EstimatorPro Tutorial 2008

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Welcome to the Masterbill EstimatorPro Self-Learn Tutorial. The tutorial is set up to be applicable
with EstimatorPro but in many instances will be suitable for the related entry-level ESTIMATOR.
With the aid of the tutorial we hope to be able to guide you through the initial steps of using our
innovative and flexible contractors estimating system.
A word of advice to students: DO read ahead a little when following the advice given.
It helps to get a full picture of what the tutorial is asking of you before you proceed.
EstimatorPro also has a comprehensive Help system and users should review this to familiarise
themselves with the programme as this tutorial does not cover all of the programmes wide range of
The priced database or library used by EstimatorPro is the measured work section of Laxtons
SMM7 Price Book. The information is contained in a structured library that follows the
Workgroup format of the Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works 7 Edition (SMM7).
Workgroups are the SMM7 method of grouping similar types of work, usually analogous to
traditional trades. The resulting estimate report follows this grouping and is thus in the form of a
traditional Bill of Quantities.
Linked with this library of descriptions is another library of Resources which Laxton's use to arrive at
their prices.
Some advice for novice users of Microsoft Windows: Like most Windows applications EstimatorPro
is much more dependant on mouse operation than a DOS programme. So do make sure that the
object, button, menu item or cell actually selected by your mouse action is the one you intended.
Do check whenever the programme asks an are you sure? question that the correct item has been

NOTE Normally when used in this tutorial

Right Click
Double Click

means click once with the left mouse button

means click once with the right mouse button
means double click (click twice) with the left mouse button
means hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor
(generally to select a list of items)

Good luck with the work and we hope you enjoy your first encounters with EstimatorPro.

Upon loading the Estimator disk into the computer, the

setup should automatically begin. To Install Estimator
onto your computer simply follow the instructions as they
appear on the screen firstly by clicking Next to begin the
installation process.

The first screen that will appear is the EstimatorPro

Licence agreement which you should read and accept
the terms of use in order to continue.

After accepting the terms of the Licence agreement you

will be prompted to enter a user name and also
Organisation details (user name your name,
Organisation College of Estate Management)

The Installation wizard will then run and install the

program onto your computer.

Once successfully loaded simply click Finish to end the

process and the system will be loaded onto your

When you first install the program you will be required to

create a new user based on your details.

From this user you will then be able to log into the program
using your newly created details.

Setting up a Project in EstimatorPro

The Project Dialog
The EstimatorPro project selector interface follows the Explorer principle.
To navigate to the Projects dialog, Click on File | Open, or click on the Open icon
A single Click on the EstimatorPro icon extends the tree to show DIVISIONS

A Division is where like projects can be grouped together to make sorting and selecting them
Click on the New Division button
Type Training in the dialog and click OK
Click on the Estimator icon to extend the tree.
Click once on the Training division to select it and then
Click on the New Project button.
Type Woodlands Towers as the project name in the dialog
Complete the other details, as you require.

Click OK when complete.

You will now be prompted to select a choice of database. Estimator is supplied with Laxtons
Major and Minor Works Libraries. These contain the measured works sections of the Laxton's Price

Click on Major Works

The screen will now revert back to the Project Manager.
Click on the PLUS icons shown next to each level of the tree structure to navigate down to the
new project.

To open the project

Click once on the project to select it and then
Click the Open button
You will now be prompted to create a section for the estimate. The estimate can be subdivided up
into any number of user-defined sections. Fill this screen in as appropriate an example is given

The main estimate and resource view screen (see earlier) is then displayed.
Every new project will open with a new copy of the database. If users wish to retain any changes
they have made to a database in a previous project they should use the Create From button rather
than New Project. See the Help files.
The EstimatorPro Interface
Once a project is opened the screen displays the main Bill View screen

This interface is divided into two; a top and bottom half. Descriptions are displayed in the top half
and any associated resources are shown in the bottom half. The above screen shows the view
once some information has been entered. The descriptions themselves can be selected from the
supplied Laxton's database.
One way to access this is to click on the Library button;

this opens up a


The left hand screen holds the structured database or library of descriptions.
Measurements can also be calculated here by clicking on the Calcs tab.
The right hand side of the screen contains the build-up of the selected description, which can be
transferred to the estimate when complete.

