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Position of two points above earth surface may be specified with bearing and
distance. This point position information still incomplete if height difference
such, measurement to determine height
between point above
earth surface that called level survey should proceed.The principle of
level survey was with level survey instrumentation, we will be able to form
one sight line, namely collimation line to this tool that are situated in
a horizontal
plane through horizon strand . Operation
leveling more
to determine vertical distance from this line to points that high
rate or related height difference between one and another.

The staff reading in A is 1.353 m and B = 2.887. Height differences between

A and B was 1.357 - 2.887 = -1.543. That mean B is 1.357m below point A. in
leveling, -ve sign mean the height differences was decline or otherwise. If
reduced level, RL in A = 100.000 m so RL in B = 100.000 -1.357 = 98.446m.
Level can be used for: Determining the height of a particular point
Determining differences in height between points
Determining the contours of a land profile
Providing data for road cross-sections
Providing data to calculate volumes for earthworks
Setting out level surfaces for construction
Setting out inclined surfaces for construction

To understanding the concept and method to establish a horizontal line of
sight above earth surface.


Level Line
A line lying on the level surface is known as a level line. Every point of a level
line is equidistant from then centre of the earth. The cross section of still
water of a lake represents a level line .
Reduced Level ( RL )
It is a vertical height or depth of a point above or below the datum. It is also
known as elevation of the point. The elevation of a point is positive or
negative according as the point lies above or below the datum
Bench Mark ( BM )
A benchmark is a point of reference which is convenient for leveling in a
given locality. The relation to sea-level is very precise and obtained by
running a level circuit such that the elevation of the beginning and the end of
the circuit are known and tied together .
Temporary Bench Mark ( TBM )
Temporary benchmark is fixed dots but behave less permanent and
established nearby to site survey to save works reference to benchmark
which may too long
Backsight (B.S) or Backsight Reading
It is a staff reading taken on a point of known elevation (or reduced level) as
on a bench mark or a change point. It is the first staff reading taken after the
level is set up and levelled. It is also called a plus sight.
Intermediate Sight (I.S) or Intermediate Sight Reading
It is any other staff reading taken on a point of unknown elevation (or
reduced level) from the same set up of the level. All sight taken between the
back sight and fore sight are intermediate sights.
Fore Sight (F.S) or Fore Sight Reading
It is a staff reading taken on a point whose elevation (or reduced level) is to
be determined as on a change point. It is the last staff reading taken before
shifting of the level to another position. It is also called a minus sight.
Change Point
The point at which both the fore sight and back sight are taken during the
operation of leveling, is called a change point. Two sight, are taken from two
different instrument stations, a fore sight to ascertain the elevation of the
point while a back sight is taken on the same point to establish the height of
the instrument of the new setting of the level. The change point is always
selected on a relatively permanent point .



Change Point


Aras Lompat
Kerja pengukuran aras untuk menyemak satu siri pengukuran yang telah
dijalankan dari titik akhir ke titik mula



In automatic level, spirit level tube is
not used anymore for horizontal
collimation set up.But, adjustment
still need to make sure that circular
bubble is exactly in the centre of
circle.This level are easy to set up
and used


This instrument has been designed to

carry out all reading and data
processing automatically via an onboard computer which is accessed
through a display and keyboard.
Used with a special bar-coded staff
There is no need to read the staff as
the display will show the staff
reading about two or three seconds
after the measuring key has been
pressed.In good condition, a digital
100m.Observations are taken quickly
over longer distances without the
need to read staff or record anything
by hand. The data stored in a digital
level can also be transferred to a
removable memory card and then to
a computer


The legs of the tripod are adjustable

and are made of wood, fiberglass or
aluminum and are adjustable for use
with many different pieces of
surveying equipment. Tripods made
of wood or aluminum can influence
conditions, fiberglass can be heavy
to carry when surveying over various
terrains and distances. Tripods come
with two different styles of heads:
flat or dome. Dome heads allow for

automatic level. While flat head
tripods have less play suitable for
dumpy and Titling levels, but are
sometimes easier to fit.




