Basic Pua

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Approaching And Opening

When most men start learning about pickup, the first thing
they want to learn is how to open. Those brand new to
pickup will ask for pickup lines, while those with a little more
experience with the pickup community will ask for openers,
both with the mentality that if only they had the right opening
line, the rest would be easy and women would jump in the
sack with them. Piece of cake.
Well, there is good news and bad news on the subject. The
good news is that opening isnt hard. It just requires the right
attitude and a few simple guidelines. The bad news is that
opening is actually the easiest part of a set. The opener,
after all, can be planned out. There is little need to think on
your feet.
Furthermore, during the opening, social conditioning is
working in your favor. It may be hard to open a stranger
but its even harder to be rude to someone who comes up to
you in a reasonable, polite way. All the pressure you feel
when it comes to opening a new girl lands double on her the
moment you open your mouth.
That being said, you can improve your chances of opening
successfully by understanding a few principles and by
following a few simple rules.
First of all, its important to know the purpose of an opener.
No, there is no magic opener which will make her panties
drop right then and there so dont even try. Rather, the
purpose of the opener is simple: to distract her conscious

mind for a few moments while you show off your personality
and display value.
Thats it. If all youve done is given yourself an opportunity to
show off your personality, and you manage to display some
value, congratulations, youve opened!
The second most thing to know about opening? Its not
about what you say. Later well discuss the specifics of some
openers, and break down how they work, but the simple
truth is that once you understand opening, you can open by
saying almost anything.
The number one key to opening is simple: project
confidence. Almost all of the rules body language, voice
tone, etc about opening come down to communicating that
you are a confident, comfortable person completely
unintimidated by the beauty in front of you.
This brings us to the first key rule of opening, the three
second rule. That is to say, from the moment you first see a
woman you would like to open, you should open her within
three seconds. Now, this rule is honored as often as not in
the breach, but the key point is that you do not want her to
sit there, waiting for you to open. If she senses that you want
to open before you actually open her, your value will
plummet more and more the longer you wait. She should
never sense you waiting to open. That projects weakness.
Now, there are plenty of reasons to violate the three second
rule. For example, if youre in the middle of a conversation
with your friends, you shouldnt break it just to go talk to her.
But dont orbit dont sit around waiting for an opening to

start talking to her. If the moment isnt right to open her, go

do something else and come back and open her later.
The second rule of opening is to open over your shoulder.
Obviously, this isnt always possible, but think about how it
feels. If you walk right up to a girl and open her, you are
making her important, you are giving her value. You are
worth me walking across the room for. Already youve put
yourself at a disadvantage. Instead, if you open her casually,
over your shoulder, like you just noticed her, your body
language says, I suppose you might be worth talking to for a
moment you havent given her a pedestal to stand on, and
thats half the battle.
Obviously, this rule shouldnt be followed off a cliff. If a girl is
right in front of you, just start talking to her. If a girl gives you
a strong approach invitation (say, holding your gaze across a
crowded room) then its pointless to choreograph a situation
where youre opening her over your shoulder. Just finish
what youre doing, walk over, and say hi.
And this brings us to the most important opening rule of all,
and that is this: open! So what if you havent learned any
openers yet. So what if youre probably making some
mistakes with your body language. If you dont open, youre
not in the game. Opening is a habit, so start developing it.
Youll have plenty of time to refine your technique later.
Make a promise to yourself to start opening, and stop giving
yourself excuses not to. Make the decision to stop dreaming
about talking to beautiful women and to start actually talking
to them. If you can make that commitment, the rest is easy.

False Time Constraints

A false time constraint is one of those little things you can do
which can have a surprisingly large impact on your success
rate. All a false time constraint (or FTC for short) is a
comment like, I have to get back to my friends in a minute,
but delivered at a key moment.
FTCs work because when you approach or lock in with a
group, their defenses are naturally up. Theyre wary that
youll be uninteresting or unpleasant, and an FTC disarms
them. It allows them to relax because, even if it turns out
they dont like you, they know youll be gone soon.
There are two key times to deliver a FTC. The first is when
you open. Rather than just launching into your opener, e.g.,
Hey, Give me a female opinion on something you add a
FTC. Hey. Ive got to get back to my friends in a minute, but
before I do, give me a female opinion on something
The other time to use a FTC is when you are joining the set
in such a way that youre entering their space. For example,
you open a set who is seated at a table. Youre standing as
you open. They respond, and, as you sit down, you deliver a
FTC as you give the next part of your opener. Here you are
disarming, in advance, their fear that youll impose yourself
in an unwanted way on the group by staying.
Generally youll only deliver one FTC per set. If the set is
seated, and you know youll want to deliver a FTC when you

sit down, you might, instead, root your opener. Rooting your
opener just means giving the set a reason why youre
opening them. For example, you might say, My friend just
told me this crazy story, let me know what you think
If these concepts seem trivial, experiment with them. Most
PUAs discover that they get less resistance from their
targets early, and open successfully more often, when they
use these tools. The impact they have is small, but very real.
Good luck and happy sarging!

PUA Openers
Aspiring pick-up artists spend a lot of time thinking about
openers. Ask any PUA instructor, and hell tell you that his
students invariably want pick-up lines. Some of this makes
sense: the opener is easy to teach (by the end of this article,
youll know more than one). On the other hand, the opener is
far less important than most students think it is. Your
success or failure in the set is going to depend far more on
your mastery of attraction, qualification, kino escalation, and
rapport building than it will on your ability to open properly.
That being said, if you cant open, you cant work on that
kind of stuff. So lets explore some of the fundamentals of
what you should say when you open a new set.

Canned or Spontaneous Openers?

Many new students to PUA hate the idea of using a canned
opener. Theyre sure it will sound false, or theyre worried
about being called out for it. But herein lies one of the great

counter-intuitive truths of pickup: a good, rehearsed canned

opener sounds more original than most of what you can
come up spontaneously.
This shouldnt be surprising, after all. If you were writing an
essay, do you think youd do better if you spend time working
on it and polishing it, or if you just said whatever you came
up with in the moment? But it goes deeper than that,
because the simple truth is that most of the thoughts that will
spontaneously occur to you in the field will also occur to
other people. Anything openers based on the situation are
likely to be kind of thing she hears all the time.
Therefore, if you want to be original, its often best to use a
canned opener. Additionally, having a canned opener you
trust is a great way to get around approach anxiety, since
it means you never have the excuse of not knowing what to

Opinion Openers
This is one of the most common types of opener, and its
best exemplified by Styles jealous girlfriend opener. And it
goes something like this (you should not deliver this verbatim
you should find a way to make the language of it yours).
PUA: So my buddy has this new girlfriend, theyve been
dating for a couple of months. And she discovered that hes
still friends with his ex. Theyre not fooling around or
anything, just friends but she wants him to cut if off. Should

Now the set will start talking about this subject, often
disagreeing with each other. Now the PUA will start to turn
away from the set a body rock to imply that hes leaving
with his body language, then hell come back and continue:
PUA: But its more than that. He has this old box of letters
and photos from her. He keeps it in the back of his closet.
But she found it and she flipped out. Do you think he should
get rid of it?
The set continues to talk about the situation.
PUA: Actually, its worse than that. She doesnt just want
him to get rid of it, she wants him to burn the box.
Now, this is a tried-and-true opinion opener, which you can
customize and make your own, but lets look at why it works
so you can use it as a template to develop your own opinion
openers. It works because it asks a question about which
people will have strong opinions, but which most people will
not agree about. A bad opinion opener is something like,
What do you think about this hat? because it doesnt trigger
any sort of emotional reaction, and can be answered with
one or two word responses.
By engaging the set emotionally, the set will focus on the
conversation, rather than you giving you plenty of time to
display some value before they realize that this is a pickup.
That makes a good opinion opener probably the best
possible opener.

