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2 Vector Space Properties or Rtf 167

13. IV = Ix: x = X, ] .
[ Xl
XI = -3x~.
20. IV ~ {w, w ~ ~ , [ ]. 'aay «al "mbe,}
.'"2 any real number}

14. W = {w: w = [ ~ ]. b any real number} 21. IV ~ lu, " ~ [ : ]. a' + b' +0' ~ I ,"d

15. Il' = (u: u = [ : ]. C +(1 ~ OJ c ~ OJ

In Exercises 22-26. give a set-theoretic description of

16. Il' = {x: x = t [ ~ ]. I any real number}

the given points as a subset IV of R 2 .
22. The points on the line X - 2)' = I

a] , , 23. The points on the ,r-axis

[ b . a-+b-=4j 24. The points in the upper half-plane
25. The points on the line)" = 2
In Exercises 18-21. interpret the subset IV of RJ geo- 26. The points on the parabola y = x::!

metrically by sketching a graph for IV.
In Exercises 27-30. ghe a set·theoretic description of
on .. = I
• 18. IV ~ {~ ~ ~
, [ a > OJ
the given points as a subset IV of R3 .
27. The points on the plane X .;.. -' - 2;: = 0

~ [:J
28. The points on the line ....ith parametric equations

~ I" ~ -x, -
x = 21. y = -31. and;: = t
19. IV x, h,j 29. The points in the y;:-plane
30. The points in the plane ). = 2


Recallihat R" is the se.t..of aU n-dimensional \ectors with real components:

'" " '>

X, ]
R~ = {x: x =
'7 . XI.X~ ••••• X .. real numbers}.

r~ x.

If x and .y are elements of W with

f R~ geo-
X, ] [ ", ]

'~:: andY~::'
168 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Nil

A~ -YftMJ A then (see Section 1.5) the \ ector x _'j' is defined by

,. ~1"'M.,(.,J..
~'0~ [ x, _ y, ]
~6'1 ~~.r.?~;~.4tdf x-y= X2+)2 .

.l'W ta'I1 !( M @It b( ~~ x. + ).

01 YVlMiA.4d I,..
.. '1
and if a is a real number. then the vector ax
. de fi ne d to be IS

1hi IJU;(,.n ~ ,1M.<! [ ax, ]

ax= a~2. .
. - I ..... ~~IN, ax"

In the context of R~. scalars are always real numbers. In panicular. throughout thl~
chapter. the tenn scalar always means a real number.
The following theorem gives die anthmeiic propenies of \'ector addition and scalar
multiplication. Note that the statements in this theorem are already familiar from Section
1.6. which discusses the arithmetic properties of matrix operations (a vector in R n is an
(n x I) matrix, and hence the propenies of matrix addition and scalar multiplication
listed in Section 1.6 are inherited by vectors in R"),
~ As we will see in Chapter 5. any set that satisfies the properties of Theorem 1 is

called a "trtor space: thus for each positi,-e integer n, R~ is an example of a vector space

-ltI£olU \\ 1 If x. y. and z are vectors in R~ and a and b are scalars. then the following propenie:.
hold, v -oftn '<""1« ~ \Wo~(" ;0 ~

~J1~~ Closure properties:

i/.ut.n wrur W/n M
(el) x + y i, io R".
(e2) oxisinR~.

£~11 nIl, ( Properties ofadditiOIl:

~1MW. tH.;1w (81) x + y ~ y + x.
• (a2) X..j.. ()' + z) = (x ~y)...j.. z.
~. ~1l ~1-i", ItJ (a3) R It contains the zero vector. 8. arid x ~ 8 = x for all x in R",
.rf /) '11 . ['1.1 ~ J \1 (a4) For each "ector x in R". there is a vector -x in R" such that x + (-x) == 8.
If , e..) lit . J I S Properties ofscalar multiplication:
') ~ t '81 (ml) a(bx) = (ab)x.
(m2) a(x + y) = ax + ay.
I "1 "'>1m // r)
II vO"WJtI (013) (a + b)x = ax + bx.
--'-"\ (mol) Ix = x for all x In R",

if' vf Subspaces of R"
In this chapter we are interested in subsets. \V, of R" that satisf) all the properties of
Theorem I (with R" replaced by \V throughout). Such a subset W is called a subspou
3.2 Vector Space Properties of RIO 169

OI\IGI W Of- tt IGttEI\-DI \ \E~fIO~ALfPACFJ In addition to Gtassmaon

(see Section 1.7). Sir William Hamilton (1805-1865) also envisioned algebras of /I-tuples (which he
called po/}plets). In 1833. Hamilton gave rules for the addition and multiplication of ordered pairs,
(a. b), which became the algebra of complex numbers, z = a + hi. He searched for years for an
extension to 3-tuples. He finally discovered, in a flash of inspiration while crossing a bridge, lhatthe
extension was possible if he used 4-lUples (a. b. c, d) = a + hi + cj + dk. In this algebra of quaternions,
however, multiplication is not commutative; for example. ij = k. but ji = -k. Hamilton stopped and
carved the basic formula. i 2 = j2 = k 2 = ijk. on the bridge. He considered the quaternions his greatest
achievement. even lhough his so-called Hamiltonian principle is considered fundamentallo modem

iIhroughout Ihis of R". For example, consider the subset W of R) defined by

,1 /
tion and scalar
-,. IV = {so x = [ ~ ]. x, aod x, "aI n"mbe,,}.
from Section
or in RIO is an
,/1 & Viewed geometrically, 1V is the .1")·-plane (see Fig. 3.5). so it can be represented by R2.
Therefore. as can be easily shown. W is a subspace of R 3.
rTheorem I is Figurf' 3.5 The following lheorem provides a convenient way of delermining when a subset IV
III \eclor space. \4-. as a subset of Rl of R" is a subspace of R".

fig properties TllIL\I~t-\\ 2 A subset IV of R" is a subspace of R" if and only if the following condilions are mel:
(51)" The zero vector. 8. is in U'.
'.lM 1"~1"'1 (52) x + y is in W whenever x and " are in tv.

~ (53) ax is in lV whenever x is in 1V and a is any scalar.

Suppose that lV is a subset of R" Ibat satisfies conditions (sIHs3). To show that 1V is
Ff u, il:l (I ~ Proof a subspace of R". we must show that the 10 properties of Theorem 1 (with R" replaced
o1JrOlA~ by IV throughout) are satisfied. But properties (al). (a2). (ml). (m2). (mJ). and (m4)
are satisfied by e\'ery subsel of R- and so hold in 1V. Condition (aJ) is satisfied by 1V
1).'tl4 because the hypothesis (s I) guarantees thai 8 is in 1V. Similarly. (c 1) and (c2) are given
i.l. -x)=8. by the hypotheses (s2) and (s3). respecth'ely. The only remaining condition is (a4). and
we can easily see that -x = (-l)x. Thus if x is in W. then. by (s3). -x is also in W.
Therefore. all the conditions of Theorem I are satisfied by 1V. and 1V is a subspace of
For the con\erse. suppose 1V is a subspace of R". The conditions (a3). (e1). and
(c2) of Theorem 1 imply that properties (sl). (s2), and (s3) hold in IV. •
• The neXI example illustrates the use of Theorem 2 to verify that a subset IV of R"
is a subspace of R".

properties of
"TIle usual stalemem orThcorem 2li.l. only conditions (s2) and (.3) bul as~ume. thaI the subset IV is nonemplY.
a subspace Thus (51) replaces the assumplion thal IV is nonempty. The twO \ersions are equivalenl (su Exercise 34).
170 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

E\. "'PI r 1 Lei IV be lhe subset of RJ defined by

IV == fx; x = [ :~ ]. XI =.\"2 - X~. .\"1 and .\') any real numbers}.


Verify that IV is a subspace of R J and give il geometric interpretation of IV.

Solutioll To show that IV is a subspace of R J , we must check that properties (51)-(s3) of Theorem
2 afC satisfied by IV. Clearly the zero vector, 6. salisfies the condition .t1 = X2 - .\'].
Therefore. 8 is in IV. showing that (sl) holds. Now let u and \' be in IV. where

U =
['" ] 112

and \. =
[" ] t'!


and let a be an arbitrary scalar. Since u and \' are in 1V.

= and =
1/1 112 - 113 VI t'2 - t.'3·

The sum u + v and the scalar product au are given by

u + \' =
'" + v,
/12 + Vz
1 and au =
au, ]
(/l/2 .
[ [
Ilj + U3 J all)

To see Ihal u + \' is in IV. note that (1) giles

"l ..... t'. = (112 - If) + (1'2 - 1'3) = (uz + t'2) - (113 T V3)·

Thus if the components of u and " salisf) the condition XI = X2 - XJ. then so do the
components of the sum U T '>. This argument shows that condilion (s2) is mel by IV.
../ Similarl). from (I).

alii = a(lll - IIJ) = alll - allJ.

so au i!'i in IV. Therefore. nr is a sub~pace of R 3.
Geometrically. IV is the plane whose equation is.r - y +.: = 0 (see Fig. 3.6). •

') .(0. I. I)

( ,
, / ·(\.1.0)

Figure 3.6 A portion of t~ plane.r - y +.: = 0

3.2 Vector Space Properties of R ff 171

Verifying that Subsets are Subspaces

Example 1 illustrates the typical procedure for verifying thaI a subset IV of R" is a
subspace of RI!, In general such a verification proceeds along the following lines:

Verifying that W Is a Subspace of R n

'"Theorem Step J. An algebraic specification for the subset \V is given, and this
kX1 - .l'J.
specification serves as a test for determining whether a vector in R" is
or is not in IV.
Step 2. Test the zero vector. 9, of R" to see whether it satisfies the algebraic
specification required to be in W. (This shows that IV is nonempty.)
Step 3. Choose two arbitrary \"e<:tors x and J from IV. Thus x and yare in R",
and both vectors satisfy the algebraic specification of \Y.
Step 4. Test the sum x .... )' to see whether it meets the specification of IV,
Step 5. For an arbilfary scalar, Q. test the scalar multiple ax to see whether it
(I, meets the specification of W.

The next example illustrates again the use of the procedure described above to verify
that a subset lV of R" is a subspace.

E'..... '\I'I' l lei IV be the subset of R J defined by

.0 do t:he
IV ~ I>' ~
X [ :: ]. x, ~ 2.". x, ~ 3x,. x, "'y ""I numbe,) .
llel by lV.
Verify thai IV is a subspace of R J and give a geometric interpretation of IV.
Solution For clarity in this initial example. we explicitly number the five steps used 10 verify that
IV is a subspace.
:;.6). • • I. The algebraic condition for x to be in W is

X1 = 2Xt and XJ = 3XI. H)

t/ In \\'oreis. x is in W if and only if the second component of x is twice the first

component and the third component of x is three times the first.
2. Note that the zero vector, 9, clearly satisfies (4). Therefore, 8 is in W.
3. Next, let u and v be two arbitrary vectors in W:

U =
[ ] "ndV~[::]

172 Chapler 3 The \'ector Space R"

Because U and v are in W. each musl satisfy the algebraic specification of \V

That is.
1/2 = 2uI and u) = 3// 1 (Sal

tI:2 = 2vI and v) = 3vl. (5b]

4. Next, check whether the sum, U + v, is in W. (That is, does the veclor u + \
satisfy Eq. (4)1) Now. the sum u + v is given by

[ 112+ti2
1I:1+ V)

By (5a) and (5b). we have

U2 + Vl = 2(ul + vd and (U) + v) = 3(//1 + Vt).
Thus u + v is in W whenever u and v are both in 1V (see Eq. (4».
5. Similarly. for any scalar a. Ibe scalar multiple au is given by

au, ]
au = aU2 .
Using (5a) gives aUl = a(2111) = 2(a/ll) and aUJ = 0(3/11) = 3(OUl). There-
fore. au is in W whene\'er u is in W (see Eq. (4)).
:u Thus. by Theorem 2. \V is a subspace of RJ . G....:.?me.!!!cally. W is a line-lhrough the
origin with parametric equalions
x = XI

y=2x 1
:.= 3.1'1.
The graph of the line is given in Fig. 3.7. •
Exercise 29 shows that any line in three-space through the origin is a subspace of
R J • and Example 3 of Section 3.3 shows Ibat in three-space any plane through the origin
is a subspace. Also note thai for each positive integer n. R" is a subspace of itself and
{OJ is a subspace of R". We conclude this section with examples of subsels that are nOI

Ij 3 Let \V be the subset of R J defined by

IV ~ (x," ~ ~:
[ x, ,"dx, any real numbe,,}.

Show that \V is not a subspace of R).

3.2 Vector Space Properties or R" 173

tication of w.
(5h) ,,, (I. 2. 3)
e vector u +v ,,,
r ,,:~.
---------. (I. 2. 0)

Figun 3.7 A geometric representation of the subspace IV

(see Example 2)

Solution To show that IV is not a subspace of R', we need only verify that at least one of the
properties (~IHs3) of Theorem 2 fails. NOle Ihal geometrically IV can be interpreted
as the plane:; = I, which does not contain the origin. In other words, the zero vector.
8, is not in IV. Because condition (sl) of Theorem 2 is not mel. IV is not a subspace of
R', Although it is nOI necessary to do so. in this example we can also sho,"" that both
conditions (s2) and (s3) of Theorem 2 fail. To see this. let x and y be in IV, where

iiJUd. There-
[ x, ]
x= "7
Then x + ~' is given by

X, - ,., ]
x+~'= X1~Y1 '

• In particular, x - ~' is nOI in W _ because the third component of x + Ydoes not have the
I~ubspace of value 1. Similarly.
Ih the origin
,f 1l~lf and ax, ]
that are not ax = a;1 .

So if a i= I. then ax is not in IV. •

E\A\\PLE ,I Let IV be the subset of R 2 defined by

\V = Ix: x = [ :: ]. Xl and Xl any integers}.

Demonstrate that IV i<; not a subspace of R 2 •

174 Chaprer 3 The Veclor Space R"

Solution In this case 8 is in IV. and it is easy to see that if x and }' are in IV. then so is x + y, If
we set = "

x~[:] ~&'=I:I:

=- and a =J/2. then x is in IV but ax is not. Therefore. condition (s3) of Theorem 2 is nOi =J:I:
--met by IV. and hence IV is not a subspace of R2 , • = x
!..e Ji ~
r \A \\[JLI::: S Let IV be the subspace of R2 defined by
IV = {x; x = [
X, ] '
X2 where either XI = 0 or X2 = OJ. ,
tct ". be
Show that IV is not a subspace of R2.
Solution Let x and y be defined by

x=[~] ,nd J~[~l G,,"e.~

1lell" tet
Then x and)' are in IV, Bur

X+ J '=[:] Gne3~
is not in IV. so IV is nor a subspace of R2. Note that 8 is in Uf. and for any "ector x in
:1. let. aOC
IV and any scalar a. ax is again in IV. Geometrically, \V is the sel of points in the plane d.
thai lie either on the x-axis or on lhe J.axis. Eilher of lhese axes alone is a subspace of
R 2 • bul. as lhis example demonstrates. their union is not a subspace. • a'
"31 ~

E.ter.:!<.e ~ I. f
In Exercises 1--8. IV is a subset of R~ consisting of"ec· 7. IV = {x: xi +X2 = I}
lars of lhe fonn 8. IV = Ix: XjXl = OJ :2.. =
.~ [ x,x, ]
X • In Exercises 9-17. IV is a subset of R 3 consisting of
\cctors of the fonn
In each case detennine whether W is a subspace of Rl .
If '" is a subspace. Ihen give a geometric descriplion X~[::]. :3.• =
of IV. x,
I. IV = Ix: .(1 = 2x~J
In each case. detennine whethc,r IV is a subspace of R),
2. IV = Ix: Xl - X2 = 2J ~~.• =
If IV is a subspace. then give a geomclric description
J. IV = {lo:: Xl = X2 or .tj = -X2} of IV. LI

4. IV = {x: Xl and X2 are rational numbers} 9. IV = Ix: X] = lxl - X2)

5. IV = {x: Xl = OJ 10. IV = Ix: X2 =X] +Xl}

6. IV = Ix: lxll + IXII = O} 11. IV = Ix: XIX! = x31

3.2 Yectol' Space Properties of R" 175

~ '\: + y. If 12. \V = {x: Xl = 2x 31 = =

26. In R 4 , let x [I. -3. 2. I)T, Y [2, I. 3. 2jT. and
z = [-3. 2. -1,4jT. Seta = 2 andb = -3. illus-
13. IV = {x: .If =.11 +.121
trate that the ten properties ofTheorero I are satisfied
14. \V = {x: .12 = 01 by x, y. z, a. and b.
15. \V = {x: Xl = 2Xl, .12 = -.Ill 27. In R 2. suppose that scalar multiplication were de-
em2isnot 16, IV = Ix: Xl = .12 = 2Xli fined by

• 17. IV = {x: .12 =Xl =OJ

18. Let a be a fixed vector in RJ , and define IV to be the
ax ~a[ X, ]
~[ z"x, ]
subset of Rl given by
IV = {x: aTx =OJ, for e\'ery scalar a. Illustrate with specific examples
those properties of Theorem I that are not satisfied.
Prove that IV is a subspace of R3 .
28. Let
19, Let IV be the subspace defined in Exercise 18. where
l ~ 01
a~ [:

Give a geometric description for \V.

l IV = {x x = [ :: .12

In the statement of Theorem I, replace each occur-

rence of R~ with W. Illustrate with specific exam-
ples each of the ten properties of Theorem 1 that are
20. Let \V be the subspace defined in Exercise 18. where not satisfied.
29. In R]. a line through the origin is the set of all points

a=Ul in R] whose coordinates satisfy XI = at, .12 = bt,

and .13 = ct.whe~ r is a variable and u. b, and c are
not aU zero. Show that a line through the origin is a
Give a geometric description of IV. subspace of RJ •

21. Let a and b be fixed VKtOrs in R3 , and let IV be the 30. [f U and V are subsets of R". then the sel U + V is
the plane
subset of Rl defined b) defined by
p3Ce of
\V = {x: aTx = 0 and bTx =O}. U+V={x:x=u-,', uinU and ,'in VI .
• Prove thaI W is a subspace of RJ • Prove that if U and V are sUbspaces of R". then
U + V is a subspace of R".
In Exercises 22-25. W is the subspace of Rl defined in
Exercise 21. For each choice of a and b. give a geo~t­ 31. leI U and V be sUbspaces of R". Pro'e thai the
intersection. U n V. is also a subspace of R~.
ric description of IV.
32. Let U and V be the sUbspaces of Rl defined by

~lOg of
11a~[-J b~[-:] U = Ix: aT x = OJ and V = Ix: b T" = 01.

n.a~Ul b~[i] '~[i] ~d b~[J

~.a~[:J b~m
Demonstrate that the union. U U V, is not a subspace of
"eof RJ. R3 (sec Exe,rcise 18).
33. Let U and V be subspaces of R n .

15. a = Ul ~ -n b [
a) Show that the union, U U V. satisfies properties
(sl) and (s3) of Theorem 2.
b) If neither U nor V is a subset of the olher, show
that U U V does not satisfy condition (s2) of
176 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

Theorem 2. [Hint: Choose vectors u and y such 34. Let W be a nonempty subsel of R" thai satisfies con-
that u is in U but not in V and y is in V but not ditions (52) and (s3) of Theorem 2. Prove that 8 is in
in U. Assume that u + \' is in either U or V and Wand conclude that W is a subspace of R". (Thus
reach a contradiction.] property (s I) of Theorem 2 can be replaced with the
assumption thaI W is nonempIY.)

In this section we introduce several important and particularly useful examples of sub-
spaces of R".

The Span of a Suhset

To begin, recall that if VI ...• , \', are vectors in R", then a vector y in R" is a linear
combination of VI, ...• y" provided that there exist scalars al •... ,0, such that

y = alYI + ... +a,v,.

The next theorem shows that the set of all linear combinations of VI •...• V, is a
subspace of R".

Til rORE\\ 1 If VI •••.• V, are \'ectors in R". then the set \V consisting of all linear combinations of
VI ••••• V, is a subspace ofR".
Proof To show that \V is a subspace of R", we must verify that the three conditions of
Theorem 2 are satisfied. Now 8 is in W because

8 =OVI + ···+Ov,.
Jext, suppose that)' and 1 are in \V. Then lhere exist scalmal .... , a" bl ..... b, such

~'= a!vl + ... +a,v,


Y + 1 = (al + bdvi + ... + (a, + b,)v,.
so Y+ 1 is a linear combination of VI •...• v,: that is,)' + 1 is in W. Also, for any scalar
cy = (cailvi + ... + (ca,)v,.
In particular, C)' is in W. It follows from Theorem 2 that W is a subspace of R". •

If S = {VI t • • • • v, I is a subset of R" , then the subspace W consisting of all linear

combinations of Vl •... V, is called the subspace spanned by S and will be denoted by

SpeS) or Sp{VI .... ,V'}.

3.3 Examples of Subspaces 177

oil satisfies con-

For a single vector \' in RI!. Spiv} is the subspace
rmethat8isin Spiv} = {a\': a is any real number}.
e of R~. (Thus ,
- aced with the If v is a nonzero vector in R2 or R 3 • then Sp{\'} can be interpreted as the line determined
by v (see Fig. 3.8). As a specific example, consider

t'Jples of sub-
Figure 3.8
,~[ J

Spiv} ~ ~
{, [ i, ,ny ,,,1 numbe,}.
is a linear
that Thus Spiv} is the line with parametric equations
x = r
.. \', is a )' = 2r
z = 3r.
Equivalently, SpIv} is the line that passes through the origin and through the point with
'inations of coordinates J. 2, and 3 (see Fig. 3.9).

lflditions of : l

. b, such " (I. 2. 3)

V :_
r ,: J
-~~------ .. (I. 2. 0)

~ any scalar
Hgu" 39 Sp I[i ]I
If u and \' are noncollinear geometric vectors, then
R~. • Sp{u. v} = {au + bv: a. b any real numbers}
alllinear is the plane containing u and \' (see Fig. 3.10). The following example illustrates this
,~noted by case with a subspace of R 3.

178 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Rn

,.4 ,
, ,
,, ,,
au/ (lu+bv~ ,-
" ,,
, "
oIe' • • -------,"
\' bv

Figure 3.10 Sp[u. v)

EAM"IPLI::: 1 Let u and v be the three-dimensional vectors

U~[n V~[:J
, ~


Detennine IV = Sp{u. v) and give a geometric interpretation of W. A

Solutio" Let y be an arbitrary vector in R 3, where

y~ [~J
Then y is in IV if and only if there exist scalars Xl and X2 such that
y = Xlll +X2V, (I)

That is, y is in W if and only if there scalars Xl and Xl such that
Yl = 2Xl

)'2 = Xl + X2 (2)

)'3 = 2X2.

The augmented matrix for linear system (2) is

[ 20"']
I I Y2 ,
a 2 }'3

PtlYflCAL I\tPI\Eft~rrATIO~fOf'VECTOrv Tho v"'"' space wo,k of

Grassmann and Hamilton was distilled and popularized for the case of R 3 by a Yale University physicist,
Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903). Gibbs produced a pamphlet, "Elements of Vector Analysis," mainly
for the use of his students. In it, and subsequent articles, Gibbs simplified and improved Hamilton's work
in multiple algebras with regard to three-dimensional space. This led to the familiar geometrical
representation of vector algebra in terms of operations on directed line segmenlS,
3.3 Examples of Subspaces 179

and this matrix is row equivalent to the matrix

1 0 (I/2)Y,]
o 1 )'2 - (1/2»)', 13)
o 0 0/2))'3 + (l/2)YI - J2
, in echelon form. Therefore, linear system (2) is consistent if and only if (1/2).'1'1 - }'2 +
(1/2))'3 = 0, or equivalently, if and only if
)'1 - 2n + )'3 = O. (4)
•y Thus It! is the subspace given by

y, ]
" \V = Iy = )'2 :)'1 - 2)'2 + Y3 = OJ. (5)
Figure 3.11
A ponion of the plane It also follows from Eq. (5) that geomelrically \tI is the plane in three-space wilh equation
x~2)'+;:=O o
:c - 2)'+:: = (see Fig. 3.11). •

The Null Space of a Matrix

We no\\, introduce two subspaces that ha\e panicular relevance 10 the linear system of
equations Ax = b. where A is an (m x n) matrix. The first of these subspaces is called
the null space of A (or the kernel of A) and consists of all solutions of Ax = 8.

(1 )

O£:t-!" 1110' I Let A be an (m x n) matrix. The null spau of A (denoted X(A» is the set of
\'ectors in R" defined by

(ll ."(A) = {x: Ax = 8. x in R"}.

In words. the null space consists of all th~x§\lChthat Ax is the zero vector.
The next theorem shows that the null space of an (m x n) matrix A is a subspace of R".