Is the equivalent of a long ruler and it

enables distances to be measured
vertically from the horizontal plane
established by a level to points
where heights are required.
The rectangular sectioned rods are
either the folding (hinged) or the
sliding variety. Newer fiberglass rods
have oval or circular cross section
and fit telescopically together for
heights of 3, 5 and 7 m. Benchmark
leveling utilizes folding (one-piece)
rods or invar rods, both of which
have built-in-handles and rod levels.
When the bubble is centered, the rod
is plumb. All other rods can plumbed
by using rod level
Used to measure the vertical
distance between two points. Only
applicable when an unobstructed
vertical line between the two points
Field book used to record reading and
make barrel level count. Recording
and count can
with two methodologies, namely rise
and fall method or height Collimation


Leveling involved the measurement of vertical distance with reference

to a horizontal plane or surface.
It is a process to determine the difference in height between different
points it is necessary to produce a horizontal line of sight

Staff could be read straight (normal) or held inversely (invert) . Normally

staf held vertically, however to get floor barrel level such as bridge,
staff would be held inversely




Reading method is the same, only reading figures in staf will see reverse. As
such, staff readership should be carried out by be careful. Tofacilitate in
calculation, reading that taken
by staff

reverse added with negative signal (-) . Are premised on figure above,
reduced level below bridge was = AL BA + PB + PH.
Temporary Adjustment
It involving installing, leveling instrument and focusing telescope. This
adjustment should be done every time the instrument in installing at the
station. Step to do adjustment as follows


Foot Screw



Directed parallel telescope by

any two foot screw ( 2 & 3).
Turn both foot screw in contrary
direction until the bubble move
between foot screw number 2 &

Turn telescope 90 or parallel

with foot screw no. 1 &
seem bubble would stay
directed foot screws no. 1. Turn
the foot screw no. 1 until the
bubble move up & down. Dont
touch foot screw no. 2 & 3




Turn telescope 90 or parallel

to foot-screws (2 & 3)
but opposite direction with step
1. If the bubble not yet
enter the circle turn both foot
screw in contrary
direction until bubble move in
the circle
Turn telescope 90 or parallel
to foot-screws 1 but opposite
direction with step 2. If
the bubble not yet enter the
circle turn foot screw no .1 in
direction until bubble move in
the circle. Dont touch foot
screw no. 2 & 3
For check turn telescope 90
and revert to original
position. By right, the
bubble must stay at the
circle of at any direction.


If the bubble still outside the

circle, repeat the step again

Permanently Adjustment
All instruments are subject to errors of calibration and adjustment. In the
case of leveling instruments the main source of instrumental error is where
the line of sight, produced by the cross hairs in the telescope, is not parallel
to the horizontal line of collimation produced by the manufacture of the
instrument. This error is known as collimation error as it effects the line of
collimation. The test that we undertake in order to determine the amount of
error and then eliminate it from our measurement is known as the two peg


We were assigned to take the equipment to be brought into the area of

the purpose of measuring the surface area of the land.
We find an appropriated area and draw position.
We measured between picket to picket with 20mm spacing.
When finished measuring the distance between the pickets,we start
measured the distance between pickets wit iron pickets at a distance of
Next we put the device level at an angle of 90 degree from the first
point of picket.
Then the device level is placed in the right direction to get the reading
of staff.
This method is done in the same way as much as 5 times.

Perform reconnaissance survey and mark stations with picket The

Station can be set up by open traverse or closed traverse which
started from a TBM or BM and ended at the same or different TBM or
Start observation with observe to a height reference point known as
mean sea level ( MSL ) called Bench mark (BM) or Temporary Bench
Mark ( TBM ) You can mark BM or TBM as station 1 or you can mark
others station as station 1.
Manage temporary adjustment between station 1 and 2 and get staff
reading in in station 1 as back sight ( BS ) view and fore sight view
(FS) in station 2. Distance between BS and FS must be almost equal.
When making observation between Station 1 and 2 observe for 3 or 4
intermediate sight ( IS ) for checking purposes. Repeat step 5 to 7 until
the leveling work revert to station 1.

The final position of staff must at point that we know the value of the
reduced level. This is very important because fieldwork work must
begin and ends on point that known the reduced level. If not it was
impossible to detect the misclosure.