Energy Openers
This is a very common and effective group of openers, as it
basically involved coming into a set and giving them a
positive energy boost. Mehow comes in to a set and just
says, HEEEEEYYY! bouncing around. Lovedrop has been
known to walk up to a set and say, Hey, what was that
movie Nobody puts Baby in the corner? Hes not asking
like its a trivia question, but rather in a high-energy way to
get girls to spike emotionally. (That works because the movie
being referenced is a movie every woman seems to love).
These openers work best when theyre congruent with your
personality and style. Mehow is a very flamboyant, outgoing,
fun guy. Lovedrop loves to bounce around on the dance
floor. From these guys, a more intellectual opener would be
incongruent and feel like a pickup line.
Another opener in this category is this, which I believe
originated with DaHunter:
PUA: On a scale from one to ten, how much fun are you
Set: 7 (or whatever).
Grab the target, and twirl her around: Now youre at 10!
These openers often work well in loud club environments
when conversation is difficult. It is important that your energy
be positive and slightly higher than that of the set.

Observational Openers
These openers are pretty simple and straightforward, and a
lot of people use them. All you do is notice something
interesting about the room, or her, and share it.
For these openers to be effective, you need to actually be
noticing and commenting on something interesting and nonobvious. Saying something like You look great in that
dress, or Wow, the club sure is crowded tonight, doesnt
I opened a girl one by noting the graphic design on the back
of her book, and saying, That has to be a book aimed at
women. I was right (it was a book about finding Mr. Right)
and thats a great thing to observe because it segues right
into talking about the differences between men and women,
which is always a good subject for conversation when flirting.
If you have cold-reading skills, this is a great place to apply
them, because a great, accurate observation about her is a
powerful DHV spike in addition to a strong opener. But a
poor or obvious observation will get you blown out of the set
unless she already decided she wanted you to open her
before you said a single word.

Mis-interpretation Openers
Useful and easy. You use them on people who dont work at
the venue. A good example is: Hey, two beers over here,
please These are very effective if the mistake is plausible,
and the target hasnt heard them before.

Humor Openers
Anything you can do that gets a laugh is good. A common
one is to take note of some entirely appropriate activity the
set is engaged in, and tell them its not allowed. For
example, Is that alcohol? For shame, drinking isnt allowed
here. The goal is to get them laugh, or, even better, to
engage in a role-play with you. See how far you can take it!

Direct Openers
These openers involve simply walking up to a girl and
saying, Hi, you looked so beautiful over here I had to come
up and say hello. Or, You look interesting, Id like to get to
know you.
For these openers to work, you must already be perceived
as high value. Theyre great if you get an approach invitation
from the girl (any piece of behavior which clearly indicates
that shed like you to come over and talk to her). They also
work well if you are already the social center of the room if
by gaming other people youve made yourself a positive
center of attention.
Wow. Thats a lot of openers.
Yes it is. But dont strive to memorize or master them all.
Rather, find two or three which you feel comfortable with,
and get them down cold so you have them on tap. You
should be able to find something in one of those categories
which is congruent with who you are presenting yourself as.
Often, less is more: if you know ten openers, youll waste
time trying to figure out which one to use.

Dont Be Afraid!
A lot of beginning PUAs are terrified that their target will
recognize their opener, or ask a question like, Are you a
pick-up artist? or Did you read The Game?
If this happens to you, do not panic. The girl is offering you a
new subject to engage her on. Oh, you know about this
stuff. Awesome. Do you feel like it works? Talk to her about
game. Do not be embarrassed about using a canned opener.
Simply say that you heard about it and are interested in it
have a conversation about your opener with her! Youll end
up talking about men, women, dating and romance great
material for a great conversation!
And After the opener
So youve delivered your opener and it went great. Some of
these openers, youll notice, segue right into a conversation.
Run with it! Others, however, dont. In this case, what you do
next is very important. Heck, its probably more important
than your opener.
Dont let the conversation die. Instead, turn, like now that the
opener is done youre going to go back to your friends. Take
one half step away from them, then turn back and say, So
how do you guys know each other?
And stack forward from there.
Good luck!


Negs are one of the most over-used, and most

misunderstood, parts of game. Theyre also, unfortunately,
why the seduction community has a reputation for being full
of douchebags: guys going around insulting women hoping
itll get them to drop their panties.
But this conception relies on a misunderstanding of what a
neg is. A neg isnt an insult. A neg, rather, is merely the kind
of comment that someone who was interested in her
wouldnt make.
For example, take the classic, Nice nails, are they real? A
typical AFC guy would never do this. He would be so afraid
of offending her (and thus losing his chance to sleep with
her) that he would only offer the vague compliment. Same
with, Those are great boots! Youre the third girl Ive seen
wearing them tonight!
Guys screw up by delivering those classic negs as zingers,
but a neg doesnt work if it feels like youre trying to get one
over on her. Instead, are they real? is delivered as if you
genuinely like her nails, and the boot compliment is delivered
in the vein of appreciating how fashionable the target is.
Negs dont even have to be negative what theyre really
doing is negating your own interest. For example, another
classic: You and I would not get along, were too alike!
Youre not saying anything bad about her merely that
youre not interested in dating her.
Another possibility along these lines is, I wish you were
brunette. Im taking a break from blondes for a while. There
is no conceivable way in which this is an insult, but it does

the job of demonstrating your lack of interest. These are

disqualifiers sure, but they are also negs.
The purpose of your neg is to break the frame of you being
just another guy whos hitting on her, to get around her bitch
shield. You are demonstrating that you have not put her on a
pedestal just because shes an attractive woman.
This is very important: Even negs like these need to be
reserved from 9s and 10s highly attractive women.
Model-looking women are constantly besieged with
unwanted attention from men, and thus have strong bitch
The reality is that most other women even most other very
attractive women are constantly being made to feel
inadequate about their appearance. Not only, therefore, are
these women not standing on pedestals which they need to
be knocked off of before you can talk to them, but in fact
most of the time theyll respond much more positively
towards the flattery inherent in your attention. Its nice to be
the subject of attention from an attractive member of the
opposite sex dont make things more complicated than
they need to be.
Happy gaming!

