Meeting 11-Speaking 2

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English Expressions

You must not throw

rubbish anywhere.

1. Expression of Greeting

Titi doesnt have to wear

How are you?

jeans to Eitas birthday

How are you doing?


Good morning.
Good afternoon.

Dont pollute this river

with your chemical waste.

Good evening.
2. Expression of Introduction
How do you do?
Allow me to introduce
myself ..
Let me introduce
Ladies and Gentlemen, let
me introduce myself to
you all.

5. Expression of Need/necessity
The astronauts need
special pills instead of
Meutia needed to practice
her English everyday
when she was in London.
I dont need someone to
help me teach how to
speak English well.

3. Expression of Command
You must make your bed
in the morning.
We have to study English
Every household should
supply the clean water.

Everybody in the world

needs water to drink.
Its necessary for us to
know about astronomy.
Its not necessary for the
students to stay at school
all day.

She ought to wash dirty

clothes soon.
Keep the medicine out of
the childrens reach.

6. Expression of Like
Every morning Becky is
very keen on jogging for
keeping healthy.

4. Expression of Prohibition
No smoking here.
They shouldnt wear
jacket in the classroom.

Keeping healthy is very

enjoyable for us.
Tommy likes hiking once in
a month.

My brother and I enjoy

drinking fresh water so

9. Expression of Astonishment
Im surprised that Sinegal
could defeat French.
It is strange that he is

Expression of dislike
We dont like smoking
because it harms our lung.
Meidy didnt enjoy her
Jhony doesnt really like to
stay at home all day.

very brilliant in the class.

Wow, this beach is
surprising me because it is
really beautiful and
It is surprising that he
could win the game

The students hate to have

many homeworks.

10. Expression of Desire

Id like you to play

7. Expression of Feeling Proud

The old woman is proud of
her son because he is the
best student.
He feels proud of himself
being able to keep healthy
all this time.

basketball with me this

The athletes will enjoy
staying in this hotel. Its
close to stadium.
We should very much like
the yellow ball, please.

I am proud of my oldest

I wish to be athlete.

brothers successful

I want to be a good



He must be proud of his


11. Expression of capability

I can do it.

8. Admitting
Im who unlock your door.
We realize that we got
I dont want to do it again.

There is a chance that I

can/could do it.
Im capable of doing it.
I feel capable of doing it.
Im able to do it.
I feel able to do it.
Im capable of swimming
for 100m.

I have the ability to clime

that mount.
I have the qualification for
this job.
I can do that job
There is a chance that I
can join the game.
I feel capable of designing
I feel able to jump long

Can I persuade you to

keep your desk clean?
13. Expression of Possibility &
There is a good chance of
improving the quality of
the knowledge.
Perhaps she knows the
There is someone at the
door. It may be Rina.

Expression of incapability
I dont know anything
about it.
I cant finish this way.
I dont think I have the
ability .
I dont know how to
handle this job.
I dont feel capable of
cooking Chinese meat.
Im not sure Im capable of
sewing T-shirt.

I might go swimming this

She could be in her room.
My family may have
holiday in Bali.
Brasil may be the first
winner in this World Cup
The Tourism Minister will
probably declare the new
Perhaps, we can get

I cant do it.

chance to continue to

I dont know how to do it.


Im not sure Im capable of

doing it.
I dont feel capable of
doing it.
Im incapable of doing it.
12. Persuading
Would it be possible for
you to remove all your
files from your computer?

Ferry could have dinner in

his house.
Its impossible to clime
this very high mount.
Its impossible for you to
swim for 1000 meters.
I think there is very little
chance of meeting him

It is impossible that you

are hungry already.

Thanks a lot for your


It is impossible that he is
going on his own.

16. Expression of Apology

Excuse me for breaking
my promise.

14. Expression of asking &


Ladies and Gentlemen


please accept my

Asking Permission

apologies. For the

May I go there mom?

following trip I will come

May I visit the concert

on time.

May I sit down here?

Im sorry for saying such

Im really sorry because of

Giving Permission

my weakness.

You may go to his party

You can join that
You are allowed to park in
this area.
You are permitted to
continue to university.

17. Expression of Opinion

Asking opinion
What do you think about
Who do you think will be
the winner of the World
Cup 2002.

15. Expression of Gratitude

Thank you very much
indeed for your help.
Many thanks for your

Giving opinion
I think it is very beautiful
I guess he will come.

kindness during my visit.

I very grateful to you
because of your help.
Its very kind of you that
you has given a chance
for me.
Thanks a million for your

18. Expression of Offer to



Shall I open this door for

you, sir?
What can I do to make you


Would you like me to tell

the people not to throw
garbage here?
Should I pick you up to
your house.

22. Expression of Offer a Help

Would you like me to help
Is there anything I can do
with the concept?
Shall I open the window?

19. Expression of Request

Let me carry this luggage!

Could you tell me the

truth , please?
Would you mind cleaning
your front yard?
Would you like to stay with
me please?

23. Expression of will/plan

I am going to get a job.
She is thinking of getting a
He is planning to be a

20. Expression of hope

I hope she likes (will like)

They are intending to

work in BATAM.

the flowers.
I also hope that she (will)

24. Expression of Preference

remember (remembers)

I prefer coffee to milk.

me when she studies in

I like reading magazine

Hopefully, there is no any
victim in that natural
Lets hope that
transmigration program
will be successful.

better than novel.