As well as using the menu bar, Right Clicking in different parts of the screen will bring up short-cut
menus but additionally a button bar accesses the more popular actions.

The functions of these buttons are summarised below:




Open / create new project

New Section
Add library Item
Create a non-standard Bill Item
Edit Quantities
Search Library
Show/ Hide Resources
Print preview
Import from QS Cad See help topics on QS Cad (a separate Masterbill measurement
11. Select Component
12. Help Screens
As well as using the Button Bar,
Right clicking with the mouse button can access the most important and frequently used functions,
but many functions can also be accessed by the usual Windows menus found at the top of the

Creating items from the Library using the Dimsheet

Let us create an item of trench excavation. The quantities are for explanatory purposes only.
Item 1 Trench Excavation
To create description
Click the Select from Library Button,
The Measurement Window (or Dimsheet) will appear. This contains two tabbed sheets on the
left of the screen, one to view the database (or Library) the other to enter calculations.
Make sure the Library tab is selected.

And tick the Close on transfer box

this will close the sheet after each Dimsheet is saved.

Double-Click on D - GROUNDWORK to select the first level of your description.

The next level of the library will now appear on the left and the selected level will transfer to the

Double-Click on D20: EXCAVATING AND FILLING to continue to build up the full description.
Select the following remaining levels of description using the same technique:
Excavating by machine.
D010204 Trenches width not exceeding 0.30m


maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m

If you extend the width of the code column you will see that the code for each level incorporates the
code of the level above.

Now you can use the features of the Dimsheet to measure dimensions Click on the Calcs tab.

, the library screen is replaced by the calculations

The unit column on the far right shows us that this item is measured in m.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the cursor is active in the top cell of the Sums column
Type 5.85 in this cell and press down arrow key (shown hereafter as V)
Type 0.25 and again press V (down arrow key)
Type 0.75 and press = (Equals key)
The calculation is now sub totalled just as a traditional Dimsheet would be and the cursor should be
in the next available cell in the Sums column.

Right Mouse Button Click on this next cell down and choose Timesing from the Menu. A
Scratch Pad dialog opens, ready to receive more calculations.
Enter 2 and then press = and = again to total the timesing.

Click OK
(2 will now have been entered in the timesing column)

Enter 3.15 in the Sums column along side this and press V (down arrow) then
0.30 and press V
0.85 and press = (this will total our second little sum)
Now, as before
Right Click on the next cell down but choose Sidecast.

A Scratch Pad dialog opens, ready to receive more calculations. This time they will add up as
you hit the down arrow key.
V (down-arrow)

= to total sum and then = again to total the Sidecast (note the T symbol) and
Click OK
The total figure of 12.67 will now appear in the Sums column with a blue background to show it has
a Sidecast behind it.
This Sidecast can be seen again at any time by selecting Sidecast from the Right Mouse Menu
whilst in this cell.
Press V (down arrow)
Type 0.30 and press V
Type 0.75 and press = = to total the calculation and then the sheet.

Click the Red Tick button

to save the dimensions and enter the item into the Estimate.
Because the Close on transfer box has been ticked (see earlier) then the selected item will
appear in the estimate (it is displayed in the default font)

An item resource breakdown

is given on the hint line at
the bottom of the screen

together with the resources in the screen below.

and adjustments (for overheads and profit), as applied by Laxtons giving the rate from the library
You have just created your first item in Estimator Pro.
Of course if you wish, the total quantity can be simply entered into the Dimsheet (the top cell in the
Sums column) and then saved in the normal way.
Item 2 Earthwork Support
Description, all similar to above
Click the
The Measurement Window will appear.
Double-Click D - GROUNDWORK to select the first level of your description. The next level of
the library will now appear on the left and the selected level will appear on the right.
Select the following remaining levels of description using the same technique:
Earthwork support
Earthwork support
distance between opposing faces not exceeding 2.00m; maximum depth
not exceeding 1.00m
Click on the Calcs tab.
The unit column on the far right shows us that this item is measured in m.
Right Click in the top cell of the Sums column and choose Timesing
Enter 2 and then press = = to total the timesing and
Click OK
(2 will now have been entered in the timesing column)
In the top cell of the Sums column
type 5.85 and press Down Arrow key(V)
type 0.75 and press =
The calculation is now sub totalled just as a traditional Dimsheet would be and the cursor should be
in the next available cell in the Sums column.
Right Click on this cell and choose Timesing
Enter 2
Press V
Enter another 2 and then
Press = = to total the timesing
Click OK
(4 will now have been entered in the timesing column)
Enter 3.15 and
Press V
Type 0.85 in the Sums column and
Press =
Right Click on the next cell and choose Timesing.
Enter 2 and then
Press = = to total the timesing and