DHV Stories
One of the things many aspiring PUAs need to learn about is
how to talk about themselves positively, in a way that builds
attraction. This has been codified as the DHV
(demonstration of higher value) story: a prepared story you

tell which has embedded DHV triggers to help build

Personally, I feel the whole idea of a DHV story is somewhat
overblown. Women respond more to behavioral cues than
verbal ones acting like a high value man is more important
than telling stories of your exploits. Furthermore, its
important not to come off as bragging if the DHV spikes in
your story dont feel natural, youre going to do more harm
than good.
Nevertheless, most aspiring PUAs mess up by being too
passive and self-effacing. You should be able to tell stories
about yourself, and you should be able to embed little DHV
spikes into every story you tell. And of equal importance, you
need to be aware of the ways in which the stories you tell
reinforce or damage your value.
For example, if you are talking about an ex, and you
describe her negatively, what is that saying about you? That
you somebody who lets himself get tied down to low-value
women, and therefore must not be too high-value yourself.
Better is to praise the women you were with.
For example, recently I was in a large set where we were all
talking about the last time we had great sex. Rather than just
focus on the freaky aspects of it, I talked about how powerful
our connection was. (This subcomunicates that I have
enough sex to not be blown away merely by the in-and-out
mechanics of it).
I then talked about how we always seemed to kiss or touch
each other exactly the way we wanted to be kissed or

touched. (This subcommunicates that I understand womens

physical experience of sex).
Lastly I praised many of her qualities outside the bedroom,
describing her (truthfully) as an ivy-league-educated former
model. (This isnt even subcommunicaiton. Im hitting
preselection hard.)
By the time I finished, two of the girls in the set were giving
me the doggie-dinner-bowl look, and one asked me, What
happened? So I told her truthfully that my career demanded
I be on one coast while her career demanded she be on the
other, so we decided we had to let each other go.
(Subcommuicating emotional maturity, and the ability to have
adult relationships.)
Never in the conversation did I praise myself directly but
the story itself demonstrated a tremendous amount of value
to all the women present, merely by praising a woman I was
with. It also worked so well because it came up naturally in
the course of the conversation. If I had forced it by saying,
let me tell you about this former model I was dating who I
had great sex with it would have felt like I was bragging, and
they wouldnt have believed a word coming out of my mouth
even though it was all true.
Lastly, theres a very important trap to avoid: self-deprecating
humor and false modesty. A lot of guys get themselves into
trouble by making jokes at their own expense, or being so
afraid of bragging that they constantly put themselves down.
Dont do this. Be willing to celebrate your own
accomplishments, and never shy away from talking about

them if they naturally come up in conversation. And when

you have the opportunity to get a laugh by putting yourself
down, dont! Take that self-deprecating joke and turn it
around, turn it into a self-aggrandizing joke. It may be a
small change, but it will pay real results!
Good gaming!

Indicators Of Interest
Indicators of interest, or IOIs, are behaviors from women
which communicate consciously or not that the woman is
attracted to the man that shes talking to. Its very important
to a pickup artist to learn how to read these signs, because a
key principle of pickup is that you must get your target
attracted to you first, before you move into qualification and
comfort, and IOIs are how you know when to switch gears.
Before listing some common IOIs, a few guidelines. First, be
aware that IOIs that are not a response to your displays of
higher value are often false. Women consciously or not
use false IOIs to get men to pay attention to them. Hired
guns waitresses, bartenders, strippers, etc often give
false IOIs to get bigger tips. IOIs that you can trust occur
spontaneously after your display of higher value.
When Mystery began teaching game, he suggested that you
should count three IOIs before moving into qualification.
Thats a little robotic, and while its a good starting point, real
mastery is achieved when you can sense a girls attraction
without necessarily being able to put your finger on exactly
what shes doing.

To that end, you should train yourself to recognize attraction.

Next time youre out and about, look around at the various
couples. Ask yourself the following questions: Is she into
him? and How can I tell? Be very literal notice as many
specific behaviors as you can. Over time, itll become
But while you develop your intuition, let the following list be a
guideline. All of the list below are well known IOIs:

Her body is oriented to you, despite other people being
around. If her feet are pointed right at you, despite other
reasonable options, thats a very good sign.
She touches you while talking (even as little as a hand on
your arm). This is a very big giveaway.
She grooms herself casually smoothing her hair, adjusting
her blouse, re-applying lipstick, etc. Playing with jewelry
counts, as well.
She holds eye contact with a soft smile.
She breaks brief eye contact by looking down. (This is a very
powerful one, but only if you dont look away yourself. It
might be the biggest pre-approach IOI.)
She leans into you or brushes against you. A girl knows
when she accidentally brushes her breasts against you
when walking past you. She doesnt do it with everyone.
Her body language to you is open (shoulders back, arms

She perks up improves her posture, maybe thrusts her

chest forward when you pay attention to her.
She leans towards you, or enters your personal space.
She exposes (perhaps accidentally) additional skin while
youre looking letting her dress fall of her shoulder, or
showing you flashes of soft skin like her neck, underarms,
or the inside of her wrist.
She caresses herself, sliding a hand along her own neck or
collarbone. (This is a very powerful one. It tells you
something about where her mind is she wants you to be
caressing her).
She mirrors you. This is a very powerful IOI, which well
discuss more when we talk about comfort. But when you find
a woman subconsciously mirroring your posture (holding her
arms in the same way, making similar gestures, or drinking
when you drink) its a strong sign shes feeling powerful
emotions towards you.
She plays with a straw or toothpick in her mouth while
looking at you or talking to you.
This list is by no means exhaustive, but its a good starting
place. With practice, picking up on IOIs will get intuitive
quickly. And remember, once youre getting consistent IOIs,
qualify the girl and move into mid-game.
Good luck!


Qualification is one of the most mis-understood, and most

important, parts of pickup. With so much emphasis put on
opening and disqualification (making the target think youre
not interested in her) its understandable that a lot of guys
get confused about when, and how, to switch gears.
But qualification is one of the most important parts of pickup.
There are successful pickup artists whos game consists,
almost entirely, of qualification combined with kino
escalation. Qualification is that important.
But what does qualification mean? The idea of qualification
is simple. You qualify a woman by telling her what qualities
she has that make you interested in her. You could be
praising the color of her eyes, her wit, her style or anything
at all about her that appeals to you.
The rule of thumb for qualification is that the less obvious
and more specific the quality she has that you praise, the
more good it does you. Ever heard the classic advice,
Praise a pretty girl for her brains and a smart girl for her
looks? Thats an application of this principle. The hot girl
has had hundreds, if not thousands, of guys tell her shes
beautiful. If you tell her shes beautiful youre just making it
clear that youre no different from anyone else. But if youre
the one guy who sees beyond her beauty and can praise
some subtle aspect of her personality, you are golden!
Qualification should be honest. Girls have really good b.s.
detectors for this sort of thing, so be careful about going
overboard. Find qualities in her that you like. Maybe shes
fun or funny or observant or clever or stylish or, well, who

