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AREVALO, Maria Isabella Katrina Y.

Reflection: What is Truly Filipino?

Without a sense of who you are, how can you possibly take pride in who you are?
-- Barth

What makes a Filipino, Filipino? Is it being dark-skinned, short, flat-nosed? What do

you think?
The articles that we were assigned to read says so much about Filipinos. How we
are, our way of thinking, how we live our lives and so much more. For Barth Suretsky, I
think that what he was pointing out is, we should be proud of who we are. Our country has
a lot to offer and we just open our eyes and see them for ourselves. Despite the bad habits
that others see us, such as saying bahala na to our problems or the lack of love we have
for our country, there are those people who try to stand up in their own ways to show that
they do care and that they take pride in our country. One of these people is Dr. Josette
Biyo, who through teaching tried to improve the lives of those who are less fortunate and
also show the world that even though our country doesnt have the latest machines or
gadgets, we are still capable of competing world class. Another is Patricia Evangelista, a
young student from the University of the Philippines who won the International Public
Speaking Contest in London. It wasnt all about being able to speak properly in front of an
audience, but it was also about what was in the speech she gave. Her speech said so
much about her and her heritage. It showed everyone, that she takes pride in being a
Filipino and she is proud of it.
Theres so much a Filipino is. It is not just our features that makes us a Filipino. It
was said that we lack respect and pride for our country. In our times now, we are trying to
change this and were now taking pride of all the things FIlipino. Change can start from one
person and expand to as much as a whole country. As I have learned from Dr. Josette
Biyo, if we just believe, we can achieve what we want. ...Filipinos can be world-class if
they choose to be .... Believing is improving your skills and maximizing your potential, she
said. By our achievements, we can show the world that we are capable of. Obtaining these
achievements, it may require hard work and sacrifice. One of the sacrifices may be having
to leave our country and work in another. It doesnt matter if you leave our country for 20
years or more, as long as one remembers to come back. The Philippine Islands is our
home. This country is the one that shaped us to be who we are and we should thank her.

No matter how much recognition we get from the other countries, we should always
remember that we are from the Philippines and that we are the product of the Philippines.
Take pride of our country! Believe and be proud!

That in all things God may be glorified!

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