£ lill ()I~1 \I ~ If A is an (m x n) matrix. then. '~(A) is a subspace of R"":'

Theorem 2 hold. Let 8 be the zero vector in R". Then
TOSilOWlliat Ii. (Alis a subspace of R". we must verify that the three conditions of

A8 =8. (6)
ysicist, and so 8 is in N(A). (Nole: In Eq. (6). the left 8 is in R" but the right 8 is in R"'.) Now
mainly let u and" be vectors in N(A). Then u and v are in R" and
's work
Au=8 and Av=8. (1)

To see that u + v is in !'I(A). we must test u + v against the algebraic specification of

N(A); that is, we must show that A(u +,"') -= 8. But it follows from Eq. (7) that
A(u + v) -= Au + A\' -= 8 + 8 -= 8,
180 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

and therefore u + v is in N(A). Similarly, for any scalar a. it follows from Eq. (7) that

A(au) = aAu = a8 = 9.

Therefore, au is in N(A). By Theorem 2. N(A) is a subspace of R n •

EX,.\,\1PLf 2 Describe N(A). where A is the (3 x 4) matrix

3 1]
1 5 4 .
2 4 -1

Solution N(A) is determined by solving the homogeneous system

Ax = 9. (8)

This is accomplished by reducing the augmented matrix [A 18]10 echelon form. It is

easy to verify that LA 181 is row equivalent to

u n
o 2 3
1 1 -2
o o 0
Solving the corresponding reduced system yields
Xl = -2x) - 3x-t
X2 = - X) + 2X4
as the solution to Eq. (8). Thus a veclor x in R 4 •

x ~ ~1

is in N(A) if and only if x can be wriuen in the form

-x) +2X4
[_2] [-3]
.\") . 1 0
4 0 1
where.\"3 and.\"4 are arbitrJry; thai is.

~ ~ X; [ ]+x'[-~l
N(A) Ix x .\") and.\"4 any real numbers}. ..
3.3 Examples of Subspaces 181

f7Hhar As the next example demonstrates. the fact that ...\ "(A) is a subspace can be used to
show that in three-space e\'el) plane through the origin is a subspace.

• L\.\\\PLE] Verify that any plane through the origin in R 3 is a subspace of R3.
Solution The equation of a plane in three-space through the origin is
+ by + c.;; = 0,
where a. b. and c are specified constants not all of which are zero. Now. Eq. (9) can be
~ritten as

Ax =8.

where A is a (I x 3) matrix and x is in R3 :

II i~

A ~ I. b cJ ood x = [ J
Thus x is on the plane defined by Eq. (9) if and only if x is in N(A). Since N(A)
is a subspace of R3 by Theorem 4. any plane through the origin IS a subspace
~R3. •

The Range of a Matrix

Another important subspace associated with an (m x n) matrix A is the rallge of A.
defined as follows.

OH1'ITIO' 2. Let A be an (m x 11) matrix. The ra1lge of A (denoted 'R(A)] is the set of \'ectors
in Rill defined by

'R(A) = b:)' = Ax for some x in R~J.

In words. the range of A consists of the set of all vectors y in R'" such that the linear

Ax = Y

is consistent. As another way to view R(A). suppose that A is an (m x n) matrix. We

can regard multiplication by A as defining a function from W to Rm. In this sense. as x
varies through R~. the set of all vectors
• y = Ax

produced in R'" constitutes the "range" of the function.

182 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

We saw in Section 1.5 (see Theorem 5) that if the (m x II) matrix A has colu
At, A 2 , .... A" and if

then the matrix equation

Ax =y

is equivalent to the vector equalion

XtAt + X2A2 + ... + xnA" = y.

Therefore, it follows that

R(A) = Sp{A t .A2..... All}'

By Theorem 3, Sp{AJ, A 2, ... ,All} is a subspace of R m . (This subspace is also called

the columll space of matrix A.) Consequently, R(A) is a subspace of R m , and we ha\~
proved the following theorem.

Til I OIU- \\ ~
+-J If A is an (III x II) matrix and if R(A) is the range of A. then R(A) is a subspace
of~. •
The next example illustrates a way to give an algebraic specification for R(A).

I \, ,\PI r I Describe the range of A. where A is the (3 x 4) matrix

3 1]
1 5 4 .
2 4 -1

Solurion Let b be an arbitrary vector in R 3.

b~ [:J
Then b is in R.(A) if and only if the system of equations
Ax = b

is consistent. The augmented matrix for the system is

1 3 1
-1 ::
b, ]

3.3 Examples of Subsp8ces 183

which is equivalent to
4 has columns

0 2 3 b,-b, ]
1 1 -2 2b 1 -b2 .
0 0 0 -3bl +b2+ b 3
It follows that Ax = b has a solution [or equivalently, b is in 'R(A)} if and only if
-3b l + b~ + bJ =O. or b3 =
3b 1 - b2, where hi and b2 are arbitrary. Thus

7«A) = Ib, b = [ :: ]
3b 1 - b1,

= b, [ ~ ] + b, [ -:J b, ,nd b, aoy ",1 n"m~,,). -

~ also called The Row Space of a Matrix

j.nd we ha\e ~~' If A is an (m x n) matrix with columns AI. A 2..... A~. then we have already defined
LJl"'Ao the column space of A 10 be

t 'CIAI. -
~ubspace f/vJ ~tA

•. Jo~wl1
'" Sp{AI.A2 ..... A~} .

In a similar fashion. the rows of A can be regarded as vectors ai, a2' ... , a.. in R~, and
the row space of A is defined to be

Sp{al.a2 ..... a.. }.

For example. if

then the row space of A is Sp{a\. all. where

al = II 2 3J and 82 = [1 0 1].

The following theorem shows that row-equivalent m8lrices have the same row space.

TUEOI\(\\ b Let A be an (m x n) matrix. and suppose thai A is row equivalent to the (m x 11)
matrix B. Then A and B have the same row space. -
The proof of Theorem 6 is given at the end of this section. To illustrate Theorem 6,
let A be the (3 x 3) matrix
1 -1

A= [ ~ -: :]
184 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R-

By perfonning the elementary row operations R2 - 2R 1, R3 - RI . R 1+ R2•and R3 -2R:

we obtain the matrix

1 0
1 2
o 0 0
By Theorem 6, matrices A and 8 have the same row space. Clearly the zero row of E
contributes nothing as an element of the spanning SCI, so the row space of B is Sp{b l , b:
bl ::: [1 0 3] and b2::: [0 I 2].
If the rows of A are denoted by 3]. 82. and 83. then
Sprat. 82. 83}::: Sp{b]. b2J.
More generally. given a subset S ::: {"j ....• "", 1of Rn , Theorem 6 allows us to obtai.::.
a "nicer" subset T ::: {WI •••.. Wk} of R" such that Sp(S)::: Sp(T). The next example
illustrates mis.

\ \ ,\PI Ie") Let S ::: {VI, \'2, \'3, V4} be a subset of R 3. where

"I ~ [ : l v, = [ : l ~ [-:l ~d v,

Show that there exists a set T = {WI. W2) consisting of two veclQrs in R3 such that
v, = [ _; l
SpeS) = Sp(T).
Solutio" Let A be the (3 x 4) matrix
A = [VI, v2. vJ, V41:
that is.

] .

The matri:'l: AT is the (4 x 3) matrix

T _
I 32 51]
A _ ,
[2 I 4-5
and the row vectors of AT are precisely the vectors "f, ,'r t vf, and vI. It is straightfor-
ward to see that AT reduces to Ihe matri:'l:

T _
1 0 7]
0 1-3
B -
[0000 0 0 .
3.3 Examples or Subspaces 185

and R3-2R1.
So. by Theorem 6. AT and B T have the same row space. Thus A and B have the same
column space, where

uro row of B
is 5p{b]. b:ll.
In particular. 5p(S) = Sp(T), where T =

{WI. W2},
o n
w, ~ U] aod W, ~ [ -;] ~

~ us to obtain
Proof of Theorem 6 (Optional)
pt'u example
Assume that A and Bare row·equivalenl (m x n) matrices. Then there is a sequence of

, such that
A = AI.A1, ... ,Ak_I,A,t = B

such that for 2 :5 j ~ k, A j is obtained by performing a single elementary row operalion

on Aj _ l . It suffices, then. 10 show that Aj_1 and A j have the same row space for each
j. 2 :5 j :5 k. This means thai it is sufficient to consider only the case in which B is
oblained from A by a single elementary row operation.
Let A have rows 81 .... , a",; that is, A is the (m x n) mauix



where each ai is a (l x n) row vector;

a; = [ail ai2 ... a,~].

Clearly the order of the rows is immaterial: that is, if B is obtained by interchanging the
jth and kth rows of A,



186 Chapter 3 The Yeetor Space R-

then A and B ha\ e the same row space because

Sp{al' .... a J . . . . . 8t- .... a",} = Sp{al' .... at- .... aj' .... a",}.
Next. suppose that B is oblained by performing the row operalion Rt + C Rj on A; thu~


at + C8j

If lhe vector x is in Ihe row space of A. then there exist scalars bl ..... b". such that
x = b18, + ... .,-bJaJ + ... -b t 8j; _ ... +h"'a.... 10
The vector equation (10) can be rewritten as
x = biB. _ ... + (bJ - cbt)a J _ ••. + bj;(llt - ca J ) ... ••• + b",a",.
and hence x is in the row space of B. Conversel)'. if the \'eetor)' is in the row space of
B, then theTe exist scalars d., ' ... d", such that
.Y = dl81 + ... + djaJ + ... -dt(at + eaj) +, .. + dill&"'. (1~

But Eq. (12) can be rearranged as

y = dial + ···+(dJ +cdt)aj +···-dt84 + ... + d",8", , (U,
so Yis in the row space of A. Therefore, A and B have the same row space.
The remaining case is the one in which B is obtained from A by multiplying the jth
row by the nonzero scalar c. This case is left as Exercise 54 at the end of this section.

Exercises 1-11 refer to lhe \'eclOl"S in Eq. (14). 7. S = {b. e} 8. S = {a. b. d}

a ~[ _: l b ~[ -: l ,~[ -: l 9, S= {b,c,d}
11, S = {a. c, e}
10. S = lao b. e}

Exercises 12-19 refer (0 the \CClors in Eq. (15).

In Exercises 1-11. either shoy. that SpeS) = R~ or gi,-e
an algebraic specification for SpeS). If Sp(S) #= R~.
[J w~ -:J x~ J
v~ [ [

y~ [=n ,~U]
then give a geometric description of SpeS).
I. s ~ {al 2. S ~ {bl 3. s ~ I.)
4. S = {a. b} 5. S = lao dl 6. S = lao cl (IS)
3.3 Examples or Subspaces 187

In Exercises 12-19. either show that Sp(S) = R) or give In Exercises 26-37. give an algebraic specification for
an algebraic specification for SpeS). If Spes) "1= R). the null space and the range of the given matrix A.

[ 1-2 ] [-I 3]
then gi\'e a geometric description of SpeS).
12. s= (vI 13. S= (wI 26. A = 27. A =
l .. on A; thus. -3 6 2 -6
14.S=(v.wl IS.S=(v.xl

28.A=[: ~] 29.A=[~~]
16.S=I\'.w.xl 17.S=(w,x.zl
IS.S=(v.w.z} 19.5=(w,x.YI

20. Let S be the set given in Exercise 14. For each vec-
tor given below. determine whether the vector is in 1 -I
30.A= [ 2-1 31. A = 1 2 ']
SpeS). Express those vectONi lhilt are in SpeS) as a [ 3 6 4
linear combination of "and w.

uch that
.) [ : ] b) [ J ,) [~ ] 32.A~ [i ;] 33A=[~~]
I 2 3]
I -, ']

( II)

space of
d)[:] 0[:] 34. A =
2 -3
1 0
[ 2 2 10

21. Repeat Exercise 20 for the set 5 gh en in Exer- o -I ]

cise 15.
H. Determine which oflhe \ectors listed in Eq. (14) is
36.A=[ -; 1

in the null space of the matrix
I 2

A~[: :] 37. A =
2 5
I 3
seCtion. 23. Determine which of the "ectOT'llisted in Eq. (1-1) is 38. Let A be the matrix given in Exercise 26.
in the null space of the matrix
a) For each "ector b that follo....s. determine

l , .... hether b is in 'R(A).

A~U : b) Ifb is in "R.(A). then exhibit a vector x: in R 2

such that Ax: = b.
c) If b is in R(A). then write b as a linear
combination of the columns of A.
24. Determine which of the vectors listed in Eq. (15) is

in the null space of the matrix
A = [-2 I I).
])b=[_:] ~b~[-:]

25. Determine which of the vectors listed in Eq. (15) is
in the null space of the matrix JU)b: [ : ] ~b~[~]
1-I 0]
A =
[ 2 -I
3 -5 -2
')b~[_~] ~b=[:]
( 15)
188 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

39. Repeat Exercise 38 for the matrix A given in Exer- 45. Let 5 be the set of vectors given in Exercise 17.
cise 27. Exhibit a matrix A such that Sp(S) = R(A).
40. Let A be the matrix given in Exercise 34. In Exercises 46--49. use the technique illustrated in Ex-
a) For each vector b that follows. detennine ample 5 to find a set T = (WI. W2) consisting of two
whether b is in R(A). vectors such that SpeS) = Sp(T).
b) If b is in R(A), then exhibit a vector x in R 3
such that Ax = b.
c) If b is in R(A), then write b as a linear
combination of the columns of A.
i)b ~ U] ii)b~ [J 47 s H_~ H-~ ]I
~ \ [ -;
iii)b~[;] i,) b~ [ ; ] 48. h ![~ H~~ H;H-:]I
,)b~ U] ,i)b~ [n 49. S ~ l[ ~ H:H:J[-: ]I
SO. Identify the range and the null space for each of the
41. Repeat Exercise 40 for the matrix A given in Exer-
cise 35.
a) The (n x II) identity matrix
42. Let
b) The (II x II) zero matrix
\V~{y~[ -Xl + 4X2 - 2X3
2Xl - 3X2 X, ]
c) Any (II x n) nonsingular matnx A
: Xl, X2, X, real}.
51. Let A and B be (n x 11) matrices. Verify that
2XI+ X2+ 4x, N(A) nN(B) S; N(A + B).
Exhibit a (3 x 3) matrix A such that W = R(A). 52. Let A be an (m x r) matrix and B an (r x II) matrix.
Conclude that W is a subspace of R'. a) Show that N(B) S; N(AB).
43. Lei b) Show that R(AB) S; R(A).
53. Let W be a subspace of R n . and let A be an (m x II)
W={x= [ : : ]:3XI-4X2+2X3=O}. matrix. Let V be the subset of R ffl defined by
X3 V = {y: y = Axforsomexin WI.
Exhibit a (I x 3) matrix A such that IV = N(A). Prove that V is a subspace of Rffl •
Conclude that W is a subspace of R 3. 54. Let A be an (III x II) matrix, and let B be obtained by
44. Let S be the set of vectors given in Exercise 16. multiplying the kth row of A by the nonzero scalarc.
Exhibit a matrix A such that Sp(S) = R(A) . Prove that A and B have the same row space.


Two of the most fundamental concepts of geometry are those of dimension and the
use of coordinates to locate a point in space. In this section and the nex.t, we extend
these notions to an arbitrary subspace of Rn by introducing the idea of a basis for a
3.4 Bases for Subspaces 189

~Urclse ,- subspace. The first pan of this section is devoted to developing the definition of a basis.
":t I and in the latter part of the section. we present techniques for obtaining bases for the
rated in Ex- subspaces introduced in Section 3.3. We will consider the concept of dimension in
ling of [\\0 Section 3.5.
An example from R 2 will serve to illustrate the transition from geometry 10 algebra.
We have already seen that each vector \' in R 2•

v ~ [ : l (I)

can be interpreted geometrically as the point with coordinates a and b. Recall that in R2
the vectors el and e2 arc defined by

e,~[~] .nd e'~[~l

Clearly the vector \' in (1) can be expressed uniquely as a linear combination of e, and
v = ael + b~. (2)

]) 2
As we will see later. the set Ie" e2} is an example of a basis for R (indeed. it is called
the lIatural basis for R 2). In Eq. (2), the vector \' is detennined by the coefficients
-h of tl1c a and b (see Fig. 3.12). Thus the geometric concept of characterizing a point by its
coordinates can be interpreted algebraically as detennining a vector by itS coefficientS
when the ,ector is expressed as a linear combination of "basis" vectors. (In facl. the
coefficients obtained are often referred to as the coordinates of the vector. This idea
will be developed fuoher in Chapter 5.) We rum now to the task of making these ideas
precise in the context of an arbitrary subspace \V of R" .

(b, L ++ ~a. b)

.m ,.

~~·a ~
b) ae,
\' = ael ..... be~
• Figure 3.12

Spanning Sets
lnd the Let \V be a subspace of R". and let S be a subset of \V. The discussion above suggests
IC1[Cend that the first requirement for 5 to be a basis for \V is that each vector in \V be expressible
~ for a as a linear combination of the vectors in S. This leads to the following definition.

190 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

DEFt" n 10' J Let W be a subspace of R n , and let S = {WI ••.. , wml be a subset of W. We say
that S is a spanning set for \V. or simply that S spans W. if every ..ector w in W
can be expressed as a linear combination ofveclors in S:

w=a\,,', +··'TQ",W.,.

A restatement of Definicion 3 in the notation of the previous section is that 5 is a

spanning set of W provided that SpeS) = W. It is evident that the set S = feJ, e2. e31.
consisting of the unit vectors in R J • is a spanning set for R J • Specifically. if v is in RJ.

then v = ael + be2 + eeJ.

The next two examples consider other subsets of RJ.

f\ \\\NL 1 In R).let S = {UI. U2. u31. where

"1= [ - ] ", = [ -n, and ", = [ ~ l

Detennine whether S is a spanning set for R 3.
SQll/tiol/ We must detennine whether an arbitrary vector ,. in RJ can be expressed as a linear
combination of Ul. U2. and U3. in other words. we must decide whether the veclor

+ X2U~ + X3U3 = V.

where v is the vector in (3), always has a solution. The vector equation (4) is equivalent
to the (3 x 3) linear system with the matrix equation

Ax = v. (5)

where A is the (3 x 3) malrix A = [UI' U2. U3]. The augmented matrix for Eq. (5) is

[AI'l~[ -l :J
-2 I
3 2
I 4
and this matrix is row equivalent to

0 0 lOa+9b-7C]

U 0
I 0
-a -b+c
3.4 Bases for Subspaces 191

· U'.We say Therefore.

'torwin W
Xl = lOa + 9b - 7c
X2= 4a+4b-3c
XJ = -a - b + c

is the solution of Eq. (4). In particular, Eq. (4) always has a solution, so 5 is a spanning
m~RJ. _

= lel.e•. eJ}. E\\\\PLl 2 LetS = {\'I.Vl.VJJ be the subsetofR J defined by

Ul il
IfvlsinR J •

(3) v, = v, ~ [~l and v, ~ [

Does S span RJ ?
of RJ.
Solutioll Let \' be the vector given in Eq. (3). As before, the vector equation
XlVI -l- Xl\'l + xJ\'J = \' (6)

is equivalent to the (3 x 3) system of equations

Ax = \'. (7)

where A = [vI. V2, \'J]' The augmented matrix for Eq. (7) is

[AI'I~ U o
-I 2
Fd as a Ii near
Itt the \-eclor -7 o
and the matrix [A I\'1is row equivalem to
I 0 7/2
'" [
o 1 3/2
-0 ...... (I/2)b
o 0 0 -70 +2b-c
(5) It follows that Eq. (6) has a solution if and only if -70 - 2b - c = O. In panicular, S
does not span R3. Indeed.
Eq. (5) is

SpeS) ~ {,.". ~ [ : l wh,.e - 7. + 2b + c = O}.

For example, the vector

is in R3 but is not in SpeS); that is. w cannot be expressed as a linear combination of VI.
~,and~. _
192 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R II

The next example illustrates a procedure for constructing a spanning set for the null
space. N(A), of a matrix A.

E\ \ '\Ill r 3 Let A be the (3 x 4) matrix

) I]
2 4 -I

Exhibit a spanning set for ...'~(A). the null space of A.

Solutio" The firs[ Step toward obtaining a spanning set for N(A) is 10 obtain an algebraic
specification for N(A) by solving the homogeneous system Ax = 9. For the given
matrix A, this was done in Example 2 of Section 3.3. Specifically,

- 2X 3-)X']
+ 2x4
.V(A) = {x: x = XJ . Xl and x~ any real numbers}.
[ x,
Thus a vector x in .,r(A) is totally determined by me unconstrained parameters XJ and
X.t. Separating mose parameters gives a decomposition of x:

-2-" -)x,
-XJ.U4 ] [ --2x,
XJ ] [ -lx,
h 4] [ -I
-2 ] [ -)2 ]
x= = + =X3 +X4 .(8)
x3 X3 0 I 0
X4 0 X.t 0 I

Let Ul and U2 be the vectors

u, =
-2 ]
~d u, ~
[ -) ]

By setting X3 = I and .1'4 = 0 in Eq. (8). we obtain u" so Ul is in X(A). Similarly,

U2 can be obtained by setting X3 = 0 and X4 = I. so U2 is in Ar(A). Moreover, it is an
immediate consequence of Eq. (8) that each vector x in }leA) is a linear combination
of Ul and U2. Therdore. N(A) = Sp{Uj. U2}: that is. {Ul. til} is a spanning set for
N(A). •

The remaining subspaces introduced in Section 3.3 were either defined or character-
ized by a spanning set. If S = {VI ••••• "r} is a subset of R". for instance, men obviously
S is a spanning set for SpeS). If A is an (m x n) matrix,

A = [At •...• AIlJ.

3,4 Bases for Subspaces 193

et for the null then. as we saw in Section 3.3, (AJ, ... , An} is a spanning set for'R.(A), the range of A.
Finally, if

where a/ is the ;th-row vector of A, then, by definition, {at. ... , am} is a spanning set
for the row space of A.

Minimal Spanning Sets

1m algebraic
III" the given If lV is a subspace of R", W i= {O}, then spanning sets for W abound. For example. a
vector v in a spanning set can always be replaced by av, where a is any nonzero scalar.
It is easy 10 demonstrate, however, that not all spanning sets are equally desirable. For
example, define u in R 2 by

u~ [ : l
The set S = {el,~, u} is a spanning set for R 2. Indeed, for an arbitrary vector" in Rl ,
-ers Xj and
,= [:l
-3]~ ,',
\' = (0 - c)el - (b - c)el -r CU, where C is any real number whatsOever. But the subset
{el. ell already spans R 1, so the vector u is unnecessary.
Recall that a set {VI •...• v",} of vectors in R" is linearly independent if the vector
XI\'I-r"'+X",Y", =9 C9,
has only the trivial solution Xl = ... = x'" = 0; ifEq. (9) has a nontrivial solution. then
the set is linearly dependent. The set S = lei, el. ul is linearly dependent because
el-r e2- u =9.
Our nexl example illustrates that a linearly dependent set is not an efficient spanning set:
Ihat is, fewer vectors will span the same space.

I Similarly. I \,.\\lPll ~ LetS={VI,Vl,Vj}bethesubsetofR 3 ,where

[:l J :l
er, it is an

~ ~

:g set for

v, = v, [ ; 'nd v, [

Show that S is a linearly dependent set. and exhibit a subset T of S such that T contains
only two vectors but Sp(T) = SpeS).
Solution The vector equation
Xl VI + X2V! + X3V, = 8 ( 10)
194 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R~

is equivalent to the (3 x 3) homoge,neous system of equations with augmented matrix

[ I 3 5 0
I I I 0

Matrix A is row equivalent to

1 2
o 0
in echelon form. Solving the system with augmented matrix B gives

Xl = X3

X2 = -2X3.

Because Eq. (10) has nontrivial solutions. the set S is linearly dependent. Taking X3 = I.
for example. gi\'es x. = I. Xl = -2. Therefore.
\'1 - 2\'2 + v) = 8. (11 )

Equation (11) allows us to express \'3 as a linear combination of VI and \'2:

\'3 = -VI + 2\'2'
(!'\OIe lhal we could juSt as easily have soh'ed Eq. (11) for either \', or \'2.) It now follows
Sp{v], \'2) = SP{VI. "2, v31.
To illustrate. let \' be in the subspace SP{VI. vl. V3}:
v = o,v. + al"l + a3\'3.
~1aking the substitution V3 = -\', + 2Vl. yields
\' = aivi + 0lV2 + a3( -VI + 2\'2).
This expression simplifies to
v = (al - a3)v. T (al + 2a3}Vl:
in panicular. \' is in SP{VI. \'2). Clearly any linear combination of \'1 and \'2 is in Sp(S)
b,vI + b2V2 = blv, + b 2\'2 + 0"3.
Thus if T = {VI. \'l}. then Sp(T) = SpeS).

