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Artificial Lift

Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Zenith down-hole Monitoring System

User Manual - Part B
ZSP Set up and Configuration
(With SD Card)

Rev E
September 2008

14460099000 User Manual Mk2 Sensor - Part B ZSP Rev E

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Artificial Lift
Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Proprietary Information
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Zenith Oilfield Technology Limited. The software described in
this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be copied only in
accordance with the terms agreed in the license. The purchaser may make one copy of the
software for backup purposes. No part of this manual may be reproduced of transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or
information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchasers
personal use, without the express written permission of Zenith Oilfield Technology Limited
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Modbus is a trademark or registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc.
All other trademarks acknowledged.
ZSP Mk2 Set up and Configuration
User Manual Part B
ECN 0330

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Rev D August 2007

Rev E September 2008
Tel: +44 (0) 1467 628866

Artificial Lift
Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd


Parts of Zenith down-hole Sensor equipment are attached to the high voltage supply of the
ESP. Personnel who have obtained the correct training and authorisation should only be
allowed to have access to this equipment.

Before any work is carried out within the high voltage area or on any equipment, then the
ESP drive or variable speed drive must be shut down and isolated, this is to ensure that the
high voltage cannot be switched on accidentally or by a third party.

Remove the 3 high voltage fuses from the Zenith high voltage surface choke before
commencing any work that might be required to be carried out on the Zenith surface integral
unit. This will ensure that the Zenith surface integral unit will be isolated from the high
voltage side of the drive or VSD.

Think Safe!
Work Safe!

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

SECTION 1 - ZSP OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................5

Zenith Surface Panel.....................................................................................................................................6
Modbus Map ZSP Mk 2 System..................................................................................................................7
ZSP Set up and Configuration ......................................................................................................................8
ZSP Units Set up for Metric or Imperial Units ..........................................................................................8
ZKey and SD Card ........................................................................................................................................8
SECTION 2 - ZSP KEYPAD AND DISPLAY.................................................................................................10
ZSP KEYPAD ....................................................................................................................................................11
ZSP BOOT UP SEQUENCE..................................................................................................................................12
ZKEY AND SD CARD ........................................................................................................................................13
ZSP DISPLAY ...................................................................................................................................................14
Screen 1 Config Screen ............................................................................................................................14
Screen 2 Data display screen (a) .............................................................................................................14
Screen 3 Trend Screen .............................................................................................................................15
Screen 4 Active Alarms Screen (a)...........................................................................................................15
Screen 5 Modbus Table (a to s)................................................................................................................16
Screen 6 - Communications ........................................................................................................................16
Screen 7 Data Logging ............................................................................................................................16
SECTION 3- BROWSER SET UP....................................................................................................................18
ZSP BROWSER SET UP. ....................................................................................................................................19
PC to ZSP E-Net Connection. .....................................................................................................................19
PC to ZSP Local Area Connection Set Up..................................................................................................20
Confirming a PC Local Area Connection ...................................................................................................22
Opening the ZSP Browser...........................................................................................................................22
Browser Menu Navigation ..........................................................................................................................23
SECTION 4- ZSP SET UP AND CONFIGURATION - KEYPAD OR BROWSER ..................................24
ZSP CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................................24
ZSP CONFIGURATION MENU ............................................................................................................................24
KEYPAD MODE CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................................24
BROWSER MODE CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................24
ZSP CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................................................24
Port 1 Menu ................................................................................................................................................24
Port 2 Menu ................................................................................................................................................24
Parameters Menu........................................................................................................................................24
Alarms Menu...............................................................................................................................................24
Analogue Menu ...........................................................................................................................................24
Data Menu ..................................................................................................................................................24
ZKey Menu (SD Card Removal and Re-install) ..........................................................................................24
Date / Time Menu........................................................................................................................................24
Screen Menu ...............................................................................................................................................24
SECTION 5 LOG DOWNLOAD ....................................................................................................................24
Log download via browser..........................................................................................................................24
Log download from SD card.......................................................................................................................24
Clearing Flash Memory Logs .....................................................................................................................24
SECTION 6 APPENDIX A.............................................................................................................................24
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE.....................................................................................................24

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Section 1 - ZSP Overview

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Zenith Surface Panel

This manual should be used in conjunction with the User Manual - Part A which covers the
equipment installation and field wiring arrangements in detail
The Zenith Surface Panel (ZSP) provides an interface, via the Zenith Surface Choke, with the
Zenith down hole Sensor.
The ZSP provided

Real time monitoring of Zenith Sensor data via the LCD screen display

Data and status logging to the on-board Flash Memory

Alarm and Trip set up from any (Logged) parameter

Third party Modbus communications port (RS232 or RS485)

Accept up to an additional eight parameters as Analogue Input (4 20mA)

Can provide up to eight parameters as Analogue Output (4 20mA) on request

The ZSP is supplied with 24 V PSU, ESP Interface Board, Display Terminal Board,
Analogue Input/Output Board, Alarm and Trip relays and Engineers E-Net port.
The ZSP is supplied pre-wired and ready for field installation
Field wiring requirements consist of

Power supply (110-220VAC) Cable and ZSP gland provided

Signal cable from Zenith Surface Choke Cable and ZSP gland provided

Alarm and Trip wiring to appropriate field wiring terminal board

Modbus wiring to appropriate DT Board Port 2 connection

Analogue input/output wiring to field wiring terminal board

The ZSP is supplied with two fitted cable glands (Power and signal cable).
An additional four gland holes (0.813 dia) allow for additional cable glands to be fitted.
Blanking plugs are fitted to these holes
The client will supply any additional cabling, glands etc required
Field installation and wiring arrangements are covered in detail in User Manual Part A

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Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Modbus Map ZSP Mk 2 System



Signed Integer

Discharge Pressure Pd
Intake Temperature - Ti
(deg C)
Motor Temperature - Tm
(deg C)
Vibration X - Vx


Signed Integer

Bar * 10 (10.2 Bar is represented

by 102)
Bar * 10


Signed Integer

Degrees C * 10


Signed Integer

Degrees C * 10


Signed Integer

g* 1000

Vibration Z - Vz


Signed Integer

g * 1000

Tool Current - Ct


Signed Integer

mA * 10

Tool Voltage - Vt


Signed Integer

V * 10

Intake Pressure Pi2 (Psia)


Signed Integer

Psia * 10

Discharge Pressure Pd 2
Intake Temperature - Ti2
(deg F)
Motor Temperature - Tm2
(deg F)


Signed Integer

Psia * 10


Signed Integer

Deg F * 10


Signed Integer

Deg F * 10

Intake Pressure Pi (Bara)

Data Type

Units and Scaling

Modbus Map ZSP Mk 2 System

The Zenith Mk2 system Modbus output operates in MMIC mode (ZSP Port 1 and 2 Mode
should both be set to MMICmode
In earlier versions of software, parameters 1 to 4 (Pi, Pd, Ti and Tm Modbus registers
40001 to 40004) output was in metric units (Bar/Deg C with Parameter 9 to 12 (Pi2 Pd2, Ti2
and Tm2 Modbus registers 40009 to 400012) output is in imperial units (Psi/Deg F)

In later versions software parameters 1 to 4 can be set to metric or imperial units by

changing the Units name (ConfigParametersUnits) See User Manual Part B Set
up and Configuration However Modbus output from registers 40001 to 40004 remains in
metric units Except for software version 1.56.1 which will provide register 40001to 40004
output in imperial units

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Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

ZSP Set up and Configuration

ZSP configuration can be done from either keypad or by using the web browser
Note however that SD card removal can only be done from Keypad the safe removal of the
SD card CONNOT be done from the browser interface