knows. If youre going to compliment something shes

wearing, try to take it a little further, into a compliment for her
about knowing how to dress or accessorize.
It is okay to be very clear about qualifying a girl. Therefore,
sentences about qualification will often start with something
like, You know what I like about you or You and I are
going to get along great because
Right now, there are some guys reading this who are saying,
Wait a second. If Im just supposed to qualify a girl, whats
with all thenegging and disinterest early in a set. Anybody
can walk up to a girl and tell her something nice.
The key is to remember where qualification comes in the set.
Qualification comes AFTER the target has given you
some indication that shes interested in you. In other
words, you only qualify a girl AFTER its clear that she wants
you to be interested in her.
This is actually a general rule to all aspects of pickup.
Ideally, a girl will want you to take every step from opening,
to kissing, and even through seduction before you do it.
Sometimes she isnt even aware of it. Sometimes the gap
isnt very long a real master pickup artist is taking each
step just at the very moment the target realizes she wants it.
(That is pretty much the definition of sweeping a girl off her
But this is especially true with respect to qualification.
Remember that an attractive womans default response is
always going to be to reject suitors, so you cant make it
clear youre interested in her until she wants you, first. If the

only change you make to your game is to hold off on praising

her until shes attracted to you, you will see your results
improve dramatically.
You may well qualify more than once. Qualification marks the
end of the opening phase of the set, and the move into
comfort or mid-game, but you will probably continue to
qualify her as the set progresses.
Finally, its very important to remember that after you qualify
a girl, you no longer need to pretend that youre not
interested in her. Yes, you may do a little push-pull to keep
her on her toes, and its always important not to be too
eager, which well discuss more in future articles. But for now
just remember that once youve qualified her, she knows
youre interested, so pushing her away too hard will feel like
a rejection and can kill the set. Ive seen lots of beginners
blow sets by going back to disqualification after theyd
already told the girl they were into her. Dont make that
Luckily, qualification should be easy. Most of the time if
youre interested in the girl, theres a reason. Share it with
her! Make her feel good about herself, and shell reward you.

Peacocking is a standard weapon in the pick-up-artist
arsenal, but its something that is still grossly mis-understood
by many when they start exploring the Venusian arts.
As practiced by Mystery, peacocking is the art of wearing a
few garish, compelling items which draw attention. Mystery

has been known to wear top hats, multiple wristwatches,

garish earrings, and flamboyant clothing. But peacocking
doesnt have to be so loud to be effective.
The key to peacocking is to make strong style choices. Wear
clothes that are interesting, with aggressive cuts and
patterned fabrics. Then add a few pieces of jewellery. Its fine
if theyre subtle, but it should always be visible.
The primary mistake most men make is going too subtle. If
youre not used to dressing fancy, or if a button-down from J.
Crew over jeans is your idea of taking the extra step,
experiment with getting outside your comfort zone. Add a
few pieces of jewelry. Consider piercing your ears, but you
dont have to start out with that such a big step. One could
break peacocking down into three levels:
Level 1: Have a few interesting rings, bracelets, or a pendant
around your neck. Wear an interesting hat, or add at least
one completely unnecessary item just because it looks cool
or interesting. The idea is simply to give the women you
meet some aspect of your appearance that they can notice,
talk about, or touch.
Hypnoticas better orgasms t-shirt is an example of this sort
of peacocking, especially because he can back it up by
saying, honestly, I teach women how to have more powerful
orgasms. (This is a great example of how simple
peacocking can feed into a DHV story). If youre not
peacocking at least at this level, you are simply not trying
very hard, and your results will really suffer.

Level 2: This is taking it a bit further. Think about the image

you want to portray, and then go for it, moving a little past
your comfort zone. Style used to talk about tribes: how can
you present yourself as a member of a tribe that she your
target wants to join or, at least, to visit. Dont go in half
Decide what your tribe is are you a hippy, a goth, a rocker,
a jersey-shore type, or whatever, and own it. The mistake
most PUAs make in this area is not making a strong enough
choice. Its fine if you want to be an intellectual, for example,
but make conscious choices about what it means to dress
like an intellectual dont just wear whatever you normally
wear because you are one already.
Level 3: This is what Mystery practices, and its not for
everyone. At this level, you are making spectacular, garish
choices, primarily for the purpose of being noticed. Attention
for the sake of attention is the goal here, but theres a catch:
if youre getting attention, you will magnify whatever youre
If youre holding court, generating tons of preselection by
being surrounded by women, then peacocking like this will
help you. But if youre obviously trolling the club, looking for
people to talk to, and look uncomfortable, level 3 peacocking
will hurt you: youre inadvertently calling attention to your
demonstrations of lower value.
You should start practicing level 1 peacocking today. If you
dont have any jewellery, go out and buy some. Find pieces
which speak to you, and learn to talk about them in

interesting ways. As you develop your identity, find ways to

add more strong elements to achieve level 2 peacocking,
advertising who you are. And if you really want to maximize
your results and have the game to back it up, go for the
whole enchilada. Its fine to start small but the key is that
you start.

Body Language
Body language is one of the most important ways
to communicate self-confidence and generate attraction.
Good, comfortable body language will make women want to
talk to you, it will make them more attracted to you, and it will
improve your results.
Good body language starts with the chest. The best way to
start thinking about it is just to raise your chest. Stand tall,
with your feet a comfortable distance apart, and lift your
chest. Notice how this changes your whole bodys alignment.
Lifting your chest is the easiest, single-step body language
improvement you can make.
If you spend a lot of time at a computer, chances are you
have a slight forward hunch in your shoulders. You can
address this by stretching the muscles that run across the
front of your shoulders this is easy to do in a doorframe:
hold your arm out so the upper arm is at a right angle from
your body, and your forearm points up. Rest the forearm
against a doorframe and gently twist into it.
Another common problem is whats called the head forward
posture. I used to have big problems with this but took

an Alexander Technique course which helped. You can

find more information on it online.
A lot of people struggle with what to do with their hands. The
first rule of dealing with your hands is simple: never, ever
cross your arms in front of your chest. Fidgeting is bad, too.
If you struggle with what to do with your hands, simply clasp
them behind your back. Of course, you could also use your
hands to kino whatever girl youre talking to, but well discuss
that more in a future article. Crossing your arms is the
biggest no-no, however, as it makes you seem much less
friendly and approachable.
Many guys go wrong in how they hold their drink. They
protect their drink by holding it out away from their body, with
their whole wrist bent around it like a buffer, to guard it from
being bumped or spilled in a crowded club. This is horrible
body language, as it subcommunicates a tremendous
amount of defensiveness. Instead, hold your cup loosely,
from above, and let your hand holding it dangle naturally by
your side.
When talking to a girl, there are some additional specific
things to keep in mind.
First, lean back slightly. A lot of guys get excited when
theyre talking to a hot girl and lean in. This is weak as it
communicates too much interest. Lean back let her lean
in. If youre in a loud club where you cant hear each other,
you may feel like you need to speak directly into her ear for
her to hear you. This is fine, but get her to lean forward and
place her ear next to your mouth. (As an added bonus, this

position facilitates a lot of casual kino you can put you had
on her hip or the small of her back easily. Do so!) Whatever
you do, dont peck lean into her ear as you say
something. Let her come to you!
Leaning back is a part of the general guideline of not
showing more interest in her than she is in you. Another
great practical tool for this is to look where your feet point.
This is a fun one to observe in others. Next time youre in a
crowded club, look at couples. The guys who seem to be
failing with women will have their feet pointed right at the
woman theyre interested in, while the womens feet are
pointed off to the side.
The guys who are really successful will have womens feet
pointing at them. When a hot girl enters a group, notice how
everyones feet rotate towards her. When a less attractive
girl does the same thing, everyones feet will stay pointed
generally in the direction of the highest-value person in the
The feet end up being a subconscious indicator of interest.
Since one key rule of game is to not appear more interested
in her than she is in you, its important, then, to not let your
feet point more towards her than hers point towards you. If
you can keep track of this one, youll notice it powerfully
reduces overeager vibes which can kill your game.
Following this advice will keep your energy positive,
powerful, comfortable, open and friendly, while helping you
maintain your value while interacting with attractive women.
Apply it today!

