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6622 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No.

24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules

FAA AD Differences DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
Note: This AD differs from the MCAI and/ W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Federal Aviation Administration Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
or service information as follows: No
differences. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
14 CFR Part 39 except Federal holidays.
Other FAA AD Provisions [Docket No. FAA–2008–0123; Directorate
For service information identified in
(g) The following provisions also apply to Identifier 2007–NM–056–AD] this AD, contact Boeing Commercial
this AD:
Airplanes, Long Beach Division, 3855
RIN 2120–AA64 Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach,
(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(AMOCs): The Manager, International
California 90846, Attention: Data and
Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell Service Management, Dept. C1–L5A
Branch, ANM–116, has the authority to Douglas Model DC–8–11, DC–8–12,
approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested (D800–0024).
DC–8–21, DC–8–31, DC–8–32, DC–8–
using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. 33, DC–8–41, DC–8–42, and DC–8–43 Examining the AD Docket
Send information to ATTN: Tom Rodriguez, Airplanes; Model DC–8–51, DC–8–52, You may examine the AD docket on
Aerospace Engineer, International Branch, DC–8–53, and DC–8–55 Airplanes; the Internet at http://
ANM–116, Transport Airplane Directorate, Model DC–8F–54 and DC–8F–55; or in person at the
FAA, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Airplanes; Model DC–8–61, DC–8–62, Docket Management Facility between 9
Washington 98057–3356; telephone (425) and DC–8–63 Airplanes; Model DC–8– a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
227–1137; fax (425) 227–1149. Before using 61F, DC–8–62F, and DC–8–63F Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
any approved AMOC on any airplane to Airplanes; Model DC–8–71, DC–8–72, docket contains this proposed AD, the
which the AMOC applies, notify your and DC–8–73 Airplanes; and Model regulatory evaluation, any comments
appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the DC–8–71F, DC–8–72F, and DC–8–73F
FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO),
received, and other information. The
Airplanes street address for the Docket Office
or lacking a PI, your local FSDO.
(2) Airworthy Product: For any AGENCY: Federal Aviation (telephone 800–647–5527) is in the
Administration (FAA), Department of ADDRESSES section. Comments will be
requirement in this AD to obtain corrective
actions from a manufacturer or other source, Transportation (DOT). available in the AD docket shortly after
use these actions if they are FAA-approved. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
Corrective actions are considered FAA- (NPRM). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon
approved if they are approved by the State Mowery, Aerospace Engineer, Airframe
of Design Authority (or their delegated SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to Branch, ANM–120L, FAA, Los Angeles
agent). You are required to assure the product supersede an existing airworthiness Aircraft Certification Office, 3960
is airworthy before it is returned to service. directive (AD) that applies to Paramount Boulevard, Lakewood,
(3) Reporting Requirements: For any McDonnell Douglas Model DC–8 California 90712–4137; telephone (562)
reporting requirement in this AD, under the airplanes. The existing AD currently 627–5322; fax (562) 627–5210.
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, requires, among other things, revision of SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) an existing program of structural
inspections. This proposed AD would Comments Invited
has approved the information collection
requirements and has assigned OMB Control require implementation of a program of We invite you to send any written
Number 2120–0056. structural inspections of baseline relevant data, views, or arguments about
structure to detect and correct fatigue this proposed AD. Send your comments
Related Information cracking in order to ensure the to an address listed under the
(h) Refer to MCAI EASA Airworthiness continued airworthiness of these ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No.
Directive 2007–0175, dated June 28, 2007; airplanes as they approach the FAA–2008–0123; Directorate Identifier
and Dassault Service Bulletin F50–483, dated manufacturer’s original fatigue design 2007-NM–056-AD’’ at the beginning of
June 6, 2007, including Erratum dated July life goal. This proposed AD results from your comments. We specifically invite
2007, for related information. a significant number of these airplanes comments on the overall regulatory,
Issued in Renton, Washington, on January approaching or exceeding the design economic, environmental, and energy
24, 2008. service goal on which the initial type aspects of this proposed AD. We will
certification approval was predicated. consider all comments received by the
Ali Bahrami,
We are proposing this AD to detect and closing date and may amend this
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, correct fatigue cracking that could proposed AD because of those
Aircraft Certification Service. compromise the structural integrity of comments.
[FR Doc. E8–1985 Filed 2–4–08; 8:45 am] these airplanes. We will post all comments we
BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DATES: We must receive comments on receive, without change, to http://
this proposed AD by March 21, 2008., including any
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by personal information you provide. We
any of the following methods: will also post a report summarizing each
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to substantive verbal contact we receive Follow the about this proposed AD.
instructions for submitting comments. Discussion
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of On January 11, 1993, we issued AD
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS

Transportation, Docket Operations, M– 93–01–15, amendment 39–8469 (58 FR

30, West Building Ground Floor, Room 5576, January 22, 1993), for McDonnell
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Douglas Model DC–8 airplanes. That AD
Washington, DC 20590. requires structural inspections to detect
• Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of fatigue cracking, reporting of the
Transportation, Docket Operations, M– inspection results, and repair, as

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules 6623

necessary, to ensure continued Payload of 6,000 Pounds or More’’); and the fleet. As with previous revisions,
airworthiness as these airplanes part 135 (‘‘Operating Requirements: Revision 6 provides credit for
approach the manufacturer’s original Commuter and On-Demand inspections previously accomplished
fatigue design life goal. That AD Operations’’) of the FAR (14 CFR parts within the required intervals. Revision 6
resulted from new data submitted by the 121, 125, and 135). The objective of the provides a description of PSEs, NDI
manufacturer indicating that additional SSIP was to establish inspection locations, planning and reporting
inspections and an expanded sample programs to ensure timely detection of procedures, and certain criteria upon
size are necessary to increase the fatigue cracking. which the supplemental inspection
confidence level of the statistical program is based.
Aging Aircraft Safety Act (AASA) We also have reviewed McDonnell
program to ensure timely detection of
cracks in the principal structural In October 1991, Congress enacted Douglas Report No. L26–011, ‘‘DC–8
elements (PSEs). We issued that AD to Title IV of Public Law 102–143, the Supplemental Inspection Document
prevent fatigue cracking, which could AASA of 1991, to address aging aircraft (SID),’’ Volume II, Revision 8, dated
result in a compromise of the structural concerns. That Act instructed the FAA January 2005. This document describes
integrity of these airplanes. administrator to prescribe regulations specific non-destructive testing
that will ensure the continuing inspections of the SID, and has been
Supplemental Inspection Documents airworthiness of aging aircraft. approved as an acceptable alternative
(SIDs) ADs method of compliance with
FAA Responses To AASA
In the early 1980s, as part of our corresponding paragraphs of AD 93–01–
continuing work to maintain the On January 25, 2005, as one of the 15.
structural integrity of older transport responses to the AASA, we issued the Accomplishing the actions specified
category airplanes, we concluded that Aging Airplane Safety; Final Rule in the service information described
the incidence of fatigue cracking may (AASFR) (70 FR 5518, February 2, above is intended to adequately address
increase as these airplanes reach or 2005). The AASFR applies to certain the unsafe condition.
exceed their design service goal (DSG). transport category, turbine powered
airplanes with a type certificate issued FAA’s Determination and Requirements
A significant number of these airplanes
after January 1, 1958 (including the of the Proposed AD
were approaching or had exceeded the
DSG on which the initial type airplanes that would be subject to this We have evaluated all pertinent
certification approval was predicated. In proposed AD), that are operated under information and identified an unsafe
light of this, and as a result of increased 14 CFR parts 121 or 129, with the condition that is likely to exist or
utilization, longer operational lives, and exception of airplanes operated within develop on other products of this same
the high levels of safety expected of the the State of Alaska. Sections 121.370a type design. This proposed AD would
currently operated transport category and 129.16 of the AASFR require the retain certain requirements of AD 93–
airplanes, we determined that a maintenance programs of those 01–15. This proposed AD also would
supplemental structural inspection airplanes to include damage tolerance- require revision of the FAA-approved
program (SSIP) was necessary to ensure based inspections and procedures for maintenance program. This proposed
a high level of structural integrity for all structure that is susceptible to fatigue AD would require implementation of a
airplanes in the transport fleet. cracking that could contribute to a structural inspection program of
catastrophic failure. The inspections baseline structure to detect and correct
Issuance of Advisory Circular (AC)
and procedures must take into account fatigue cracking in order to ensure the
As a follow-on from that the adverse affects that RAMs may have continued airworthiness of airplanes as
determination, we issued AC No. 91–56, on fatigue cracking and the inspection they approach the manufacturer’s
‘‘Supplemental Structural Inspection of the structure. The procedures are to original fatigue design life goal. For the
Program for Large Transport Category be established and incorporated before purposes of this proposed AD, a PSE is
Airplanes,’’ dated May 6, 1981. That AC December 20, 2010. Compliance with defined as an element that contributes
provides guidance material to this proposed AD also would be significantly to the carrying of flight,
manufacturers and operators for use in compliance with some aspects of the ground or pressurization loads, and the
developing a continuing structural AASFR. integrity of that element is essential in
integrity program to ensure safe maintaining the overall structural
operation of older airplanes throughout Relevant Service Information
integrity of the airplane.
their operational lives. This guidance We have reviewed Boeing Report No. The following paragraphs summarize
material applies to transport airplanes L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 All Series certain specific actions in this proposed
that were certified under the fail-safe Supplemental Inspection Document AD:
requirements of part 4b (‘‘Airplane (SID),’’ Volume I, Revision 6, dated July Paragraph (h) of the proposed AD
Airworthiness, Transport Categories’’) of 2005 (hereafter ‘‘Revision 6’’). The would require a revision of the
the Civil Air Regulations of the Federal purpose of Revision 6 is to define the maintenance inspection program that
Aviation Regulations (FAR) (14 CFR mandatory inspection requirements for provides for inspection(s) of the PSE in
part 25), and that have a maximum gross the PSEs and to provide specific non- accordance with Boeing Report No.
weight greater than 75,000 pounds. The destructive inspection (NDI) techniques L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 Supplemental
procedures set forth in that AC are and procedures for each PSE. Revision Inspection Document (SID),’’ Volume I,
applicable to transport category 6 also revises the maintenance program Revision 6, dated July 2005. PSEs are
airplanes operated under subpart D by removing provisions for the sampling also defined and specified in the SID.
(‘‘Special Flight Operations’’) of part 91 inspection program. However, Revision Paragraph (i) of the proposed AD
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS

of the FAR (14 CFR part 91); part 121 6 retains the program goal to inspect would specify that the SID be
(‘‘Operating Requirements: Domestic, airplanes in advance of a certain implemented on a PSE-by-PSE basis
Flag, and Supplemental Operations’’); threshold for the possibility of before structure exceeds its 75% fatigue
part 125 (‘‘Certification and Operations: increasing that threshold and using life threshold (3⁄4NTH) and its full fatigue
Airplanes having a Seating Capacity of service history to justify delaying life threshold (NTH). The threshold
20 or More Passengers or a Maximum inspections on the younger portion of value is defined as the life of the

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6624 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules

structure measured in total landings, AD would require accomplishment of be done per the new operator’s
when the probability of failure reaches the actions as specified in paragraphs schedule.
one in a billion. The DC–8 SID program (l)(1), (l)(2), and (l)(3) of this proposed Accomplishment of these actions will
is not a sampling program. Airplanes AD, at the times specified below. ensure that: (1) An Operator’s newly
would be inspected once before 1. Within 18 months after repair, acquired airplanes comply with its SSIP
reaching both PSE thresholds (once by accomplish a damage tolerance before being operated; and (2) frequently
TH and once by NTH). In order for the assessment (DTA) that defines the transferred airplanes are not permitted
inspection to have value, no PSE would threshold for inspection and submit the to operate without accomplishment of
be inspected before half of the fatigue assessment for approval to the Manager, the inspections defined in the SID.
life threshold, 1⁄2NTH. The additional Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office Paragraph (n) of this proposed AD
TH threshold aids in advancing the (ACO), FAA. specifies that repairs and inspection/
threshold for some PSEs as explained in 2. Before reaching 75% of the replacement programs done before the
Section 4 of Volume I of the SID. threshold, submit the inspection effective date in accordance with
Inspection of each PSE should be done methods and repetitive inspections McDonnell Douglas Report No. MDC
in accordance with the NDI procedures intervals for the repair for approval by 91K0262, ‘‘DC–8 Aging Aircraft Repair
set forth in Volume II of the SID. the Manager of the Los Angeles ACO. Assessment Program Document,’’
For airplanes past the threshold NTH, 3. Before the threshold, the inspection Revision 1, dated October 2000; are
the proposed AD would require that the method and repetitive inspection acceptable for compliance with the
PSE be inspected at repetitive intervals intervals are to be incorporated into the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (l) of
not to exceed DNDI/2 as specified in FAA-approved structural maintenance this proposed AD.
Section 4 of Volume I of the SID per the or inspection program for the airplane.
NDI procedure, which is specified in For the purposes of this proposed AD, Differences Between the Proposed AD
Volume II of the SID. The definition of the FAA anticipates that submissions of and the SID
DNDI/2 is half of the life for a crack to the DTA of the repair, if acceptable, The SID specifies to contact the
grow from a given NDI detectable crack should be approved within six months manufacturer for instructions on how to
size to instability. after submission.
Paragraph (i) of this proposed AD also repair certain conditions, but this
Paragraph (m) of this proposed AD proposed AD would require repairing
would require, for airplanes that have
specifies the requirements of the those conditions in one of the following
exceeded the NTH, that each PSE be
inspection program for transferred ways:
inspected within 18 months after the
airplanes. Before any airplane that is • Using a method that we approve; or
effective date of this AD. The entire PSE
subject to this proposed AD can be • Using data that meet the
must be inspected regardless of whether
added to an air carrier’s operations certification basis of the airplane, and
or not it has been repaired, altered, or
specifications, a program for the that have been approved by an
Paragraph (j) of this proposed AD accomplishment of the inspections Authorized Representative for the
would require that, if any PSE is required by this proposed AD must be Boeing Commercial Airplanes
repaired, altered, or modified, it must be established. Paragraph (m) of the Delegation Option Authorization
considered a ‘‘discrepant finding.’’ A proposed AD would require Organization whom we have authorized
discrepant PSE indicates that it could accomplishment of the following: to make those findings.
not be completely inspected because the 1. For airplanes that have been
inspected per this proposed AD: The Change to Existing AD
NDI procedure could not be
accomplished due to differences on the inspection of each PSE must be done by This proposed AD would retain all
airplane from the NDI reference the new operator per the previous requirements of AD 93–01–15. Since AD
standard (i.e., RAMs). For any operator’s schedule and inspection 93–01–15 was issued, the AD format has
discrepancy (e.g., a PSE cannot be method, or per the new operator’s been revised, and certain paragraphs
inspected as specified in Volume II of schedule and inspection method, at have been rearranged. As a result, the
the SID or does not match rework, whichever time would result in the corresponding paragraph identifiers
repair, or modification description in earlier accomplishment date for that have changed in this proposed AD, as
Volume I of the SID), this proposed AD PSE inspection. The compliance time listed in the following table:
would require that the discrepancy be for accomplishment of this inspection
inspected in accordance with a method must be measured from the last REVISED PARAGRAPH IDENTIFIERS
approved by the FAA. inspection done by the previous
Paragraph (k) of this proposed AD operator. After each inspection has been Corresponding re-
Requirement in AD
would require that all negative or done once, each subsequent inspection 93–01–15 quirement in this pro-
positive findings of the inspection done must be done per the new operator’s posed AD
in paragraph (i) of the AD be reported schedule and inspection method.
paragraph (b) ............ paragraph (f).
to Boeing at the times specified, and per 2. For airplanes that have not been paragraph (c) ............ paragraph (g).
instructions contained in Section 4 of inspected per this proposed AD: The
Volume I of the SID. inspection of each PSE must be done
Costs of Compliance
Paragraph (l) of this proposed AD either before adding the airplane to the
would require that any cracked air carrier’s operations specification, or There are about 194 airplanes of the
structure detected during any inspection per a schedule and an inspection affected design in the worldwide fleet.
required by paragraph (i) of this method approved by the FAA. After The following table provides the
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS

proposed AD be repaired before further each inspection has been performed estimated costs for U.S. operators to
flight. Additionally, paragraph (l) of this once, each subsequent inspection must comply with this proposed AD.