ZSP Units Set up for Metric or Imperial Units

In earliest versions of software, parameters 1 to 4 (Pi, Pd, Ti and Tm ) output was in metric
units (Bar/Deg C)
Parameter 9 to 12 (Pi2 Pd2, Ti2 and Tm2 ) output was in imperial units (Psi/Deg F) With
this early version software access to port 1 menu was required to allow parameters 1 to 4 to
output in imperial units
In Latest versions software parameters 1 to 4 can be set to metric or imperial units by
changing the Units name (ConfigParametersUnits) See section 4 Set up and
Setting units name for parameters 1 and 2 (Pi and Pd) to Bar will output metric parameter
values setting units name to Psi will output imperial parameter values
Similarly for parameters 3 and 4 (Ti and Tm) naming units as DegC outputs metric values,
DegF outputs imperial values
(See ParameterUnits Menu P32)
Note However even if parameters 1 to 4 display out put is changed to imperial units, modbus
register 40001 to 40004 output units remains as metric - To view Modbus in imperial units
(psi and deg F) modbus registers 40009 to 40012 must be polled
Software version 1.56.1 however provides an exception and this version allows for registers
40001 to 40004 to follow the displayed units

ZKey and SD Card

Software version 1.56 or above is recommended for use with SD card system
The ZSP ZKey (flash memory) with removable SD card is mounted internally on the back
plate of the display and analogue board
The Zkey is a 4mb flash memory capable of storing around 22 days of data logged at 1
minute intervals.
This ZKey memory DOES NOT overwrite when full and should therefore be cleared (after
saving logs) on a regular basis
Data and status logs from the ZKey is copied to SD card for ease of download (note data is
not transferred directly to SD card The SD card merely copies the contents of the Flash
The appropriate procedure MUST be followed for removal of SD card from the ZSP
The SD card must be removed via the ZKey menu option This menu option is available
from keypad Config menu only
On selecting ZKeyRemove SD Card data transfer from Flash memory to SD card is
updated and stopped
A message is then displayed when it is safe to remove the SD card
When the ZSP restarts without SD card an error message is displayed This message can be
When the ZSP is started without SD card data will automatically be logged to ZKey memory.
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Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

When the SD card is later inserted, the ZSP will detect the card and run through a
housekeeping sequence of updating the card.
The SD card is inserted with the card label facing towards the panel door..
It is recommended that good quality SD cards are used Cards should be formatted before
first use

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Section 2 - ZSP Keypad and Display

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

ZSP Keypad
The ZSP front plate display section houses the LCD screen along with the 9 soft key pad
The keypad can be split into four distinct sections




9 (Enter/Select Key)

Keys 1 and 2
These two keys allow access to various menu options and additional display screens (e.g.
Config, Trend, Fast Log, More etc)
In each case a legend on the LCD screen bottom row will indicate the function of the
appropriate key
Keys 3 and 4
These 2 keys allow for scrolling through various display screens (Back/Next)
In each case a legend on the LCD screen bottom row will indicate the function of the
appropriate key
Keys 5, 6, 7 and 8
These four keys allow navigation through the various menu screens to scroll up or down, or
in the case of the alphanumeric configuration screens, left or right
Key 9
The Enter (Select) key This key selects or enters a request, instruction or data to the ZSP

The ZSP offers 7 main display screens Select Next (Key 4) to scroll through the 7 available
main screens

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

ZSP Boot up Sequence

On power up the ZSP runs through a boot up sequence and automatically cycles through five
screens as shown below.
The first screen (ZSP Surface Panel.) will only be displayed during the boot up sequence if
the Flash Screen option is set to On (from the Configuration Screen menu)
The second screen displayed indicates that the data logging Flash Memory with SD Card
(ZKey) has been detected whilst screens 3 and 4 confirm the presence of the SD card before
settling to data display screen- Screen 2 (a)
Engineers should monitor the panel boot up sequence, noting software version, confirming
data logging medium (RAM, Flash or ZKey) and where applicable confirming the presence
of the SD card

Zenith Surface

Flash Memory Found

Logging to ZKey

Version 1.57.
Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Copying to SD Card
Please wait

Well Name 1
28 / 07 / 06 15 : 28 : 00
Deg C
Deg C

SD Card Inserted


SCREEN 2 (a)
Data Display screen Display
defaults to this screen on panel
boot up (also and panel re-boot
when exiting configuration mode


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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

When the ZSP is powered up (or on re-boot as panel exits configuration mode) the display
will run through the boot up sequence and will automatically default to data display screen
SCREEN 2 (a)
On boot up the first values to be displayed on screen will be Vt (120V approx) and Ct (10mA
Ct may be seen to hunt 9 15mA as communications is established with the Sensor before
settling back to 10mA
It may then take 1 2 minutes before a full set of down hole parameters is updated on screen.
If the ZSP is powered up without a Sensor connected then all parameters will display zero
with the exception of the Tool Voltage (VT) (approx 120V)
If Vt shows 0V then link 3-4 on the signal cable terminal block is not in place

ZKey and SD Card

The ZSP ZKey (flash memory) with removable SD card is mounted internally on the back
plate of the display and analogue board
The Zkey is a 4mb flash memory capable of storing around 22 days of data logged at 1
minute intervals.
This ZKey memory DOES NOT overwrite when full and should therefore be cleared (after
saving logs) on a regular basis
Data and status logs from the ZKey is copied to SD card for ease of download (note data is
not transferred directly to SD card The SD card merely copies the contents of the Flash
The appropriate procedure MUST be followed for removal of SD card from the ZSP

The SD card must be removed via the ZKey menu option This menu option is available
from keypad Config menu only
On selecting ZKeyRemove SD Card data transfer from Flash memory to SD card is
updated and stopped
A message is then displayed when it is safe to remove the SD card
When the ZSP restarts without SD card an error message is displayed This message can be
When the ZSP is started without SD card data will automatically be logged to ZKey memory.
When the SD card is later inserted, the ZSP will detect the card and run through a
housekeeping sequence of updating the card.
The SD card is inserted with the card label facing towards the panel door..
It is recommended that good quality SD cards are used Cards should be formatted before
first use

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Monitoring Systems

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

ZSP Display
The ZSP displays 7 main level screens. Data Display covers up to four screens (screen 2a
to 2d) to allow all (logged) data to be displayed Note that where logging has been disabled
for a specific parameter then that parameter will not be displayed on screen Underlying
screens (2b, c and d) will only be accessible if a sufficient number of parameters is being
The number of underlying screens accessible will depend on the number of parameters being
logged For example if only 12 parameters are logged then data display will cover two
If all 32 parameters are logged then data display will cover all four screens (a to d)

Screen 1 Config Screen

The main screen displays current date and time along with Zenith Oilfield Technology
contact details (Address, telephone fax and e mail details)
The contacts screen offers 3 keypad options
Press key 1 - Allows access to configuration mode
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

Screen 2 Data display screen (a)

The data display screen shows well name on row 1 (see Screens Well Name Menu) along
with current date and time on row 2
Rows 4 to 11 shows the first 8 parameters where logging is currently enabled, displaying
parameter names, values, units and alarm and trip status
Note that only parameters where logging facility has been enabled will be displayed on
screen (See ParametersLogged menu) Where a specific parameter is not logged then
next parameter will be moved up 1 row
Current ZSP software (ver 1.57) will allow up to 32 parameters to be displayed over four
individual screens (a to d) Some of these parameters apply to different applications (PCP
Sensor torque and positioning tools) and do not apply for E series Sensor systems Logging
should be disabled on all irrelevant parameters These parameters will not then be shown on
the display screen.
Disabling logging on all irrelevant parameters will also save on data logger log space
The data display screen offers 4 keypad options
Press key 1 Moves directly to Trend screen (Next serves the same purpose)
Press key 2 Scrolls to a second level data display screen (b) Screen b displays
next 8 parameters. Use More to scroll through display screens (c) and (d) and back to
screen (a)
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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen

Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

Screen 3 Trend Screen

The trend screen allows trends to be displayed for any two (logged) parameters
The Trend display screen offers 4 keypad options Note the Trend screen can also be
accessed from Screens 1 or 2)
Note if there is no logged data in memory or if the parameter has remained constant over the
selected time frame then a trend will not be displayed and the message No Data will be
The Trend screen offers 4 keypad options
Time Frame
Press key 1 allows a time frame of 1, 4, 8, 12, 24 or 84hours
Press key 2 Allows any two logged parameters to be selected for trending purposes.
Parameters are selected through a sub menu as P1 (parameter one) and P2 (parameter
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

Screen 4 Active Alarms Screen (a)

The Active Alarms screen displays Lo and Hi trip and alarm status for the (logged)
parameters. The display shows if alarms and trips are enabled or disabled and if the alarm
or trip has been activated
If the alarm or trip is disabled or has been set with invalid levels then the appropriate box
will display X
If the alarm or trip has been enabled but has not been activated then the appropriate box will
remain blank
If the alarm or trip is enabled and has been activated then the appropriate box will display
The Active Alarms screen offers 4 keypad options
Press key 1 Scrolls through four Active Alarm screens (a to d) allowing alarm and
trip status to be monitored for all active parameters
Press key 2 Displays parameter current value along with alarm and trip set points
On screen message will also advise if invalid levels are set
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Screen 5 Modbus Table (a to s)

Modbus table screen displays parameter name, assigned Modbus (address) register and
modbus output value.
Modbus Table covers 19 screens (More key) and covers modbus registers 40001 to 40028,
40101 to 40106, 41001 to 41056 and 41101 to 41156 Most of these registers are for
specific Zenith applications and normally only registers 40001 to 40012 will be of interest to
the operator
Note Modbus register assignment is fixed and cannot be changed
The Modbus Table screen offers 3 keypad options
Press key 1 Scrolls through 19 Modbus Table screens (a to s) allowing modbus
output to be monitored Normally only modbus registers 40001 to 40028 will be of
interest to the operator
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

Screen 6 - Communications
This screen offers a trouble shooting guide tracking ports 1 and 2 communications and errors
The Communications screen offers 2 keypad options
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen

Screen 7 Data Logging

The data logging screen provides a useful guide to logging status. This screen confirms
Logging to Zkey (Flash) Also listed is the date and time of last log, the percentage of
memory used and the logging time remaining.
This screen also indicates if the SD card has been detected
It is recommended that engineers use this screen as part of their checks before leaving
The Data Logging screen offers 2 keypad options
Press key 3 Scrolls back one screen
Press key 4 Scrolls forward one screen (Back to screen 1)

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The Zkey incorporates a 4Mb flash memory is capable of holding approximately 22 days of
data with the ZSP logging at 1 minute intervals - Data stored on the Flash is copied to SD
card Data is not written directly to SD card
The Flash memory does not overwrite when full and must be cleared on a regular basis If
Flash memory is full then data will be lost - ie WILL NOT be written directly to SD card

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Section 3- Browser Set Up

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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

ZSP Browser Set Up.

Browser configuration is carried out via the ZSP Engineers Port 6 pin military style
connector located on the bottom left of the ZSP enclosure (Figure 3.1)
An Engineers Cable (14460077000 Figure 3.2) is supplied with the cable installation pack
for connection from the ZSP to PC.

Figure 3.1
Engineers Port.

Figure 3.2
Engineers Port Cable (14460077000)

PC to ZSP E-Net Connection.

The Engineers Port cable (P.No14460077000) connects from the PC network port (RJ45) to
the ZSP Engineers Port (6 pin military) connector located on the bottom left of the ZSP
The Engineers port is connected internally to the ZSP Display Terminal Board. E-Net port
In the unlikely event that this cable should ever be disconnected then care must be taken
when re-connecting, ensuring the connection is made to the E-Net port
E-Net Port connection MUST NOT be made to the R-Net Port.
The E-Net port is located beneath the 32 way cable ribbon connecting the Display Terminal
Board to the field wiring terminal block.

In order for the ZSP and PC to communicate, the appropriate PC Local Area Connection
must first be set up. In many cases the PC used for ZSP configuration and down load will
also be used to connect to an office LAN.
It will therefore be necessary to set up the Local Area Connection each time a connection to
ZSP is to be made and to reverse these changes after disconnecting from the ZSP. If the set
up is not reversed then it will not then be possible to reconnect to the office LAN

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PC to ZSP Local Area Connection Set Up

To allow communications with the ZSP the PC network connection must first be configured,
setting the ZSP IP address (See Browser Connection Figures 3.3 3.6)
From the Start Menu
Select -Control Panel
Select - Network connections
Right click - Local Area connection
Select - Properties
Select - Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Select - Properties
Select - Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties screen
Highlight - Use the following IP address

Set up the connection IP address as shown below

IP Address

192. 168. 0 . 1

Subnet Mask

255. 255. 255. 0

Default Gateway

192. 168. 0


Select OK to save the property changes

Figures E, F, G and H below show the appropriate PC screens for setting the ZSP IP address.
Note - After disconnecting from the ZSP it will then be necessary to return the PC to default
status to allow connections to other networks (e.g. office LAN)
Repeat the steps above to get to the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties screen and
Select Obtain an IP address automatically
Select OK to save the configuration

Failure to reset the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties will mean the PC will be unable to
re-connect to other local networks (e.g. office LAN)

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Browser Configuration PC set up

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

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Confirming a PC Local Area Connection

Any computer running Windows 2000 or XP should normally show a Local Area Connection
icon on the bottom right taskbar If the LAN icon is not visible then open the adapter
Properties dialog box (through control panel) and select the option to display the taskbar
With no cable connected a red cross will be displayed over the LAN icon (may also show an
error balloon Network cable unplugged)

Connect the Engineers Port E-Net cable from PC to ZSP

Switch on ZSP (if not already on)
The Local Area Connection icon should now show the Local Area Connection open
at 10mbs

If the icon does not show a connection then check the PC set up and Engineers Port cable. If
this does not solve the problem then check that the Engineers port cable is securely plugged
into the correct (E-Net) port on the Display Terminal board.

Opening the ZSP Browser

Open a standard web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc)
Enter web address as
The ZSP login screen (Figure 3.7) will then open
If the Login screen is not displayed then a connection has not been established between the
ZSP and PC.
Check both Local Area Connection Properties and cabling to locate the problem

Figure 3.7 Browser Log in screen

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Browser Menu Navigation

A user name and password are required to open the ZSP browser
User Name:

zenith (lower case)

AB51 (UPPER case)

Type in the user name and password and select the SUBMIT to enter the configuration
In browser mode the Submit option serves the same purpose as keying Return in keypad
mode whilst Back (browser) and Exit(keypad) perform the same function
When the ZSP enters the configuration mode, the ZSP stops communication with the down
hole Sensor, the data display disappears from screen and is replaced with an on screen
System halted whilst configuration is modified
The browser main menu screen (Top Menu) will then be displayed (on PC)
The System halted. message remains on (ZSP) screen until the panel is brought out of
the edit (configuration) mode and returned to operational status.
During this period the ZSP does not display data, communicate with or log data from the
down hole Sensor
Selecting the Save Changes or Discard Changes options will exit the edit mode.
After 5 minutes of inactivity the edit mode is automatically exited Any changes not saved
will be lost
Figures I and J show the Log-in and Main (Top) Menu PC screens
The SUBMIT button is used to enter data, information or request to the ZSP.
Highlighting Submit may open an underlying menu level or may accept a value level entered
from PC (e.g. an alarm level). In other cases the Submit may return to the previous menu
Changes are then stored in a buffer memory until either the SAVE CHANGES or
DISCARD CHANGES option (Top Menu screen) is selected
Keying Submit uploads the changes to the ZSP buffer but does not save the changes.