The lesson to be drawn from Example 4 is thai a linearly dependent spanning set
contains redundant infonnation. That is, if 5 = (w, .... , w,} is a linearly dependent
spanning set for a subspace W, then at least one vector from S is a linear combination of
the other r - I vectors and can be discarded from S to produce a smaller spanning set.
On the other hand. if B = {\'" ... , VIII} is a linearly independent spanning set for W.
lhen no vector in B is a linear combination of the other m - 1 \"ectO~ in B. Hence if a
3.4 Bases for Subspaces 195

vector is removed from B, this smaller sel cannOI be a spanning sel for \V (in particular.
~nted matrix the veclor removed from B is in \V but cannot be expressed as a linear combinalion
of the vectors retained). In this sense a linearly independent spanning sel is a minimal
spanning sel and hence represents the mosl efficient way of characterizing the subspace.
This idea leads to the following definition.

Dft-1'\lrlO\, ,I lei W be a nonzero subspace of R". A basis for W is a linearly independent

spanning sel for IV.

Note Ihat the zero subspace of R". IV = {B}. contains only the vector B. Although
it is the case that (B) is a spanning set for IV, Ihe set {B} is linearly dependent. Thus the
concept of a basis is not meaningful for \V = {B}.

gX3 = I, Uniqueness of Representation

lei B = {"I. "2 ..... v p } be a basis for a subspace W of R~. and lei x be a veclor in W.
(II) Because B is a spanning set. we know that then: are scalars 01. a2 • •.. . op such Ihat
x= al"\ + 02"2 + ... + 0l"'p- 12)

Because B is also a linearly independent set. v. e can show Ihal the representation of x in
Eq. (12) is unique. That is. if we have any n:prescmalion of the fonn x = hi VI + h2"2 +
follows ... + bp"p.lhen al = bl. 02 =~ ..... a p = hp- To eSlablish lhis uniqueness. suppose
thai bJ, b2 . .... b p are any scalars such thai
x = h 1"l + h2 "2 + ... + bp"p,
Subtracting the preceding equalion from Eq. (12). we obtain
8= (al - hl)"1 + (a2 - b2)V2 + ... + (a p - bp)"p,
Then, using the factthat vpJ is linearly independent. we see thai OJ -hi = O.
{"~I. "2 .... ,
a2 - ~ = O..... a p - bp = O. This discussion of uniqueness leads 10 the following
Remork lei B = (VI. v2 ..... v p ) be a basis for W, where \V is a subspace of RI!. If
x is in W. then x can be represented uniquely in terms of the basis B. Thai is. there are
unique scalars al. 02 •.... 01' such that
in SpeS)
x= 01"1 -02"2 + ... -0,."1"
As we see later. these scalm are called Ihe coordinates of x with respect to the basis.

Examples of Bases

II is easy 10 show that Ihe unil "ceIOTS

·,=Ul "~ [!l 'Od "~ [n

196 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

constitute a basis for R3 . In generaL the II-dimensional vectors el. e2 .... , e" form a
basis for R", frequently called the natural basis.
In Exercise 30, the reader is asked to use Theorem 13 of Section 1.7 to prove that
any linearly independent subset B = {Vj. V2. ,')} of R J is actually a basis for R 3, Thus.
for example, the vectors

"~Ul '2 ~ [il ond "~ [ : ]

provide another basis for R3 .

In Example 3. a procedure for detennining a spanning set for N(A), the null space
of a matrix A, was illustrated. Note in Example 3 that the spanning set {Ul. Ul} obtained
is linearly independent so it is a basis for NCA). Oftentimes. if a subspace W of R" has
an algebraic specification in tenns of unconstrained variables. the procedure illustrated
in Example 3 yields a basis for W. The next example provides another illustration.

EXA\\PLf 5 Let A be the (3 x 4) matrix given in Example 4 of Section 3.3. Use the algebraic
specification of R(A) derived in that example to obtain a basis for R(A).
Solution In Example 4 of Section 3,3, the range of A was determined to be

R(A) = {b b = [ :: ]. b l and b2 any real numbers].

3b l - b2

Thus b l and b2 are unconstrained variables, and a vector b in R(A) can be decomposed


b ~ [
3b 1
- b2
] ~ ~
3b l
] +[ ~,] =
b, [ ~
] + b, [ ~]
. (BI

If Ul and U2 are defined by

u, ~ U] ond U ~ [ -:J
then UI and U:l are in R(A). One can easily check that {Uj. U2} is a linearly independent
set. and it is evident from Eq. (13) that R(A) is spanned by Ul and U2. Therefore,
[UI. U:l} is a basis for R(A). •
The previous example illustrates how to obtain a basis for a subspace W, given
an algebraic specification for W. The last two examples of this seclion illustrate two
different techniques for constructing a basis for W from a spanning set.
3.4 Bases Cor Subspaces 197

· e~ fonn a D..\\\PlC b lei \V be the subspace of R4 spanned by the set S = (\'\. \'2. V). V4. v51, where

to prove Ihal
for R J . Thus.

v, [ ) l ~ tl -J v, [ "= [

v, = [ _ ~l ~ n 'nd v, [

Find a subset of S that is a basis for \V.

Solution The procedure is suggested by Example 4. The idea is to solve the dependence relation
XIVI-~~+~~+~~+~~=8 114)

algebraic and then determine which of the Vj'S can be eliminaled. If V is the (4 x 5) matrix

v= [\'1. V2. v). V4. vs1.

then the augmemed matrix (V 8J reduces 10

0 -2 0 1
1 3 0 2

0 f] (IS)

The system of equations with augmented matrix (15) has solution

1 XI = 2x) - Xs ?
X2 = -3x) - 2,rs 3 (16)
1.j""O b
X4 = xs.
, - 0
where xJ and Xs are unconstrained variables. In panicular. the set S is linearly dependent.
:\1oreover. taking XJ = J and Xj = 0 yields x\ = 2, X2 = -3. and X4 = O. Thus
Eq. (14) becomes
2\'1 - 3\"2 + \') = 9, (171

Since Eq. (17) can be solved for "J.

\'J = ~2"1 ..j.. 3"2.
it follows that v) is redundam and can be remo\ed from Ihe spanning set. Similarly.
setting x) = 0 and Xs = I gh'es .1'\ = ~ L X2 = -2. and .1'4 = I. In this case, Eq. (14)
-\'1 ~ 2"2 + V4 + v! = 8.
198 Chapter 3 The Veclor Space R"

and hence

V5 = \'1 T 2\"2 - \'4.

Since both V3 and Vs are in Splvi' V2. v~l. it follows (as in Example 4) thai VI, \'2. anc.
\'~ span w.
To see that the set {"J, V2. v~1 is linearly independent. nOie that the dependen,,;c

Xl\'] T XlV! + .t~\'4 = 8

is JUSt Eq. (14) with \'~ and Vs removed. Thus the augmented matrix ["I. V2. v418]. for
Eq. (18) reduces to

oJ 0 0
[ o 00 01 00 .

which is matrix (15) with the third and fifth columns removed. From matrix (19). it i"
clear that Eq. (18) has only the lrivial solution: so {\'l' \'2. \'~} is a linearly independent
set and therefore a basis for W. •
The procedure demonstrated in the preceding example can be outlined as follo\\-,,:

I. A spanning set 51\'1 ... " \'",} for a subspace IV is ghen.

1. Solve the ,ector equation
XlVI + ",+x.v", =8.
3. If Eq. (20) has only the trivial solution XI = ... = x'" = O. then 5 is a Iinearl~
independent set and hence is a basis for tv.
4. If Eq. (20) has nontrivial solutions. then there are unconstrained variables. For
, each:rJ thai is designated as an unconstrained \'anable, delete the \'ector \'j from
the set S. The remaining vectors constitute a basis for w.

Our final technique for constructing a basis uses Theorem 7.

TIIEORl\\ - If the nonzero matrix A is row equivalent to the matrix B in echelon form, then the
nonzero rows of B form a basis for the row space of A.

Proof B} Theorem 6. A and B ha\e the same row space, II follows that the nonzero rows of
B span Ihe row space of A. Since the nonzero rows of an echelon matrix are Iinearl}
independent vectors. it follows thallhe nonzero rows of B form a basis for the row space
ofA. •

r \.\ \\PLE - Let IV be the subspace of R 4 gi\cn in Example 6. Use Theorem 7 to construct a basis
for IV.
3.4 Bases (or Subspaces 199

Solution As in Example 6. let V be the (4 x 5) matrix

, . "~. and y = [VI. V2. "3. V~. "3].

ikpendence Thus \V can be viewed as the row space of the matrix yT. where

1 1 2 -1

,~ 8J.
" for V' = I
4 -1
1 1
1 0 4 -1
2 5 0 2

'9 Since yT is row equivalenllo the matrix

1 0 0 -9
0 I 0 4
119). it is
pendent B' ~ I0 0 1 2
• 0 0 0 0
iollO\H: 0 0 0 0

in echelon form. it follows from Theorem 7 that tbe nonzero rows of BT form a basis
for the row space of yT. Consequently the nonzero columns of

la Iinearl~ o' 0I 00 00 00 ]
• B~

,Ie, For [
o 0 I 0 0
,. from ~9 4 2 0 0

are a basis for W. Specifically. the set {Ul. u~. U3) is a basis of W. where

then the

fOVo.) of
u, [ j1 ~ ~ 1~d u, [ ~
u, [ !1 •
'p3.ce The procedure used in the preceding example can be summarized as follows:
• 1. A spanning set 5 := {"I ..... VIII} for a subspace W of R" is given.
~ 3 basi!> 2. Let Y be the (n x m) matrix Y := l"! .... \'",]. Use elementary row operations
to transform V T to a matrix aT in echelon form.
3. The nonzero columns of B are a basis for lv.
200 Chapter 3 The Veclor Space R"

In Exercises 1-8. let W be the subspace of R4 consisting
of vectors of the fonn

,=[J 0) ,= [ -~] b), = [ _ i]

Find a basis for IV when the components of x satisfy the
given conditions.
1. XI TX2-X3 =0
,) , = [ ~ ] d) , = [ ~~ ]

X2 -X4=0 In Exercises 11-16:

2. XI + X2 - X3 + X4 = 0 a) Find a matrix 8 in reduced echelon form such that
Xl - 2.\) -X4 =0 8 is row equivalent to the given matrix A.
3. XI -Xl +X3 -3X4 =0 b) Find a basis for the null s~ of A.
4. x] - x2 - x) = 0 c) As in Example 6. find a basis for the range of A that
5.x] +X2 =0 consists of columns of A. For each column, Aj. of
6,Xl-Xl =0 A that does not appear in the basis. express AJ as a
linear combination of the basis vectors.
X2-2x) =0
X3- X 4=0 d) Exhibit a basis for the row space of A.
7. -x] +2xl -X4 =0

1I.A~[: 1 0
Xl-X' =0 3 -I ]
5 8 -2
8,XI- X 2 - X 3 - X 4=0
X2+X) =0 2
9. Let IV be the subspace described in Exercise I. For
each veclor Xthai follows, determine if x is in \V. If
x is in \V, then express x as a linear combination of
[I 1
12, A = I I
the basis vectors found in Exercise I. 2 3

~ i] U
0) , [ b) ,= [ - 1 0] 5 3 -I
13. A= o 2 2
1-I 1

,) , = [j iJ d), = [ 14. A =[22 0]

2 I
2 3 0

10. Let \V be the subspace deo;crjbed in Exercise 2. For

each vector x that follows, delermine if x is in IV.
IS, A = [ '2 4, 1I ]
If x is in IV, then express x as a linear combination
of the basis vectors found in Exercise 2. 362
3.4 Bases for Subspaces 201

'J 27. Let S = {\'J. \'2. "Jl. where

16..-1.= 22 2I 1
2 3 0
-. Cse the technique illustrated in Example 7 10 obtain " =[ '0 =[ =:J "d

a basis for the range of A. where A is the matrix
given in Exercise 11
Repeat Exercise 17 for the matrix given in Exer-
cise 12.
19. Repeat Exercise 17 for the matrix given in Exer-
'0 = [ -J
Show thaI S is a linearly dependent sel. and verify
cise 13.
thatSp{\'J. \'2· \'31 = Sp{vl,v2l,
~. Repeat Exercise 17 for the matrix gi\'en in Exer-
28, Let S = {v]. \'2, v31. where
cise 14.

~_SUCh that
Exercises 21-24 for the given set 5:
.' Find a subset of 5 that is a basis for Sp(S) using Ihe
" = [ l ~ '0 = [ ~ l "d

.,=[ -: l
technique illustrated in Example 6.

b' Find a basis for Sp(S) using the technique
eOfAth31 illustrated in Example 7.

Ol.h![: H~]l
• A .of Find every subset of S thaI is a basis for R2.
A. asa
29. Let 5 = (VI. \'2, V3, ".. 1, .... here

1Lh![:H:H:]1 "~ [il '0 = [ =:J

D.s=![iH][;JtJ! , "= [-;J '"d ", = [ =: l
~s=l[ -iH~;Hj[ -nl
Find e\ery subset of 5 that is a basis for R).
30, ut B = {VI, "2, ")1 be a seloflinearly independent
vectors in R), Prove that B is a basis for R3. [Hint:
Use Theorem 13 of Section 1.7 to show that B is a
spanning set for R3,J
25. Find a basis for the null space of each of the follow- 31. ut B = {"J, "2. V3} be a subset of R3 such that
ing matrices. Sp(B) = R 3. Prove that B is a basis for R3. [Hint:

'J [ ~ ~] I I 0]
b) [ I I 0
esc Theorem 13 of Section 1.7 to show thaI B is a
linearly independent set.)
In Exercises 32-35, detennine whether the given set S
is a basis for R3.
![J [: H=n!
<J [

26. Find a basis for the range of each matrix in Exer- 32. h
cise 25.
202 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

37. Prove that every basis for R 2 contains exactly two

33.hlUH1]U]) vectors. Proceed by showing the following:

a) A basis for R 2 cannot have more than two

34. ~ I[=; H;H=: H:])

b) A basis for R 2 canriot have one vector. [Hilll:
Suppose that a basis for R 2 could contain one
5 vector. Represent ej and e2 in terms of the basi~
and obtain a contradiction.J

38. Show that any spanning set for R n must contain
at least n vectors. Proceed by showing that if
Uj, U2 ..... u p are vectors in R". and if p < n.
then there is a nonzero vector v in R n such that
36. Find a vector w in R 3 such that w is not a linear v Tu, = O. 1 sis p. [Him: Write the conSlrainli.
combination of \'J and "2: as a (p x II) system and use Theorem 4 of Section

"~ [J ood "~ [ J 1.3.J Given v as above. can v be a linear combination

ofuj. Ul, . . . up?
39. Recalling Exercise 38, prove that every basis for R"
contains exactly 11 vectors.

In this section we translate the geometric concept of dimension into algebraic terms.
Clearly R2 and R3 have dimension 2 and 3. respectively. since these vector spaces are
simply algebraic interpretations of two-space and three-space. It would be natural to
extrapolate from these two cases and declare that Rn has dimension f1 for each positive
integer II: indeed, we have earlier referred to elements of R" as II-dimensional vectors.
But if IV is a subspace of Rn , how is the dimension of IV to be detennined? An
examination of the subspace. IV. of R3 defined by

. [,,-2
\V = {x: x = :;
,Xl and X3 any real numbers}

suggests a possibility. IV is the. plane with equation x = J - 2;:. so

naturally the dimension of IV is 2. The techniques of the previous section show that IV
has a basis {VI, V2} consisting of the two vectors

'. ~ [i] and "~ [ -n

Thus in this case the dimension of IV is equal to the number of vectors in a basis for W.

The Definition of Dimension

More generally. for any subspace \V of W, we wish to define the dimension of \V 10
be the number of vectors in a basis for IV. We have seen, however. that a subspace IV
3.5 Dimension 203

n.actly IWO
a-lJ1g may have many different bases. In facl. Exercise 30 of Section 3.4 shows Ihat any sel of
two three linearly independent vectors in R 3 is a basis for R l . Therefore. for the concept of
dimension to make sense, we must show that all bases for a given subspace IV contain
'.or {Him: the same number of vectors. This fact will be an easy consequence of the following
lam one theorem.
.fthe ba!oh
litt Oil.! \I "l Let W be a subspace of W. and let B = {"'I. "'2, .... ",pI be a spanning set for W
U'-I ContalO comaining p vectors. Then any set of p + 1 or more vcctors in W is linearly dependcllt.
ing that if Let {Sl. S2, .... Sill} be ally set of 111 vectors in W. where III > p. To show that this set is
lJ P < fl.
. ,-uch thai linearly dependent, we first express each Sj in terms of the spanning set B:
Sj = 011"'1 + a21"'2 + + apl"'p
r. of Section
~binatlon S2 = 012"'1 + 022W2 + + Op:lw p (I)

biorR Sill = al",wl + U:lmW2 + ... + upmw p '

To ~how Ihat (SI, 52 .. , .• Sill) is linearly dependent. we must show that there is a nontrivial
solution of
CjSI ..l. C2S2 + ... + C"'S'" = 8. '21
Now using system (I), \\Oe can rewrite Eq. (2) in terms of the vectors in B as

CI(OIl \~ I ..&.- a21 \\'2 - + Opl W p ) +

C2(OnWI - 022w2 + - ap 2\\'p) .,.. (3a)

... + c.. (aj .. wl - U:!mw2 + up"'W p ) = 8.

Equation (3a) can be regrouped as
(CIUIl + C2UI2 - + e",aj.)wj +
(CIU21 + C2U22 T + C... U~)w2 T 13hl
... - (CIUpl + C2Up2 + - c..u.-)w p = 8.
Nov. finding Cj. C2 • •••• c.. to satisfy Eq. (2) is the same as finding CI. C2 • ...• C. to
- ~.:. so satisfy Eq. (3b). Funherrnore. we can clearly satisfy Eq. (3b) if v.e can choose zero for
thatU each coefficient of each w,. Therefore. 10 obtain one solution of Eq. (3b). it suffices 10
sohe the system
allCt ..l. UI2C2 + ... +UI",C. = 0
U21CI Ta~Jc2--1.···+a:lmc .. =0 (4

.. for n' aplCI + Up2C2 + ... + 0p",e", = O.

[Recall thai each ail is a specified constant determined by system (1), whereas each
Ci is an unknown parameter of Eq. (2).] The homogeneous system in (4) has more
of IV 10 unknowns than equations. so by Theorem 4 of Seclion 1.3 there is a nontrivial solution
,j).lce U' to system (4). But a solution to system (4) is also a solution to Eq. (2). so Eq. (2) has a
nontrivial solution, and the theorem is established, ....
204 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Rfl

As an immediate corollary of Theorem 8. we can show that all bases for a subspa.;c
contain the same number of \'ectors.

I t COI\Oll.\I\' Let W be a subspace of Rfl • and let B = {WI. W2 ..... w p } be a basis for IV containin,:,:
I p veclOrs. Then every basis for \V contains p "ectors.
Proof Let Q = {Ul. U2, .. , , Ur I be any basis for IV. Since Q is a spanning set for IV. b)
Theorem 8 any set of r + I or more vectors in \f is linearly dependent. Since 8 is.
linearly independem set of p vecwrs in IV. we know that p :::: r. Similarly, since B i-
a spanning set of p vectors for W, any set of p + I or more vecwrs in IV is linear!.
dependent. By assumption, Q is a set of r linearly independent vectors in IV; so r :::: p
Now. since we have p :::: rand r S p, it must be that r = p. •
Given that e\'ery basis for a subspace comains the same number of vectors, we can
make the following definition without any possibility of ambiguity.

DH1 .... llIO .... :) Let IV be a subspace of Rfl • If IV has a basis B = {WI. "'2..... w p } of
p vectors, then we say that \V is a subspace of dimension p. and we write
dim(IV) = p.

In Exercise 30. the reader is asked to show that every nonzero subspace of R fl does
ha\'e a basis. Thus a value for dimension can be assigned to any subspace of Rfl • where
for completeness we define dime W) = 0 if IV is the zero subspace.
Since R3 has a basis lei. e2. e3} containing three vectors, we see that dim(R3) = 3.
In general. Rfl has a basis lei, e2 ..... efl} that contains n veclOrs: sodim(R = n. Thus fI

the definition of dimension-the number of vectors in a basis-agrees with the usual

tenninology: R3 is three-dimensional. and in general. Rfl is Il..-dimensional.

F\,\\\PII: I Let W be the subspace of R 3 defined by

X, ]
IV = {x: x = X2 . XI = -2X3. -"2 = X3. X3 arbitrary}.
Exhibit a basis for IV and detennine dim(1V).
50lulion A vector Xin \V can be wri!ten in the fonn

-lx, ] [ -2 ]
x= [ :: = XJ : •

Therefore. the set {u} is a basis for \V. where

u~ [-:J
3.5 Dimension 205

f~)r a subspa~ It follows that dim(IV) = I. Geometrically. IV is the line through the origin and through
the point with coordinates (-2. I. I). so again thedefinition of dimension coincides with
our geometric intuition. •
1\ comainin!
The next example illuSlTates the importance of the corollary 10 Theorem 8.

iott for 1\'. b:

ince B i\
EX,\MPI r2 Let IV be the subspace of R3 • IV = span[u]. U2, U3. u41. where
'~. since B
.n is Jinearl.
I";sor:::;:. u, = [] ~ ~
u, [ l u; ~ [ : l anh = [ _: ]

:-tors.\lte Use the techniques illustrated in Examples 5. 6. and 7 of Section 3.4 to find three different
bases for IV. Give the dimension of IV.

w ,
of (a) The lechnique used in Example 5 consisted of finding a basis for IV by using
the algebraic specificalion for IV. In panicular.let b be a vector in R3:
e wme

b~ [:

Then b is in W if and only if the veclor equation

R') = 3 XIUj + .'f2U2 - X3U3 + .'f414 = b s..
= n. Th
lh<u is consistenl. The mauix equalion for (5a) is Ux = b. "" here U is the (3 x -I.)
matrix U = [Ul. U2. U3. 14]. Now. the augmemed matrix [U I b] is TO\It equiv-
alent to the matrix
1 0 1 -1
20 - b ]
o 1 1 3/2 -0/2 + b/2 . (Sh'
o 0 0 0 --ta+2b ...... c
Thus b is in 1V if and only if -40 + 2b + c = 0 or. equivalently. c = -ta - lb.
The subspace IV can then be described by

IV = (b: b = [ : ]. 1I and b any real numbers).

40 - 2b

From Ihis description il follows that IV has a basis {VI. \'2}. where

"~ U] ond "~ [ _: l

206 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

(b) The technique used in Example 6 consisted of discarding redundam vectors

from a spanning set for W. In particular since {Ul' U2. U3. u.1I spans lV, this
technique gives a basis for \V that is a subset of {Ul. U2. U3. ~}. To obtain such
a subset, solve the dependence relation
X1Ul +X2U2 +X3U3 +X414 = 8. eSc
Note that Eq. (5c) is just Eq. (5a) with b = 8. It is easily seen from matri't
(5b) that Eq. (5c) is equivalent \0 the reduced system
x, -4X3 - X4 ~O
(Sd I
.1"2 + X3 + (3/2)X4 ~O.