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules 6625

Number of
Average labor Cost per
Action Work hours U.S.-registered Fleet cost
rate per hour perator airplanes

Revision of maintenance inspection program (re- 544 per operator (17 $80 $43,520 131 $739,840
quired by AD 93–01–15). U.S. operators).
Revision of maintenance program and inspec- 250 per operator (17 80 20,000 131 340,000
tions (new proposed actions). U.S. operators).

The number of inspection work hours, because it addresses an unsafe condition The Proposed Amendment
as indicated above, is presented as if the that is likely to exist or develop on
accomplishment of the actions in this products identified in this rulemaking Accordingly, under the authority
proposed AD is to be conducted as action. delegated to me by the Administrator,
‘‘stand alone’’ actions. However, in the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part
Regulatory Findings 39 as follows:
actual practice, these actions for the
most part will be done coincidentally or We have determined that this
in combination with normally proposed AD would not have federalism PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS
scheduled airplane inspections and implications under Executive Order DIRECTIVES
other maintenance program tasks. 13132. This proposed AD would not
Therefore, the actual number of have a substantial direct effect on the 1. The authority citation for part 39
necessary additional inspection work States, on the relationship between the continues to read as follows:
hours will be minimal in many national Government and the States, or Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
instances. Additionally, any costs on the distribution of power and
associated with special airplane responsibilities among the various § 39.13 [Amended]
scheduling will be minimal. levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I 2. The Federal Aviation
Authority for This Rulemaking certify that the proposed regulation: Administration (FAA) amends § 39.13
1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory by removing amendment 39–8469 (58
Title 49 of the United States Code
action’’ under Executive Order 12866; FR 5576, January 22, 1993) and adding
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the the following new airworthiness
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures directive (AD):
Section 106, describes the authority of
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, 3. Will not have a significant McDonnell Douglas: Docket No. FAA–2008–
Aviation Programs, describes in more economic impact, positive or negative, 0123; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–
detail the scope of the Agency’s 056–AD.
on a substantial number of small entities
authority. under the criteria of the Regulatory Comments Due Date
We are issuing this rulemaking under Flexibility Act.
the authority described in Subtitle VII, (a) The FAA must receive comments on
We prepared a regulatory evaluation this AD action by March 21, 2008.
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, of the estimated costs to comply with
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that this proposed AD and placed it in the Affected ADs
section, Congress charges the FAA with AD docket. See the ADDRESSES section (b) This AD supersedes AD 93–01–15.
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in for a location to examine the regulatory
air commerce by prescribing regulations evaluation. Applicability
for practices, methods, and procedures (c) This AD applies to all McDonnell
the Administrator finds necessary for List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 Douglas airplanes identified in Table 1 of this
safety in air commerce. This regulation Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation AD, certificated in any category.
is within the scope of that authority safety, Safety.


(1) DC–8–11, DC–8–12, DC–8–21, DC–8–31, DC–8–32, DC–8–33, DC–8–41, DC–8–42, and DC–8–43 airplanes.
(2) DC–8–51, DC–8–52, DC–8–53, and DC–8–55 airplanes.
(3) DC–8F–54 and DC–8F–55 airplanes.
(4) DC–8–61, DC–8–62, and DC–8–63 airplanes.
(5) DC–8–61F, DC–8–62F, and DC–8–63F airplanes.
(6) DC–8–71, DC–8–72, and DC–8–73 airplanes.
(7) DC–8–71F, DC–8–72F, and DC–8–73F airplanes.
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6626 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules

Unsafe Condition PSE, in accordance with the NDI procedures (2) If a discrepancy is detected during any
(d) This AD results from a significant specified in Section 2 of McDonnell Douglas inspection done after NTH: The area of the
number of these airplanes approaching or Report No. L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 Supplemental PSE affected by the discrepancy must be
exceeding the design service goal on which Inspection Document (SID),’’ Volume II, inspected before the accumulation of an
the initial type certification approval was Revision 8, dated January 2005, at the times additional DNDI/2 or within 18 months after
predicated. We are issuing this AD to detect specified in paragraph (i)(1), (i)(2), or (i)(3) of the discovery of the discrepancy, whichever
and correct fatigue cracking that could this AD, as applicable. occurs later, in accordance with a method
compromise the structural integrity of these (1) For airplanes that have less than three approved by the Manager, Los Angeles ACO.
airplanes. quarters of the fatigue life threshold (3⁄4NTH)
as of the effective date of this AD: Perform Reporting Requirements
Compliance the NDI for fatigue cracking at the times (k) All negative or positive findings of the
(e) You are responsible for having the specified in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) inspections done in accordance with
actions required by this AD performed within of this AD. After reaching the threshold paragraph (i) of this AD must be reported to
the compliance times specified, unless the (NTH), repeat the inspection for that PSE at Boeing at the times specified in, and in
actions have already been done. intervals not to exceed DNDI/2. accordance with, the instructions contained
(i) Perform an initial NDI no earlier than in Section 4 of Boeing Report No. L26–011,
Certain Requirements of AD 93–01–15 one-half of the threshold (1⁄2NTH) but before ‘‘DC–8 All Series Supplemental Inspection
reaching three-quarters of the threshold Document (SID),’’ Volume I, Revision 6,
Revise the FAA-Approved Maintenance
(3⁄4NTH), or within 60 months after the dated July 2005. Information collection
Inspection Program
effective date of this AD, whichever occurs requirements contained in this regulation
(f) Within 6 months after February 26, 1993 later. have been approved by the Office of
(the effective date of AD 93–01–15), (ii) Repeat the NDI no earlier than 3⁄4NTH Management and Budget (OMB) under the
incorporate a revision of the FAA-approved but before reaching the threshold (NTH), or provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
maintenance inspection program that within 18 months after the inspection 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) and have been
provides no less than the required inspection required by paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this AD, assigned OMB Control Number 2120–0056.
of the Principal Structural Elements (PSE’s) whichever occurs later.
defined in Sections 2 and 3 of Volume I of Corrective Actions
Note 1: The DC–8 SID and this AD refer to
McDonnell Douglas Report No. L26–011, the repetitive inspection interval as DNDI/2. (l) Any cracked structure of a PSE detected
‘‘DC–8 Supplemental Inspection Document However, the headings of the tables in during any inspection required by paragraph
(SID),’’ dated March 1991, in accordance Section 4 of Volume I of the DC–8 SID refer (i) of this AD must be repaired before further
with Section 2 of Volume III–91, dated April to the repetitive inspection interval of NDI/ flight using a method approved in
1991, of that document. The non-destructive 2. The values listed under NDI/2 in the tables accordance with the procedures specified in
inspection techniques set forth in Sections 2 in Section 4 of Volume I of the DC–8 SID are paragraph (o) of this AD. Accomplish the
and 3 of Volume II, dated March 1991, of that the repetitive inspection intervals, DNDI/2. actions described in paragraphs (l)(1), (l)(2),
SID provide acceptable methods for and (l)(3) of this AD, at the times specified.