Voice Tonality
The way you speak conveys a tremendous amount of
information about who you are and how much value you
have. Using your voice properly can help you hold a
womans attention, and make what you say more attractive,
almost regardless of the words coming out of your mouth.
Follow these simple guidelines to improve the way women
respond to your voice.

Speak Low
Women are attracted to masculine traits, and men tend to
have lower voices then women. Therefore, it follows that
women will respond better to your voice if you speak lower in
pitch. This doesnt mean that you should speak in your best
Barry White impression, rather, that you need to find the
lowest natural part of your speaking voice and emphasize
Singers are often taught about singing from their belly, and
you want to do the same thing. Experiment repeat a simple
phrase, and see if you can feel it coming from your nasal
cavity, your throat, your chest, and your belly. As you get
used to those different feelings, youll notice that you can
emphasize one or the other. You want to be speaking from
the chest and gut, which will sound lower and more resonant
than speaking from your throat or head.

Speak Slow
When someone panics, they usually speak faster. Theyre in
a rush, worried that theyre not going to be able to say every

thing they want to say. This is especially true with

guys approaching attractive women. The words tumble out
of them in a rush because theyre afraid the girl wont let
them finish. What they dont realize is that the rushed
speech communicates low value.
Alpha, dominant males speak slowly. They know that they
can take their time because people will listen even hot
women. Therefore, slow down. Take your time, and trust that
what youre saying is worth your targets time.
Mystery even takes this to an extreme that can seem almost
ludicrous. He will insert a pause before a key word a pause
that sometimes seems big enough to drive a truck through.
So my friend opens the package and inside is a book.
Practice this technique, and notice how people tend to be
drawn in by that little pause.
Be aware of the tendency most people have to speed up
when they get nervous, and squash this habit. In fact, when
you notice yourself getting nervous, feel free to just stop,
take a deep breath, and then continue at a slower pace. Itll
make you sound more in control, and that will help you feel
more in control. As a result, youll be far more attractive to

Be Direct
Ums and Ahs and words to that effect are brutal valuekillers. They make you sound uncertain and weak. Work to
eliminate these from your diction. Luckily, when you feel
yourself saying these things, you can usually just say

nothing. The delay can function the same way as the pause
Mystery intentionally inserts into his dialog.

Speak Loud
An alpha male is not afraid of the sound of his own voice.
He knows that what he is saying is worth listening to. AFCs,
on the other hand, tend to be constantly worried and afraid
to speak up for themselves. Practice speaking just a little
louder than youre used to. Project your words so people can
hear you easily.
Following these simple tips loud, low, direct, and slow will
have a huge impact on the amount of attraction you can
build in a woman just by talking to her. Start working on your
voice today and see your results skyrocket!

Mid Game
Mid-game is the most poorly understood, and poorly
discussed aspects of game. This is particularly a problem
because it is, in fact, one of the most important parts of
Mid-game is far, far more important than opening and yet
youll find tons of material on opening, and shockingly little
on mid-game. Beginners will ask question after question
about openers or early-set routines, not noticing that theyve
been opening girls successfully for years since long before
they became aware of game and that almost all of their
mis-steps are in the mid-game. Many PUAs have heard the
phrase The game is played in comfort but still focus all their
attention on the opening phases of game. This stops now.

Mystery (who got so many things right) got us all off on the
wrong foot in his vital work The Mystery Method. First, he
spends a tremendous amount of time talking about the first
three stages of game (Opening, Attraction,
and Qualification) and almost nothing on mid game, which
he calls comfort.
Calling mid-game Comfort has led countless would-be
PUAs down the wrong track. They assume, because its
called comfort, that the goal is to make the girl as
comfortable is possible. So they diffuse tension, they avoid
escalation (which they worry will make the girl nervous), and
they cater to the womans needs and then they wonder
why they keep landing in the friend zone, despite opening
well, attracting well, and qualifying properly.
The first thing to let go of, when approaching the mid game,
is the concept of comfort. Yes, you are making the girl
comfortable with the idea of sleeping with you, reducing lastminute resistance and avoiding buyers remorse. But shes is
going to get comfortable with the idea of sleeping with you
not from any attempt of yours to make her comfortable in a
conventional sense, but rather merely from you consistently
showing her that her initial attraction to you was not a flashin-the-pan fluke.
In fact, trying to make the girl comfortable is counterproductive. If you wanted to make sure she was comfortable,
after all, you wouldnt escalate kino what if she doesnt
want you to? and you would diffuse tension (tension can
be uncomfortable!). But you need to build sexual tension, not

diffuse it. If a girl doesnt feel sexual tension with you, youll
land in the friend zone very quickly.
As a rule of thumb, expect it to take about seven hours from
qualification to seduction. Sometimes it will take less
(sometimes much less). Sometimes it takes more. But as a
general guideline, know that if youre consistently taking
much longer than seven hours to get to seduction, youre
progressing too slowly and will wind up in the friend zone
more often than you should.
Mystery broke down the comfort stage into three parts, C1,
C2, and C3. Its important to remember, however, that these
three stages are fundamentally different from the stages of
opening. In the first three stages (opening, attraction, and
qualification) you are doing something different in each
stage. Where C1, C2, and C3 are differentiated by your
location: C1 is comfort building in the original, meeting
location. C2 is comfort building in other locations where
seduction is not possible, such as on a date, and C3 is
comfort building at a seduction location.
The key here is that youre fundamentally doing the same
things in all phases of comfort. And what are these things?
First, you are smoothly building kino escalation with lots of
casual contact, slowly escalating up to kissing, while
diffusing future last-minute-resistance by taking a two steps
forward, one step back approach.
Second, you are using text game to keep the girl hooked,
while using good phone game to set up a date which we
usually refer to as a day two or D2 rather than a date,

because we reject the man-pursuing-woman model inherent

in the word date while maintaing your value and refusing to
Third, you are building compliance by rewarding good
behavior from the girl and punishing bad behavior.
Fourth, you are keeping the girl supplied with good, happy
emotions and generating buying temperature spikes.
Fifth, you are developing rapport and an emotional
Lastly, and most importantly, you are continuing to hit the
girls attraction switches while remaining consistent and
congruent to the image you initially presented.
That seems like a lot to juggle all at once, but most of them
because quite simple with a little practice. Well break them
all down individually in future articles so you can see how
they all work.
Mid-game is a soul of game. Dont be one of the many
newbies who get bogged down in the minutiae of opening
how you handle the mid-game will determine how successful
you are.