Backsolving (5d) yields

Xl = -X3 + X4

X2 = -X3 - (3/2)X4.
"'here X3 and X4 are arbilrary. Therefore. the vectors U3 and 14 can be deleted
from the spanning set for \Y. lea\"ing {UI. u21 as a basis for W.
(c) Let U be the (3 x 4) matrix whose columns span lV. U = [Ul' U2. U3.14).
Following the technique of Example 7. reduce U T to the matrix

CT =
I 01-24]
[ 000
o 0 0

in echelon form. In this case the nonzero columns of

4 -2
fonn a basis for W; that is. (WI. w21 is a basis for W. where
W, ~ ~][ 'nd w, ~ [ -!J
In each case the basis obtained for \V contains two vectors. sodim(W) = 2. Indeed.
viewed geometrically. W is the plane with equation -4x + 2)' + z = O. •

Properties of a p.Dimensional Subspace

An imponam feature of dimension is that a p-dimensional subspace W has many of the
same properties as R'. For example. Theorem 11 of Section 1.7 shows that any set of
p + I or more vectors in R' is linearly dependent The following theorem shows that
this same property and others hold in W when dim(1V) = p.
3.5 Dimension 207

IHI OK.r\\ 9 Let W be a subspace of R" wilh dim(W) = p.

n. tJu 1. Any set of p + 1 or more vectors in W is linearly dependent.
osuch 2. Any set of fewer than p vectors in W does not span W.
3. Any set of p linearly independent \'ectors in W is a basis for W.
~..: 4. Any set of p vectors that spans W is a basis for w.
marnx Proof Property I follows immediately from Theorem 8. because dim(W) = p means that W
has a basis (and hence a spanning set) of p vectors.
Property 2 is equivalent to the statement that a spanning set for W must contain at
least p veclOrs. Again, this is an immediate consequence of Theorem 8.
'" Toestablishpropeny 3, let {UI. U! ..... up) be a set of p linearly independent vectors
in W. To see that the given set spans W.let v be any veclOr in W. By propeny 1. the set
{\'. UI, U!, .... up} is a linearly dependent set of vectors because the set contains p + I
vectors. Thus there are scalars ao. al ..... ap (nol all of which are zero) such that
00\' + alUI + a2U2 + ... + opu p = 8. (6)
In addition. in Eq. (6). Go cannot be zero because lUi. U! ..... up} is a Ijnearly indepen-
dent set. Therefore, Eq. (6) can be rewritten as
u Q;J.
\' = (-I/ao)[a]ul + 02"2 + ... +opup]. (7)

It is clear from Eq. (7) that any vector in W can be expressed as a linear combination of
UI. U2 ..••• up, so the given linearly independent set also spans W. Therefore, the set is
a basis.
The proof of property 4 is left as an exercise. -

E\-\ \\1>1 E J Let W be the subspace of R 3 given in Example 2. and let lVI. v2. V3) be the subset of W
defined by

VI~ [ -J v, ~ ~
[ l "d v) ~ [ ]

Determine which of the subsets {\'d. {'"21, {Vl. v21, {v], v31. {v2' v31, and {v], V2, "3) is
a basis for W.
Solution In Example 2, the subspace \V was described as

lndeed. W = {b: b = [ : ]. a and b any real numbers}, (8)

• 4a - 2b
Using Eq, (8), we can easily check thai v], v2. and v3 are in W. We saw further in
Example 2 that dim(W) = 2. By Theorem 9, propeny 2. neither of the sets {,,]} or {V2}
I~ of the spans IV. By Theorem 9, propeny 1, the set {v]. V2, v3} is linearly dependent We can
set of easily check that each of the sets {v]. "21, {VI, V3}, and {V2. V3}. is linearly independent.
~ that so by Theorem 9. property 3. each is a basis for IV. •
208 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

The Rank of a Matrix

In this subsection we use the concept of dimension 10 characterize nonsingular matrices
and 10 detennine precisely when a system of linear equations Ax = b is consistent. For
an (m x n) matrix A, the dimension of the null space is called the nullity of A. and the
dimension of the range of A is called the rank ofA. The following example will illustrate
the relationship between the rank of A and the nullity of A. as well as the relationship
between the rank of A and the dimension of the row space of A.

-Ex"" \\PLI:: I Find the rank. nullity, and dimension of the row space for the matrix A, where

A ~ -~
[ o
1 2]
2 -3 .
4 8 5
Solution To find the dimension of the row space of A, observe that A is row equivalent to the

B= [i o

0 n
and B is in echelon form. Since the nonzero rows of B fonn a basis for the row space
of A, the row space of A has dimension 3.
To find the nullity of A, we must detennine the dimension of the null space. Since
the homogeneous system Ax = 6 is equivalent to Bx = 6, the null space of A can be
detennined by solving Bx = 6. This gives
Xl = 2x)
X2 = -3X3
X~ = O.
Thus N(A) can be described by

N(A) ~ Ixo> = OXl' Xl ,"y ",I ,umbe'l·
It now follows that the nullity of A is 1 because the vector

v ~ -r][

forms a basis for N(A).

To find the rank of A, we must detennine the dimension of the range of A. Recall
that 'R(A), the range of A, equals the column space of A, so a basis for 'R(A) can be
3.5 Dimension 209

found by reducing AT to echelon form. It is straightforward to show that AT is row

gular matrices equivalent to the matrix C T , where
)Osistenl. For
'of A, and the
~ \\.i11 illustrate
CT = 0
I 0 0] I 0 .
~ relationship
o 0

re The nonzero columns of the matrix C,

inlent 10 the
fonn a basis for neAl. Thus the rank of A is 3.
0 0
I n
Note in the previous example that the row space of A is a subspace of R~. whereas
the column space (or range) of A is a subspace of R 3, Thus they are entirely different
subspaces: even so, the dimensions are the same, and the next theorem states that this is
ahl,'3)'s the case.
~ row space

fpace. Since
l'fA can be
T+'t:OI~t:\\ 10 If A is an (III x II) matrix. then the rank of A is equal to the rank of AT.
The proof of Theorem 10 will be gi\'en at the end of this section. Note that the range
of AT is equal to the column space of AT. But the column space of AT is precisely the
row space of A. so the following corollaJ) is actually a restatement of Theorem 10.
COl\llll \In If A is an (m x II) matri~. then the row space and the column space of A ha\e the same
dimension. _

This corollary pro\'ides a useful way to determine the rank of a matrix A. Specifi..
call}. if A is row equh-alent to a matriJi: B in echelon form. then the number. r. of nonzero
rows in B equals the rank of A.
The null space of an (m x /I) matrix A is determined by soh ing the homogeneous
s},tem of equations Ax = 8. Suppose the augmented matrix [A 18J for the system is
row equivalent to the matri~ IB 8J. which is in echelon form. Then clear!} A is row
equivalent to B. and the number. r. of nonzero rows of B equals the rank of A. But r
is also the number of nonzero rows of [B 18J. It follows from Theorem 3 of Section 1.3
that there are " - r free variables in a solution for Ax = 8. But the number of vectors
in a basis for ..\~(A) equals the number of free variables in the solution for Ax = 8
(see Example 3 of Section 3.4): that is. the nullity of A is II - r. Thus we ha\'e show n.
informally. Ihat the following formula holds.
Remark If A is an (Ill x II) malrix.lhen

.-\. Recall Il = rank(A) + nullily(A) .

.-\) can be
This remark will be proved formally in a more general COntexl in Chapter 5.
210 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

Example 4 illustrates the argument preceding the remark. If A is the matrix givetl
in Example 4,

A ~ [ -;

then the augmented matrix fA 19] is row equivalent 10

-~ l
rBle)~ U
0 -2 0
1 3 0
0 0 1
Since A is row equivalent 10 8. the corollary to Theorem 10 implies that A has rank
3. Further. in the notation of Theorem 3 of Section 1.3. the system Ax = 9 has 11 = ~
unknowns. and the reduced matrix [8181 has r = 3 nonzero rows. Therefore, tht'
solution for Ax = 8 has n - r = 4 - 3 = I independent variables, and it follows thai
the nullity of A is I. In particular,
rank(A) + nullity(A) = 3 + I = 4,
as is guaranteed by the remark.
The following theorem uses the concept of the rank of a matrix to establish necessal)
and sufficient conditions for a system of equations. Ax = b. 10 be consistent.

TH-EOll,t\\ 11 An-(m x II) system of linear equations. Ax = b. is consistent if and only if

rank(A) = rank([A I bJ).
Proof Suppose that A = fA J • A 2, .... An]. Then the rank of A is the dimension of the column
space of A. that is. the subspace
Sp{A j .A2, ... ,A n )· (9'
Similarly, the rank of fA I b1 is the dimension of the subspace
SprAt. A 2 •... ,An' b}. (lOJ

But we already know that Ax = b is consistent ifand only ifb is in the column space of
A. It follows that Ax = b is consistent if and only if the sub:o>paces given in Eq. (9) and
Eq. (10) are equal and consequently have the same dimension. _

Our final theorem in this section shows that rank can be used 10 detennine nonsin·
gular matrices.

-l~! rORr \\ 11 An (11 x 11) matrix A is nonsingular if and only if the rank of A is I!.

Proof Suppose that A = fA J • A2' .... A"]. The proof of TIleorem 12 rests on the observation
that the range of A is given by

R(A)~ Sp{A"A"""A"I, (11

If A is nonsingular then. by Theorem 12 of Section 1.7, the columns of A are linearl}

independent. Thus {A J • A 2..... All} is a basis for R(A). and the rank of A is II.
3.5 Dimension 211

matrix given Conversely. suppose that A has rank n: that is, R.(A) has dimension n. It is an
immediate consequence of Eq. (II) and Theorem 9. property 4. that {AI. A2 ... " A~}
is a basis for 'R,(A). In particular, the columns of A are linearly independent. so. by
Theorem 12 of Section 1.7. A is nonsingular. ~

Proof of Theorem 10 (Optional)

To prove Theorem 10. let A = (au) be an (m x n) matrix. Denote Ihe rows of A by
Ill. a2_···. am' Thus,
a, = [ail.ai2 •.. .. ai~l.
Similarly, lei AI. A:l .... , A~ be the columns of A. where

h" "'nk
hasn=4 aJ) ]
fore. the Aj = a2J •
)lJows Ihal

Suppose thai AT has rank k. Since the columns of AT are af. aI..... a~. it follows that
\V = Sp{al.32 ..... 3"'1.

then dim(W) = k. Therefore, W has a basis {WI. W2 •.••• w.J and. by Theorem 9.
property 2, III ::: k. For I .::: j .::: k. suppose thai Wj is the (I x n) ,ector

Wj = [Wjl. Wj2···· .U.'i"]·

column Writing each a, in terms of the basis yields

[all. au al~J = 81 = CIlWI + CI2,",'2 -r-'" + CltWt

• (all. an a2.llJ = 32 = C21wI + C22W2 + ... + C2tWt

10 (a.. l. a.. 2, ...• a..~J = a", = C.. lwl +C",lw2 + ...... C",t,",'t.

pace of Equating the jth component of the left side of system (12) with the jth component
«9) and of the right side yields

, nonsin-
= Wlj
[ c"
C21 ]
. + W:2J
[ CJ2

+ ... + Wtj
[ C2t ]
. (1J)
.. .. .. ..
alii; C",l e",2 C",J:

~nation for I .::: j .::: n. For I .::: i .::: k, define c, to be lhe (m x I) column vector

l 11
r linear!)
c., =
C" ]

212 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

Then system (13) becomes

A J = WljCI + lL'2jC2 + ... + WtJCb l.:s j ::: n. 14
It follows from the equations in (14) that

'R.(A) = Sp{A l . A1.... AII } : ; SpfCI' C2· .. ·. Ctl·

It follows from Theorem 8 that the subspace

V = Sp(CI. C2 ..... cd
has dimension k. at most. By Exercise 32. dim[R(A)) .:s dim(V) ::: k: thtlt is.
rank(A) .:s rank(A T ).
Since (AT)T = A. the same argument implies that rank(A T ) .:s rank(A). TIm"
rank(A) = rank{A T ). _

Ex.ercises 1-14 referto the vectors in (l5l. 10. S = lUI. Ul} for R 2

u, ~ [ : 1u, ~ [ : 1u, 1 = [ -:
11. 5 = {U2. U3} for R 2
12.5= IVI. V2. v31 for RJ
13.5= IVI. "2. v~} for RJ

"'=[a u'~[:l v,~[ -;] !-t. 5= {"2. "3. "41 for R3

In Exercises 15-20. \V is a subspace of R 4 consisting of
vectors of the fonn

v,=[;] "~[ -] ,.,~[-:] _
X, ]

In Exercises 1-6. detennine by inspection .... hy the given
Determine dim("') when the components of x satisfy
set 5 is not a basis for R2• (That is. either S is linearly
the given conditions.
dependent or S does not span R2 .)
LS={uJ! 2.S={Ul} IS. Xl - 2.t2 + XJ -.\"4 = 0

16,XI-2t] =0
3. S = {Ul' U2. U3} 4. S = {U2. U3. us}

5. S = {U!.14} 6. S = {UI. usl 17. Xl = -X2 - 2x4 18. Xl + .\"3-2t 4=0

X3 = -X4 .1'2+2x J -3x4=0
In Exercises 7-9. detennine b} inspection .... hy the given 19. Xl = -X4 20. .1'1-.1'2 =0
set S is nOl a basis for R3 . (That is. either S is linearly X2 = 3X4 X2-21"J =0
dependent or S does not span R3 .) X3 = 2x 4 ·1"3- X4=0

7. S= {Vl."2} 8. S= {VI. V)} Tn Exercises 21-24. find a basis for N(A) and give the
9. S = {"l. V2. "J. V4} nullity and the rank of A.
In Exercises 10-14. use Theorem 9. propeny 3. to de-
_~ _~ ~]
1 , "..
tennine .... hether the gi,en set is a basis for the indicated 21. A _ [ ] 22. A = [ 2 -.5
\ector space.
3.5 Dimension 213

[ I-I
-I • :] .=[ -J b~[ _] ood

that ie;:.
"A~ [;
3 -I
In Exercises 25 and 26. find a basis fOT R(A) and give
,~[ -:J
the nullity and Ihe rank of A .

30. LeI IV be a nonzero subspace of R~. Show Ihal IV
• 25. A~ [ -:
has a basis. [Hint: LeI WI be any nonzero \eclOl" in
o 3 \Y. If (WI I is a spanning set for \V. then we are done.
IfnOl.lhere isa \ectOr""! in IV such that (\II. \Ill

1 5 7
is linearly independent. Why? Continue by asking
1 whether this is a spanning set for IV. Why must this

2, 0] process eventually stop?]

1 5 -2
31. Suppose thaI {UI. U2 •.•.. up} is a basi~ for a sub-
space IV. and suppose that x is in IV with x =
0IU] + a2D! + ... - OpDp- Show thallhis repre-
27. ut W be a subs~. and let S be- a spanning sel for sentation for x in lenns of !he basis is unique-
W. Find a basis for \Y. and calculate dim(W) for
Ihal is. if x = blUI + b1U2 + ... - bpu p. then
each sel S.
b l = al. b 1 = Ul • •... b p = up-

I[J [=; H_][-~])

32. LeI U and V be subspaces of Rn • and suppose that
U is a subset of V. Prove Ihat dim(U) ::: dim(V).
.) h If dim(U) = dim(V). prove Ihal V is contained in
U. and thus conclude thaI U = v.
33. For each of the following. determine lhe largest pos-

-i]{H~iH -f]l
sible \'alue for the rank of A and the smallest possible
\'alue for Ihe nullily of A.
\ salisfy
b)S=I[ a) A is(3 x 3)
b) A is(3 x 4)
c) A is(5 x 4)

28. Let W be the subspace of R~ defined by \V = 34. If A is a (3 x 4) matrix. prove that the columns of
-:!..r~ =0 fx: \,T x = 01. Calculate dim(\V). where A are linearly dependent.
Jr~ = 0 35. If A is a (4 x 3) m:urh:. prove Ihal the rows of A are

,.~ [J
~O linearly dependenl.
~O 36. Let A bean (m x n) matrix. Pro\e Ihal rank(A) .::: m
-_f~=O and I1lnk(A) ::: n.
gi\'e the 37. Let A be a (2 x 3) matrix with Tank 2. Show thai the
(2 x 3) system of equations Ax = b is consistent

, for e\ cry choice of b in R 2.

29. Let W be- !he subspace of R~ defined by IV = Ix: 38. lei A be a (3 x 4) matrix wilh nullity 1. Prove Ihat
.; aT x = 0 and b Tx = 0 and e Tx = 01. Calculate the(Jx4)systemofequationsAx = bisconsislenl
dim{W) for fore\erychoiccofbin RJ .
214 Chapter 3 The Vector Space W

39. Prove that lin (n x II) matri;( A is nonsingular if and '""'-0-1 •...• wpl· Finall). use Theorem 8 to reach a
only if the nullil}' of A is zero. comrndiction.
40. lei A be an (m x m) nonsingular mlltrix, and let B -U. Suppose that S = {Ul. u! ..... up} is a set of lin-
be an (m x II) mlltrix. Prove that X(AB) = ;\'(B) early independent vectors in II subspace IV. where
and conclude that rank (A B) = rank (B). dim(W) = 11/ and If/ > p. Prove that there is II
41. Prove propeny 4 of Theorem 9 as follows: Assume \-ector Up_I in IV such that {UI. U2 ..... up. Up_II
that dim(W) = p and let S = ("'·1 ..... '""pI be a set is linearl) independelll. Use this proof to shO\\ that
of p vectors that spans W. To see that S is linearly II basis including all the veclOrs in S can be con-
independent. suppose that CIWI + ... + cpw p = structed for W.
8. If Cj :F O. show that W = Sp{Wl ..... WI-J.


We have seen that a basis provides a very efficient way to chamcterize a subspace. Also.
given a subspace IV. we know that there are many different ways to construct a basis for
IV. In this '\eCtion we focus on a particular type of basis called an onllOgollaf basis.

Orthogonal Bases
The idea of onhogonality is a generalization of the vector geometT) concept of per-
pendicularit). If u and \' are twO vectors in R2 or R3 • then ",e know that u and \' are
perpendicular if u r \' = a
(see Theorem 7 in Section 2.3). For example. consider the
vectors U and v given by

u ~ [ _~] and "= [ : ],

Clearly u r v = 0, and these two vectors are perpendicular when viewed as directed line
segmems in the plane (see Fig. 3.13).

F;gu,~ J.IJ In R~. non.tero vectors u and ,'are perpendicular if and


In general. for vectors in R n. we use the te.rm orthogonal mther than the tenn
perpendicular. Specifically. if u and \' are vectors in R n. we say that U and \' are
orthogonal if
We will also find the concept of an onhogonal set of vectors to be useful.
3.6 Orthogonal Bases ror Subspaces 215

~m 8 to reach a
Dt:t-l'lTIo, b Let 5 = {Ut. U2 ••... up} be a set of \'ectors in R~. The set S i!. said to be
a set of lin- an orthogollal set if each pair of distinct \'ectors from S is orthogonal; that is.
,pace IV. where
u'["Uj =Owheni f:.j.
,; that there is a
I: ... up. up... d
1'\'01' to show that
a 5 can be con- E,\\\\PI r I Verify that S is an orthogonal set ofveclOrs. where

s~l[rH -iH =iJ!

~pace. Also.
't a basis for
#U11 basis. Soilltion If we use the notation S = {Ut. U2. uJ}, then

ocept of per-
u and \' are
u[u1=[1 0 I 21 [ _i]~'_o-,+o=o
,. .:on~ider the

directed line
ur UJ = (I 0 I
21 [ =i]~'_o-,+o=o
-21 ]
uIU; = [I -I = 1-2"t"I+O=O.
01 [ -I
Therefore. 5 = {u]. U1. uJ} is an orthogonal set of "ectors in R4 • •
An important property of an onhogonal set 5 is that S is necessarily linearly inde-
pendent (so long as S does not contain the zero vector).

IllrOR.r \I 13 Let S = lUI. U2 ••••• upl be a set of nonzero vectors in R~. If S is an orthogonal set of
vectors. Ihen S is a linearly independent set of veclOrs.

the term Proof leI (1. q ..... Cp be any scalars that satisfy
II and v are
CtUt - C1U1 + ... + CpU p = O. 11
Form the scalar product

UiCctUI + C2U1 +.. ·c"U p ) = uio

-- --,

2J6 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Nit


Cj(U[ lIl) + C~(Ur U~) +, .. -l- Cp(u'i Up) = O.

Since uf llj = 0 for 2.::: j :5 p. the expression abo\c reduccslo

("j (Uf"l) = O. '-

Kexi. !>e1:al.L<;e uj lit > 0 when"j is nonzero. we see from Eq. (2) that Cl = O.
Similarly. forming the scalar product of both sides of Eq. (I) with lli. we sec that
cs(u; ll,) = 0 or Ci = 0 for I .::: i .::: p. Thus S is a linearly independent sel 01
'·ecto~. •
By Theorem 13, any orthogonal SCI S containing p nonzero vectors from a p-
dimensional subspace \V will be a basis for W (since S is a linearly independent subset
of p ,'eeton; from W. where dim{lV) = pl. Such a bash. is called an orthogonal basis. In
the following definition. recall that the symbolll'-U denotes the length oC\'.II\'1I = ~

DHI'drro, - Let IV be a sub~pace of RI/. and let B = {UJ. "2, .... Up} be a basis for W. If
B is an orthogonal set of \cctors. then B is called an orthogonal basis for W.
Funhennore. if u, I = I for I .::: i .::: p. then B i<; said to be an orthonormal
basis for HI.

The "ord ort/wnonl/o! suggesls both orthogonal and normalized. Thus an or-
thonormal basis is an orthogonal basis consisling of vectors having length I. where a
lector of length 1 is a unit vector or a nonnaliLed vector. Observe that Ihe unit lectors
c,. C1 ..... ell fonn an onhononnal basis for R·.

E\--\ \IPlt: 2 Verif) that the set B = {\ I. \'2. \'J} is an onhogonal basis for R3 • where

v, ~ [il [=:J v,= and ",= [ - ]

Solution We first verify that B is an orthogonal sel by calculating

vi "1 = 3 - 2 - I= 0
vi \'J = I - 8 ..j.. 7=0
vf \"3 = 3 + 4 - 7 = O.

Now. R 3 has dimemion 3. Thus. since 8 is a set of three \ectors and is also a linearly
independent sel (see Theorem 13). it follows that B is an orthogonal basis for R J • •
These observations are stated fOrolany in the following corollary of Theorem 13.
3.6 Orthogonal Bases for Subspaces 217

COl\OLL "I' Let IV be a subspace of R". where dim(lV) = p. If S is an orthogonal set of p nonzero
vectors and is also a subset of IV. then S is an orthogonal basis for W. •

Orthonormal Bases
If B = {UI, U2' ...• upl is an orthogonal set. then C = l{/j Ul. {/2U2 ....• apu p } is also
an orthogonal set for any scalars al. a2 ..... a p ' If B contains only nonzero vectors and
c = O. if wc define the scalars (/, by
:h U , we see that
.:Iependent set of aj = Ju, u,
T .'

XlOrs from a p_ then C is an orthol/ormal set. That is. we can convert an orthogonal set of nonzero
.:Iependent subset vectors into an orthonormal set by dividing each vector by its length.
bot!-onal basis. In
\-.- vII = JvTv.
1 \+\ "PLE J Recall that the set B in Example 2 is an orthogonal basis for R3. Modify B so that it is
an orthonormal basis.
Soilltion Given that B = {v). V2. V3} is an orthogonal basis for R 3. we can modify B to be an
c'b for IV. If orthonormal basis by dividing each vector by its length. In particular (see Example 2).
sis for IV.
the lengths of VI, "2. and V3 arc
IlvJlI = J6. IIv211 =./!T, and IIv311 = ../66.
Therefore. the set C = lWI. ""2. W3} is an orthononnal basis for R 3 • where

d. Thus an or-
~[lgth I, where a
1/)6 ] 3/JIT]
WI = I \' 1 =
.J6 2/)6 . W2
1 \',. =
= ji'1 -l/JIT . 'nd
the unit vectors [ [ -l/JIT

w3 -
_ _1
J66 V3 = -4/./66 . •
[ 7/./66

Determining Coordinates
Suppose that IV is a p-dimensional subspace of R". and B = {WI. ""2. , ... wpl is a
basis for IV. If v is any vector in IV. then v can be written uniquely in the form

v=al\\'1 +{/2w2+···+{/p"",,·

(In Eq. (3), the fact that the scalars al. a2' .... (/p are unique is proved in Exercise 31 of
Section 3.5.) The scalars {/J. {/2 • . . . . {/p in Eq. (3) are called the coordinates of I' with
respect to the basis B .
• also a linearly As we will see, it is fairly easy to determine the coordinates of a vector with respect to
_n for R 3 • ~ an orthogonal basis. To appreciate the savings in computation. consider how coordinates
. Theorem 13. are found when the basis is not orthogonal. For instance. the set B, = {VI. v2_ \lJ i" a
218 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

basis for R;. where

", ~ [-:J '" = [ - ~ l. d "= [ -;]

As can be seen. "j "3 i= O. and so 8 1 is not an onhogonal basis. Nexl. suppose we wi...r..
10 express some \'ector \ in R3• say \ = [5, -5. -lJT, in term5 of BI , We musl sohe
the (3 x 3) system: 0IV! +02v2 +OJ"3 = v, In matrix terms thecoordinatesol. {/2. ana
OJ are found by solving the equation

1-I 2] [ a,] [ -55] .

[ -I
I 2


(B) Gau~sian elimination. the solution is 01 = I. 02 = -2.03 = I.)

Bycomf3st. if 82 = {WI. W2. w31 is an onhogonal basis for R3. it is easy to determine
°1.°2. and (13 SO that
\' = 01 WI + 02\\'2 .L. 0J"3.
To find the coordinate (II in Eq. (4). we form the scalar product
I \' = wT(a,.,
I + (I,\\',
. - + 0-",,1 ~

= 0t (wj wI> + G2(" j W2) 03(Wj W3) -l-

= ol(wj WI).

The last equalil} follows because wj W2 = 0 and wj w, = O. Therefore, from abo\e

02 =
\\'2 "'2
and GJ = ,

(Note: Since B2 is a basis. w; w, > O. I ::: i .::; 3.)