I would rather stay at
home that go outside.
I would prefer to browse
internet tonight.
25. Expression of Invitation
Do you feel like coming?
Would you care to visit?

21. Expression of Sympathy

Poor you!
Im sorry to hear that.
I am very sorry.
You must be very sad.
Its too bad.

Is there any chance of?

Would you mind ?
Would you like to ?
Id like to invite you to ?
26. Expression of Acceptance
Id love to thank you.
Id like to .

Thats a good idea.

That sounds a nice idea.

Expression of

Yes, I will/would/do.

I am fed up with it.

Okay, I would like to very

Im extremely displeased

That would be very nice.

by him.
It displeases us.
I hate it.

27. Expression of

I cant enjoy it.

I am very annoyed.

Im afraid, I cant.
Id love to, but I dont
think I can.
Sorry, I cant.
I wish I could, but
Thank you for asking me,

30. Expression of Certainty &

Expression of Certainty
Yes Im absolutely sure he
Yes Im quite sure he will.
Yes Im certain he will.

28. Expression of Command &

Yes Im positive he will.


Yes of course he will.

You have to come to the

court soon.
I want you to return my
Please, follow my way.

Yes definitely he will.

Yes certainly he will.
Yes without doubt he will.
Yes absolutely he will.
No Im absolutely sure he

29. Expression of Pleasure or

Expression of Pleasure
Its wonderful. I like it.
The good economy in a
country gives the great
pleasure to the people.
Oh, how marvelous.
Im very pleased with it.
They are really delighted.

No Im quite sure he
No Im certain he wont.
No Im positive he wont.
No of course he wont.
No definitely he wont.
No certainly he wont.
No without doubt he
No absolutely he wont.

I cant accept it.

Expression of Uncertainty
Well there is always a
chance I suppose.
Well its not possible I
Well it could happen I

32. Expression of Denial

I deny it.
It is not at all my fault.
You dont see her fault.
We absolutely deny that.

Well there might be I

33. Expression of Satisfaction &

Expression of Satisfaction

Well you never know, of

Well no one can say for

I really like it.

Im satisfied with it.
I enjoy it.

But I wouldnt like to say
for certain.

Expression of Dissatisfaction
I dislike it.

But Its highly unlikely.

I dont enjoy it.

But I m not really sure.

I am dissatisfied with that.

But I have my doubts.

But Its doubtful.
But I doubt it.

34. Expression of Warning

Take care if you light up
the firecracker

31. Expression of Agreement &

Expression of Agreement

Be careful with population

explosion because it can
harm this country.

I agree with it.

Watch out for the steps!

I go along with you.

Look out

I dont have any objection

Do it carefully

to it.

You should do it

Yes, I agree.

35. Expression of

Expression of Disagreement


I disagree with you.

I dont think I agree with
I dont go along with it.

What an embarrassing
It is so embarrassing
I am embarrassed

Im shy to say so

How sorrowful it is

Im ashamed, sorry

It is tragic to
42. Expression of Love

36. Expression of Pain

Ouch! Ex . Ouch! You
stand on my feet Elly

I love you
I really love my teddy bear
Im interested in

It hurts!
37. Expression of Relief
Im glad it is done.
Im relieved.
I feel relieved.
Thanks God.
Ex. You are safe now.

43. Expression of


You look so beautiful

You are wearing a nice TShirt. It must be

38. Expression of Annoyance

This food is very delicious.

Its annoying when.

Dont annoy me please.
39. Expression of Fear
Im really angry
I cant take this anymore
What a nuisance
That is the last straw
Oh no, what next?
Oh dear!
40. Expression of Anxiety
Im anxious.
Im afraid..
Im so scared
Im very concerned that
41. Expression of Sadness
Please leave me alone
Im sad to see that

44. Expression of
You should study hard.
You should prepare
everything well.
Its better for you to take a
rest. Why dont you see
the doctor?
You should call Mr. Echo
right now.
Lets contact Miss. Echi
45. Expression of Congratulation
Congratulation on your
I must congratulate you
on your success.
Have a nice trip!

Happy studying.

49. Expression of Asking Price

Happy Idul Fitri

How much is this camera?

Happy new year

How much does this TV


Good luck.

What is the price of this?

46. Expression of Surprise
Im really surprised to get

50. Expression of Asking for the


this calling.
Im surprised to see your

What is the best time to

visit Jogyakarta?

Its surprising to know her

How is the weather in


real attitude.
What a surprising accident

How hot is it in June?

it is.
What a surprising
attendance it is.

51. Expression of Describing

She is a beautiful tall girl.

47. Expression of Terrific/wonder

She has beautiful eyes

with long hair.

Wow, so fantastic beach it is.

What a beautiful beach I

Its the most beautiful

have ever seen!

beach in the world

Wow, It is so amazing

52. Expression of Saying Good

Good bye.
See you later.
See yah.

48. Expression of
Im really sure you were the
man who took my money.
Its a fact that you opened
my room.
It cant be denied that you

53. Expression of Supporting.

Come on! You have only
one kilometer to go. Dont
give up!
Hurry! Hurry! It is just a
little time for you to finish.

sent the terror message.

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