When the SAVE CHANGES option is selected, the ZSP then runs through a re-boot
sequence and updates the (new) configuration before returning to the normal data display
screen (screen 2)
If Discard Changes is selected then the ZSP display returns directly to the data screen
without re-boot. In this case no changes are made to the panel configuration.
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Only after Save Changes has been accepted is the ZSP configuration updated.
The browser page BACK option will return to the previous (browser) page
Continue to select BACK to return to the Top menu screen where the Save Changes/
Discard Changes option can then be selected and accepted.
In some cases, in some underlying menus, the BACK option may not be available and
selecting an item will return to the previous level.
Note that if the ZSP times out (after 5 minutes of inactivity) and returns to operational mode
then any changes not saved will be lost

Figure 3.7 - ZSP Browser Log in Screen

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On entering the correct user name and password the browser configuration screen (figure 3.8)
will then be displayed

Figure 3.8 ZSP Browser Main (Top) Menu Screen

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Section 4- ZSP Set Up and

Configuration - Keypad or Browser

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ZSP Configuration
ZSP configuration and set up can be carried out from either keypad or from PC via the web
browser (Engineers E-Net cable 14460077000 required to interface to ZSP)
Keypad configuration mode is accessed from screen 1 by selecting Config (key 1) option
The menu structures for both keypad and browser configuration are generally very similar.
Note however SD card removal can only be carried out from keypad this action cannot be
accessed from browser.
The browser option on the other hand offers an option to down load (and upload) ZSP
configuration files to (from) PC This option is useful where several panels are required to
be set up with exactly the same configuration.
Note the configuration menu can only be entered from one option at a time i.e. If the
configuration menu is entered from the ZSP browser then the keypad will be disabled until
the configuration menu is exited (from browser). - Likewise if the configuration mode is
entered from the keypad then the ZSP browser cannot be opened until the configuration
menu is exited (from keypad)

When the ZSP enters configuration mode (by either method) then communications between
the ZSP and Sensor is halted and the screen display is replaced by the message
System halted whilst configuration is modified

When the configuration mode is entered from PC via the ZSP browser, the System
halted.. message will remain on screen until the configuration mode is exited (from
Where the configuration mode was entered from keypad then the System halted..
message will display for approximately 5-10 seconds before being replaced by the
Configuration (Main) Menu
There is no password required to enter the configuration mode from the ZSP key pad.
However the password AB51 is required to clear data and/or status logs
There is no special software required for configuration via the ZSP browser. However it is
necessary to establish the PC to ZSP LAN connection via the Engineers Port E-Net cable
Access to the ZSP browser menu requires a user name and password to be entered in the
home page
User Name zenith (lower case)
Password AB51 (UPPER CASE)
The password AB51 is also required to clear data and/or status logs
Port 1 menu is no longer accessible to field operators - A password is now required to enter
this menu from both browser and keypad options

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ZSP Configuration Menu

ZSP menu configuration is very similar from both keypad or browser options and in most
cases differences are merely in screen layout
The main differences are the ZKey option in keypad mode This option does not exist in the
browser SD card removal can only be initiated from the keypad
The keypad Analogues menu offers an option analogue calibration This is a factory set up
menu and is not required for field operatorions
The Configuration Interface Menu screen provides a selection of 8 menu options plus the
save changes and discard changes options
Port 1

This menu is factory configured and MUST NOT be altered

A password is required in software ver 1.57 to access this

Port 2

Configures Port 2 for third party comms systems (Modbus)


Allows selection of parameters to be logged

This menu also allows for parameter units to be changed
(ParameterUnits option)

Alarms -

Allows set up of Alarm and trip levels

Analogs -

Allows set up of analogue input/outputs

Data -

Allows logging rate to be set, logs download and clearing etc


Allows SD card removal in approved manner

This menu option is available in keypad mode only


Allows set up of Date and Time Uses European Format

Screen -

To set up display screen Well Name is entered from this


View Param and

Alarm Config-

Displays Configuration file

This menu option is available in Browser mode only

Configuration File-

Allows for configuration file down load to PC or upload from


Save Changes -

Saves Changes made in configuration mode

This option is available in Browser mode only

Discard Changes

Discards changes and returns ZSP to previous configuration

This option is available in Browser mode only

ZKey Menu option is available on Keypad configuration mode only

Menu options shown in red are available through browser configuration mode only

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Keypad Mode Configuration

In keypad mode menus are selected by highlighting the appropriate option and selecting by
the Return key (key 9) This may select a particular option or may open an underlying
Most menu levels include the EXIT option selecting EXIT will return to previous screen
Where there is no EXIT option then the display will return to previous screen by
highlighting the appropriate option and pressing key 9
On touchpad keyboard screens the Ret option will return to previous screen
On completion the EXIT option should be selected to scroll bay to Save Changes Screen
On the save changes screen highlight YES (or NO) to save the changes (or discard) changes.
All configuration changes are saved in buffer memory until the save changes option is
If NO is selected then all changes are discarded and the ZSP immediately leaves
configuration mode returning directly to screen 2(a)
If YES is selected then the changes are applied to the configuration fileand the ZSP then runs
through a re-boot sequence (see ZSP Boot up sequence P11) before returning to screen 2a
In many cases selecting a specific option will open a drop down menu listing some but
usually not all parameters These drop down menus will also include a More and Exit
The Exit option will return to the previous screen
The More option will list additional parameters
The ZSP by default lists 32 parameters these parameters are covered by four separate
screens or lists The More option scrolls through these screens (lists)

Browser Mode Configuration

In Browser mode menus are selected by highlighting the appropriate option or parameter and
keying return or selecting SUBMIT (where available) to move to the next level
Where a value has been entered for a specific parameter then select the SUBMIT option to
store the value in buffer and return to the previous level
Most menu levels include the BACK option selecting this option will return to previous
menu level
Where there is no BACK option then select SUBMIT to the previous level
When configuration in browser mode is complete select BACK to return to the main menu
(ZSP Configuration Interface screen)
In the ZSP Configuration Interface screen select Save Changes or Discard Changes
As with keypad configuration if discard changes is selected then the ZSP will immediately
exit configuration mode returning to screen 2(a)- data display screen and all changes will be
If the save changes option is selected then any changes made will be applied to the
configuration file after which the ZSP will run through a re-boot sequence returning to the
default data display screen (see ZSP Boot up sequence P11)

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NOTE - Changes made in configuration mode are saved in buffer memory Changes are not
applied to the configuration file until the Save Changes option has been selected
If the Discard Changes option is selected then any changes made in configuration mode
will be discarded
NOTE If the ZSP browser configuration mode remains inactive for 5 minutes the ZSP will
automatically exit the configuration mode and the display will revert to data display screen
2a Any changes made to the configuration prior to the 5 minutes of inactivity will be lost.
Changes are only applied when the Save Changes option is selected

ZSP Configuration.
Port 1 Menu
In older versions software access to port 1 menu was necessary to allow output units to be
Output units are now set through ParametersUnits menu
Port 1 menu is now restricted to internal communications set up between Interface card and
ZSP display terminal and is no longer required for field purposes
Accesss to Port 1 menu is now restricted Zenith personnel only.