F\ \\\1'11: I Express the "ector \' in teons of the onhogonal basis B = {WI. "'2. "'3}. where

,,= [ ~n w, =[ ] " = [J . d w, = [ -J
Solution Beginning with the equation

\' = 01"" + 02"'2 + 03"'3·

3.6 Orthogonal Bases for Subspaces 219

we form scalar products to obtain

wfv=al(w[wI). or 12= 6a 1
wf v = a2(wf "'2). or 33 = 1IG2
wf v = Q3(wf "'3). or 66 = 660 3 .
-.e ~e wish Thus GI = 2. (/2 = 3. and a) = I. Therefore, as can be verified directly, v = 2Wl +
'"lUSt solve 3W2 + w3· ~
• G1. and n
In general, let IV be a subspace of R • and let B = {WI. W2 •.... wpl be an or-
Ihogonal basis for IV. [f \' is any vector in IV, then ,. cun be expressed uniquely in the
v = (/1"'1 + (/2"'2 + ... + Gpw p • (Sa)

tennine a, - ,
I::::·I ::: p. (5b)
Wi W,

Constructing an Orthogonal Basis

The next theorem gives a procedure that can be used 10 genenue an onhogonal ba-
sis from any given basis. This procedure. called the Gram-Schmidt process, is quite
practical from a computational standpoim (although some care must be exercised when
programming Ihe procedure for the computer). Generaling an onhogonal basis is of-
len the firsl step in solving problems in least-squares approximation; so Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization is of more Ihan theorelical iDleresl.

fllrcW.l \\ I ~ Gram-Schmidl Lei W be a p-dimen::.ional subspace of R". and let {WI, "'2.... , wpl
be any basis for W. Then Ihe sel of'ectors {u\. U2 ..... up} is an onhogonal basis for
W. where

U2 = "'2 - -T-U,
U, Ul

uj"'3 Ur",)
U) = W) - -T-U1 - -Y---U2.
u 1 UI u 2 U2
~ and ~here. in general.
i-I r
""' Uk Wi
Uj = W, - L -T-U,. 2::: i ::: p. 161
,1,=1 Ul Uk

The proof of Theorem I ~ is somewha' technical. and we defer it 10 the end of this section.
In Eq. (6) we have explidt expre,ssions that can be used to generate an orthogonal
set of vectors {UI. U2 ••.. , up} from a given set of linearly independent vectors. These
220 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

explicit expressions are especially useful if .... e have reason to implement the Gram-
Schmidt process on a compUier.
Ho.... e'er, for hand calculations. it is not necessary to memorize formula (6). AU .... e
need to remember is the form or the general pattem of tbe Gram-Schmidt process. In
particular. the Gram-Schmidt process smrts wilh a basis {WI. w2 ....• w p ) and generates
new vectors Ul. U2. U3 ..•• according 10 the following patlern:

U2 = "'2+aUI
U3 = "'3 + bUI + CU2
u~ = "'~ + dUI + eu! + [U3

Ur = Wj + alul + a2U2 _ ... + ar_1U,_1

In this sequence. the scalars can be determined in a step-b)'-step fashion from the or-
thogonality conditions.
For instance. to determine the scalar a in the definition of U2 ..... e use the condition
uf U2 = 0:

0= UfU2 = UfW2 +oufu\:

Therefore: a = -(uf w2)/(uf Ul).

To determine the IWO scalars band c in the definition of U3. we use the two condilions
uf U3 = 0 and ur
U3 = O. In particular.

0 -- u Tj U3 _ T
- u j "'3 + b UTl Ul + CUIT U2
= uf "'3 + buf Uj (since uf U2 = 0 by Eq. (7»
Therefore: b = -(uf "'3)/(U; ud·


0= ur U3 = uf "'3 + buI UI -r- cuI U2

= uI w, + CuI U2 (since uI UI = 0 by Eq. (7»
Therefore: c = -(uf w3)/(uI U2).

The examples that follow illustrate the previous calculations.

Finall). to use the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process to find an orthogonal
basis for \V. .... e need some basis for \V as a staning poim. In man) of the applications
that require an orthogonal basis for a subspace lV. it is relathely easy to produce this
initial basis-we will gi\c some examples in a later section. Ghen a basis for lV, the
Gram-Schmidt process proceeds in a meehanical fashion using Eq. (6). (Note: It was
shown in Exercise 30 of Section 3.5 that every nonzero subspace of R" has a basis.
Therefore. by Theorem 14. every nonzero subspace of R n has an orthogonal basis.)
3.6 Orthogonal Bases for Subspaces 221

lb< Grnm-
-EXAM!"l E 5 Let W be the subspace of R 3 defined by \V ::;; Sp(Wj, W2}, where
J generaL.-..... w, ~ [ :] ,nd W,

Use the Gram-Schmidt process to construct an orthogonal basis for W.

~ [ -n
Solution We define vectors 111 and 111 of the form
111 =Wl

112 = Wl +auj.
where the scalar a is found from the condition llf 112 = O. Now, 111 = [I. 1, 2]T and thus
111112 is given by
u[ 112 = 111<W2 +aul) = ll1w2 +aufuj = -6+6{/.
Therefore. to have uf
112 = O. we need a = I. With a = I. 112 is given by 112 = "'2+111

lb< or- [I. 3, -2f.

In detaiL an orthogonal basis for W is B = {Ut, U2}, where

u, ~ [ :] ,nd u, ~ [ _: l •
For convenience in hand calculations. we can always eliminate fractional compo-
nents in a set of orthogonal vectors. Specifically, if x and yare onhogonaL then so are
ax and)' for any scalar a:
If xT y = 0, then (ax}T)' = a(x Ty} = O.
We will make use of this observation in the following example.

EX-i-\I-.IPLE (, Use the Gram-Schmidt onhogonalization process to generate an onhogonal basis for

IV = Sp{Wi. W2. W3), where

W, ~[] W, [ ]~ oed w, [~
Solution First we should check to be sure that {WI. w2. W3} is a linearly independent set. A
.;onaJ calculation shows that the vectors are linearly independent. (Exercise 27 illustrates what
lQtiOfu, happens when the Gram-Schmidt algorithm is applied to a linearly dependent set.)
llLe this To generate an onhogonal basis lUI. U2. U3} from {WI. "'2, "'3}, we first set
II was UI =Wl

a basis. U2 ="'2 +aUj

U3 ="'3 + bUI + CU2·
222 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R~

With UI = LO. I. 2. I V. the orthogonality condition uj u2 = 0 leads to uj W2 +auj Ul =

0, or 8 + 6a = 0, Therefore. a = -4/3 and hence
U2 = W2 - (4/3)u] = [0. -1/3. 1/3, _1/3]7.

Next, the conditions uj U3 = 0 and uI u, = 0 lead to

0= uj(w, +bUl +CU2) = 3+6b

0= uI (w, + bUI + CU2) = 0 + 0/3)c.
Therefore. b = -1/2 and c = O. Having the scalars band c,

U3 = W3 - 0/2)uI - (0)U2 = Ll.l/2.0. -1/2f.

For convenience, we can eliminate the fractional components in U2 and u, and obtain an
orthogonal basis {v), V2, ",}, where

v, ~ [] v, = [J 'nd v, ~ [ J1 •

(Note: In Example 6. we could have also eliminated fractional components in the middle
of the Gram-Schmidt process, That is. we could have redefined U2 to be the vector
U2 = [0, -I. 1, -If and then calculated u, with this new. redefined multiple of U2.)
As a final example. we use MATLAB to construct orthogonal bases.

~ [ '-"\PI r - Let A be the (3 x 5) matrix

A= 4 I 0 6 I
[I I 2 4 5
Find an orthogonal basis for R(A) and an orthogonal basis for N(A).
Solutio" The MATLAB command orth (A) gives an orthonormal basis for the range of A.
The command null (A) gives an orthonormal basis for the null space of A. The re-
sults are shown in Fig. 3.14. Observe that the basis for R(A) has three vectors; that
is, the dimension of R(A) is three or. equivalently, A has rank three. The basis for
N(A) has two vectors; that is, the dimension of JV(A) is two, or equivalently, A has
nullity two. .'

Proof of Theorem 14 (Optional)

We first show that the expression given in Eq. (6) is always defined and that the vectors
UI. U2 .... , up are all nonzero. To begin, UI is a nonzero vector since UI = WI. Thus
uj III > O. and so we can define U2. Furthennore. we observe that U2 has the fonn
u2 = w2 - hUl = w2 - blw]; so U2 is nonzero since it is a nomriviallinear combination
3.6 Orthogonal Bases for Subspaces 223

au u ==

1 2 1 J 2

1 2


0.3841 ·0.1173 ·0.9158
0.7682 0.5908 0.2466
0.5121 ·0.7983 0.3170
ob<.un an
»null (A)

-0.7528 -0.0690
-0.2063 0.1800
• -0.1069 -0.9047
0.5736 -0.OU9
-0.2243 0.3772

'«tor Figure 3.14 The ~IATLAB command arth IA) produces an
of u~.) orthonormal basis for the range of A. The command null (A) gives
an orthononnal basis for the null space of A.

ofw) and Wl. Proceeding inductively. suppose thai ul. "1_ .... U,_I have been generated
by Eq. (6): and suppose that each Ut has (he form
Ut = Wt - CIWI - C1Wl - ... - Ci_IWt_l_

From this equation, each Uk is nonzero: and it follows thai Eq. (6) is a well-defined
expression lsince uf lit > 0 for 1 ~ k ::: (i - OJ. Finally, since each Uk in Eq. (6) is a
linear combinalion of "'\. \\'2 •.••• "'t. we see thal Ui is a nontrivial linear combination
.ge of A of "'\. w~ ..... w,: and therefore u, is nonzero.
Th< l<- All thai remains 10 be proved is Ihat the vectors generated by Eq. (6) are orthogonal.
:ors; that Clearl) ur U2 = O. Proceeding inductivel) again. suppose thai uJ Ut = 0 for any j and
basis for k. where j t- k and I :::: j. k :::: i-I. From (6) we have
~. A has

• T
UjUj =
Uj Wi -
Uk W,
= U
Wi -
;-, (r- r - )
L Uk W, r
(U j ud
( t=1 Uk Ut
i_I UkUt

= UJ Wi -r (uJ",) r -r-
U j uJ
(U j Uj) = O.
I,," . Thus Thus Ui is orthogonal to u J for I :::: j :::: i - 1. Having this result. we have shown
the fonn thal {UI. U2 ..... up} is an orthogonal set of p nonzero veClors. So. by the corollary of
mation Theorem 13. the \ectoT'S Ul. U1 ..... up are an orthogonal basis for \V.
224 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n


~ 12'~[!]
In Exercises 1--4. verify that {UI. U1. U3} is an orthogonal
set for the given vectors.

[:J u,~ [-~ l u,~[!]

11.' [

l.u,~ In Exercises 13-18. use the Gram-5chmidt process to

generate an orthogonal set from the given linearly inde-

l l
pendent \,ectors.

2'U'~[ ~ u,~[ -~ u'~[:J

~ [J ~ Ul~ I3tH;H~]


u, [;] u, ~U l ~ -n
u, u, [ -;]

u, [
14. [ iH;H-~ ]
In Exercise~ 5-8. tind values a. b. and c such that 15. [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [1 ]

n H;H~~ ]
(UI.U2.U3) IS an orthogonal set. 1.2. I

;. u, [ : ~ l ~ [J u, u, [ ~ 16. [ ;

6 u, [ ~ ~ l ~ [-J u, ~
u, [ : ] 17. [ ; ] . [ : ] . [ ~ ;]

1 ] [ -2 ] [ 4 ] 0 0 1
7. UI = I . U! = ~ I . U3 = b I 0 0

1 18. [ 1] [0] [0]

8. u, ~ [J ~ [J u,

u, ~ [ :J

~ .: .~
in Exercises 9-12. express the given vector v in terms In Exercises [9 and 20. find a basis for the null space and
of the orthogonal basis B = (UI. "2. U3). where UI. U2. the range of the given matrix. Then use Gram-Schmidt
and U3 are as in Exercise T. to obtain orthogonal bases.

9'~[l] 1O"~[;]
19. [ 1 -2 1 -; ]
2 I 7 5
I -1 2-2
3.7 Linear Transformations from R" to R- 225

, ]
20. [
1 3 10 11
2 -I -I
5 4
21. Argue that any set of four or more nonzero veCIQrs
letc = x T~'/yT y and expand (x _cy)T (x -Q') ~ O.
Also treal the case y = 8.]
25. The triangle inequality. lei x and y be \ ectors in
R~. Provethatllx+yl!::: Jlxll+IIYII. [Him: Expand
IIx + )"1[2 and use Exercise 24.)
in R) cannOI be an orthogonal set.
26. LeI x and y be vectors in R~. Prove that IlIxl -
Idlprocess to 2!. Let S = {Ut. "2, U31 bean orthogonal set of nonzero lIyUI ::: IIx - Yl!. [Him: For one part consider
linearly inde- vectors in RJ . Define the (3 x 3) matrix A by IIx + (y - x)11 and Exercise 25.]
A = [Ul. "2. U3]. Show thaI A is nonsingu!ar and
27. If the hypotheses for Theorem 14 were altered so
ATA = D. where D is a diagonal matrix. Calculate
the diagonal matrix D when A is created from the that {WiIf:/ Ir.1
is linearly independent and (Wj is
orthogonal vectOrs in Exercise I. linearly dependent. use Exercise 23 to show that
Eq. (6) yields up = 8.
B. Let IV be a p-dimensional subspace of Rn . If v is a
vector in IV such Ihal \,7 w = 0 for every w in W, 28. Let B = (UI. U2 •.••• upl be an orthonormal basis
show that v = 8. [Hint: Consider w = v.1 for a subspace W. Let \' be any vector in IV. where
v = 01111 + 02U2 + ... + opu p . Show that
2-1. The Callch)'-Schwa~ ineqlloliry. Let x and y be vec-
tors in R~. Prove thai I"TYI .:5 IIx JI: YII. [Hint: Ob- lIvll 2 = af + oi + ... + a~.
serve that IIx - cyU 2 ~ 0 for any scalar c. If y #- 8.


In lhis section we consider a special class of funclions. called linear transfomwlions.
that map veclors to veClors. As we will presenlly obsen e. linear transfonnalions arise
naturally as a generalization of matrices. Moreover. linear uansfonnations have impor-
tant applications in engineering science. the social sciences. and various branches of
The notation for linear transformations follows the usual notation for functions. If
V is a subspace of R" and \V is a subspace of R"'. then the notation
F:V __ W

\loill denote a function, F. whose domain is the subspace V and whose range is contained
in W. Furthennore. for \' in V we write

w = F(v)
10 indicate that F maps \' to w. To illustrate. let F: R3 -+ R2 be defined by

X, - x, ]
IJI 'p3Ceand F(x)= [ xl+X3 •

x~ [:J
226 Chapter 3 The Veclor Space R II

In this case if, for example. v is the vecwr

then F(\» = w, where

v~ [~ l
w ~[ -:]

In earlier seclions we have seen that an (m x n) matrix A detemlines a function

from R" to R"'. Specifically for x in R". the formula
T(x) = Ax II
defines a function T: W --+ R"'. To illustrate. let A be the (3 x 2) matrix

A= [ 1-I]
~ ~ .

In this case Eq. (I) defines a function T: R2 --+ R J • and the formula for T is

T(,) = T ([ :: ]) ~ [~ -~] [ :: ] ~ X'2~:V2

[ ]:
3 I 3Xl + X2
for instance.

T ([ : ]) ~ [; l
Returning to the general case in which A is an (m x n) matrix. note that the function
T defined by Eq. (I) salisfies the following linearity properties:
T(v + w)
= A(\' + w) = Av + Aw = T(v)
= A(e\') = eAv = eT(v).
+ T(w) ,
\\here v and w are any vectors in R" and e is an arbitrary scalar. We next define a
linear transformation to be a function that satisfies the two linearity properties given in
Eq. (2).

DEFI'lTlO' 5 Let \I and \V be subspaces of Wand R"', respectively, and let T be a function
from \' to lV, T: V --+ IV. We say that T is a linear transformation if for all u
and \' in V and for all scalars Q
T(u + v) = T(u) + Tv)
T(au) = aT(u). (~)
3.7 Linear Transformations from R" to R- 227

II is apparent from Eq. (2) that the funclion T defined in Eq. (I) by matrix muhipli-
cation is a linear transformation. Conversely, if T: R" ... R'" is a linear transformation.
then (see Theorem 15 on page 232) there is an (m x 11) matrix A such that T is defined
by Eq. (I). Thus linear transformations from R" to R'" are precisely thosc functions that
can be defined by matrix multiplication as in Eq. (I). The situation is not so simple for
linear transformations on arbitrary vector spaces or even for linear transformations on
subspaces of R". Thus the concept of a linear transformation is a convenient and useful
generalization to arbitrary subspaces of matrix functions defined as in Eq. (I).

j1e~ a funclion Examples of Linear Transformations

Most of the familiar functions from the reals to the reals are not linear transformations.
(I For example. none of the functions
f(x)=x+l. 8(X)=X 2• h(x) = sin.r. k(.t)=e~
is a linear transformation. Indeed, it will follow from the exercises that a function
f: R -l- R is a linear transformation if and only if f is defined by f(x) = ax for some
We now give several examples to illustrate the use of Definition 8 in verifying
whether a function is or is not a linear transformation.

E\..'I,\\PLL I Lei F: R3 _ R2 be the function defined by

F(x)= [ X2+ X3
X, - x, ]
Determine whether F is a linear transformation.
where x =
[."." ]
X2 '

Solution We must determine whether the 1\\'0 linearity propenies in Eq. (3) are satisfied by F.
function Thus let u and \' be in R 3.

u ~ [ ::] and "~ [ : ] .

define a
143 (/3

and let c be a scalar. Then

lIe>. gi\en in
u, - u, ]
u.J,.\,= U2+l/2
[ "3 T V3

1.Jlk:t1on Therefore. from the rule defining F,

)f all u
(u, + u,J - (u, + ",) ]
F(u + v) = [ (142 + (/2) + (113 + (/3)

~ [ u, - u, ] + [ u, - u, ]
+ 143
142 (/2 + (/3
= F(u) + F(v).
228 Chapter 3 The "edor Space R"


cu, -cu, J= c [u, -u, J= cF(u).

F(cu) =
[ CII2 + CU) 112 + II)

so F is a linear lransfonnation.
Note that F can also be defined as F(x) = Ax. "here A is the (2 x 3) matrix

A= 1 -I 0 J. •
[ o 1 1

E.\.\.\\PLE 2 Define H: R 2 -+ R 2 by

H(x) =

Determine 'Whether H is a linear transformation.

l .h"ex~ l [::

Solution Let u and v be in R 2:

u= [ u'J
112 and v=
["'J L'2 .


(ul-t'Il-(1I2+t'l)+1 J.
[ 3(112 ~ L'l)

H(u) + H(",) =
[ u, - '" + 1 J+ ["' - '" + 1 J
3112 3V2

= [ (/ll + L'l) -
(U2 + L'!) + 2
+ l'2)
Thus v.e see that H(u +v) ¥= H(u) + H(v). Therefore. H is not a linearlransformation.
Although. it is nOI necessary. it can also be \erified easily thai if C ¥= I. then H(cu) r
cHeu). •

E.X+\\lPI E 3 Let \V be a subspace of R n such Ihatdim{W) = p.and let 5 = (WI. ""2 ..... Wpl bean
orthonormal basis for IV. Define T: R~ ....... IV by
T(v) = {\ TWd""t + (\,T w2)W2 -+- .•• _ (\,T ""p)""p' {4,

Pro\e that T is a linear transformation.

Solution If u and \' are in R~. then
T(u + \') = + vl wiJwr + [(u + V)T w21w2 + ... + [(u + v)T wp]w/!
= HUT + \'T)\\'11wl + [CUT + VT)W2JW2 + ... + [CUT + vT)\\'p]W p
= (u T WI)""I + (u T w2)\\'2 + + (u T wp)W p
+(\,T wI)\\ I + (\,T W2)W2 + -.,. (v TWp)W p
= T(u) + T{\).
3.7 Linear Transformations from R" 10 R'" 229

II can be shown similarly that Tku) =:: cT(u) for each scalar c, SO T is a linear
uansformation. •
The \'ector T(\'> defined by Eq. (.J) is called the onhogonal projection of v onto
tV and will be considered funher in Sections 3.8 and 3.9. As a specific illustration of
Example 3. let tV be the subspace of R) consisting of all vectors of the form
ilj maui"
X, ]
• X=

Thus tV is the .\)'-plane. and the set tel. e21 is an orthonormal basis for tV. For x in R),

x= [." ]:: •

the formula in Eq. (.J) yields

T(x) = (x T edel + (x T C2)C2 = Xle, + X2C2·

rex) ~[~
This transformation is illustrated geomeuically by Fig. 3.15.
, . (.l"\.X2·.l"))

H(cu) =::

• ,
14',}bean ,,, y

(.l! • .l"2' 0)

FigUff 3.15 Onhogonal projection onto the .l)·-plane

J" , E\ \\\PLE 4- Let \V be a subspace of R~. and lei a be a scalar. Define T: lV --,. \V by T(w) = aw.
Demonstrate that T is a linear transformation.
Solution If \' and 14' are in tV. then

T(,· + w) = a(v + 14') = a\' + a 14' = T(v) + T(w).

230 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R-

Like\l,'ise. if e is a scalar. then

T(ew) = a(ew) = c(ow) = cT(w).

It foUows that T is a linear transfonnation. •

The linear transfonnation defined in Example 4 is called a dilation when 0 > I arx.
a COlllroction when 0 < (/ < I. These cases are illustrated geometrically in Fig. 3.16.

a > I. dilalion o < a < I. conlfaClion

(,) (b)

Figun 3.16 Dilations and conlfaCtions

The mapping I: \V --+ \V defined by I(w) = w is the special case of Example 4 in

which a = I. The linear transfonnation I is called the identity trans/onnation.

t:\.\ \\1111:> Let \V be a subspace of R~. and let (J be the zero vector in R"'. Define T: IV --+ R'" by
T(w) = 9 for each w in IV. Show that T is a linear transfonnation.

Solutio" Let v and w be vectors in IV. and let c be a scalar. Then

T(v + w) = (J = (J +9 = T(v) + T(w)

T(cv) = 9 = c9 = eT(v).

so T is a linear transfonnation. •
The linear transfonnation T defined in Example 5 is called the :uo trallS/ormatioll.
Later in this section we will consider other examples when",e study a particular class
of linear tralLSfonnations from R" to R 2. For the present. we tum to further properties
of linear transfonnations.

The Matrix of a Transformation

Let V and IV be subspaces. and let T: V __ IV be a linear transfonnation. If u and \'
are vectors in V and if a and b are scalars. then the linearity properties (3) yield

T(au + bv) = T(au) + T(b\') = aT(u) + bT(,-).

3.7 Linear Transformations from R" to Rill 231

Inducti\ely we can extend Eq. (5) to any finite subset of V. That is. if VI. \'2 ..... Vr are
veclors in V and if CI. C! •••.. Cr are scalars. then
nCI\'l + ell'! + ... + crvr ) = Cl T(l'l) + clT(l'l) + ... + Cr T(v r ). ,6,
• The following example illustrates an application of Eq. (6).
lena> land
Fig. 3.16.
E'.\\\PI rb Let \V be the subspace of R 3 defined by
W = Ix: x = x! . X2 and X3 any real numbers}.
[ x,
Then {WI. w:d is a basis for W. where

w, = [i] 'lld w, = [ ~ l
Suppose that T: W - R l is a linearlransformation such Ihat T(wd = ul and T(wl) =
Ul. "'here

ple..J in
u, ~ [ :] 'lld u, = [ _: l
'n lei the vector W be: gi\ en by

- R·b~
w ~ [: ]

Show that" is in 1V. express w as a linear combinalion of WI and w2. and use Eq. (6)
10determine Trw).
Solution Ii folio", s from the description of 1V that W is in W. Funhennore. it is easy to see that
W = 3\\"1 - 2"'2.

• B) Eq. (6)•
Trw) = 3T(wd - 2T(W2) = 3u\ - 2U2 = 3 [ : ] - 2 [ _: ].

T,w) ~ [a •
u and,
Example 6 illustrates that Ihe action of a linear transfonnation T on a subspace 1V
is complelely determined once the action of T on a basis for W is known. Our next
example provides yet another illuSiration of this fact.

232 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Rn

I\A\\PLf - Let T: R 3 ---+ R 2 be a linear transformation such that

TC',) ~[ : l
For an arbitrary vector x in R 3 •
TC',) ~[ -: l 'nd T(,,) ~[ a
X, ]
x= [ :: '

give a formula for T(x).