Kino Escalation
Kino escalation is probably the single most important aspect
of game. It is also one of the biggest sticking points aspiring
PUAs trip over. Proper kino escalation begins with the very
first stages of a set, and it obviously continues and builds

slowly all through the set, culminating in sex and even postcoital behavior.
Touching a woman sends powerful signals. It says that
youre confident and comfortable with yourself. It says
that youre not worried about scaring her off. It says that
physicality is a natural and normal part of your life. All that
adds up to another benefit: it turns women on. Women like
being touched calmly, confidently, by men.
If you dont smoothly and continually escalate kino, you will
find yourself in the friend zone even with women who start
out highly attracted to you.

Kino Basic Principles

Confidence. Kino must be done confidently and naturally.
You should never appear uncertain or unclear about what
youre doing. Whether youre talking about your hand on her
knee, giving her a hug, or a kiss close, whatever you do
should be deliberate, calm, and done as if the last thing on
your mind is that she might reject your kino.
Awareness. Sometimes, a woman isnt crazy about your
kino. This is okay! Kino is so important that, when youre
learning, if you dont occasionally go slightly too far, too fast
then youre almost certainly not escalating enough! However,
you must be sensitive to the subtle signals that a woman
sends which say, You just went a little too far. When this
happens, you should deliberately, back off. Dont flinch or
jerk back like a spooked rabbit, but just be aware that her
comfort level has changed. Its okay: you can, and should,
escalate again later. All shes saying to you is not yet.

Two steps forward, one step back. Its vitally important to

build kino slowly and unevenly. If youre touching her in a
way that she likes, do it for a moment then stop! Back up.
A few minutes later, go forward again. Starting this pattern
early reduces last-minute resistance, but more importantly is
puts powerful thought in her head. If she likes your hand on
her knee, and you take it away, shes thinking, I liked that. I
want more of it. This makes her highly receptive to your next
advance. You should always be the one to disengage kino
during the attraction, comfort, and seduction phases of a set.
Keep your touch light and feathery. Dont just plop your hand
on her. Let it move, stroke likely. Touch, slide, release. Let
go. Everything is light, fluid, and fleeting and comfortable.

Early-Set Kino
When you first meet a girl, its important to establish that
youre comfortable touching her. Simple things like touching
her arm with the back of your hand to emphasize a point in
conversation send strong messages. Be willing to let your
bodies touch if youre talking together in a crowded club.
Rest your hand on the small of her back or her hip while you
talk, or on her knee if youre seated next to each other.
Never pull back from physical contact and whenever its
natural to touch, touch. Routines like palm-reading work
well here, because they facilitate a lot of casual contact.

Mid-set Kino and Kiss-Closing

As the set progresses, you must confidently escalate, and
your touch should become more deliberate. Whereas earlyset kino can feel casual and incidental, an element of

deliberateness should enter your kino here. Many aspiring

PUAs get tripped up, because they get nervous, but
Hypnotica has a great mantra to keep in mind: Your
hesitation equals her reservation. The more you wait, delay,
or fail to strike when the opportunity presents itself, the less
receptive she will be when you finally do escalate.
Good mid-game kino is hugging, stroking the arm or the
knee. Pay attention to parts of her body that arent strictly
sexual but that dont get a lot of attention normally the
inside of her elbows, her neck, or any part of her that doesnt
see a lot of sun.
A few words on kisses. Think of a kiss as just another form of
kino. Dont trip up by thinking its something categorically
different from anything else. All the regular rules of kino
apply. Although you can find lots of different routines online
to help you kiss close, the most important thing to remember
is that, when you see the opportunity take it in a calm,
confident way. Remember two steps forward, one step back,
and go for it!
If your kino is rejected, dont panic. Just relax, back up a
couple of steps, and, if shes still providing the opportunity,
escalate again in a few minutes. If she doesnt want you to
try again, she wouldnt keep giving you the opportunity.
Lastly, be aware that some PUAs have a lot of success with
women by intentionally pushing women out of their comfort
zone, and then backing off if they get some resistance. This
can be very powerful, and while it will put off some women, it
will be effective with far more: the DHV you get from the

confidence usually far outweighs any small amount of

discomfort she feels. This requires some careful calibration
and experience to get right, though.

Seduction and Kino

Much of the seduction-phase kino is simply doing more of
what youve been doing, bringing things to a more sexual
level by moving closer to the overtly sexual parts of a
womans body. If you keep escalating with two-steps
forward, one-step back, escalate confidently, and are aware
of her reactions, youll do fine.
One word of warning, however. As a rule of thumb, its often
a bad idea to escalate to seduction-level kino (heavy making
out and groping) unless youre at a location where you can
actually have sex. This is because when things cool off, a
woman will then know that if she gets into a seduction
location with you, youre likely to have sex. This destroys her
plausible deniability and brings up her anti-slut defense,
making it harder to get her to a seduction location.
But dont get sidetracked by these small dangers. Escalate
kino, confidently, at nearly every opportunity and your results
will skyrocket!

Day Twos
So you met a hot girl, had fun the night you met her, and got
her phone number. Now its time to set up a day two. This
article will give you some basic principles on how to see her

Setting up a Day Two

Your plans to see a girl a second time begin before you ask
for her number. Often the correct strategy is to seed an
activity that the two of you might do together. Theres a
great climbing gym Ive been meaning to check out, or
Have you heard about that new sushi place? Youre just
having casual conversation, and the key to seeding is to
drop ideas for interesting things to do until she bites, until
she reacts by saying Oh, that sounds fun. Ive always
wanted to go to a climbing gym/ try that sushi place
At this point, you dont invite her to it. You let it drop. Then,
later, you say something to the effect of give me your
number and well go get sushi. Remember, whenever
possible to keep talking to her for a few minutes after you get
her number. You want her number so you can spend time
with her but youre spending time with her now! Dont be
in a rush to leave.
Its important to seed interesting activities. A typical AFC date
is dinner and a movie but thats a horrible date. Youre at
the mercy of the movie being good (if its a dud you have
major new roadblocks). While the movie is playing you cant
converse and have fun and laugh and during dinner
youre sitting there, looking at each other with nothing
interesting to talk about.
In fact, that model of date is so counterproductive that PUAs
dont even use the word date to describe seeing a girl for
the second time. Instead, we talk about day twos. Or a D2,
for short.

If dinner-and-a-movie is a terrible D2, whats a good one?