Only backsight, intersight, foresight and marks reading will be acquired

in the fieldwork
First reading that called BS is obtained from station that first once
namely station 1 or BM and marked in Backsight column and being
recorded as BM in marks column
is intersight
write the value in
Intersight column where only
one columns for a
value and write
any recognition to that value in marks column
the last
one, take foresight reading and write
in foresight column and marks it
Then, do temporary adjustment in L 2 and read BS on station 2,
so station 2 will be having two readings and it called change point. The
value that been obtained will be included inside BS column a row of
with FS value that taken from earlier station
Finish the intersight and foresight reading to station 3
Transfer instrument to L3 and repeat step v & vi but this time no
intersight taken, so to write the value just jump off the intersight
The others column will be filled by ccalculation
the reduced level of each point can be calculate using the value of rise
& fall. If the staff reading on the first point is more than the staff
reading on the next point called Rise and if the staff reading on the first
point is less than that on the next point called fall.

The arithmetic check is to ensure the fieldwork is correct. There are

three Arithmetic checks in this method:
(Backsights) (Foresights)
R.L Last - R.L First
(Rises) - (Falls)
The reduced levels of points are obtained by calculating the reduced
levels of the plane of collimation for each set up of the instrument.
The height of collimation is obtained by adding the staff reading, which
must be a Backsight, to the known R.L. of the point on which the staff
All other readings are deducted from the height of collimation, until the
instrument setting is changed. Where upon the new height of
collimation is determined by adding the backsight to the R-L. at the
change point
There are two Arithmetic checks in HPC method:
a. (Backsights) - (Foresights)
b. R.L Last. - R.L. First

As the conclusion of this leveling fieldwork practical, the data that we
obtained from the leveling using the automatic level were calculated and
booked in correct form of data table. Those data were used to plot the profile
and cross sections (1 - Longitudinal & 6 - Cross Section ) by using the Rise
and Fall method. These plotting can decide the most suitable and economic
levels and gradients in longitudinal section and in the traverse direction. It is
also help to locating the places of cut, fills or neither cut nor fills occurs.
Furthermore, the data that we obtained can be also used to plot contour
section by using the method of Height of Collimation. The plotted contour
shows lines which join the points that have the same height above or below
the datum of a particular area (fieldwork). By doing this leveling fieldwork
practical, my friends and I had learned a brand new experience on how to
level an empty land by using the leveling equipments correctly and also how
to book in the data in correct manner.

As the discussions of this leveling fieldwork practical, my friends and I have
gone through a lot of new and useful experiences. First of all, we had learned
on how to level an empty land by using the leveling equipments. This was
my first time knowing using and handling such equipments. Moreover, we
also learned to be patient in adjusting the bubble to the center of the circle.
Although it was testing my patient but with the help of my group members I
managed to balance the automatic level. However, we also faced some
problems some problems when was leveling, it was very difficult for us to
measure the incline land surface using the automatic level. This was
because, the bubble was very difficult to position it into the center of the
circle by 360 rotation. Furthermore, there are some suggestions on how to
make this leveling fieldwork practical easier and faster. First of all, the
automatic level have to change to digital level, so that the leveling practical
would be much more easier and accurate. Besides, the leveling fieldwork
area should be quite plane surface, so that the leveling practical would be
more easy and can end up quickly.

Ukur tanah, Ramsay JP Wilson (translated) by Sakdiah Basiro-Skudai ;Johor
:UTM ,1995.

: principles & Application


Edition ,Barry F .kavanagh,New

Jersey ,Pearson Education,2009.

Elementary Surveying



Edition, charles D. Ghilani & Paul R .Wolf,New

Jersey,Pearson edUTION 2008.

Geomatics,Barry F .Kavanagh , New Jersey ,Pearson Education, 2002.
Survey Engineering 1 (for polytechnic students), edition 2013- written by
MOHD FAHMI BIN ABD. RAZAK-, received higher education from UTM in
Surveying Skills.

Surveying- written by GURUCHARAN SINGH; Head of Department,

Department of Civil Engineering Bikaner (Rajastan) JAGDISH
SINGH; M.E (Civil), Rajastan Water Pollution Control Board Alwar


Surveying Principles and Applications, seventh edition BARRY

F. KAVANAGH; Seneca Collage Emeritus, Upper Saddle River, New
Jersey Columbus.


Surveying seventh edition A BANNISTER; MC, MSc, CEng, FICE

S RAYMOND; MSc, PhD, DipTP (Manchester), CEng, FICE, MRTPI,
FIHT (Consulting Engineer).


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