Solution The vector x can be written in the form

x = Xlet + X2e2 + X3e3,

so by Eq. (6).

T(x) = Xl T(ed + X2T(e2) + X3T(e3). (7'


[ 1] [ -1 ] [2] [x, - xd 2x, ]
= -
. •
Continuing with the notation of the preceding example, leI A be the (2 x 3) matrix
with columns T(el). T(e2), T(e): thus.

A = [T(ed. T(e2), T(e))] = [ ~ -1


It is an immediate consequence ofEq. (7) and Theorem 5 of Section 1.5 that T(x) = Ax.
Thus Example 7 illustrates the following theorem.
-i 111 EORf\\ Let T: Rn ---+ Rm be a linear transformation, and let el. e2, .... en be the unit vectors in
R n. If A is the (m x n) matrix defined by
A = [T(el)' T(e2),"" T(e n )],
then T(x) = Ax for all x in Rn.
Proof [f x is a vector in Rn,

X, ]
x= .
then x can be expressed in the form

x= Xlel + X2e2 +.. + xnen .

3.7 Linear Transformations from R II to R'" 233

It now follows from Eq. (6) that

rex) = Xl T(el) + X2T(e2) -r- ... + x"T(e,,). ",

if A = [T(ed. T(e!) . .... T(e,,)].lhen by Theorem 5 of Section 1.5. the right-hand side
of Eq. (8) is simply Ax. Thus Eq. (8) is equivaJenllo rex) = Ax. •

E,\.\\\Pl L~ Let T: R 2 -+ R 3 be the linear transformation defined by the formula

T ([ x,X2 ]) = [ _:' + 2x,

2.\'1 - Xl

Find a matrix A such that T(x) = Ax for each x in R!.

Solution By Theorem 15. A is the (3 x 2) matrix
A = [T(el). T(e!)).

II is an easy calculation that

• T(e,) = [ - ~ ] ,nd T(e,l = [ J


A=[-:2 -1:]
... One can easily verify that

:\'u11 Space and Range

rex) = Ax for each x in R 2 , •
Associated with a linear transformation. T. are two imponant and useful subspaces called
the null space and the range of T. These are defined as follows.

D-I:::fl" ITIOr-.. t) Let V and W be subspaces. and let T: V --+ \V be a linear transformation.
The null space of T, denoted by N(T). is the subset of V given by
..'\'(T) = Iy: ,. is in V and TCY} = O}.
The range of T, denoted by 'R(T). is the subset of \V defined by
'R(T) = {w: w is in Wand w = T(y} for some " in V}.

That N(T) and R(T) are subspaces will be proved in (he more general COnlex[ of
Chapter 5. If T maps RII into R"'. then by Theorem 15 there exists an (m x n) matri'\
234 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

A such that T(x) = A x. In this case il is clear that the null space of T is the null spa,~
of A and the range of T coincides with the range of A.
As with matrices. the dimension of the null space of a linear transfonnation T I'
called the lIullity of T. and the dimension of the range of T is called the rank of T. I:
T is defined by matrix multiplication. T(x) = Ax. then the transformation T and Ill.:
matrix A have the same nullity and the same rank. Moreo\"er. if T: Rn __ Riff. then A.
is an (m x n) matrix. so it follows from the remark in Seclion 3.5 that

rank(T) + nullily(T) = /1.

Formula (9) will be pro\'ed in a more general setting in Chapter 5.

The next twO examples illustrate the use of the matrix of T 10 determine the null
space and the range of T.

I \ \ \\PU: 9 Let F be the linear transformation gken in Example I. F: R3 -+ R~. Describe the null
space and Ihe range of F. and delennine the nullity and the rank of F.
Solution It follows from Theorem 15 that F(x) = Ax. where A is the (2 x 3) matri:<

A = (F(e,). F(e2). F(e)) =

Thus the null space and the range of F coincide. respectivel). wilh the null space and the
range of A. The null space of A is determined by backsol\'ing the homogeneous system
Ax = 8. where x is in R 3:

X, ]
x= .~~ .
This gives

..\'(F) = ;\"(A) = Ix: Xl = -X3 and X2 = -x,l.

Using the techniques of Section 3.4. we can easily see that the \ector

u = [ =: ]
is a basis for .\'(Fl, so F has nullilY I. By Eq. (9),
rank(F) = II - nullity(F) = 3 - 1 = 2.
Thus 'R( F) is a two-dimensional subspace of R~. and hence 'R( F) = R~.
Alternatively. note that Ihe system of equations Ax = b has a solution for each b in
R~. so R(F) = R(A) = R". •

['"","flU: 10 Let T: R1 -- R3 be Ihe linear transformation ghen in Example 8. Describe the null
space and the range of T, and determine the nullity and the rank of T.
3.7 Linear Transformations from R It to R- 235

Ie null space SOlllliO/I In E:<.ample 8 it was shown that T(x) = Ax. where A is the (3 x 2) matrix

'I'lUtion T i~
D T and the
A~[~: ~].
2 -I
R" . then A
Ifb is the (3 x I) vector.

the null
b~ [:J
then the augmented matrix (A I bj for the linear system Ax = b is row equivalent to
I 0 (1/3)b, - (2/3)b, ]
the null o 1 (1/3)b, + (l/3)b, (10)
o 0 (-lj3)b l + (5j3)b 2 + b)
Therefore. T(x) =
Ax =
b can be solved if and only if 0 = (-I j3)b l + (5j3)b2 + b3•
The range of T can thus be described as
'R(T) ~ 'R(A)
and the
) 'tem = fb: b = [ :: ]. b l and b2 any real numbersl.
(1/3)b, - (5/3)b,
A basis for 'R(T) is lUI. U2} where

u, ~[ ~ ] and U, ~ [ ~]
1/3 -5/3
Thus T has rank 2. and by Eq. (9).
nullity(T) = n - rank(T) = 2 - 2 = O.
II follows that T has null space {9}. Altemathely. it is clear from matrix (10). \lo'ith
b = 9. that the homogeneous system of equations Ax = 9 ha... only the trivial solution.
Therefore...qT) = .A'(A) = 19}. •

Orthogonal Transformations on R 2 (Optional)

" is often infonnati\'e and useful to view linear transfonnations on either R 2 or R 3 from
a geometric point of view. To illustrate this general notion. the remainder of this section
is de\oted to determining those linear tmnsfonnations T: R 2 -+ R 2 that preserve the
b ..
length of a vector: that is. we are inte,rested in linear transformations T such that
• IIT(v)1I ~ IIvll (II)

n for all v in R 2. Transfonnations that satisfy Eq. (II) are called orthogonal transforma.
tiolls. We begin by giving some examples of orthogonal transformations.
236 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

Let 8 be a fixed angle. and let T: R" -+ R" be the linear transformation defined ~
-i -EX·MIPl£ 11
T(v) = Av. where A is the (2 x 2) matrix

A_ _[co,O -'inO] .
sin (} cos 8
Give a geometric interpretation of T. and show that T is an orthogonallransfonnation.

Solution Suppose that v and T(v) are given by

v ~[ :] "d T(v) ~[ ~].

Then rc\') = A \', so

-'inO] [a] ~ ["OOSO -b"nO ]

[ ~ ]~ [ CO,O sinO cos8 b asm8+bcosO

We proceed now to show thai T(v) is obtained geometrically by rotating the vector,
through the angle 8. To see this, let ¢ be the angle between" and the positive x-axis
(see Fig. 3.17), and set r = II vII. Then the coordinates (/ and b can be wrilten as
a=rcos¢. b=rsin¢.
Making the substitution (13) for a and b in (12) yields
c = ,. cos rP cos 8 - r sin ¢ sin 8 = r cos(¢! + 8)

d = r cos¢sin8 + r sin¢cos8 = r sin(¢ + 8).
Therefore, c and d are the coordinates of the point obtained by rotating the point (a. b)
through the angle O. Clearly then, IIT(v)1I = IIvll. and T is an orthogonal linear
transformation. _

(c. d)
",, (a. b)

c "x
Figure 3.17 Rotation through the angle 8

The linear transformation T defined in Example II is called a rotation. Thus if A

is a (2 x 2) matrix.

A~ [a -b].
b "
3.7 Linear Transformations from R" to R" 237

1 defined b~ where a~ + b1 = 1. then Ihe linear transfonnalion T(v) = Av is the rOlalion through
the angle 8. 0;5 8 < 2JT. wherecos8 = a and sin8 = b.

fXi\<\IIJU: 12 Define T: R~ _ R1 by T(\') = A". where

./3/2 ] .
A ~ [ -./3/2 -1/2

Give a geometric imerpretation of T.

Solution Since cos(4iT 13) = - t/2 and sin(4rr 13) = -fl/2. T is the rotation through the angle
4JT/J· •
,, Now leI I be a line in the plane Ihat passes through the origin. and leI " be a vector
,, in the plane. If we define T(v) to be the symmetric image of v relntive to J (see Fig.
\e.,:lor \ ,,
-e :r·a"l ,, 3.18). lhen clearly T preserves the length of v'. It can be shown Ihat T is mulliplication

, by the matrix
A~[CO'8 "08 ]
sin 8 -cos8 .

Figun3.18 where (1/2)8 is the angle between I and the positive x-axis. Any such lran!>formation is
Reflection about a line called a rejlecriolJ. Note that a reflection T is also an orthogonal linear lransformation.

li""" EM\\PI t: 13 Lei T: R~ ...... R~ be defined by T(\') = Av. where A is the (2 x 2) matrix

A~[ 1/2
./3;2 ].

Ghe a geometric imerpretalion of T.

Solution Sincecos(iT/J) = =
1/2 and sin(rr 3) ./3/2. T is the reflection about the line I. where
I is the line thai passes through the origin at an angle of 30 degrees. _
The next theorem give, a characterization of orthogonal transformations on R1. A
consequence of Ihis theorem will be that every orthogonal tranSformluion is either a
rotation or a reflection.

THl:OI~l:\\ Ie:, Let T: R~ -+ R~ be a linear transformation. Then T is an orthogonal transformation if

and only if IIT(edll =UT(e2 HI =
1 and T(et> is perpendicularto T(e1)·

itA Proof If T is an orthogonal tmosformalion. then IIT(v)lI = IIvl: for every vector \' in R 2.
In particular. IlT(elHI := I,edl := I. and similarly IIT(e~)1I = I. Set u\ = T(ell.
U1 = T(e~). and \. = rl. IV = el + e~. Then

2 = ","' ~ IIT('lIl' ~ IIT(o, + o,lll' ~ llreo,) + T(o,lll'.

238 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

2 = lIuI + u211 2
= (Uj + U2)T (Uj + U2)
= (u; + uiHul + U2)
- U' +U' U2
l Uj +U1' Ul
+U'2 U2

= !lUI 11 + 2ur U2 + lIu2112

It follows thatufU2 = 0, so Ul is perpendicular 10 U2.

The proof of the converse is Exercise 47.

We can now use Theorem 16 to give a geometric description for any orthogonal
linear transformation. T, on R 2. Firsl, suppose that T(ed Ul and T(e2) U2. If = =
u, ~ [: l
then 1 = lIullI" = a" + b 2 • Since lIu211 = I and U2 is perpendicular 10 Ul. there are two
choices for U2 (see Fig. 3.19): either L

u, ~[ -:] m u, ~[ _: ]

In either case. it follows from Theorem 15 thai T is defined by T(v) = Av, where A is
the (2 x 2) matrix A = [Ul. u21. Thus if .,T

u, ~ [ -: l c>T

A ~[ : -: l

--- -- •
" (0. b)
u, ,,
<, ,, c
, ,
,,, '-'-"

(b. -0)

Figure 3.19 Choices for U2

3.7 Linear Transformations from Hit to R m 239

so T is a rotation. If


A~[: -~l
and T is a reflection. In either case note that ATA = f, so AT = A -I (see Exe,rcise 48).
An (II x II) real matrix with the propeny that ATA = I is called an orthogonal matrix.
• Thus we have shown mal an onhogonal transformation on R 1 is defined by

T(x) = Ax.
where A is an orthogonal matrix.

"" I. Define T: R2 ...... R1 by Which of the following vectors are in the null space
~[ 2x, - 3x, ].

aj T ([
T ([ ;; ])

Find each of the following.


bj T ([ : ])
+ X2

oj [n -n bj [

,j [ ; ] dj [ -:/2 ]
,j T ([ ~]) d) T ([ -~ ]) I -1/2

2. !kline T: R" -+ R1 by T(x) = Ax. where 4. lei T: R" -+ R 1 be the fUJ1Clion defined in Exer-

_[ 1-1] cise I. Find x in R" such thai T(x) = b. where


Find each of the following.

aj T ([ ~])

bj T ([ : ])

b~[ -a
5. Let T: R" _ R2 be lhe function given in Exer-
cise I. Show lhal for each b in R2, there is an x in
R 2 such that T(x) = b.

,j T ([ ~]) dj T ([ ~ ]) 6. Let T be the linear transformation gi\en in Exer-

cise 2. Find x in R 2 such mat T(x) = b. where
3. L=l T: R3
fined by

-- R"

([ x:X']) = [
be the linear lransfonnation

Xl+ 2r1 + 4-':3

2\"1 + 3X 1 + 5X3
b~[ -a
7. Let T be the linear transformalion given in Exer-
cise 2. Show mal mere is no x in R2 such that
240 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

T(x) = b for 16. F: R2 ...... R defined by t"..

b ~[ : ] F ([ :: ]) ~ 2x, + lx, .J T

In Exercises 8-17. detennine whether the function F is 17. F: R 2 ...... R defined by

a linear transfonnation. T
8. F: R 2 ...... R 2 defined by
F ([ :: ]) ~ Ix,1 + Ix,l
F ([ :: ]) ~[ 2x, -
Xl + 3x2
." ]
18. Let W be the subspace of R 3 defined by T

9. F: R 2 -+ R 2 defined by
IV ~ I" ~ [;:] ~ ~ x, x) 0).

F([ :: ]) ~ [ :: ] Find an orthononnal basis for W. and use Eq, (.t)

of Example 3 to give a formula for the orthogonal
10. F: R 2 ...... R 2 defined by projection T: R J -+ W; that is. determine T(v) for
arbitrary \' in R3 ;
F([::]) ~[x,~x,]
II. F: R 2 -+ R 2 defined by
,~[ ~ l -

~ x~:, ]
Give a geometric interpretation of IV, v. and T (\').
F ([ :: ]) [ 19. Let T: R 2 -+ R 3 be a linear transformation such
that T(el) = U\ and T(e2) = U2, where
12. F: R 3 -+ R 2 defined by

F ([ :: ]) ~ [ -Xl
Xl - X2

+ 3X2 -
+ XJ ]

2x J
", ~ U] ood ", ~ ~
[ ]

Find each of the following.

13. F: R3 -+ R:' defined by

,j T ([ : ])
F([::]) ~ [:: ] b)T([_~])
14. F: R:' -+ R J defined by
,jT([:]) I
x, - x, ]
-XI + X2 20. Let T: R 2 -+ R 2 be a linear transfonnation such
F ([ :: ]) [
x, that T(vl) = Ut and T(\'2) = U2' where

15. F: R:' -+ R 3 defined by

"~ [~ 1 "~ [-: 1
F ([ :: ]) ~ ~ [ ] ", ~ [ ~ ]. "d ", ~[ : ]. --
3.7 Linear Transformations from R" to R- 241

~ [J
Find each of the roIlO'o\'ing.

T ([ - : ] )
aJ T ([ : ])

b)T([_~]) T([ -i])~[n

oj T ([ ~ ])
Tn Exercises 25-30. a linear transformation T is given.
In each case find a matrix A ~uch that T (x) = Ax. Also
de!>Cribe the null space and the range of T and give the
~OJ nmk and the nullity of T.
In E'l:crcises 21-24. the action of a linear trnnsformation
T on a basis for either R l or RJ is gi\en. In each case 25. T: Rl ....... R~ defined by
y,.e Eq. (6) to dcrh'e a formula for T.

'" ,J

'I.T([: ])=[ _~] ~d

T ([ x, ]) ;" + 3x, ]
T'\ ior Xl _1"1 + Xl

26. T: R l --. R) defined by

~[ ~]
T ([ _: ])
T ([ :: ]) [ ::::: ]

~ ~d
T •
11. T ([ : ]) [ :] 27. T: R" - R defined by

T ([ -: ]) ~ [ n T ( [ : : ]) ~ 3" + 'x,
28. T: R 3 -.. RJ defined by

X']) [X' + x, ]
~ ~l
([ x~ Xl
D T ([ ]) =[
29. T: R J .....,. R2 defined by

T ([ -:]) ~ [a T([::]) =[ :;=::]

30. T: RJ R ddined b)'

-l]) ~[n

T ([ :J) = 2<, -x,+4x;

U T ([ ~ ]) = [ -:]
31. Let a be a real number. and define. j: R _ R by
f(x) = ax for each.1" in R. Show lhal f is a linear
242 Chapter 3 The Vector Space RR

32. Let T: R ---+ R be a linear transformation. and sup- defining by [G 0 Fj(u) = G(F(u» for each u in V,
pose that T( I) = a. Show that T (x) = ax for each is a linear transformation.
x in R. 40. Let F: R3 -+ R" and G: R" -+ R3 be linear trans- .,

33. Let T: R 2 -"" R" be the function that maps each formations defined by
point in R" to its reflection with respect to the

~-axis. Give a formula for T and show that T is
-Xl+ 2x 2- 4x 3 ]
a linear transformation.
2XI+5x2+ X3
34. Let T: R" -+ R" be the function that maps each
point in R 2 to its reflection with respect to the line •
)' = x. Give a formula for T and show that T is a "d

c([::]) ~ [~:::~::]
linear transformation.
35. Let V and IV be subspaces, and let F: V -+ IV
and G: V -+ IV be linear transformations. Define
F + G: V -+ IV by [F +
G](v) = F(v) + G(\·)
for each v in V. Pro\'e that F +
G is a linear a) By Exercise 39. G 0 F: R3 -4 R3 is a linear

transformation. transformation. Give a formula for G 0 F.

36, Let F: R 3 -"" R" and G: R 3 -+ R" be defined by b) Find matrices A. B. and C such that F(x) =
Ax, G(x) = Bx, and [G 0 FJ(x) = Cx.

F (["'])
:: = [ 2xI -

+ 2X2 -
+ X3
5X3 ]
c) Verify that C = BA.
41. Let B be an (m x n) matrix, and let T: R" -4 R'"
be defined by T(x) = Bx for each x in R n . If A
and is the matrix for T given by Theorem 15, show that
A = B.

(["D ~ [-2x,
I _ XI +4X2 +2X3
c:: +]" + 3XJ 42. Let F: R n -+ RP and G: RP -+ R'" be linear trans-
formations. and assume that Theorem 15 yields ma-
trices A and B. respectively. for F and G. Show that
the matrix for the composition G 0 F (sec Exercise
a) Give a formula for the linear transformation 39) is BA. [Him: Show that (G 0 F)(x) = BAx for
F + G (see Exercise 35). x in R n and then apply Exercise 41.]
b) Find matrices A, B. and C such that F(x) = 43. Let I: R" -+ Rn be the identity transformation. De-
Ax, G(x) = Bx. and (F + G)(x) = Cx. termine the matrix A such that / (x) = Ax for each
c) Verify that C = A + B. x in R n .
37, Let V and IV be subspaces, and let T: V -+ IV be 44. Let a be a real number and define T: R" -+ R n by
a linear transformation. If a is a scalar. define aT: T(x) = ax (see Example 4). Detennine the matrix
V -+ IV by [aTl(v) = a[T(v)] for each v in V. A such that T (x) = Ax for each x in Rn .
Show that (./ T is a linear transformation.
Exercises 45-49 are based on the optional materia1.
38. Let T: RJ -+ R2 be the linear transformation de-
fined in Exercise 29. The linear transformation [3 T]: 45. Let T: R 2 -+ R 2 be a rotation through the angle 9.
R 3 -+ R 2 is defined in Exercise 37. In each of the following cases, exhibit the matrix for
T. Also represent v and T(v) geometrically, where
a) Give a formula for the transformation 3T.
b) Find matrices A and B such that = Ax
and [3T](x) = Bx. v [ : ]
c) Verify thai B = 3A.
39, Let U, V. and IV be subspaces. and let F: V -+ V a) 9 = ]I" 12 b) 9 = Jr 13 c) 9 = 27r 13
and G: V -+ IV be linear transformations. Prove 46. Let T: R'- -+ R2 be the reflection with respect to
that the composition G 0 F: U -+ IV of F and G, the line I. In each of the following cases, exhibit
3.8 Least-Squares Solutions to Inconsistent S)·stems. with Applications to Data Fitting 243

e.lC'h u in U.
the malrix for T. Also re,present el. <:2. T{el). and 48. Let T: R 2 -+ R2 be an orthogonal linear trans-
T{e2) geometrically. fonnation. and let A be the corresp::mding (2 x 2)
near lrans_ a) I is the x-axis. b) 1 is the y-axis. malrix. Show that ATA = f. [Him: Use Theorem
c) I is the line with equation.'" = x. 16.J
d) I is the line with equation y = .J3x. 49, Let A = [AI. A1J be a (2 x 2) matrix such that

""x, ] 47. Lei T: R 2 -+ R2 be a linear transformation that

satisfies the conditions of Theorem 16, Show that
T is orthogonal. (Him: If v = [Il, bV, then
f, and define T: R 2 _ R" by T(x) Ax. =
a) Show that fA I, A11 is an orthononnal Set.
b) Use Theorem 16 to show that T is an ortho-
\' = ael + be1. Now use Eq. (6).J
gonal transformation.

, XI = When faced wilh solving a linear syslem of the form Ax = b. our procedure has been to
describe all solutions iflhe system is consistent but merely 10 say "there are no solutions"
if the system is inconsistent. We now want 10 go a step further with regard 10 inconsistent
systems. If a given linear system Ax = b has no solution. then .... e .....ould like to do
the next best thing-find a vector x· such Ihat the residual "ector. r = Ax· - b. is as
small as possible. In terms of praclical applications. we shall see that any technique for
minimizing Ihe residual "ector can also be used to find best least-squares fits to data.
A common source of inconsistent syslems are ol'f!rdf!ttrmined s)'sttms (that is.
systems wilh more equations than unkn()\\'ns). The syslem that fo11o....s is an e>;ample of
an o\'erdetennined system:

XI + 4X2 = -2
0.. XI +2(1 = 6
'fore~ 21"1 + 3X1 = I.

OH=rdelermined systems are often inconsistent. and the preceding example is no excep-
tion. Given that the above system has no solution. a reasonable goal is to find values for
Xl and X2 that come as close as possible 10 satisfying all three equations. ~ethods for
achieving that goal are the subjecl of this section.

Least·Squares Solutions to Ax = b
Consider the linear system Ax = b where A is (m x 1/). If x is a vector in Rn , then the
vector r = Ax - b is called a residual ~·f!ClOr. A \'ector x' in R~ Ihat yields Ihe smallesl
possible residual ,ector is called a least-squares solution to Ax = b. More precisely. x'
is a least-squares sofutioll to Ax = b if

IIAx· - bll ::: IIAx - bl!. for all x in Rn •

, (If Ax = b happens to be consistent. then a least~squares solution x' is also a solution
in the usual sense since IIAx' - bll = 0.)
244 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R M

The special case of an inconsistent (3 x 2) system Ax = b suggests how we can

calculate least-squares solutions. In particular. consider Fig. 3.20 which illustrates a
vector b that is not in R(A); that is. Ax = b is inconsistent.

,1/ I ~ y .~y


Figure 3.20 )" is the closest vector in R(A) to b

Let the vector y. in R(A) be the closest vector in R(A) to b: that is

II,Y~ - bll ::; IIY - bl!. for all y in R(A).
Geometry suggests (see Fig. 3.20) that the vector y. - b is orthogonal to every vector
in R(A). Since the columns of A form a spanning set for R(A). this orthogonality
condition leads to
A;(,Y· - b) =0
ArC,Y- - b) = 0
or. in matrix-vector terms.

Since,Y° = Ax~ for some x- in R 2 • the preceding equation becomes AT (Ax~ - b) = 8.

ATAx· = Arb.

Thus, the geometry of the (3 x 2) system. as illustrated in Fig. 3.20, suggests that
we can find least-squares solutions by solving the associated system (I):
ATAx = Arb.
As the following theorem asserts, this solution procedure is indeed valid.

~ TttEOREM 17 Consider the (m x II) system Ax = b.