Port 2 Menu
Port 2 is the third party communications port linking between the ZSP and the external
system (e.g. client SCADA, PC running HyperTerminal etc). Configuration will depend on
the external device set up
ZSP Mk2 system Modbus Map is shown in section 1 page 7
Port 2 menu offers six second level menu options required to set up manage the
communications link between the ZSP and third party device
Output Port
Baud Rate
Data Bits

Output Port:
This menu offers two options
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The ZSP provides for two different Modbus communications levels. However, only one
converter can be used at any one time.

Probably one of the most common causes of Modbus problems is where the output port is set
to one level (e.g. RS232) whilst the Display Terminal Board is wired for the alternative mode
For an RS232 connection, Display Terminal Board terminal J10, connections 8, 9 and 12
(Gnd) are required
For an RS485 connection, Display Terminal Board terminal J10, connections 10 and 11 are
required Normally RS485 will not require the ground connection
See User Manual part 1 for Modbus field wiring connections
This menu offers 3 second level menu options

Port 1 Echo

Modbus Slave

MMIC is the standard mode for third party output interface (e.g. SCADA).
Baud Rate:
This menu offers a selection of baud rate options from 1200 to 38400bps

Baud rate should match the third party Modbus Master configuration.
Data Bits:
This menu offers an option of 7 or 8 data bits from the drop down menu. (normally 8)

Selection should match third party Modbus Master configuration.

This menu offers an option of None, Odd or Even parity from the drop down menu
(normally None).

Selection should match third party Modbus Master configuration.

Port 2 Modbus option is used to set the Modbus slave number (address) and can be in the
range 0 to 255. The default slave number is 1.

The Modbus slave number must match that set to that to be polled by the third party Modbus
Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen

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Parameters Menu
The Parameters menu allows for changing parameter names and units. It also allows the
selection of parameters to be logged to memory
Changing a parameter name does not re-assign a parameter to a different channel
Changing parameter units on pressure and temperature parameters does however change
output value from metric to imperial units (or vice versa) Pressure values may be expressed
in Bar or Psi and temperature units in Deg C or Deg F
In older versions software the option to change units used to be done through port 1 menu
However with version 1.57 this is now accessible through this parameters menu
The Parameters menu also now includes an additional three options Decimal places and
Filter Coeff and Filter passes.
Decimal Places menu is not applicable for ESP E series sensors
Filter Coeff and Filter Passes menus have been introduced to overcome issues related to
motor winding temperature systems
Because motor winding temperature thermocouple is located close to motor windings, this
parameter is very susceptible to noise pick up and can result in spikey data being observed.
Traditionally most ESP monitoring systems have handled this issue by incorporating a fixed
rate filter in the down hole sensor.
Zenith feel that this approach is somewhat suspect and have opted to incorporate an
adjustable filtering facility in the surface package The parameters menu provides six second level menus

Decimal Places
Pilter Coeff
Filter Passes

Names :
Select the required parameter from the drop down menu and select Return (Submit) to edit
the parameter name

In keypad mode use the touch screen to edit the parameter name Select RET to exit touch
Note: This only changes the parameter name It does not re-assign a parameter from a
different channel

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Select the required parameter from the drop down menu and select Return (Submit)to edit
the parameter units
This menu is now used to change between imperial and metric units Unit names are
changed via the touchpad screen
For pressure enter unit name as Bar or Psi. For temperature units enter name as DegF or
By making the appropriate name changes the ZSP will then output parameter nos 1 to 4 in
either imperial or metric units dependant on units name
Pressures and temperatures are the only parameters where units may be changed (Bar or Psi
and Centigrade or Fahrenheit).
Default names should remain unchanged for all other parameters
Note Changing unit names will not alter the modbus register output
This menu allows the selection of which parameters to be logged to the Flash Memory
(ZKey/SD card) for data log storage and trending purposes.
It is advised that only relevant parameters are logged - Normally Pi, Pd, Ti, Tm, Vx, Vz, Vt
and Ct with possibly dP, dT and Clp - Note however this is not a definitive list and logged
parameters will depend on client requirements
It is recommended that logging is disabled (off) on all parameters where no data (zeros) is
being returned
Select the required parameter from the drop down menu and select Return (Submit) to edit
which parameters are logged (Yes) or not logged (No)
NOTE - Changes to the selection of logged data can only be made after the data log has been
cleared and before a fresh log has started (i.e. before exiting the configuration mode).
Where a parameter is not selected for logging then that parameter WILL NOT be displayed
on the data display screen (screen 2 a to d)
Logging status can also be checked via the Browser View Parameters ans Alarm
Configuration menu option

Selecting only required parameters for logging purposes will greatly increase logging
capacity of Flash memory or Zkey/SD card
Decimal Places:
This is a special applications menu and normally should not be altered (1 for pressures,
temperatures and tool voltage 2 for tool current and 3 for vibrations.
Filter Coeff:
This menu allows filtering to be set on motor temperature to compensate for noise (spiking)
on motor windings temperature data
Under normal conditions Filter Coefficient is normally set to 150-200
Filter Passes:
This menu is used in conjunction with the Filter Coeff menu. The Filter Passes menu allows
for smoothing of motor winding temperature by averaging out the data
Under normal conditions Filter Coefficient is usually set to 2 or 3
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Note:- Filter passes option is not available from browser menu

Note that in Keypad option, the screens to enter Filter Coeff and Filter Passes values are not
touch screens. Values are entered using keypad. The RET option is used to return to main

Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen

Alarms Menu
The Alarms menu allows for configuration and activation of Alarm and Trip facility.
Alarm and Trips can be set on any parameter and the respective relay activated or inhibited.
Wherever a trip value is set, it is recommended that a corresponding alarm level is also set
up. It is also recommended that appropriate levels are set on both Hi and Lo relays
(Low Trip, Lo Alarm, Hi Alarm and Hi Trip).
Values must be chosen appropriately and with care to avoid spurious Trips
The Alarms menu provides five second level menus

Alarm Level
Parameter Enabled
Global Enable

Each option provides a drop down menu

Select the required option and key Return (Submit) to enter edit mode.
Alarm Level:
This menu allows alarm and trip levels to be set
Selecting the Alarm Level option opens an additional drop down menu allowing specific
parameters to be selected a further menu level allows alarm and trip levels to be set on the
specific parameter
Alarm and trip set points should be entered on all four levels

Enter the required set points and key Return (Submit) to return to the drop-down menu.
The Trip/Alarm levels entered are then buffered until the Save Changes option is selected
from the Main Menu

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Repeat for each Parameter Ensure that no parameter setting is liable to accidentally trip the
VSD when the parameter is accidentally enabled
Set up the appropriate Trip and Alarm levels on each parameter as required
Where a Trip Level is set up then the corresponding alarm level should also be set
Even although only one relay is wired it is essential that both Trip and Alarm Levels
are set up (see User Manual Part B Section 4 Alarms Menu) If both trip and Alarm
Levels are not set then the relay WILL NOT activate
Parameters Enabled:
Where a Trip (Alarm) facility is required on a specific parameter then the Enable option must
be turned ON for that parameter (in addition to setting Trip and Alarm Levels)
Select the required parameter from the drop down menu and key Return (Submit)).
A second level drop down menu opens to allow for the alarm and trip to be enabled (YES) or
disabled (NO)
Repeat for each parameter Ensure that only the relevant parameters Trip/Alarms are
Avoid setting alarm and trip levels or enabling alarms and trips on parameter which may
cause spurious VSD trips
It is recommended that the Global Enable facility is ignored Use the Alarms/Parameters
Enable facility to select the applicable parameters
Deadband is set to prevent nuisance alarms and trips.
Deadband is set as a percentage of the Trip (or Alarm) value the parameter has to drop below
the Trip (or Alarm) set point (Level) before the system will come out of a Trip (or Alarm)

