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Good afternoon everybody! My respect to our honorable guest, Vice-governor Joey

Pelaez together with his colleagues, Sir. To our Schools Division Superintendent, Dr.
Cora T. Asa; to our District Supervisors; To our school head, Rebecca B. Namoc, To
the city officials headed by Mayor Alfredo Tan, To the Barangay Officials who are
present today headed by a participative Brgy. Captain Soldivillo; To the PTA
president, Mr. Felipe Tangcalagan, To Molugan NHS teaching force, Parents,
students, and benefactors...once again, a pleasant day! (Although the weather is
not that good, we can still consider today as pleasant because...[insert next stanza])
Today is indeed a remarkable day because we will be doing two significant events in
one setting..its like hitting two birds in one stone actually.
To begin with, let us all stand for the Philippine National Anthem, followed by the
Prayer, MNHS Choir.
Please help me welcome our ever dynamic school principal Mrs. Rebecca B. Namoc,
in her welcome address. Lets give her a round of applause.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you mam for your warm words of welcome. Todays event is indeed
remarkable because we have someone here who really finds time to be with us
despite of his very tight schedule. We are so blessed to have him here. Please help
me welcome, Honorable Vice-Governor Joey Pelaez for the turning-over of books.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you sir for your message.
At this juncture, may I request Dr. Cora Asa together with our division supervisors
and our school hear Rebecca Namoc for the turnLet us hear from Mrs. Elviena Subang, the community development facilitator of
Plan International in the turn-over of 140 chairs.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next is the acceptance.. in behalf of the student, lets listen to Jinky Gomez, the SSG
President followed Mr. Felipe Tangcalagan., the PTA president and Mrs. Rebecca
Namoc, our school principal.

Thank you mam, sir and dai valerie!. Truly, we are so blessed that there are people
with a golden heart who were willing to help our school for the future of our
students. Again, thank you so much. To share his acceptance in behalf of the LGU,
let us welcome our very supportive mayor, Hon. Oliver E. Ranque. Furthermore, his
message will also include the closing remarks of todays event. A round of applause
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And thats the end of the first part of the program. Moving on, is the consultative
meeting which comprises the whole part 2 of the program...may I request the PTA
president to be here on stage to preside the meeting.

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