Katarungang Pambarangay Law

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A. Common crimes (As provided for in the Revised Penal Code [RPC]).
1. Art. 252 Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray
2. Art. 265 Less serious physical injuries
3. Art. 266 Slight physical injuries
4. Art. 269 Unlawful arrest
5. Art. 271 - Inducing a minor to abandon his home
6. Art. 275 Abandonment of person in danger and abandonment of ones own victim
7. Art. 276 - Abandoning a minor (a child under seven years old)
8. Art. 277 - Abandonment of a minor by person entrusted with his custody; indifference of parents
9. Art. 280 - Simple (not qualified) trespass to dwelling (without the use of violence or intimidation)
10. Art. 281- Other forms of trespass
11. Art. 283 - Light threats
12. Art. 285 - Other light threats
13. Art. 287 - Light coercion
14. Art. 309 - Theft (if the value of the thing stolen does not exceed P50)
15. Art. 313 - Altering boundaries or landmarks
16. Art. 315 - Swindling or estafa (if the amount involved does not exceed P200)
17. Art. 316 - Other forms of swindling
18. Art. 317 - Swindling a minor
19. Art. 318 - Other deceits
20. Art. 329 - Other mischiefs (if damage to property does not exceed P1,000)
21. Art. 338 - Simple seduction
22. Art. 339 - Acts of lasciviousness with the consent of the offended party
23. Art. 363 - Incriminating innocent persons
24. Art. 364 - Intriguing against honor As punished by special laws.
25. Sec. 1, BP 22 Issuing checks without sufficient funds for an amount not exceedingP2,500
26. PD 1612 Violation of the Anti-Fencing Law if the value of the property subject of robbery or theft does
not exceed P50B. Others (As provided for in the RPC)
27. Art. 154 Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances
28. Art. 174 - False medical certificates; false certificates of merit or service
29. Art. 175 Using false certificates
30. Art. 178 - Using fictitious names and concealing true names
31. Art. 179 - Illegal use of uniforms or insignias
32. Art. 253 Giving assistance to suicide if suicide is not consummated
33. Art. 288 - Other similar coercion (compulsory purchase of merchandise and paymentof wages by means of
34. Art. 290 - Discovering secrets through seizure of correspondence
35. Art. 291 - Revealing secrets with abuse of office
36. Art. 319 - Removal, sale or pledge of mortgaged property
37.Art. 356 -Threatening to publish and offer to prevent such publication for
a compensation (otherwise referred to as Blackmail)
38. Art. 357- Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of
o f f i c i a l proceedings
In Civil Cases, there are no minimum and maximum limits as to the amount involved.
G e n e r a l l y, t h e s e c a s e s a r e s u b j e c t s t o t h e K P L a w. S t a t e d d i f fe r e n t l y, t h e jurisdiction of the
Lupon/ Pangkat insofar as civil cases are concerned cover all cases cognizable by the trial courts, i. e.,
both the first level courts (town and city courts) and the regional trial courts (Morata, et al vs. Go, et al,
125 SCRA 444).

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