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Historia de la Civilizacin Inglesa II

Chapter 3 The Impact of the French Revolution


What were Britains reasons to enter the war with France?

What methods did Pitt use to fight Napoleon?
What did people demand at the end of the 18th c.? How?
Compare Paines and Burkes viewpoints as regards the French Revolution.
What was the governments reaction? Give examples.
What did some people demand in Ireland? Who was Wolfe Tone?
Refer to the measures taken by William Pitt in Ireland.
In your opinion, was the Union with Ireland positive or negative?
State the political consequences brought by the French Revolution in Britain.

Chapter 4- The Industrial Revolution and the British people


Why was the cotton textile industry so successful during this period?
Describe the reasons of this industrys prosperity.
What did the iron industry provide?
Why is the Seven Years War mentioned by the author?
How were raw materials transported during the 18th c.? State advantages and disadvantages.
What were the effects provided by the railway to the British economy?
Why are there problems when assessing living standards in Britain? Explain.
Refer to the impact of the building industry during this period.
There was a rise in living standards during this period. Explain and give examples.
According to the author, was there a revolution or an evolution?

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