Well, anything that gives you interesting things to look at, do,
or talk about while spending time together. Often group
activities make great D2s because its easy to be
comfortable, to present your best self. But really, coming up
with a great D2 is about coming up with activities that you
already want to do. This way, youre already having a fun
night and each others company is just the icing on the
cake. Shell associate the overall fun of the evening with you,
and when you isolate her and escalate kino, it feels
spontaneous and natural.
Texting is a trap that many PUAs fall into. Avoid small-talk
texts. Mystery recommends sending a light, funny text the
night you get her number. It makes her smile, and it puts
your name and number in her phone.
But texting is a tedious way to have a conversation, so dont
try why do you want her to associate you with tedium?
Save the small talk for being in person or being on the
phone. Also, never, ever, ask a girl out by text while youre
getting used to this. This gives her all the power, while you
dangle waiting to hear back from her, worrying more and
more about whats going on.
Furthermore, when she texts you back, if shes busy, you
never know if its because she is genuinely busy and wants
you to ask again, or if shes not interested. On the phone,
you can hear it in her voice.
So whats a good text? A good text is light and funny. It
makes her laugh or smile it gives her good emotions to

associate with you. But its also like a pebble thrown into a
pond. If you get a response, great! If you dont you just
move forward as if it never happened. (This is a key rule of
thumb for texting: if you are going to be stressed or not know
what to do if you dont get a response, dont text her to begin
Examples of good texts are: Aliens are coming to abduct all
the good looking sexy ass people! You will be safe, Im just
texting to say goodbye, Im nakedquit day-dreaming!
stop undressing me with your eyes or the sequence of you:
I have a question. Can you handle an honest compliment?
Her: yes. You: Great. Me too. You go first.
Phone game is much simpler. Call her up. Chat a bit. Get off
the phone without asking her out. Repeat, and the second
time invite her to the activity, chat a bit, then get off the
phone. The key principles here are a willingness to get off
the phone first, and the call being about something other
than asking her out. I just saw the funniest thing and
thought of you is a great way to start a phone call. Talk
for five minutes, and then be in the middle of something and
have to go. The phone call was a spontaneous act!
Make specific plans. Lets get coffee on Friday. Ill call you
to set it up, sounds like a plan to a guy, but to a girl it means
nothing. Shell flake and consider your annoyance a DLV,
because in her mind you never made real plans. Real plans
involve a specific time and place.
Dont call or text to confirm if you must text something,
build anticipation. (eg, dont text Are we still on for

margaritas tonight? Instead text, mmm margaritas!.)

Calling to confirm is subcommunicating that its okay for her
to flake. Assume she wont flake, and shes less likely to.
And lastly, dont chase. If she gives you the runaround, give
her a second chance, but then move on. Once you master
this and its tricky youll discover that women start
chasing you once they realize you wont chase them. If she
feels you chasing, shell run away.
But if you follow this advice, you wont be chasing often.
Youll get in a room with her and the rest is up to you.

Ever hear the phrase, The game is played in comfort?
This is a staple of PUA lore, but its unclear to most
reforming AFCs. Since middle-game is poorly covered in
Mysterys seminal work, new students are often left
Mystery touches on it, when he talks about bait-hook-reelrelease, but it was Mehow who really broke down how this
phase works. The idea is simple: you are slowly getting a
woman to display greater amounts of compliance with your
But what is compliance? Compliance, in practical terms, is
the woman doing what you want her to be doing. When
you open a girl, and she talks back to you, shes complying.
When she accepts your kino shes complying. When you tell
her to give you her palm for a reading, and she does, shes

complying. If you squeeze her hand while youre holding it,

and she squeezes back, etc, etc. There are infinite
The first key to generating compliance is simple: You reward
good behavior and you punish bad behavior. This is one of
the most important rules of pickup. When she does
something good (paying attention to you, kissing you back,
returning a phone call) you reward her by reciprocating.
Similarly, when she does something bad, you punish her.
It is important to scale your reward or punishment to the
same intensity of her good or bad behavior. That is to say, if
shes looking around the bar when you want her to be talking
to you, you disengage slightly and pay less attention to her,
Thats the starting point, but theres more to it than that. You
want her to be working for your approval. She demonstrates
that desire for your approval by complying with your
requests, but to keep her working for it, more is required.
Thats where the release in bait-hook-reel-release comes
from. You bait the girl by getting her attention in some way,
you hook her by getting her to comply, you reel her in by
rewarding her with positive emotions, and then you release
You give her a playful little push away. Nothing hard you
dont want to punish her. You just make it clear that she has
to continue to work for your approval. This maintains your
value and keeps the attraction level high: you dont want
to be the guy who starts flattering the woman constantly the

moment she gives him the time of day. This comes off as
needy and weak, it destroys attraction, and your target will
quickly start manipulating you.
She deserves to be rewarded is she isolates with you, tells
you something substantial about herself, initiates or
reciprocates kino,qualifies herself, displays a strong interest
in you, makes plans to spend more time with you, or jumps
through your hoops.
You reward her with kino, and sort of interactive routine
(magic, future projections, palm reading, etc), and
compliments. But be aware that compliments only work if
she has worked for you. Otherwise, youre giving her too
much value and she knows she has the upper hand.
Good basic releases are breaking eye contact, focusing on
her friend for a moment, going to the bathroom, rejecting her
kino or teasing her for it, getting a drink or going to the
bathroom. Little phrases like, No way! and I cant even talk
to you now! work. I cant believe you just said that, or,
Thats it, we cant hang out any more! are also good
How do you bait her and reel her in? Well, thats up to you
its about the connection you develop with her, the ways you
have of displaying value, and the things that are interesting
about you. What are your DHVs? What attraction switches
are you good at hitting? Every pickup artist has their own set
of DHVs use yours!


The key to successful pickup is attraction. If a woman is

attracted to you, you can make all sorts of mistakes in your
game and still be successful with her. If shes not, theres
very little you can do to make her interested in taking things
to the next level.
But many aspiring PUAs dont understand how attraction
works for women, and thus make mistakes. It is very
important to understand that women are not men. This
sounds obvious, but it is the key to game. What while our
primary attraction switches are visual, women are much
more attracted to behavioral cues. Paying attention to your
appearance and getting in shape will help you, but nowhere
near as much as it would help a woman.
To start, lets reduce the source of womens attraction to a
single word: status. Developing your ability to see and
understand status will help your pickup immensely. Make a
habit of assessing the status of everyone you run into in
different social situations. Start noticing the behaviour that
high-status people engage in, compared to low status
people, and incorporate it into your behaviour.
The high status person sits in the most comfortable chair. If
there arent enough chairs for everyone, hes sitting down,
while others stand. He has a good view of the room. He
speaks slowly because he trusts people will listen. He often
speaks first or last in the conversation. He is less focused on
the people around him than they are on him. He is making
confident decisions for himself and for the group.

In addition to status, the following are powerful attraction

switches for women:
Pre-Selection: Assessing whether a man truly has attractive
personal qualities can take a lot of time, but if other women
find him attractive, he must have them. Therefore, preselection is a major attractive quality. Surround yourself with
women to take advantage of this, even if you arent gaming
Confidence: One of the most important attraction switches. It
is vitally important to be confident. If you dont feel confident,
act confident. Constantly ask yourself what would a more
confident man do here? and just do it. Women may find shy
awkwardness charming, but if you want to create powerful
physical sensations drawing her towards you, be bold!
Center of Attention: Are people focused on you? Are they
looking at you, talking about you? Then shes going to want
to spend more time with you.
Excellence: This is one of the most powerful attraction
switches. Being excellent at anything. Displaying excellence
marks you as sexually worthy. Remember that its not
enough to be excellent, you have to show it off, preferably
effortlessly. Put yourself in environments where you have a
chance to show off what you are excellent at.
Socially savvy: Women are generally quicker than men at
picking up little cues about social behavior and status than
men. If she sees that youre on her level with this, it will
spark attraction.

