
Collec#vely they represent a point
Same with bx, by and cx, cy

Opportunity for abstrac#on again.

No#ce name conict in constructor between
parameters passed in and eld names.
Forces use of this keyword when assigning elds.
This happens a lot (especially in constructors).

Classes and Objects

Fundamental units of abstrac5on
Physical Analogy
Classes are like factories

Contain a blueprint for an object

Denes the inner workings (i.e., elds aka members)

Denes what it can do (i.e., instance methods)

Factory itself may have some capabili#es

Class members and class methods

Relate to the abstrac#on as a whole and not to a specic instance.

Objects are what the factory builds

Each object is an instance of a class

Name of the class is the data type of the object.

Which means it is the data type of any variable that can reference the

Objects as state
An object is dened by its state
Collec#on of named elds that represent
informa#on about the object
The current values assigned to those elds reect the
state of the object

Object design reects purpose

What elds to include in an object will depend on
how that object is to be used and the kinds of
opera#ons that object will be involved in.

Comparing real values

Very dicult to make an equilateral triangle.

Comparing real values is tricky.

Representa#on of real values is subject to precision limits.
Numerical error makes direct comparison dicult.

Best prac#ce for real values is to compare with respect

to some precision limit.
If you have two real values, a and b and an error precision limit of
eps, then use the following expression for comparison:
(Math.abs(a-b) < eps)!

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