(a) The associated system ATAx = ATb is always consistent.
(b) The least-squares solutious of Ax = bare prel.:isely the solutions of ATAx =
(c) The least-squares solution is unique if and only if A has rank n. •
3.8 Least·Squares Solutions to Inconsistent S)'stems, with Applications to Data "'ltting 245

We will give the proof of Theorem 17 in the next seelion. For now, we will illustrale
Ihe use of Theorem 17 and also gi\c some examples showing Ihe connections between
data-filting problems and leasl-squares solutions of inconsi!>lcm systems. (In parts (a)
and (b) of Theorem 17. [he associated equalions ATAx :::: Arb are called the normal

E\.\\\Pll: 1 Find the least-squares solutions to the inconsistent system

Xl +4X2::::-2
Xl + 2X2 = 6
2fl +3X2 = I.

Solution By Theorem 17. we can find the leasl.squares solUlions by solving Ihe normal equalions.
ATAx = Arb..... here

A ~ [: ~] "d b = [ -~ ]

Forming ATA and Arb. we obtain

ATA~[ 12612]
"d ATb=[6].

Solving the syslcm ATAx :::: Arb. we find the least.squares solUlion

x'~ [-a •
= Least-Squares Fits to Data
One of the major applications for least-squares solutions is to the problem of detennining
best least-squares fits to data. To introduce this imp:mant topic. consider a table of data
such as the one displayed next.

Table 3.1

H "

Suppose. when we plot the data in Table 3.1. that it has a distribution such as the one
sho\.\n in Fig. 3.21. When we ex:amine Fig. 3.21. it appe~ that the data (Ktints nearly
fall along a line of the form y = ml + c. A logical question is: "What is the best line
• that \.\e can draw through the data. one mat comes closest to representing the dataT
246 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R fl

• • •

• •

Figure 3.21 A nearly linear distribution of data points

In order (0 answer this question. we need a way to quantify the terms best ano
cfose.n, There are many different methods we might u!>c to measure best. but one oflhe
most useful is the least-squares criterion:
Find 11/ and c to minimize L
{(lilt; + c) - )'1 J1

The panicular linear pol) nomial J = lilt + c that minimizes the sum of squares il'
Eq. (2) is called the b~st least·squar~s linearjit to the data in Table 3.1. (We see in tht
next section that best least-squares linear fits always exist and are unique.)
Similarl). suppose the set of data points from Table I has a distribution such as tM
one displayed in Fig. 3.22. In this case. it appears that the data might nearly fall along
lhe graph of a quadratic polynomial J = all + bt + C. As in Eq. (2). we can use a
least-squares criterion to choose the besr leasr-sqllan's quadraric fit:
Find a. b. and c to minimize L
,,,,, [(at? + btl + c) - J,ll.

In a like manner. we can consider fitting data in a least-squares sense with pol)nomiah
of an) appropriate degree.

,. •
• •
• •
• •
• •

Figure 3.11 A nearly parabolic disuibution of data points

In the next several subsections. we examine the connection between least-squares

fits to data and least-squares solutions to Ax = b,
3.8 Least-Squares Solutions (0 Inconsistent S:rstems. with Applications to Data Fining 247

Least-Squares Linear Fits to Data

Suppose the laws of physics tell us that two measurable quantities, / and)". are related
in a linear fashion:
y=m(+c. -',
Suppose also that we wish to determine experimentally the values of 1/1 and c. If we know
that Eq. (3) models the phenomena exactly and that we have made no experimental error.
then we can determine m and c with only two experimental observations, For instance.
if y = Yo when / = to and if y = .n when / = (I, we can solve for 1/1 and c from

m [to I][m]~[)'o].
~Sl ~ nltl +c = ,n /1 I C )"1

o'lb< Usually we must be resigned to experimental errors or to imperfections in the model

given by Eq, (3). In Ihis case. we would probably make a number of experimenlal
observations. (tj.)"i) for i = O. I..... k. Using these observed values in Eq. (3) leads
to an o\erdetennined system of the form
1/I10-C = Yo
mIl -l- c =)"1

In matrix lenns. this o\'erdelennined S)Slem can be expressed as Ax = b. where

A =
to ']
. . X~[:l ond b~[:::]'
I, , ~'k

In this contexi. a least-squares solution to Ax b is a vector x· = 1m". c·f that

minimizes liAx - bl:, where

IIAx - b ,-, = L.., [(mt, + c) - '

Comparing the equation abo\'e with Ihe leasl-squares criterion (2). we see thai the best
least-squares linear fil. y = m-' + c·, can be detennined by finding the leasl-squares
solution of Ax = b.

E, \ \\PUc:2 Con~ider the experimental obsenations gi\en in the following table:

~ "2 8 II

y II 4 ,
Find the least·squares linear fit to the data.

248 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R n

SO/l/Iion For the function defined by )' = lilt + c, the data lead to the overdetermined system
m+c= I
11m +c= 5.
In matrix terms, the system is Ax = b, where

A~U il X~[';l "d b~[~]

The least-squares solution, x~. is found by solving ATAx = ATb, where

ATA = [ 202
2: ] ",d A'b~ [96]12 .

There is a unique solution to A TAx = ATb because A has rank 2, The solution is

X'~[ 12 /29].
Thus the least-squares linear fit is defined by
12 15
) ' -- 29 t + 29'
The data points and the linear fit are sketched in Fig. 3.23,


2 4 6 8 10 12 r

Figure 3.23 The least-squares linear fit to the data in Example 2

Using MATLAB to Find Least-Squares Solutions

Up to now we have been finding least-squares solutions to inconsistent systems by
solving the normal equations ATAx = ATb. This method is fine in theory but (because
of roundoff error) it is not reliable for machine ca1culations---especial1y for large systems
3.8 Least·Squares Solutions to Inconsistent Systems, "'ith Applications to Data fitting 2~9

"~'Iem. Ax = b. r-.IATLAB has several reliable altemalhes for finding least-squares solutions
to inconsistent systems: these methods do not depend on solving the nonnal equations.
If A is not square. the simple MATLAB command x = A\b produces a least·
squares solution to Ax = b using a QR-factorization of A. (In Chapter 7. we give a
thorough discussion of how to find least~squares solutions using QR-factorizations and
Householder transformations.) If A is ~quare but inconsistent. then the command x =
A\b results in a warning but does not return a least-squares solution. If A is not square.
a warning is also issued when A does not ha\e full rank. In the next section we will
give more details about these matters and about using MATLAB to find least·squares

L\ \ \\ PI r.3 Lubricating characterislics of oils deteriorate at elevated temperatures. and the amount
of bearing wear. y. is nonnally a linear function of the operating temperature. I. That is.
.r = nil + b. By weighing bearings before and after operation at various temperatures.
the following table was constructed:


- tempernture. "e 2l"

120 1'8 175 232 160 288 316 3·" 311
b Amount or
wear. gmllO.OOO hr 3 • 5 5.5 6 7.5 8.8 10 ILl 11

Detennine the least-squares linear fit from these readings and use it 10 delennine an
operating temperature that should limit bearing wear 10 7 gm/IO.000 hr of operation.
SOllllioll For the system Ax = b. v.e see Ihal A and b are gi\'en by

- A = [

b ~ 13.
5. 5.5. 6.



I I. I.
The least~squaressolution to Ax = b is found from the MATLAB commands in Fig, 3.24,

»A.. [UO 148 175 204 232 260 288 316 343 371;
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] , ;
»b.. [3 4 5 5.5 6 7.5 8.8 10 11.1 12] , ;
»x.. A\b



Figure 3.14 The MATLAB commands for E~ample 3

250 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Rn

From Fig. 3.24 we see that the least-squares linear fit is

y = (0.0362)1 - 1.6151.

Setting y = 7 yields t = 237.986. Hence an operating temperature of about 238 c C

should limit bearing wear to 7 gm/lO.000 hr. _

General Least-Squares Fits

Consider the following table of data:

'0 " " '.

)' )0 .n .'"2 ,.'
When the data points (Ii. Yi) are plotted in the ty·plane. the plot may reveal a trend that is
nonlinear (see Fig. 3.25). For a set of data such as that sketched in Fig. 3.25. a linear fil
would not be appropriate. However, we might choose a polynomial function. y = p(t).

In particular, suppose we decide to fit the data with an 11th-degree polynomial:

p(t) = lInt n + lIn_lt n- 1 + ... + alt + ao. Ill::: II.

• • • • •
• •

" "
Figure 3.25 Nonlinear data

As a measure for goodness of fit. we can ask for coefficients 00. a I..... an that
minimize the quantity Q(ao, al ..... an)' where

Q(ao·(/j·· ... (/,,) = L [p(I,) - )'if

= L

[(00 +al1i + ... +a"t7) - yilt.
; ..0
3.8 Least·Squares Solutions to Inconsistent S~·stems. with Applications to Data Fitting 251

As can be seen b} in:-.pection. minimizing Q(ao. at ..... all) is the same as minimizing
lAx - bl:!. "here

tJ ...
~ I~,
t .:!3!'1 C
j I, I', I" ]
[ G,
Go ]
[ :~
• A [ ;
:.:= : . and b=
I. I' r" a"
• •
As before. we can minimize I1A:.: - bill = Q(ao. {Jt ....• (J~) by solving ATAx = ATb.
The 11th-degree polynomial p. that minimizes Eq. (4) is called the least-squares nth-
degree fit.

f, \\\1'1 I ~ Consider the data from the following table:

I ~



2 4

Find the least-squares quadratic fit to the data.

Solutio" Since we want a quadratic fit. "e are trying to match the fonn y = ao + alt + 02t2 to
the data. The equations are
ao - 2a 1 +-Wl2 = 12
ao - al + a2 = 5
ao 3 =
ao + al + = 2

(10 + 201 +4a2 = 4.

This overdetermined sy1itcm can be shown to be inconsistent. Therefore. we look for a
least-squares solution 10 Ax = b. where A and b are as in system (5). with /I = 2 and
III = 4.
The matrix A and the vectors x and b are
-2 4 12

-I 1 5
A ~ I 1 0 0 and b = 3
a. tbx
• I • 1

The least-squares solution of Ax = b is found by solving ATAx = ATb. where

5 0 10] [ 26]
[ 0
and ATb= -19
252 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R-

The solution is x· = [87/35. -19/10. 19/14]. and hence the least-squares quadratic fi:
19, 19 87
= -r - -I
A graph of)' = p(l) and the data poinls are sketched in Fig. 3.26. •


._.!22_'!! +!!
)-IJ 1 JOt 35
., ,

-2 -, 2

Figure 3.26 Least-squares quadratic fit for the data in Example 4

The same principles apply when we decide to fit data with any linear combination
of functions. For example. suppose)' = f(t) is defined by

f(t) = (/181 (t) + (/282(t) + ... + (/ng,l(t).

whele 81.82 ..... 8n are given functions. We can use the method of least squares to
determine scalars al. (/2 •.... an thaI will minimize

Q(al.a2 .. · .• a,,) = L• If(t,) - y,i


L {Ialg\(t,) + alg2(t;) + ... + all 8" (1/» _ y,}2 .
The ideas associated with minimizing Q(a\. a1 . .... all) are explored in the exercises.

Rank Deficient Matrices

In each of Examples I--t the least-squares solution to Ax = b was unique. Indeed. if
A is (m x n). then pan (c) of Theorem 17 states that least-squares solutions are unique
if and only if the rank of A is equal to n. If the rank. of A is less than 11. then we say that
A is rank deficiellt. or A does not havefull rank.
3.8 Least·Squares Solutions to Inconsistent S)'stems, with Applications to Data Filling 253

" quadralic fil Therefore. when A is rank deficient. there is an infinite family of least·squares
solutions to Ax = b. Such an example is gi\cn next. This example is worked using
MATLAB. and we note thai MATLAB produces only a single least-squares solution but
does give a warning that A is rank deficient. In Section 3.9 we will discuss this topic in
• more demil.

E:\+\,\\Pl r j For A and b as given. Ihe system Ax = b has no solution. Find all the least·squares

A ~ ~ ~ ~]
-I I -I
. b = [ -: ] .
-I 2 0 -3

Solution The MATLAB calculation is displayed in Fig. 3.27(a). Notice that MATLAB warns us
that A is rank deficient. having rank two. In Exercise 18 we ask you to verify that A
does indeed have rank two. _

»A_[1 0 210 2 21-1 1 -11-1 2 0];

»b_[3 -30 -31 'I
Warning: Rank deficient, rank _ 2 to1_ 2.664.5.-15

..quares to
-1. 5000

Figure J.27(a) The MATLAB commands for Example 5


Since A is rank deficient. there are infinitely many least-squares solutions 10 the
inconsistent system Ax = b. MATI...AB returned just one of these solutions. namely
Indeed. it x = [0. -1.5. O.5f. We can find all the solutions by solving the normal equations
unique ATAx = ATb. that Fig. 3.27(b) shows the result of using MATLAB to solve the normal equations for
the original system (since A and b have already been defined. in Fig. 3.27(a). MATLAB
254 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

»NormBqn_ (A' *A. A' *b]

NormBqn _

J -J
, , J ,
-J J -12
J J 0

»rret (NormBqn)

llnll _

1 0 2 1
0 1 1 -l
0 0 0 0

Figllre 3.17(b) Setting up and ~I\'ing the normal equations for


makes it very easy to define the augmented matrix for ATAx = ATb), The complete
solution is Xl =
I - 2t). Xl =-
I ~ X3. or in vector fonn:

x· =
2.<'] = [ -~'] +x3 [ -2

As can be seen from the complete solUlion just displayed. the particular MATLAB least·
squares solution can be reco\'ered by setting X3 = 0.5.

In Exercises 1-6. find all \'ectors x· that minimize
121] [I] ~
lAx-bU. where A and bareasgi\en. Use the procedure
suggested by Theorem 17. as illuSlrated in Examples I
and 5.
[ -1
I -4
b= 3

I.A~[-::J b=[:] 2I 3 -I1 ]

2 [ 0I ]
4.A= . b=
-I -1 -2 I
3 5 0 0

2A~[ -:-:-;] b~[;] 5. A~ [: ] b~ [ In

3.9 Theor)' and Practice or Least Squares 255

For given functions 81 and g~. consider a function

'00] ["] f defined by f(1) = al81 (I) + (/282(r). Show that
6.A= [ ~~~. b= ~

In Exercises 7-10. find the least-squares linear fit to the

L ,
[/(1,) - yd'' ~ IIAx - bll',

given data. In each exercise. plot the data points and the
linear approximation. where

7, ~ -1 0 1 2 g,(I,)

g,(I,) ]

x~ [::
Y 0 I 2 4 A= 81~(1) 81(f2)
t -2 0 I 2 [
8, ;:l
Y 2 I 0 0
81 (1m ) 81Um)

-I o 2
9. ;r-:.:;

2 3 b --
y, ]
.. .
2 3 Y.
10. t 0
y -2 3 7 10
in Exercises II-I·t find the least-squares quadratic fit 16. Let 81(r) = ..Ii and 82(t) = COSJU. and consider
to the given data. In each exercise. plot the data poinls the data points (t;. J;). I ::: j ::: 4. defined by
and the quadratic approximation. 1 4 9 16
-2 -I 2 y 0 2 4 5
y 2 o 2
As in Eq. (6). lei Q(al. (/2) = L::.I(aI81(t;)-
f _,-0_,-1_.::2_.::3
(/282(t;) - -,", 8t(t,)= JT, and 82(t,) =
12. cos Jrt,.
, 0 0 I 2
\8/, a) Use the resull of Exercise 15 to determine A. x.
and b so that Q(al. (2) = IIAx - b 12.
•f _ _-.=2_.::-:.:'_.::0~~
0. - b) Find the coefficients for f(l) = (/I..Ii .,..
y -3 -1 0 3 a2 cos;rt thai minimize Q(al. a~).

:J -2 0 I 2 11. Consider the ((m - I) x (n - I)] matri-.: A in Eq. (5).
\\here m ~ n. Show that A has rank" - 1. (Hint:
y 5 I I 5 Suppose that Ax = 8. \\here x = lao. al ..... an)T.
15. Consider the following table of data: What can you say about the polynomial pet) =
ao -l- alt + ... + a.t n?)
~ "

yin )'2
18. Find the rank of the matrix A in Example 5.


In the previous section. we discussed leasHquares solutions to Ax = b and the closely
related idea of best least-squares fits todata. In this section. we have IWO majorobjecti\'es:

(a) Develop the theory for the least-squares problem in Rn

256 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

(b) Usc the theory to explain some of the technical language associated with le~·
squares so that we can become comfortable using computational packages su~­
as MATLAB for least-squares problems.

The Least-Squares Problem in R"

The theory necessary for a complete understanding of least squares is fairly conei;,,;
and geometric. To ensure our development is completely unambiguous, we begin b'
reviewing some familiar terminology and notation. In particular, let x be a vector in R

We define the distallce between two vectors x and y to be the length of the vector x - ~
recall thaI the length of x - Yis the number IIx - YII where
IIx - YII ~ lex - y)'ex - y)
= J(X\ ~ .n)2 + (X2 - Y2)2 + ... + (x" - )',,)2.
The problem we wish to consider is stated next.

The Least-Squares Problem in R"

Let IV be a p-dimensional subspace of R". Given a vector y in R", find a vector
w' in IV such that

1I"-w'II:::lIv-wll, for all win IV,

The vector w¥ is called the best least-squares approximation to v.

That is, among all vectors w in IV. we wanl to find the special vector w¥ in IV that
is closest to v. Although this problem can be extended to some very complicated and
abstract settings, examination of the geometry of a simple special case will exhibit a
fundamental principle that extends to all such problems.
Consider lhe special case where IV is a two-dimensional subspace of R3 • Geomet-
rically, we can visualize IV as a plane through the origin (see Fig. 3.28). Given a point \
not 011 IV, we wish to find the point in the plane. w', that is closest to Y. The geometI)
of this problem seems to insist (see Fig, 3.28) that w' is characterized by the fact that
the vector v - w* is perpendicular to the plane W.
The next theorem shows that Fig. 3,28 is not misleading. That is, if Y - w' is
orthogonal to every vector in IV. then w' is the best least-squares approximation to v,

I TH EOI\ E\\ I ~ Let IV be a p-dimensional subspace of R". and let v be a vector in R". Suppose there
is a vector w' in \V such that (y - W*)T W = 0 for every vector w in IV. Then w' is the
best least-squares approximation to Y.
3.9 Theor)' and Practice of Least Squares 257

kd with least
"kages such "
v '--"ib,_w.
'airly concise
e begin b~ r .'

ector in R".

Figure 3.18 w* is the closesl point in the plane IV 10 \'

'e..-Ior x - ~ Proof Let w be any vector in Wand consider the fol1owing calculation for the distance from \.
to w:
Ilv - wll 2 = n(v - w*) -l- (w* - w)11 2
= (,' - w·)T (\. _ w*) + 2(\' - w'l (w' - w)
-l- (w· - w)T (w· - w)

= nv - w*p2 + hw· - w11 2•

(The last equality follows because w· -w is a veclOr in W. and therefore ("_W")T (w·-
w) = 0.) Since nw" - w0 2 :: O. it follows from Eq. (I) that Ill' - wf 2: nv - w·1I 2 .
Therefore. w' is lhe best approximation to ". •
:a "ector The equality in calcu!ation(1).I,v-w,1 2 = ,'_w·1l 2 + Ow*-wIl 2 . is reminiscent of
lhe Pylhagorean theorem. A schematic "iew of this connection is sketched in Fig. 3.29.

w d II'
" .•

Figun 3.19 A geometric interpretation of !he ,ector w' in W closest

In a later theorem. \\e will show thatlhere is always one. and only one. ,ector w'
in W such that \' - w* is onhogonallO e"ery vector in W. Thus it will be established
that the beSt approximation always exists and is always unique. The proof of Ihis fact
will be constructi\e. so \\e now concentrate on methods for finding w·.
, - "...
Finding Best Approximations
Theorem 18 suggests a procedure for finding the best approximation W". In particular.
we should search for a ,'ector w· in \V that satisfies the following condition:

If w is any vector in W, then (v - w*)T w = O.
258 Chapter 3 The Veclor Space R"

The search for w· is simplified if we make the following observation: If v - w· is or-

thogonal to every vector in IV. then v - w· is also onhogonal to every "ector in a baS!
for IV. In facL see Theorem 19. the condition that v - w· be onhogonalto the bas!
vectors is both necessary and sufficient for" ~ w· to be onhogonal to every vector in n

TtH:OHE:\\ It) Let IV be a p-dimensional subspace of R n • and lelluJ. U2 •.... up) be a basis for \\
Let " be a vector in W. Then (,' - w·)r w = 0 for all w in IV if and only if

(V_W·)T U/ =0, :::: i:::: p. •

The proof of Theorem 19 is left as Exercise 17.
As Theorem 19 states. the beSt approximation w· can be found by solving the p
(v - W·)T UI ::; 0
(v - w·)T U2 = 0
(v - W·)T Up =0
Suppose we can show that these p equations always have a unique solution. Then. b~
Theorem 18, it will follow that the best approximation exists and is unique.

Existence and Uniqueness of Best Approximations

We saw above that w· is a best least-squares appro~imation to \' if the vector v - ""
satisfies system (2). We now use this result to prove that best approximations always exist
and are always unique. In addition. we will gi"e a formula for the best approximation.

I t I rORr" 20 Let IV be a p-dimensionaJ subspace of R" and let \' be a vector in R". Then there is one
and only one best least-squares approximation in IV to \'.
Proof The proof of existence is based on finding a solution to the system of Eq. (2). KQ\\.
system (2) is easiest 10 analyze and sohe if we assume the basis vectors are onhogonaL
In panicular.lel {u]. U2 ••••• up) be an onhogonal basis for IV (in Section 3.6 \Ioe
observed that every subspace of R" has an onhogonal basis). Let w· be a "eclor in n-
w· = a]u] - U2U2 + ... +apu p. •
Using Eq. (3). the equations in system (2) become

(v - (aJu] + 0202 + ... + UpUp»T Uf = O. for i = 1.2..... p.

Then. because the basis veclors are onhogonal. the preceding equations simplify con·
V T u, - a;u,T Uj::: 0 . fori = 1.2..... p.
Solving for the coefficienlS (II. we obtain

v T u,
OJ = ~T~·
uf Uj
3.9 Theory and Practice of Least Squares 259

\- - w' is or· Note that the preceding expression for Ui is well defined since u, is a basis vectOr. and
\.'1.or in a ba~is hence the denominator uT u, cannot be zero.
10 the basis
Ha\ ing solved the system (2). we can write down an expression for a vector w'
: vector in W such that (v - w·)T W = 0 for all w in IV. By Theorem 18. this vector w· is a best
approximation to v:
• for \\
,i . " "i P
w=L-r-.' Uj •
vT U


• Having established the existence of best approximations with formula (4). we turn
now to the question of uniqueness, To begin, suppose w is any best approximation to
\'. and w· is the best approximation defined by Eq. (4). Since the vector \' - w· was
hing the p constructed so as to be orthogonal to every vector in IV, we can make a calculation
similar to the one in Eq, (I) and conclude the following:

11\' - wf = 11\' - w'1l 2 + Iw' - w11 2 .

" But. if wand w' are both best approximations to v. then it follows from the equation
above that Ilw' _"'11 2 = O. This equality implies that w· -w = 8 or w· = w. Therefore.
Then. b) uniqueness of best approximations is established. -
The following example iIIu~trates how a best approximation can be found from
Eq. (4).

Ittor v - w· [\" \\1'1 l I Let IV be the subspace of R 3 defined by

'3) S e,i~t
IV = {x: x =
X, ]
X2 • Xl +.1"2 - 3.(3 = O}.
here is ODe [ x,
~ :-:ov. Let \' be the ,ecIOT\' = (I. ~2. -4f. Use Eq, (4) to find the best least·squares approx-
ortbogolL imation to \-'.
i)Q 3.6 ~e
Solutio" Our first task is 10 find an orthogonal basis for W. We will use the Gram-Schmidt process
~ector In " to find such a basis.
To begin. x is in IV if and onl) if XI = ~.1"2 + 3.1"3. That is. if and onl) if x has the

x= [
: =.1"2
[-1] [3]
~ +~ ~ .

f) COD-
Therefore. a nalUral basis for W consists of the tWO vectors WI = (-I. I, of and
"'2 = (3.0. If·
We now use the Gram-Schmidt process to derive an onhogonal basis {UI. U2} from
the natural basis {WI. \Il2}. In panicuiar.

(a) Let Ul = \\'1·

(b) Choose a scalar {/ so that U2 ="'2 + QUI is orthogonal (0 UI.

260 Chapter 3 The Vector Space Nil

To find the scalar II in (b). consider

uf U2 = uf (\\'2+ aUl)
, ,
1 W2 + aU I UJ.
= u

Thus. to have uf u~ = O. we need uf \\'2 + auf UI = O. or

Uf W 2
U1 u,

= 1.5.