(2) For airplanes that have reached or (1) Within 18 months after repair, do a
accomplishing the inspections required by
exceeded three-quarters of the fatigue life damage tolerance assessment (DTA) that
this AD. All inspection results, negative or
threshold (3⁄4NTH), but less than the threshold defines the threshold for inspection of the
positive, must be reported to McDonnell
(NTH), as of the effective date of this AD: repair and submit the assessment for
Douglas, in accordance with the instructions
Perform an NDI before reaching the threshold approval.
of Section 2 of Volume III–91 of the SID.
(NTH), or within 18 months after the effective (2) Before reaching 75% of the repair
Information collection requirements date of this AD, whichever occurs later.
contained in this regulation have been threshold as determined in paragraph (l)(1) of
Thereafter, after passing the threshold (NTH), this AD, submit the inspection methods and
approved by the OMB under the provisions repeat the inspection for that PSE at intervals
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 repetitive inspection intervals for the repair
not to exceed DNDI/2. for approval.
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) and have been assigned (3) For airplanes that have reached or
OMB Control Number 2120–0056. (3) Before the repair threshold, as
exceeded the fatigue life threshold (NTH) as determined in paragraph (l)(1) of this AD,
Corrective Action of the effective date of this AD: Perform an incorporate the inspection method and
NDI within 18 months after the effective date repetitive inspection intervals into the FAA-
(g) Cracked structure detected during the
of this AD. Thereafter, repeat the inspection approved structural maintenance or
inspections required by paragraph (f) of this
for that PSE at intervals not to exceed DNDI/ inspection program for the airplane.
AD must be repaired before further flight, in 2.
accordance with a method approved by the Note 2: For the purposes of this AD, we
Manager, Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Discrepant Findings anticipate that submissions of the DTA of the
Office (ACO), FAA, Transport Airplane (j) If any discrepancy (e.g., differences on repair, if acceptable, should be approved
Directorate. the airplane from the NDI reference standard, within 6 months after submission.
New Requirements of This AD such as PSEs that cannot be inspected as Note 3: FAA Order 8110.54, ‘‘Instructions
specified in McDonnell Douglas Report No. for Continued Airworthiness,’’ dated July 1,
Revision of the Maintenance Inspection L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 Supplemental Inspection 2005, provides additional guidance about the
Program Document (SID),’’ Volume II, Revision 8, approval of repairs to PSEs.
(h) Within 12 months after the effective dated January 2005, or do not match rework,
date of this AD, incorporate a revision of the repair, or modification descriptions in Boeing Inspection for Transferred Airplanes
FAA-approved maintenance inspection Report No. L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 All Series (m) Before any airplane that has exceeded
program that provides for inspection(s) of the Supplemental Inspection Document (SID),’’ the fatigue life threshold (NTH) can be added
PSEs, in accordance with Boeing Report No. Volume I, Revision 6, dated July 2005) is to an air carrier’s operations specifications, a
L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 All Series Supplemental detected during any inspection required by program for the accomplishment of the
Inspection Document (SID),’’ Volume I, paragraph (i) of this AD, do the action inspections required by this AD must be
Revision 6, dated July 2005. Incorporation of specified in paragraph (j)(1) or (j)(2) of this established as specified in paragraph (m)(1)
this revision ends the requirements of AD, as applicable. or (m)(2) of this AD, as applicable.
paragraphs (f) and (g) of this AD. (1) If a discrepancy is detected during any (1) For airplanes that have been inspected
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS

inspection done before 3/4NTH or NTH: The in accordance with this AD: The inspection
Non-Destructive Inspections (NDIs) area of the PSE affected by the discrepancy of each PSE must be done by the new
(i) For all PSEs listed in Section 2 of must be inspected before NTH or within 18 operator in accordance with the previous
Boeing Report No. L26–011, ‘‘DC–8 All Series months after the discovery of the operator’s schedule and inspection method,
Supplemental Inspection Document (SID),’’ discrepancy, whichever occurs later, in or the new operator’s schedule and
Volume I, Revision 6, dated July 2005, accordance with a method approved by the inspection method, at whichever time would
perform an NDI for fatigue cracking of each Manager, Los Angeles ACO. result in the earlier accomplishment date for

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 24 / Tuesday, February 5, 2008 / Proposed Rules 6627

that PSE inspection. The compliance time for DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Docket Operations office between 9 a.m.
accomplishing this inspection must be and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
measured from the last inspection done by Federal Aviation Administration except Federal holidays. The AD docket
the previous operator. After each inspection contains this proposed AD, the
has been done once, each subsequent 14 CFR Part 39 regulatory evaluation, any comments
inspection must be done in accordance with received, and other information. The
the new operator’s schedule and inspection [Docket No. FAA–2008–0120; Directorate
Identifier 2007–NM–327–AD] street address for the Docket Operations
method. office (telephone (800) 647–5527) is in
(2) For airplanes that have not been
RIN 2120–AA64 the ADDRESSES section. Comments will
inspected in accordance with this AD: The
be available in the AD docket shortly
inspection of each PSE required by this AD Airworthiness Directives; Gulfstream
must be done either before adding the
after receipt.
airplane to the air carrier’s operations
Airplanes Mike Borfitz, Aerospace Engineer,
specification, or in accordance with a
schedule and an inspection method approved AGENCY: Federal Aviation International Branch, ANM–116, FAA,
by the Manager, Los Angeles ACO. After each Administration (FAA), DOT. Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601
inspection has been done once, each Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
subsequent inspection must be done in 98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–2677;
accordance with the new operator’s schedule. fax (425) 227–1149.
Acceptable for Compliance SUMMARY: We propose to adopt a new SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
airworthiness directive (AD) for the Comments Invited
(n) McDonnell Douglas Report No. MDC
91K0262, ‘‘DC–8 Aging Aircraft Repair
products listed above. This proposed
AD results from mandatory continuing We invite you to send any written
Assessment Program Document,’’ Revision 1,
airworthiness information (MCAI) relevant data, views, or arguments about
dated October 2000, provides inspection/
originated by an aviation authority of this proposed AD. Send your comments
replacement programs for certain repairs to
the fuselage pressure shell. Accomplishing another country to identify and correct to an address listed under the
an unsafe condition on an aviation ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No.
these repairs and inspection/replacement
programs before the effective date of this AD product. The MCAI describes the unsafe FAA–2008–0120; Directorate Identifier
is considered acceptable for compliance with condition as: 2007–NM–327–AD’’ at the beginning of
the requirements of paragraphs (g) and (l) of your comments. We specifically invite
Possible chafing between [the] electrical
this AD for repairs subject to that document. comments on the overall regulatory,
feeder cable connected to contactor 123P/2
and ground point 803GND, installed within economic, environmental, and energy
Alternative Methods of Compliance aspects of this proposed AD. We will
(AMOCs) the left DC power box, discovered during
