Light Feederliner: Systems Design Approach: (Inputs)

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Light Feederliner: Systems Design Approach DEN305 Exercise 3 9.807 m/s2 update cells with ?

in them

Customer Requirements (inputs)

No. passengers (inc. 1 pilot) 10 same average mass
baggage 600 lb 272.2 kg
cruise range 456 nm 845 km
cruise flight time 3.5 hr
cruise velocity 241 km/hr 124.3 m/s
runway length 1500 ft 457 m
max. fuel cost per flight 100 $ fuel cost (US operation) 0.8 $/USgallon
used fuel volume (per journey) 125.0 gallons 473.1 litres
100% rated cruise power 740 hp 552 kW use Allison B17C engines see guide notes
max. span 50 ft 15.2 m

Masses Dry Mass Estimate

dry mass estimate 1335 kg powerplant (engine+prop) 235 kg
average person mass 77 kg structure 700 kg
mass of payload 1042.16 kg avionics and electrical 100 kg
total mass of fuel used 369 kg control 100 kg
all up mass 2764 kg accomodations 100 kg
all up weight 27109 N margin 100 kg
dry mass estimate 1335 kg
Cruise Performance
Powerplant (based on 2 Allison turboprops)
cruise power (both engines) 413.9 kW cruise power setting 75%
transmission efficiency 98%
propulsive power in cruise 316.4 kW
thrust in cruise 2546 N combined efficiency 76%
required L/D in cruise 10.6 specific fuel consumption ? lb/hp-hr
air density in cruise 1.054 kg/cu.m ? kg/KW-hr
dynamic pressure in cruise 8138 Pa total engine mass 177 kg
CL in cruise 0.115
required Cd in cruise 0.0108 Propeller Efficiency
Cdi 0.00063 cruise 78%
max. feasible Cd0 0.0102 take-off 26%
predicted Cd0 ? diameter 2.2 m
area each 3.801 sq.m
Breguet Range at req'd L/D ? km

Wing Geometry
Stall Conditions Wing area 28.9 sq.m
stall speed 25.0 m/s max. aspect ratio 8.0
Clmax 2.5 mean chord 1.90 m
air density at stall 1.2 kg/cu.m mean root-chord ratio 15%
dynamic pressure at stall 375 Pa root wing thickness 0.28 m
required wing area 28.9 sq.m
load factor 4.4
Estimate of wing mass 269 kg parametric
take-off velocity 32.5 m/s
take-off thrust at t/o 4324 N
rolling coefficient 0.02
takeoff length ? m
update cells with ? in them issue 6

conversion factors
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 knot = 1.853 km/hr
1 hp = 745.7 W
1 lbf= 4.448 N
1ft = 0.3048 m
1hp metric= 0.73555 kW
1 lb/hp-hr= 0.608 kg/kW-hr
1nm= 1.853 km
1 gallon= 4.546 litres
1 US gallon= 3.785 litres

Structure mass
fuselage 500 kg
wing mass ? kg
other 200 kg
total 700 kg

note this closed loop needs manual updating, iteration

Light Feederliner: Systems Design Approach DEN305 Exercise 3 9.807 m/s2 see how inputs change airc

Customer Requirements (inputs)

No. passengers (inc. 1 pilot) 10 same average mass
baggage 600 lb 272.2 kg about 1 cu.m (spacious)
cruise range 456 nm 845 km
cruise flight time 3.5 hr
cruise velocity 241 km/hr 124.3 m/s
runway length 1500 ft 457 m
max. fuel cost per flight 100 $ fuel cost (US operation) 0.8 $/USgallon
used fuel volume (per journey) 125.0 gallons 473.1 litres
100% rated cruise power 740 hp 552 kW use Allison B17C engines see guide notes
max. span 50 ft 15.2 m