Non-reactive: Stoicism is a stereotypically masculine trait

and guess what? Women are attractive to stereotypically
masculine traits. Be emotionally strong, unaffected by the
little slings and arrows life throws at you.
Non-reaction-seeking: This is related to the last one. People
tend to ignore those of lower status than them, but they seek
reactions from those above them on the social hierarchy.
Therefore, if you are trying to get a reaction from her, you
must be lower status than her, and therefore unattractive.
Fun: Being the guy who is always enjoyable to be around
makes you attractive. Dont be the quiet guy in the corner.
Get out and be social and fun!
Positivity: Related to the last. Because women are often
more emotional than men, they feel negativity stronger than
we do but they also feel positivity stronger than we do. So
be positive about things, and women will flock to you.
Protector of Loved Ones: If we remember, ultimately, that
attraction switches were selected for by evolution, this
makes a lot of sense. A woman wants to feel, viscerally, that
youll take care of her and your children even if she has no
intention of actually having kids with you. Evolution hasnt
caught up to birth control! This one can be hard to show off
directly, but work it into the stories you tell about yourself.
Effortlessness: One of the biggest killers of attraction is the
sense that you are trying hard to make something happen.
Attractive men do everything easily, effortlessly. Try to just be
doing your thing and letting good things flow to you.

Humility: Related to the above. An attractive man doesnt try

to show anyone up. However, theres a trap here for many
aspiring PUAs: Avoid putting yourself down. Self-deprecating
humor is bad for you game but remember that every selfdeprecating joke is a cocky/funny joke in reverse, and
cocky/funny hits a lot of attraction switches.
As David DeAngelo pointed out attraction is not a choice.
Hit all of these switches and you will have the women
fawning over you. You will still need to apply good game to
successfully advance, but the more you can keep her
attracted, the easier things will go! Get used to pushing this
buttons and hit them all the time.
Happy gaming!

Rapport Building With Women

One of the key factors which will make a woman comfortable
sleeping with you is the sense that you and her have
connected on a meaningful level. If she feels like you are
someone who sees her for who she really is, and
appreciates her for who she is, then youll disarm a lot of her
anti-slut defenses.
Genuine rapport is hard to fake, especially because women
are better at picking up how present someone is in the
moment than we are. If you are thinking about something
other than what she is doing and saying right in front of you,
shes likely to notice.
And this leads us to the first truth about generating rapport: it
comes from simply being present with someone, putting her

at the center of your attention. A lot of aspiring PUAs get

stuck in their heads, worrying about the next move, but this
is a real game killer. If a girl senses that you have an ulterior
motive, shell eject. If you have that kind of trouble, Eckhart
Tolles The Power Of Now is further reading that you may
find useful. (The book has some annoying metaphysical
content ignore that part. Focus on the practical stuff. As an
added bonus, that book will provide great material to talk
about with girls during the comfort phase).
Rapport can be facilitated in other ways, although if you
dont get being mentally and emotionally present down,
these will be less useful. But one useful trick is mirroring:
When you see a couple in deep rapport, youll notice how
they often adopt mirror-image postures to each other. If he
has his hands on his hips, so will she. Theyll drink with
hands on the same side of the table, at about the same time,
etc. To speed up the development of your rapport, start
mirroring her posture, arm position, and so on.
You may find that this becomes very natural quite quickly.
Good! This will help your game. (But dont forget to kino! Of
course, if she starts mirroring you, and you start kinoing her,
then shes going to kino you back.)
Another key aspect of rapport is mutual revelations of
vulnerability. This is a very important step, but a lot of
aspiring PUAs make a huge mistake here: They DLV
themselves while making themselves vulnerable, by telling
stories about them behaving in a low-value way. I was so
hurt when my ex-girlfriend dumped me, I thought Id never
meet another girl. WRONG! Yes, youre revealing

vulnerability here, but youre also saying, Im the kind of guy

who gets dumped and has a hard time dealing with it. Thats
low value behavior.
Mystery, instead, tells a story about how his niece fell down
the stairs, and how he was an emotional wreck but still
managed to get her to the hospital. Notice how much better
a story this is? Not only is he hitting the protector of loved
ones attraction switch, but hes telling a story about how he
keeps his head in a crisis. Hes revealing vulnerability, but
hes DHVing himself while he does it. Thats how you
generate rapport!
Another useful technique is future-projections. Basically, you
share a fantasy about anything exciting: taking a trip, going
on an adventure, getting married, you name it. Have fun with
it and be extravagant. Women tend to feel emotions stronger
than we do, so if you can get her really imagining this
wonderful future with you, shell get the emotional kick as if it
really happened. (And no, dont worry about future-projecting
marriage. Be light and fun about it, and itll be a blast. Shes
not going to hold you to it).
Apply these principles to your mid game comfort-stage
behavior. And make a habit of watching couples when you
go out, when theyre in rapport. What do you see that you
can copy? Mirroring, kino-pinging (lots of light, mutual casual
physical contact), and what else? Watch, learn, and apply it
to you own game, and youll see good results.
Good luck!

Buying Temperature
Buying temperature is one of the most useful concepts for
pickup, but its one that its almost unmentioned much of the
foundational material. A proper understanding of this
important tool can really help your game.
A buying temperature spike is a short term burst of attraction
generated by a strong DHV or powerful emotional
experience. Its a rush. Women feeling a buying temperature
spike may giggle, laugh, scoff, be slack-jacked, punch you
(playfully), hug you, spontaneously kiss you, or just stare at
you like they want to eat you for dinner.
Buying temperature spikes are visceral things. While there
are many intellectual ways to DHV and generate attraction,
youre going to generate rushes of powerful feelings unless
you work on an emotional level. Magic, fortunetelling, and
anything else which creates an aha moment will often
work. On the other hand, a story with demonstrates
preselection and leadership, while it might help you generate
attraction, isnt going to heat things up in the same way.
Cocky/funny tends to generate large spikes of buying
temperature if a girl is laughing, in shock, and hitting you in
the arm, youre doing in right. Strong, kino escalation can do
it, too. Next time youre with a girl who youve kissed lightly,
and you have her alone (this is a great one to do right
outside your front door) gently push her up against the wall,
and kiss her, firmly, two or three times. Then just open your
door and walk inside. 9 times out of ten, the reaction shes

having is a massive buying temperature spike, and the odds

are good that shell jump you as soon as you get inside.
Future projections can also build buying temperature,
particularly if you break them in a funny way. Say youre
future-projecting about being married, and living on a tropical
island, and you take her to a place where she can practically
taste the pineapple and then you tell her youre divorcing
her for a topless island girl. Her reaction will include a buying
temperature spike (although youll probably have to calibrate
back and tell her that youll re-marry her, for the kids, at
least, before you go in for the kino).
Buying temperature spikes are often short-lived. The kind of
rush they create isnt going to last very long it cant,
because its caused by a flurry of emotions which will soon
settle. Theyre also somewhat nonspecific, which is to say
that a girl feeling them is going to be open to advances from
any attractive male in the vicinity, not just you. This means
that you must use your them primarily in isolation, away from
the crowds. Use them when youre already locked in.
Exploit buying temperature spikes by escalating kino. One of
the best ways to make this happen is to simply let yourself
be overwhelmed by how cute she is, and move in and kiss
her. Now isnt the time for a fancy (or wordy) kiss close
shes in the midst of an emotional highpoint. Ride the wave!

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