routine receiving inspection. This condition consider all comments received by the
(o)(1) The Manager, Los Angeles ACO, has may exist on boxes installed on in-service closing date and may amend this
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, aircraft. If this chafing condition is left proposed AD based on those comments.
if requested in accordance with the unattended, an electrical short may develop, We will post all comments we
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. leading to disconnection of the battery and receive, without change, to http://
(2) To request a different method of battery bus from the electrical system of the, including any
compliance or a different compliance time aircraft, [which could result in] overheating, personal information you provide. We
for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR arcing, smoke and fire.
will also post a report summarizing each
39.19. Before using any approved AMOC on The proposed AD would require actions substantive verbal contact we receive
any airplane to which the AMOC applies,
that are intended to address the unsafe about this proposed AD.
notify your appropriate principal inspector
condition described in the MCAI.
(PI) in the FAA Flight Standards District Discussion
Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local DATES: We must receive comments on
this proposed AD by March 6, 2008. The Civil Aviation Authority of Israel
(3) An AMOC that provides an acceptable
(CAAI), which is the aviation authority
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
level of safety may be used for any repair for Israel, has issued Israeli
any of the following methods:
Airworthiness Directive 24–07–10–11,
required by this AD, if it is approved by an • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
Authorized Representative for the Boeing dated October 31, 2007 (referred to after Follow the
Commercial Airplanes Delegation Option this as ‘‘the MCAI’’), to correct an unsafe
instructions for submitting comments.
Authorization Organization who has been condition for the specified products.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
authorized by the Manager, Los Angeles The MCAI states:
• Mail: U.S. Department of
ACO, to make those findings. For a repair Possible chafing between [the] electrical
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
method to be approved, the repair must meet feeder cable connected to contactor 123P/2
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
the certification basis of the airplane and 14 and ground point 803GND, installed within
CFR 25.571, Amendment 45, and the
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., the left DC power box, discovered during
approval must specifically refer to this AD. Washington, DC 20590. routine receiving inspection. This condition
(4) AMOCs approved previously in • Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of may exist on boxes installed on in-service
accordance with AD 93–01–15 are approved Transportation, Docket Operations, M– aircraft. If this chafing condition is left
as AMOCs for the corresponding provisions 30, West Building Ground Floor, Room unattended, an electrical short may develop,
of this AD. W12–40, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., leading to disconnection of the battery and
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 battery bus from the electrical system of the
Issued in Renton, Washington, on January aircraft, [which could result in] overheating,
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
rmajette on PROD1PC64 with PROPOSALS

24, 2008. arcing, smoke and fire.

Federal holidays.
Ali Bahrami, The corrective action includes
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Examining the AD Docket inspecting for chafing and arcing
Aircraft Certification Service. You may examine the AD docket on damage of the feeder cable terminal lug
[FR Doc. E8–1989 Filed 2–4–08; 8:45 am] the Internet at http:// and ground point, contacting Gulfstream
BILLING CODE 4910–13–P; or in person at the for repair if any damage is found, and

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