Masses Dry Mass Estimate

dry mass estimate 1655 kg powerplant (engine+prop) 235 kg
average person mass 77 kg structure 991 kg
mass of payload 1042.16 kg avionics and electrical 100 kg
total mass of fuel used 369 kg control 100 kg
all up mass 3084 kg accomodations 100 kg
all up weight 30248 N margin 129.1 kg
dry mass estimate 1655 kg
Cruise Performance
Powerplant (based on 2 Allison turboprops)
cruise power (both engines) 413.9 kW cruise power setting 75%
transmission efficiency 98%
propulsive power in cruise 316.4 kW
thrust in cruise 2546 N combined efficiency 76%
required L/D in cruise 11.9 specific fuel consumption 0.715 lb/hp-hr
air density in cruise 1.054 kg/cu.m 0.435 kg/KW-hr
dynamic pressure in cruise 8138 Pa total engine mass 177 kg
CL in cruise 0.115
required Cd in cruise 0.0097 Propeller Efficiency
Cdi 0.00070 cruise 78%
max. feasible Cd0 0.0090 take-off 26%
predicted Cd0 0.0088 diameter 2.2 m
area each 3.801 sq.m
Breguet Range at req'd L/D 976.9 km exceeds customer requirement

Wing Geometry
Stall Conditions Wing area 32.3 sq.m
stall speed 25.0 m/s max. aspect ratio 7.2
Clmax 2.5 mean chord 2.12 m
air density at stall 1.2 kg/cu.m mean root-chord ratio 15%
dynamic pressure at stall 375 Pa root wing thickness 0.32 m
required wing area 32.3 sq.m
load factor 4.4
Estimate of wing mass 291 kg parametric
take-off velocity 32.5 m/s
take-off thrust at t/o 4324 N
rolling coefficient 0.02
takeoff length 438 m
exceeds customer requirement
see how inputs change aircraft issue 6

conversion factors
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 knot = 1.853 km/hr
1 hp = 745.7 W
1 lbf= 4.448 N
1ft = 0.3048 m
1hp metric= 0.73555 kW
1 lb/hp-hr= 0.608 kg/kW-hr
1nm= 1.853 km
1 gallon= 4.546 litres
1 US gallon= 3.785 litres

Structure mass
fuselage 500 kg update wing mass here
wing 291 kg 291 kg
other 200 kg
total 991 kg

note this closed loop needs manual updating, iteration

This sheet is a subroutine and is already completed
Cd0 estimate
Cd0= 0.0088

Flight conditions
air density cruise 1.054 kg/m3 (at 1500m)
air viscosity 1.639E-05 m2/s
Flight speed 124 m/s
Dynamic pressure 8138.3 Pa
Transistion Reynolds number 500000

McCormick Cd0 estimate

Wing drag estimate
Wing area 28.9 sq.m
Wing span 15.2 m
Aspect ratio 8.03
mean wing chord 1.90 m
Reynolds No. based on mean chord 14385962
approximate wetted area 57.8324 sq.m
Turbulent Cf 0.00284
Drag (if all turbulent) 1334.6 N
transition point x 0.066 m
laminar wetted area 2.01 sq.m
Cf (laminar portion) 0.0019
Cf (laminar portion if turbulent) 0.0051
Drag reduction laminar portion 52.8 N
Drag 1281.8 N
Cd0 0.0054 planform area

fin drag
fin Height 2 m
mean fin chord 1 m
fin wetted area 4 sq.m
Reynolds No. based on mean chord ###
Turbulent Cf 0.00314
Drag(all turbulent) 102.25 N
transition point x 0.066 m
laminar wetted area 0.26 sq.m
Cf (laminar portion) 0.0019
Cf (laminar portion if turbulent) 0.0051
Drag reduction laminar portion 6.93 N
Drag 95.32 N
Cd0 0.0059 planform area

tailplane drag
tailplane span 2.5 m
tailplane mean chord 1 m
tailplane wetted area 5 sq.m
Reynolds No. based on mean chord ###
Turbulent Cf 0.00314
Drag(all turbulent) 127.81 N
transition point x 0.066 m
laminar wetted area 0.33 sq.m
Cf (laminar portion) 0.0024
Cf (laminar portion if turbulent) 0.0057
Drag reduction laminar portion 8.67 N
Drag 119.14 N
Cd0 0.0059 planform area

fuselage drag
max. fuselage diameter 1.2 m
maximum fuselage length 8 m
estimated wetted area 19.60 sq.m
Reynolds No. based on length ###
Turbulent Cf 0.00228
Drag(all turbulent) 364.47 N
transition point x 0.066 m
laminar wetted area 0.008 sq.m
Cf (laminar portion) 0.0019
Cf (laminar portion if turbulent) 0.0051
Drag reduction laminar portion 0.22 N
Drag 386.11 N
Cd0 0.0024 wetted area

Total drag
Drag 2062.58
Cd0 0.0088 planform area

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