Click OK
(2 will now have been entered in the timesing column and the cursor should be in the cell alongside
in the Sums column)
Right Click in this cell in the sums column and choose Sidecast
Enter the following sequence
2.21 then V (down arrow) (always use the down arrow in this dialog)
3.14, V,
2.16, V,
5.16, then = = to total the Sidecast and
Click OK.
The total figure of 12.67 will now appear in the Sums column
Press V and
Type 0.75 then = = to total the dimension and the sheet

Note you can always go back to any appropriate cell and right click to create a timesing or a
Click the

button to save the calculations and enter the item into the Estimate.

This simple basic logic of creating a description and entering quantities can be used for all entries
that you wish to make from the Laxtons Libraries.
If the Close on transfer box in left blank
then users can continue to select
descriptions and save them to the estimate without having to constantly return to the Dimsheet.
Double-clicking on an item in the right window will take to that level in the left window.
The items created can be viewed after the Dimsheet is finally closed (by clicking on the X icon)
Note Double clicking on an item in the right of the Dimsheet will take you to that level of the library
in the left so (with this box left unticked) then after a Dimsheet has been saved it can be used to
help create a new one (just amend the quantity).

About the Dimsheet and the Calcs screen.

In the main Calcs screen the default when you hit the down arrow to measure the next item
will be the timesing function, i.e. x * y * z. The first entry of any calculation should have the +
symbol in the # column cell. To enter a negative quantity simply hit the key before entering
the sum.
In the Sidecast screen the default is the plus function, i.e. x + y + z.
The Timesing screen defaults to timesing function.
However if the default is not suitable it can be changed by clicking in the # column cell to toggle
through the available functions, +, -, *, /.


To ensure the Calcs screen totals properly make sure the first entry is in the top cell of the Sums
It is possible, by selecting from the Right Mouse Button menu, to delete information and insert and
delete lines

There is further information about measurement routines in the Help files.

Creating items by searching the Library
Users can also create items by searching the library of descriptions. Quantities will need to be
added later. This method will allow a number of items to be added quickly into the estimate.
Click on the Search Library button.
Fill in the resulting dialog as shown below

This choice will have the effect of selecting (amongst others) the lowest level of the Groundwork
Section D
Just take care with the Results found
in Trade drop-down list box. If the
cursor is active in there then it will
scroll to a fresh element as you use
the mouse wheel to scroll down the list
of descriptions
This is a common niggle regular users
of web pages may be familiar with.

Scroll down the list until you are able to select D020104AA. The full text and rate are shown at
the bottom of the dialog.
Click the Transfer button to copy the whole of the description into the estimate.
This process can be repeated for as long as the current search criteria are valid.
Click the Finish button to exit and review your selections.
Note that at any level of the search you can select a row and click the Library button. This will take
the user to that level of the library and you can continue to create the full description from there.
You an also send items to the clipboard (see later).
You can repeat the exercise but this time, type the code, D020108AB, directly into the search
library dialog. Select the row with the unit and transfer this item as before.
However, no quantities have been entered using this method. You have two options to create
Option 1
Click the row containing the unit (see above) say, D020104AA
Right click and select Calculate Bill Quant



Click on the Bill Quantity button

In each instance the Dimsheet will open to allow quantities to be entered.
Enter a set of dimensions (anything you like) in the same way as previously explained, click on the
tick icon and see the results in the estimate.
Option 2
Double click on the appropriate row containing the unit, D020104AA
An Add New Item dialog appears
Enter a quantity directly into the appropriate field

Click OK and see the results in the estimate.