Select the required parameter from the drop down menu Return (Submit)
In the dialogue box enter the required Deadband (as a percentage of the Trip /Alarm set
Key Return (Submit) to enter the value
Repeat for each Parameter that alarms and trips have been set up on
Remember for each parameter that a Trip Level is set up on, the corresponding Alarm Level
must also be set
2 (percent) is a common Deadband setting but will depend on the individual situation
Alarms Holddown:
Holddown, like Deadband is set to prevent nuisance alarms and trips
Holddown is the number of consecutive data points (from the down hole Sensor) required
after an Alarm or Trip level has been breached before the Alarm (Trip) relay will activate.
Setting Holddown to 1 disables this function ie 1 data point over the set Level will activate
the Trip (Alarm) This means a data spike would activate the Trip (Alarm).
Note that with the Zenith Sensor, parameters are updated from the Downhole sensor at
differing time intervals.

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Intake pressure is the most frequently updated parameter (approximately every 7-9 sec).
Vibrations are the least frequently updated parameter (approximately every 22-25 sec)
Therefore if Holddown is set to 3 then 3 consecutive data points above the Trip (Alarm)
Level before the relay will activate.
If a Trip was then set on Pi the system could trip within 3 x 9 = 27sec after the level was
If a Trip was set on Tm then the system could take up to 3 x 15 = 45 sec after the set Level
was breached
Select the required parameter from the drop down menu and key Return (Submit).
In the dialogue box enter the required Holddown
Key Submit (Return from Keypad) to return
Repeat for each Parameter that alarms and trips have been set up on
Remember for each parameter that a Trip Level is set up on, the corresponding Alarm Level
must also be set
Holddown is normally set to 2 or 3 but will depend on the individual situation
Alarms/Global Enable
This Option provides a shortcut to enabling either all Lo or Hi Alarms /Trips where
appropriate Levels have been set.
Ensure the appropriate Trip/Alarms have been properly configured before exercising this
option to prevent accidental tripping of the ESP
This option should only be exercised with extreme caution and it recommended that it be
disregarded (use the Alarm/Parameter enable menu to set enable/disable specific parameters)

Once the appropriate Trip (Alarm) Levels have been set, the appropriate parameters enabled
and the conditions (Holddown and Deadband) applied then exit the Alarms to apply the new
Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen
Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No (or Discard Changes) will be discarded any changes made
and re-apply the previous set up

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Checking Alarm and Trip Set Up from the Display Screens

Whenever alarms and trip levels are set on a specific parameter, set up and levels should be
checked on the display screen after exiting the Configuration mode.
Alarm and trip set up can be confirmed from two display screens
The Data display screen
Where a parameter displays XX at the end of the line, this indicates Alarm and Trips for that
parameter is disabled.
Where AT is displayed confirma alarms and trip values have been set is
The Active Alarms screen
Where X is displayed on the Active alarms screen indicates that alarms and trips have not
been set (Levels invalid) - These parameters will not trip the VSD
Where a blank space is shown in the respective column indicates the trip or alarm is Enabled
(ON) These parameters will trip the VSD if the trip set point is breached (and dead
band and hold down conditions are met)
Where YES is shown in a respective column indicates that a set point has been breached and
the trip or alarm is Active If YES is shown on the trip level then the level has been
breached, the relay has been activated and the VSD should be stopped

Where X is shown this indicates that the alarm and trip level settings are invalid This will
Selecting the Levels option on the Active Alarms screen will display the current value of the
parameter, along with to alarm and trip level settings (where the settings are invalid - eg all
four levels set to zero) then the message Alarm Levels Invalid will be displayed where
this message is present then the relay will not trip the VSD
The ZSP works on a Normally Closed Relay the relay will open when an alarm or trip

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Analogue Menu
The ZSP can accept up to eight analogue outputs and can (if requested) provide up to eight
analogue inputs
Analogue input requires factory set up and this facility should be requested prior to shipping
the ZSP.
The source of the analogue inputs can be down hole tool parameters or surface analogue
Analogue output can be any of the ZSP parameters (surface or down hole)
Both analogue input and output systems both operate on a 4 20mA mode
The Analogs menu provides five second level menus

Output source
Scaling Input
Scaling Output
Calibrate Inputs
View Inputs

Each option provides a drop down menu

Select the required option and key Return (Submit) to enter edit mode.
Calibrate inputs and View Inputs options are only available in keypad configuration mode
Output Source
From the drop-down menu, select the desired analogue output (e.g. A1)
From the next level drop down menu select the required parameter (e.g. Pi)
This assigns that parameter (Pi) to the selected analogue output (A1)
Key Return (Submit) assign the parameter and return to the Analogue menu.
Repeat for each required parameter
Scaling Inputs
From the drop-down menu, select the desired analogue input.
The dialogue box then allows for the required min and max scaling values to be entered
Key Return (Submit) to enter changes and return to the Analogue menu.
Repeat for each required parameter
Normally the scaling range should be that of the analogue input transducer
Scaling Outputs
From the drop-down menu, select the desired analogue output.
The dialogue box then allows for the required min and max scaling values to be entered
Key Return (Submit) to enter changes and return to the Analogue menu.
Repeat for each required parameter
Normally the scaling range will be chosen to match the ZSP parameter range

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Calibrate Inputs
This menu is for factory use only
This option is only available in keypad mode
View Inputs
Lists the values on the eight analogue input channels (A1 to A8) This screen is for
information only
This option is only available in keypad mode
Select Continue (key 1) to return to the main analogues menu screen

Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen
Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No (or Discard Changes) will be discarded any changes made
and re-apply the previous set up

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Data Menu
The Data Menu allows for configuration of data update and storage rate
This menu also allows data and events logs to be downloaded and/or cleared.
It is strongly advised that the Password Reset Option is disregarded

Where a ZSP has been locked out with a forgotten password, the reset can normally only be
done by Zenith Engineering in UK.
Where a password is changed by the client from default (AB51) it is the clients
responsibility to ensure that a safe and secure record of the password change is retained

Data Menu -Keyboard Option

The Keyboard option provides ten second level menus Of these ten options only the first
four and last options are relevant for E series applications
Data Fetching
DataSaving Rate
Delete Logged Data
Delete Status Log
Password reset
Pump Lobes
Reset Ts
Reset Td
Reset Clp
Data Menu Browser Option
The Browser option provides twelve options
It provides all options as for keyboard except Reset Clp This option is only available from
keypad mode

The Browser option does however include an additional three options

Output Data Log
Output Status Log
Flush Logged Data
The Output Data and status log options allow for logs to be the flash memory log to be
downloaded to PC
The SD card option has now replaced the need for log downloads however these options
remain in the browser menu as a back up facility
-It should be remembered that the logs are stored to Flash memory then copied to SD card
In the event of a corrupted SD card the log could still be ownloaded via the browser

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Data Fetching Rate:

This is the rate at which data is updated from the ESP interface board. This rate can be set to
between 1 to 3600 seconds
Normally this value will be set to 5 or 10 seconds
Data update from down hole sensor is roughly once every 6-7 seconds for Pi with other
parameters taking up to 25-30 seconds for full update It is therefore somewhat pointless to
have an fetching rate faster that the tool update rate
Enter the required time on screen and select Ret to return to the main menu screen (select
Submit in browser)
Data Saving Rate:
This is the rate at which data is saved in the internal data logger. This rate can be set to
between 1 to 3660 seconds