Double clicking on an item (top screen) or a resource (bottom screen) will allow details to be
created or edited on the fly, i.e. without using or changing the default database. If so doing
Enter a rate as Nett, so that the required adjustment can be applied.
Set the appropriate Level so the correct font can be applied.
See the main help files.

Using the Masterbill Clipboard

First create another section into which we can copy data.
Click on the New Section button (or select Add New from the drop down list in the Current
Section text box). This is found in the panel between the top and bottom screen.

Create a new section as before

The screen will now switch to the new section, but for now revert back to Bill 1 by reselecting it from
the drop down list in the Current Section box, (see above).
Select Edit | Multi Item select

This mode will allow items to be selected for copying to the clipboard (you can recognise this mode
because you will be able to block out a row by clicking on it).
Select Worksection D (Groundworks).
Click on the row containing the Groundworks heading.
Click again to block it out (this has activated the multi-item select mode)


Scroll down to the last item in the Groundwork section (this should be library item ref
D020108AB if you have been following the tutorial)
Hold down the Shift key and
Click on the row.
You can drag the mouse to select as well and / or hold down the Control key when making
selections (normal Windows rules apply).
All the intervening rows will be selected (ie blocked out)
Right click and select Copy Bill Items

The clipboard dialog opens and

the data will be copied into the

You will note that the clipboard has two options (in the form of Tabbed sheets), Bill Items and
Resources. Also you can clear or keep data in the clipboard after it has been pasted. The default
is to Auto Clear.
Click in the Auto Clear box to uncheck it (make it blank) and thus keep data in the clipboard.
Our data has been copied into the Bill Items tab. You can click on the Close button if you wish; the
data will still remain in the clipboard. However even if the clipboard does remain open the
background screen does still remain active.
Return to the Bill 2 section and click on the top row
Right click and select Paste Bill Items
The items from the clipboard, together with their resources are now pasted into the new section.
In the same way just resources could be copied from the top window or a specific resource from the
bottom window into the resources tab of the clipboard. If you examine the right click menu options
you will see that resources alone can be copied against a bill item.
NOTE you could create a database bill and copy & paste with that rather than use the library.
This could be a viable alternative for some sizes and types of company and is worth
serious consideration
Items from the clipboard can be saved as a Component. A number of different items can be copied
to the clipboard to build up your chosen Component before it is saved.
Return to Section 1
Make sure you are still in Multi-item select mode. You can close the clipboard but make sure you
have turned off Auto Clear (see above).
Select another set of bill items, say the concrete work item
Copy it to the clipboard as before.


The new item should be added to all the data currently in the clipboard. The data may not be sorted
in the clipboard dialog itself but this does not matter.
In the clipboard dialog click the Create Component button
A dialog opens which allows you to name, store and manage Components into libraries
Create a library, say called Training Component.
Name the component Training 01 item

The component list box opens.

The Component library can be opened here and when the component is selected it can be viewed.

The numbering is automatic by the system.

Cancel this for now.
To test this, create another new section, Bill 3.
Click on a row in the top window
Right click and select Use Component
Select the Component library and click on the newly created component
Click OK
The Component items are copied into the new section.
You will note that, as with the Clipboard, there are Bill Item and Resource Components.
You will probably see now that Components are a powerful feature, allowing you to save popular
items which are regularly pasted from the clipboard and also effectively allowing you to create your
own library of regularly used bill item and resource combinations.

Having created your estimate it can be amended in a number of different ways.
Overheads and profit
The provided Laxtons database has a default allowance for overheads and profit
Major Works - 7.5%
Minor Works - 12.5% (figures based on Laxtons price book)
Turn this off by unticking the Include Adjustment box (see above) to see the estimate nett of OH &


To adjust this allowance make sure the cursor is active on the unit line of an item in the top screen
Select Adjustments | Global Rate Adjustment

A dialog appears which gives a number of options.

This adjustment can apply to the whole estimate, the current section or a particular trade (or SMM7
library workgroup) in the estimate. You can also set the adjustment to be in addition to or replace
the current figure.
If you wish for the gross value also to be zero then adjust the value to 0 in this dialog.
Make alterations as listed above to see the effect.
Any items added to the estimate after this adjustment will still use the default allowance for OH & P.
Resource Rates
In the bottom screen select an example of the resource you wish to amend (i.e. click once on it)

Select Adjustments | Change Resource Rate

Again a dialog appears which gives a number of options. This time they apply to resources. The
code, name and rate of the resource are shown and this rate too can be flexibly adjusted.

Any change can relate to the individual instance of the resource selected or all resources.
Enter the details as shown above to see how it will affect the estimate.
This new rate does not affect the rate in the database and any new items entered will use the
previous default rate.
The price of a resource can be changed in the database by amending it in the resource library or by
using the Resource Item dialog, (see later in the tutorial).


Resource Adjustment
Again in the bottom screen select an example of the resource you wish to amend (i.e. click once on
Select Adjustments | Resource Adjustment
A dialog appears and this time they can apply a percentage to resources whilst leaving the rate
unchanged. The code, name and rate of the resource are shown and a percentage can be flexibly

Enter the details as shown above to see how it will affect the estimate. Note any items added to the
estimate after this adjustment will still use the default allowances.
Waste Factors
Users will note when they examine the resources in the bottom screen that there is an opportunity
to apply a waste factor. Laxtons do apply a waste factor to some resources. This can be edited but
only by one individual resource at a time.
Select an appropriate resource (say Earthwork support timber in the Earthwork support item)
Double click on this resource
An Edit resource dialog opens

Enter 5 into the Waste percentage text box

Click OK
The change can be viewed in the resource screen

Printing and Formatting


An estimate can be printed by using the Print button

Select File | Print

(a print preview button is also available)

The estimate screen displays the chosen font and style but it is not itself a strict print preview
A dialog box appears which gives options for what to print
Select Bill 1: Substructures from the dropdown list, to print just this section, and
Untick the Show Resources box
A normal Windows print dialog appears and the estimate can be printed from the required printer.
If users wish to view a print preview first then click on the Print Preview button or select File | Print
The style for fonts can be set level by level
Select File | Default Fonts
A dialog appears which allows the fonts for the description column to be set level by level. The
fonts for the other columns can be set globally, as can resource fonts.
Fonts for any level can also be changed throughout the estimate by right clicking with the mouse in
the Estimate View screen and selecting Edit | Font.
Masterbill recommend that users stay with the default font for best results, but if users prefer
another font we suggest they stay with Masterbills choice of style. However appearance is a matter
of subjective judgement.
Taking advantage of Components
Are you a user (say a specialist user) who only has need of a restricted library? Do you wish in
effect to ignore the Laxtons database and create you own library?
Well this can be done as outlined above. However according to circumstances it may be more
practical to create and resource a BQ on the fly as it were. That is by using the Edit boxes. You
are then using your resources, your expertise to build up your items. Once such a bill, containing all
the items and resources that you have need of, is complete then you can utilise copy and paste to
transfer these to your working estimate.
Equally though a more user-friendly option may be to create components of groups of items or
individual items from this tailor-made bill and build up your future estimates using Components.
In any event if and when creating a Library from scratch some careful thought is required before
hand to work out the best library structure and coding.
Additional Features
The help files contain details of a number of additional features and options available to
Estimator users. Review the Help files and Help tutorial exercises to become fully familiar with
all features.
Resource Analysis
A resource breakdown can be opened and different classes of resources can be filtered and printed
as required (see View | Resource Breakdown). Adjustments can be made based on this
Import / Export data
Bills of Quantities can be directly imported in to the project using CITE or XML formats. (Remember
that using Copy and Paste with resources and using resource components can facilitate pricing a
blank BQ). Prices can be exported back to the source electronically.
Items can be selected from the estimate and transferred to subcontractor packages. These can be
printed or saved as an XML file. Estimator Pro allows you to create and manage lists of
subcontractors and manage the process of subcontract tendering. This can all be done
Backup and Restore
Projects can be saved elsewhere as individual files, then later transferred to other users or restored.
The description library and the resource library can both be searched as an aid to selecting items.
The estimate can be searched for bill items or resources as an aid to navigation of the final report.


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