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As above it is somewhat pointless to set a data logging rate at a value faster than tool update
Enter the required time on screen and select Ret to return to the main menu screen (select
Submit in browser)
Note The data logger does not overwrite when full and therefore should be cleared on a
regular basis
Delete Logged Data:
This option deletes the data log from the Flash memory.
Confirmation of the request is required (YES)
From keypad, the password AB51 must then be entered before the log and Ret selected
before the log is cleared
From the Browser menu the user name (zenith) and password (AB51) must then be entered
before the log will be cleared
When the log has been successfully deleted, a massage Data Log Deleted will be displayed
before the screen returns to the data menu
In Browser mode the message SUCCESS will be displayed on screen when the log has
been deleted
The data log should only be deleted after the log has been downloaded and the download
checked Where an SD card is available the card should be removed and the data log
transferred to PC (and checked) before the Falsh memory is erased

Delete Status Log:

This option deletes the status log from the Flash memory.
Confirmation of the request is required (YES)
From keypad, the password AB51 must then be entered before the log and Ret selected
before the log is cleared
From the Browser menu the user name (zenith) and password (AB51) must then be entered
before the log will be cleared
When the log has been successfully deleted, a massage Status Log Deleted will be displayed
before the screen returns to the data menu
In Browser mode the message SUCCESS will be displayed on screen when the log has
been deleted
The status log should only be deleted after the log has been downloaded and the download
checked Where an SD card is available the card should be removed and the log transferred
to PC (and checked) before the Falsh memory is erased.

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Password Reset

It is recommended that this option be ignored The DATA Menu screen also allows for the
password to be changed Entry of the old password (AB51) and new password (twice) is
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that any password change is recorded and kept safe
and secure for future reference
Pump Lobes
Reset Ts
Reset Td

These four options are not applicable to E series sensor applications

Reset Clp

The Zenith E series sensor records a tool current This value is normally around 10.0mA
Historically ESP monitoring systems have tended to show a Passive Current Leakage as
opposed to a tool current.
This Passive leakage current was basically a calculated value of the change in current
between ESP system running and ESP system off
Selecting Reset Clp on the Zenith system stores a reference tool current value - this
reference value is then used to calculate the change in tool current being drawn when the ESP
system is running
The Reset Clp option should be exercised after the system has been landed and down hole
conditions have been allowed to stabilise
It is normal practice to select the Reset Clp option just before initial start up of the ESP
Current Leakage is then calculated from (Clp(ESP Off) - Clp(REF))
Confirmation is requested (YES/NO) before the reference value is stored display then
returns to the main data menu

Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen
Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No (or Discard Changes) will be discarded any changes made
and re-apply the previous set up

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Data and Events Log Overview

Logging is set up from two different menus
Parameters Menu Parameters Logged
This Menu option selects which parameters are to be logged to memory All parameters that
are shown on the data display screens (Screen 2 a to d) will be logged to memory
Data Menu Data Saving Rate
This Menu option sets the rate at which data is to be logged (1 3600 seconds
It is recommended that the minimum rate set is 10 seconds to give a regular update of the
fastest parameter).

Data and events logs should be down loaded (and cleared) on a regular basis.
Data and events logs must be down loaded and cleared before any editing changes are made
to the ZSP configuration.
This is of particular importance if a date/time change is to be made to the ZSP
Parameters Logged option cannot be changed until after the log has been down loaded (and
It is good practice to download (and clear) both data and events logs at the same time. Logs
must always be down loaded before clearing
Log Down Load via Browser
There are two options for downloading ZSP logs The most convenient being the removal of
the SD card and subsequent transfer from SD card to PC (see ZKey menu option)
However logs can also be downloaded (direct from Flash memory to PC) via the web
Selecting the Output Data (Status) Log allows for the Flash memory log to be downloaded
to PC
Log donnload from browser is covered in detail in section 5

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Figure O Down load Pop Up

Clear Data and Status Log

Data and Status logs should be cleared after download and checking. The logs are cleared via
the two options
Delete Logged Data
Delete Status Log

ZKey Menu (SD Card Removal and Re-install)

The SD card copies data from Flash memory to provide a faster, simplified method of data
transfer from ZSP to PC
The SD card must NOT be removed directly from the ZKey
The appropriate removal procedure must be followed Removal can only be done via
keypad configuration See Section 6 Appendix - Procedure for the specific procedure for
SD card removal, copying logs and SD card re-installation
There is no facility in browser menu to allow for SD card removal
From the main configuration menu select Zkey
Selecting the ZKey option provides two second level menus
Remove SD Card
Max lines per file
Remove SD Card
Highlight the remove SD card option and key return
The message -Copying to SD card - XX% Complete is displayed as data is transferred to
SD card.
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When data transfer is complete the message - Remove SD Card is displayed The card
must not be removed until this message is displayed
On removal of the SD card and the display then returns to the ZKey menu screen.
Select Exit option to return to Save Changes screen Select YES to save changes
The ZSP will then run through the re-boot sequence to the screen displaying the message
Unsafe SD card removal
Reinsert SD card
Goto Config/Zkey/Remove SD card
Press any key to continue

A back up SD card could be installed at this point or the message could simply be ignored By pressing any key the display then returns to the data screen (screen 2a) and even although
an SD card has not been installed the ZSP will still continue to log to ZKey (Flash Memory)
When an SD card is re-installed this data will then be copied to card
Max Lines per file
This option allows operator to set file size by specifying the maximum number of lines (X
1000) for the SD card file
When the maximum number of lines is reached a second SD card file is created

The SD card can be re-inserted at any time There is no specific menu or house keeping
procedure required for re-installing Simply insert the SD card (label should face towards
the ZSP door) into the ZKey
After a few seconds a message Copying to SD Card Please Wait is displayed before the
display again returns to data display screen 2a
SD card data and status log is covered in more detail in section 5 of this manual

Use the Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen

Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No will be discarded any changes made and re-apply the previous
set up

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Date / Time Menu

Date MUST be set in European format DD-MM-YYYY with the time set as HH-MM-SS
Date and time must only be reset after the data and events logs have been down loaded and
cleared and before logging is re-started.
The Date & Time option provides two second level menus
Set Time
Set Date

Set Time
Select Time to open the time set up screen
Enter the current time as HH-MM-SS
Select Return (Submit)) to return to the Date/Time menu screen
Set Date
Select Date to open the date set up screen
Enter the current time as DD-MM-YYYY
Select Return (Submit|)to return to the Date/Time menu screen

Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen
Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No (or Discard Changes) will be discarded any changes made
and re-apply the previous set up

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Screen Menu
The screen menu offers five lower level options
Flash Screen
Invert screen
Well Name
Flash Screen
The Flash screen drop down menu allows for the flash screen to be turned on or off The
Flash screen is the Zenith Logo screen seen for a short period as the ZSP is first powered up
Allows screen contrast to be adjusted (on a scale of 1 to 31)
The drop down menu allows the back light to be turned on or off
Invert Screen
Sets screen to reverse video
Well Name
Allows the appropriate well name to be entered via the alpha numeric touch screen
The well name should always be entered - The name entered here will be attached to all
down loaded logs helping to identify logs and minimise the potential for errors

Use the Back (browser) or Exit (Keypad) to return to the save changes screen
Select Save Changes - Yes to apply the new configuration to the ZSP
Selecting Save Changes No (or Discard Changes) will be discarded any changes made
and re-apply the previous set up

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Section 5 Log Download

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Log download via browser

Data and status logs are downloaded from ZSP to PC with the Engineers E-Net cable
The ZSP data log can only be accessed through the Configuration Data menu, and hence
the system operation will then be halted whilst in configuration mode.
This means that a small section of down hole date will not be logged during the download
Data logging will re-start when the ZSP exits the Configuration mode.
Download time will depend on the size of data log however a large log may take 20
minutes or more to download Down hole data will be lost during this download period

Open the PC browser (User name zenith and password AB51 required Note the
user name is lower case, the password is UPPER case)
Select the Data menu
Select Output Logged Data option
A File Download dialogue box will then be displayed on screen
Select Save on the File Download dialogue box and select a suitable location for the
The file name proposed is date and time and Well name stamped for identification
purposes and is best left unchanged the down load file will be saved as a .csv file
Select Save from the Save As screen The file download will then proceed
When the download has finished open the download file and check that the
download was successful
Change the file name extension from .csv to .xls and save
The ZSP Data log can then be safely deleted

It is recommended that the download file is then checked before proceeding to clear the log.
Status log is downloaded in exactly the same manner However for the status log download
file this is usually saved as a text file
Screen shots of the log download process are given below

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Data Log down load via browser

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Log download from SD card

Data and status log are copied to SD from the ZSP Flash memory (ZKey)
The SD card provided a far simpler and faster method of collecting panel logs
The SD card can be removed from the ZSP at any time following a simple housekeeping
procedure as specified in section 6
The SD card data log download file is then be converted to csv file and copied from SD
Card to PC where the data log file is then saved as an excel file
The Status log file is saved directly to PC as a text file
Section 6 details the specific procedure for removal of SD card, - converting and copying
down load files and the re-install of SD card

Clearing Flash Memory Logs

It is recommended that the ZSP Flash memory logs are not cleared until the SD card files
have been saved to PC
Note the Flash memory must not be cleared whilst SD card is installed as this may also clear
data still to be uploaded from Flash to SD card

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Section 6 Appendix A
Standard Operating Procedure

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Pages 1 to 3
Date: Sept 2008
Approved By:

Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

SOP : ZSP with ZKey SD Card Removal, Data log transfer and Card Re-install


1.1 This procedure details the Procedure for the use of a removable data storage
medium to capture the Zenith Surface Interface Panel (ZSP) data log.
The removable data storage medium, referred to as the Z-Key, is a standard
256MB SD card. It is recommended that only good quality SD cards are used.
1.2 SD Cards must be formatted before first time use.



2.1 The SD Card is located inside the ZSP. This entails opening of the panel door
for install and removal of the SD Card. This operation must only be carried out
by suitably competent personnel
2.2 It is recommended that the SD Card is only inserted with ZSP power on.
Monitoring the red and green LEDs immediately above the card holder will
confirm the card detection
2.3 To ensure the data log capture to SD Card, and to prevent possible software
2.4 The SD card copies the data and status logs as they are written to the ZSP Flash
memory. When the SD card is removed (via the appropriate procedure) data
continues to be written to the Flash memory.
When the SD card is then re-instated, the Flash memory content is then
automatically copied (flushed) to the SD card.
This procedure means there should be minimum data loss over the period when
SD card has been pulled. It also means that in addition to logs being saved on
the SD card a back up copy exists on the ZSP Flash memory which could if
required be downloaded by conventional methods
It must be stressed however that the Flash memory log must be cleared on a
regular basis. The Flash memory DOES NOT overwrite when full and hence no
further data will be transferred to SD card until the Flash Memory has then been
2.5 ZSP logs can be cleared at any time with SD card in or out. However it is
recommended that logs should only be cleared after the data has been
transferred, checked and saved on PC.
2.6 ZSP logs are cleared, as per normal procedures, via the ZSP Keypad through the
ConfigDataDelete logged Data menu options A password (AB51) is
required to clear the data log

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Removal of the SD Card

3.1 Select Config menu option

3.2 Select Data option
3.3 Select Remove SD Card option. The screen display then switches to the
message - COPYING TO SD CARD - ----100% COMPLETE. This
process should take around 1 minute maximum
3.4 When Data transfer is complete then the screen then displays REMOVE SD
3.5 If the data transfer to SD card is not successful then the message: COPYING
TO SD CARD -0% COMPLETE. Will be displayed. - REMOVE SD
CARD message will not be displayed.
In this case exit the Config menu. (Select BACK to return to the Config menu
and exit as per steps 3.7 to 3.9 Remember to select YES from the Save
Changes selection) - Then repeat procedure from step 3.1
NOTE The SD card must NOT be removed before the REMOVE SD
CARD message is displayed
The SD Card must not be ejected whilst the red LED D2 is illuminated or
whilst either message is displayed
3.6 Open the ZSP door and remove the SD card (Press to eject)
3.7 Once the SD card has been ejected the screen display then returns to the data
menu screen
Select Exit to return to the Config Menu screen
NOTE: the system will not display or log data whilst in Configuration mode
3.8 Select Exit to return to the Save changes screen
3.9 Select Yes to acknowledge the changes and exit the configuration mode.
3.10 The ZSP will then run through the re-boot sequence and will display the
returning to the data display screen
3.11 An error message will then be displayed
Unsafe SD Card Removal
Reinsert SDCard
Go to Config/ZKey/Remove SD Card
Press any key to continue

3.12 A second SD card may be inserted or the message may simply be ignored
pressing any key (twice) to return to the data display screen (screen 2a)
3.13 Note that it is recommended the ZSP is not in configuration mode when the SD
card is inserted (see section 5)

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Date: Sept 2008
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Zenith Oilfield Technology Ltd

Data transfer from SD Card to PC

4.1 Ensure the SD card is unlocked

4.2 Insert the SD card in the card reader and open. The card will contain an MSDOS file called RUNME.BAT and a one or more files titled
4.3 Double click on the RUNME file and following the screen instruction, press
any key to continue. The data file will then automatically be converted to a
.CSV file. This data log file will be stamped with well name (as per ZSP set up)
with date and time of download.
4.4 Save this data log csv file to PC
4.5 Check the saved data log csv file and confirm the data log download was
successful The download file can then be renamed and saved as an ezcell file
4.6 Once the download log has been successfully saved to PC. delete all files from
the SD card This must be done from PC The SD Card cannot be cleared
from the ZSP keypad.
4.7 Once the download has been successfully saved to PC, the SD card can then be
cleared and re-installed in the ZSP

Installation of the SD Card

5.1 Ensure the SD Card is unlocked. (Format the SD Card before first time use)
5.2 Ensure the ZSP is not in Configuration mode It is recommended that the SD
card is inserted with the ZSP powered up
5.3 Open the ZSP door and insert the SD Card in the card slot immediately above
the ZSP analogue terminals. SD card label should face towards door
5.4 On inserting the SD Card, green LED D3 will flash for several seconds
followed by rapid flashing of red LED D2 - Red LED D2 will then stay whilst
any data from Flash memory is transferred to the SD Card
5.5 When the SD card is inserted two message will be flashed on screen SD card
inserted followed by Copying to SD Card Please wait
The SD Card must not be ejected whilst the red LED D2 is illuminated or
whilst either message is displayed
5.6 Red LED 2 (and copying to SD Card message) may stay on for 1 2 minutes
before returning to normal. A steady green LED D3 indicates the SD Card is
correctly installed and the ZSP is logging to memory. (Note if the SD Card is
installed with the ZSP in configuration mode then LED D2 will remain
illuminated until the configuration mode is exited)
5.7 If the SD card does not install as per above then remove as per section 3 and
check all data has been deleted from card (Reformat card if necessary) and reinstall as per section 5

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