Having found a. we calculate the second vector in the orthogonal basis for \V. findi
U2 = w~ + l.5uJ =
13. O. IV + !.S[ -I. l. OlT = [1.5. 1.5. I]T.
Next. let \1· = alUI + a2U2 denote the best approximation. and determine lL
coefficients of \I using Eq. H):

v T UI ~3
u UI _

v T U2 -5.5
a, = ~- ~ - - =-1.
- UfU2 5.5

Therefore. the best approximation is gh'en by

\1' = -1.5uI - U2 = -1.51-1. J. OJT - [1.5. 1.5. If = 10. -3. -If.

(As a check for the calculations. ""e can form " - w· = (I. I. -3f and verify tha.
\ - \I i~ orthogonal to each of the original basis vectors. WI = [-I. I. OJT and W2 =
[3.0. lIT.) •

Least-Squares Solutions to Inconsistent Systems Ax = b

In Section 3.8 we ""ere imerested in a special case of least-squares approximations-
finding least-squares solUlions to inconsistent systems Ax = b. Recall that our methoo
for finding least-squares solutions consisted of soh ing the normal equations ATAx =
ATb. In tum. the validity of the nonnal equations approach ""as based on Theorem 1-
\\ hich said:
(8) The normal equations are ah\ays consistent.
(b) The solutions of the normal equations are precisely the least-squares solution,
of Ax = b.
(c) If A is (m x Ill. then least~squares solutions of Ax = b are unique if and onl~
if A has rank 11.
We arc now in a po~ition 10 sketch a proof of Theorem 17. The basic ideas support-
ing Theorem 17 are very important 10 a complete understanding of least-squares so-
lutions of inconsistent systems. These ideas are easy 10 explain and are illustrated in
Fig. 3.30.
3.9 Theory and Practice of Least Squares 261

R' Rm


Figure 3.30 A gro~lric \·isualization of lbeorem 17

n°. findin.:-

'[ttmine the In Fig. 3.30. we think of Ihe (m x n) matrix A as defining a function of the
fonn)' = Ax from R" to R"'. The subspace 'R(A) represents the range of A: it is a
p-dimensional subspace of Rm . We have drawn the vector b so that it is not in R(A),
illustrating the case where the system Ax = b is inconsistent. The vector }'- represents
the (unique) best approximalion in 'R(A) to b.
ProofofTheorem 17 Because ),.- is in 'RCA). Ihere must be veclOrs x in R" such Ihat Ax = )". In addition.
because ya is Ihe c10sesl point in 'R(A) 10 b. we can say:

A vector x in 'R" is a best least-squares solution to Ax = b

_ ,T if and only if Ax = y•.

'mtv In order to locate y~ in IV. we note that ).• is characterized by wT(y. - b) = 0 for
and 1Ir; = any veclOr w in R.(A). Then. since Ihe columns of A fonn a spanning set for 'RCA), y'
can be characterized by Ihe condilions:

AJ()·· - b) = O. fori = I. 2..... /1.
The orthogonality conditions abo\e can be rewritten in matrix/vector terms as

AT(y·-b)~6. (7)

Finally. since ya is in 'R(A). finding )'~ to solve Eq. (7) is the same as finding vectors x
in R" that salisfy Ihe nonnal equalions:

AT(Ax - b) =(J.

We can nov. complete Ihe proof of Theorem 17 by making the observation that
Eq. (6) and Eq. (8) are equivalent in the following sense: A veclor x in R" satisfies
Eq. (8) if and only if the vector y. satisfies Eq. (6), where)'- = Ax.
To establish part (a) of Theorem 17. we note that Eq. (6) is consistent. and hence
lhe nonnal equations given in Eq. (8) are consistent as well. Part (b) of Theorem
17 follows from rule (5) and (he equivalence of equations (6) and (8). Pan (c) of
Theorem 17 follows because Ax = y- has a unique solUlion if and only if the columns
of A are linearly independent. _
262 Chapter 3 The Vector Space R"

Uniqueness of Least-Squares Solutions to Ax = b

Best leasl-squares approximations are always unique but least-squares solutions to A:\ =
b mighl or might not be unique. The preceding statement is somewhat confusing becau
the term least-squares is being used in two different contexts. To clarify this widel
accepted, but somewhat unfortunate. choice of terms, we can refer to Fig. 3.30.
In Fig. 3.30. the best least-squares approximation. y•. is unique (uniqueness y,~
proved in Theorem 10). A best least-squares solution to Ax = b. however. is a vector x
such that Ax = y·. and there might or might not be infinitely many solutions to Ax = ~
(The equation Ax = y' is always consistent because y. is in R(A): the equation has
unique solution if and only if the columns of A are linearly independent.)
Recall from the previous section that an (m x n) matrix A is called raukdejiciellt if:
has rank less than 11 (that is. if the columns of A are linearly dependent). When A is ran
deficient. there are infinitely many least-squares SolUlions to Ax = b. In this instance
we might want to seleci the minimum norm solution as the least-squares solution y,e u...:
in our application. To explain. we say x' is the minimum norm least-squares solUliQrl
10 Ax = b if Ux·11 minimizes IIxli among al1leasl-squares solUlions. That is.

!lx"lI = minfl.x'i : Ax = yOlo

II can be shown that the minimum norm solution always exiSIS and is always unique.
The minimum nonn solution is associaled with another least-squares concept. Ih
of the pseudoinverse of A. The pseudoin\erse of A is. in a sense. the closest thing (,
an inverse (hal a rectangular matrix can have. To explain the idea. "e first introdu<.:e
the Frobenius noml for an (m x n) matrix A. The Frobenius nonn, denOled HA [IF,
defined by the following:
• •
lAI:, ~ I I:L>~·
;=1 j=1

Just as I x measures the size of a \'eclor x. IIA !IF measures lite size of a matrix A.
Now. let A be an (m XII) mauix. Thepseudoim'erseof A. denoled A+, is the (n xm
matrix thai minimizes lAX - IIIF where I de,notes the (m X m) idemit) matrix. It can
be shown that such a minimizing matri~ always e~ists and is alwa):, unique. As can be
seen from Ihe definilion of the pseudoinw.rse. it is Ihe closest thing (in a least-square
sense) 10 an inverse for a reclangular matrix. In the event that A is square and in\enible.
then Ihe pseudoinverse coincides with the usual inverse. A -I. It can be shown Ihat 1M
minimum nonn least-squares solution of Ax = b can be found from
x· = A-b,
An actual calculation of the pseudoin\oerse is usually made with the aid of anolher type
of decomposilion. the singular-value decomposition. A discussion of the singular-value
decomposition would lead us too far afield. and so we ask the interested reader to consult
a reference. such as Golub and Van Loan. Matrix Compillatiolls.

MATLAB and Least-Squares Solutions

As we noted in the previous section. there are seveml ways to sohe least-squares prob-
lems using MATLAB.
3.9 Theor)' and Practice of leaSI Squares 263

(a) If A is (m x II) wilh III :F 11. then the MATLAB command A\b retums a
m,loA). = least·squares solution to Ax = b. If A happens to be rank deliciem. then
ing becau"" MATLAB selects a least-squares solution with no more than /) nonzero emries
this wickl (where p denotes the rank of A). The least-squares solution is calcul.ated using
:UO. a QR-factorizatioll for A (see Chapter 7).
uenes\ \\ j,:\ (b) If A is square and inconsistent. then the MATLAB command A\b will produce
I"a '-ector I a warning that A is singular or nearly singular. but will not give a least-squares
loA). =.\ solution. One way to use MATLAB to find a least-squares solution for a square
uation h:.., but inconsistent system is to set up and solve the normal equations.
(c) Whether A is square or rectangular. the MATLAB command x = piny (A)·b
will give the minimum norm least-squares solution: the command piny (A)
generates the pseudoim'erse A +.

I \.\\\PlC2 The following sample values from the function =- = f(x. y) were obtained from exper-
f(1. 1) ~ -1.1 f(1.21 ~ 0.9
f(2. I) ~ 0.2 f(2. 2) ~ 2.0
f(3. I) ~ 0.9 f(3. 2) ~ 3.1
We "auld Iil.e to approximate Ihe surface:: = f(:c. y) by a plane of the form:: =
ax+ by + c. Use a least-squares criterion to choose the parameters a. b. and c.
Solution The conditions implied b} the experimental observalions are

a- b+c=-I.I
2a- b+c= 0.2
3a- b,c= 0.9
a - 2b +c = 0.9
2a-2b+c= 2.0
3a-l-2b+c= 3.1.
A least-squares solUlion.

a = 1.05.b = 2.00.c= -4.10.

to this o\erdetennined system Ax = b was found using MATLAB. see Fig. 3.31. Since
MATLAB did not issue a rank deficient warning. we can assume that A has full rank
(rank equal to 3) and therefore thai the least-squares solulion is unique. _

C\-\\\PI r 3 Find a least-squarei> solution 10 the equation Ax = b where

112] [I]
A~ [ ~ ~ : . b~ : .
r ~ - .
264 Chapler 3 The 'ector Space R"

»b_[_l.l, .2, .9, .9,2.,3.1] 'i

x •

Figure 3.31 The result:. of Example 2

Solutioll The re~uhs art shown in Fig. 3.32(a}. Note that ~1ATLAB has issued a rank deficiem
warning and concluded that A has rank 2. Because A is not full rank. least-squares solu-
tions to Ax = b are not unique. Since A has rank 2. the MATLAB command A\b ~elecb
a solution with no more than 2 nonzero components. namely Xl = [0.0. -0.8, uf.
As an altemative. we can use the pseudoinverse to calculate the minimum-nonn
least-squares solution (see Fig. 3.32(b)). As can be seen from Fig. 3.32(b). the MATLAB
command piny (A) *b has produced the least-squares solution X2 = [0.6. -0.2. OAf
A calculation shows that IIxll! = 1.2806. while the minimum norm solution in
Fig. 3.32(b) has IIx211 = 0.7483.
Finally. to complete this example. we can find all possible least-squares solutions
by solving the nonnal equations. We find. using the MATLAB command rref (8 .

»x_A\b x_piny (A) *b

warning: Rank deficient, rank _ 2 x •

x • 0.6000
o 0.4000

(x) (bl

Figure 3.31 (aj L.:smg the command A.o 10 find a least-squares

r.olution for Example 3. (b) Using the pseudoin\eT'Se to find a
least.squares solunon for Exampk 3.
3.9 Theory and Practice of Least Squares 165

that the augmented malrix B = [AT A I ATb] is rov. equhalent to

1 0I 1I .21]
[ oo 0 0 0
Thus, the set of aillenst-squares solutions are found from x = [I - ,\"3. 0.2 - ,\"3. XJ f =
[I.O.2.0V +X3[-1, -I, IV· •

I \-\ \\1'1 L ~ As a final example 10 illustrate how MATLAB treats inconsistent square systems. find a
I least-squares solution Ax = b where

n b~[:J

A~[: ~
~ deficient
~uares solu- Soilltioll The results are given in Fig. 3.33 \\, here. for clarity. we used Ihe rlllional formal to display
;. bselem the calculations. As can be seen. the MATLAB command A\b results in a \\ aming that
. . uf. A may be ill conditioned and ma~ have a solution vector with "ery large components.
mum-norm Then. a least-squares solution is calculmed using the pseudoinverse. The leasl-
.'IATlAS squares solution found is x = [2/39. -2/13. 8/39J1. •
-f>:!. OAf
,Iulion in

- ::-::-ef E »b_ [1,1,11';

Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.

Results may be inaccurate. RCOND _ 6.405133.·18
1 x •




x •


Figure J.JJ The results from Example 4

266 Chapter 3 The Vector Space RR

Exercises 1-16 refer to the following subspaces: 1. IV given by (a). \'= [1.2.6f
a) IV = 2. IV given by (a). \' = [3, O. 3V

(x x~ [:J x, - 2" +xJ ~ 0)

3. IV giYen by (a). \' = [1. I. If
4, IV given by (b). v = [l. I. 6f
5. IV given by (b). v = [3, 3. 3]T
6. IV given by (b). \' = [3. O. 3V

7. IV given by (c). \' = [2. O. 4V
b) IV ~ R(8).
8. IV given by (c). v = [4.0. -IV
9. IV given by (d). v = [1. 3. If c

oj IV ~ R(B). B~ [ -I
2o 4]
10, IV given by (d), v = [3.4. OJT

In Exercises 11-16. find an onhogonal basis for the in-

1 3 dicated subspace IV. Use Eq. (4) to detennine the beSt

approximation w* for the given vector v.
d) IV ~

(x x~ [:J Xl
X\ -
+ Xl + .'1'3 =
Xl - X3

In Exercises 1- [0, find a basis for the indicated subspace

= 0
II. IV and v as in Exercise 1
12. IV and v as in Exercise 2
13. IV and v as in Exercise 4
14. IV and v as in Exercise 5
15. IV and \' as in Exercise 7
IV. For the given vector v, solve the nonnal equations
(2) and determine the best approximation w·. Verify 16. IV and v as in Exercise 8
that v - w· is onhogonalto the basis vectors. 17. Prove Theorem 19,

1. Let 3. Let

IV = jx: x = X, ]
[ x2 . XIX2 = OJ.
A = ['-I I]
2 I
Verify that IV satisfies propenies (sl) and (s3) of
Theorem 2. l11ustrate by example that IV docs not
satisfy (s2). and

2. Let

IV = {x: x = [ x, ].
x\ ~ 0, X2 ~ OJ.
IV = {x: x =

] • Ax = 3x}.

Verify that IV satisfies prope,nies (51) and (s2) of

Theorem 2. lllustrate by example that IV does not a) Show that IV is a subspace of R3 • ~

satisfy (53). b) Find a basis for Wand determine dim(IV).

Supplementary Exercises 267

~. If Find a basis for the row space of A. and dctennine

thc rank and the nullity of A.

s~IUH;]1 8. In a)--c). use the givcn infonnation to detennine the

nullity of T.
a) T: R' _ R 2 and the rank of T is 2.
"d 3
b) T: R ...,.. Rl and the rank of T i~ 2,

c) T: R 3 _ R 3 and the rank of Tis 3.
9. In a)--c). use the given information to delennine the
rank of T.
then show that Sp(S) = Sp(T), [Him: Obtain an al-
a) T: R 3 ...,.. R 2 and the nullity of T i~ 2.
gebraic specification for cach of Sp(S) and Sp(T).}
b) T: R·1 __ R 1 and the nullity ofT is I.
S. Let
c) T: R2 _ Rl and the nullity of T is O.
1-I 25 43] 10. Let B = (XI.X~J be a basis for R 2. and let T:
[ 2 -2
I -I 0 7
R 2 _ R 2 be a linear transfonnation such thai

a) Reduce the matrix A to echelon fonn. and

detennine lhe rank and the nullity of A.
T(xd = [ : ] and T( X2) = [ _~ l
b) Exhibit a basis for thc roy, ~pace of A.
e) Find a basis for the column space of A (that i!>. If e\ = XI ~ 2X2 and C1 = 21' + 1'2. y,here CI and
for R.(A» con... l ... ting of columns of A. C2 are the unit \ectors in R 2 • then find the matrix
d) Use the answers obtained in pan... bl and c) to ofT.
exhibit bases for the to\\ ... pace and the column 11. Le,t

space of AT.
Find a basis for.'·(A).
6. leI S = {";. "~. ')}. y,here
b~ [ : l
"~ [-:J "~ [J
and suppose that T: R~ - R! is a linear transfor-
mation defined by T (x) = Ax. "here A is a (2 )( 3)
,00 matrix such that the augmented malrix (A bl re-
duces to

"~[ J [~ o
I -3
8 -5a"'t"3b].
2a - b
a) Find a subset of S that is a for Sp( S).
b) Find a basis for SpCS) by setting A = a) Find \ectors Xl and X1 in R' such (hat T(xI) =
[VI. "2. "3J and reducing AT to echelon fonn. Cl and T(xJ) = C1_ where CI and C2 are the unit
e) Ghe an algebraic specification for Sp(S). and \-cetoTS in R1 •
use that specification to obtain a basis for SpeS). b) Exhibit a nonzero \eClor X3 in R 1 such that X3 is
7. Let A be the (m )( n) matrix dcfined by inX(T).
,,_I ,,+2 2,,-1 c) Show that B = {XI. Xl. x31 is a basis for R 3.
d) Express each of the unit \CCtors el_ C2_ el of R)
211-1211+2 3/1-1 2"
3" ]
•-1. = as a linear combination of the vectors in B.
[ Now calculate T(c,). i = 1.2.3. and deter-
ml1:+111II1'+2 (111+1)/1-1 (m + 1)/1 mine the matrix A.
268 Chapter 3 The Vedor Space R"

In Exercise~ 12-18, b = [(I.b.c.dJT, T: R6 ....... R4 is 16. Suppose that A = lAt. Az. A3. A4. As. A61.
a linear transfonnation defined by rex) = Ax. and A is a) For each \ector w,. ; = I. 2. 3. 4. listed in E..;-
a (4 x 6) malrix such that the augmemed malrix [A bl ercise 13. if w is in the column space of A. the'"
reduces to express ". as a linear combination of the
o 2 0-3

-la+ b-2, ] columns of A.
I -I o 2 2 I~ + 5b -7c b) Find II subset of (AI. A:!. A3. A..!. As. ~l thilt
o 0 I -I -2 -5a-2h+3c . a basis for the column space of A.
c) For each column. A). of A thai does nOI appe:tr
o 0 o 0 0 -1&1-7b -r9c +d in the basis obtained in part b). express Aj as a
12. Exhibit a basis for the row space of A. and deh~nnine linear combination of the basis \ ectors.
the rank and the nullity of A. d) Letb = (I. -2. I. -7f. Shay, that bisinthe
column space of A. and expres~ b as a linear
13. Dctennine \\hich of the follo\\ing \ector'S are in
combination of the basis vectors found in

'R(T). Explain hO\\ you can tell.
part b).

e) If.!!: = [2,3.1. -I. I. If.lhenexpress Ax asa
linear combination of the ba;,is vectors found in
W, [-] Wl = [; pari b).
17. a) Give an algebraic specification for "R(T). and
use that ~pecification to detennine a basis for

W, = [-] ". = [ 1] b) Sho", thaI b = (I. 2. 3. 3f is in "R(T). and

expre!>s b a.. a linear combination of the basis
wctors found in part a).
18. a) Exhibit a basis for X'(T).
14. For each vector WI, i = listed in E:t.::er- b) Show that x = [6. I. 1, ~2. 2. _2)T is
cise 13. if the system of equations Ax = W; i!> con- in. \'(T). and expres~ x as a linear
sistent. then exhibit a solution. combination of the basis vectors found
in pan a).
15. For each vector w . ; = 1.2.3. -I listed in Exer~
cise 13. ifw, i!> in "R(T). then find a \ectOT x in ~
such thaI rex) = ",.

In Exercises 1-12. answer true or fal ..e. Justify your an- ·t If S = {xl •.... is a ..ubsetof R· andk > II.
s"'er by prO\'iding a counterexample if the stalement is then S i!> a linearly dependent .set.
false or an outline of a proof if the statement is true. 5. If S = {Xl ....• xd is a subset of R· and k < n.

1. If IV is a subspace of R" and x and ). are \ ectors in then S j;, not a spanning for R".
R~ such that x + y is in IV. then x is in IV and )' is 6. If 5 = {Xt ..... xd is a subsel of Wand k :::: n.
in IV. then 5 is l\ spanning set for R".
2. If IV is II subspace of R" and (IX is in IV. where a is 7. If 51 and S2 are linearly independent subsets of R·.
a nonzero scalar and x is in R". then x is in IV. then the sel SI U S~ is also linearly independent.
3. If S = /XI ..... x~l is a subset of R· and k ::: n. 8. If IV is a subspace of R-. then IV has exactly one
then S is a linearly independent .set. basis.
Conceptual Exercises 269

Illo ..\"j. R'. and dimllV) = k. then 1\

9. If \1' is a subspace of Xow sel W = CIW + ... + C,,~I"II_I and use
comains e"actly I. \'ttlors. pan c).)
,ted in Exo
;:e of A.llIen 10. If B is a ba~i~ for R~ and \1/ is a .subspace of R . 19. Let V and W be ~ubspaces of R" such that V n IV =
lillie Ihcn some subset of B i~ a basis for IV. {9\ and dim(V) + dim(W) = n.
II. If IV is a ~ubspace of W. and dim(lV) = II. thcn a) If\ +\1 = 8. where \. is in V and wisin W.
, A~lth:l1l' IV = Rn • show that \' = (J and II = 8.
12. Let IV I and IVz be ~ub~paces of R" with base~ B l b) If 8 1 is a basb for V and 8: is a basis for W.
not 3ppear and 8~. respectively. Then B j n Hz b a basis for show thaI 8 1 U B~ b a basis for Rn . [Hillt:
" ... AJasa IV1 n IVl . Use part a) 10 show Ihat 8j U B2 is linearly
'"bbinthe In Exerl'ises 13-23. give a brief answer.
e) If x i~ in R". ~how Ihat x can be ""TIllen in the
"" a linear 13. Lei IV be a subspace of R~. and set V = Ix: x is in fonn x = \' + w. where \' is in V and \I is in IV.
R~ bul x is not in I\' ,. Delcrmine if V is a sub~pace
m [Him: Fir<it note that \: can be wriuen as a hnear
of R~. combination of the vector<; in 8 1 U B~.l
,-lox 3.lI a I·t Explain .... hat is wrong with the following argument: d) Sho\l that Ihe representation obtained in part c)
found " Let \\' be a subspace of R~. and let B = {el ..... c, \ is unique; Ihal is. if x = 'I - ""I. where \', is in
be the basis of R- consisting of lhe um! \ecIOr... ~'and " I is in \\.. then \ = ' I and w = ""\.
Since 8 is hnearl~ indepcndem and since e'-er) \ec-
20. A linear lransformalion T: R" -+ R" is 01110 pro-
lOr \I in W can be wrilten as a linear combmation of
\-idcd that "R(T) = R'. PrO' e each oflbe follov. ing.
the \'ectors in 8. it follows Ihal 8 is a basis for It'.
a) If the rank of T is n. tben T is onto.
IS. If 8 = {xl.x~.x;1 is a basis for RJ • ~how that
8' = {XI. X + X!. Xl + x~ - x~1 is also a basis b) If the nullny of T is zero. then T is onlo.
for R 1 • e) If T is onto. then lhe rank of Tis n and Ihe
16. Let IV be a subspace of R". and leI S = nullit) of T is zero.
{WI' .••. \Ill be a linearly indepcndcnlsubsct of \I' 21. [f T: R" - R'" i~ a linear tramfonnation. then
such that {"''t ..... \It- II} is Iinearl) dependent for show that Tr9n ) = 9",. where 9" and 9", are the 7.ero
e\'er)' \I in IV. Prove that 5 is a basis for IV. \'ectol'S in R" and R"'. respectively.
17. Lei [Uj ••.. , u,,} be a linearly independent .subset of 22. Let T; R"
-+ R'" be a linear transfOrmation. and
R~.andlctxinRnbesuchlhaturx=... = u:x = suppo~e that 5 = (x) ..... xd is a subset of W
O. Sho.... that x = (J. such Ihal{T(xl) ..... T(Xll} is a linearly indepen-
18. LeI u be a nonzero vector in R~. and let IV be the dent subset of R"'. Show tha! thc set 5 i~ linearly
subset of Rn defincd by IV = {x: u r x = OJ. independent.
a) Pro\C Ihal IV is a subspace of R~.
23. Let T: R n _ R'" be a linear lran~fonnalion
with nullit} zcro. If S = Ix\ ..... XlJ is a lin-
b) Show Ihal dim/IV) = 11 - I.
early independent sub~1 of R". Ihen show that
e) If9 = w+cu. wherew is in IV andcisa
{T(xi I..... T(l:l}} is a linearl~ indepe,ndem subset
scalar. show Ihal "'. = 9 and c = O. fHim: of R".
Consider u' (w + cu).)
d) If I" w,,_.}isabasisforn'.~howlhal
("I \1',,-1' uJ is a basi~ for R". [Him:
Supposelhalcl\lI+"'+C__ 1W,,_ +cu=9.
Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises AN9

21. R = (-3. -I) 3.x=t.y=4-2/ . .:=1+31

Y 5. The lines are parallel.

8 7. The lines are nOf parallel.

, 9.x= 1+31.)'=2+41.:= l-t

II. The line intersects the plane at
-8 -4 w~'
4 8 x
P = (-1.4.1).

-, 13. The line intersects the plane at

P = (-8. -13. 36).
-8 15.6x..;..y-.:=16
19. 2.l - 7)' - 3.: = I

23 ", ~[: ]. ", ~ [ _~ ] 2/3]

21. n = 1/3

~ ~ _~
23. .1:-1-2.1'-2.::= 17
H. ", [ ] ", [ ]
25. _l =4 -t.y = 5+1 . .: = I

33. [ -:J CHAPTER 3

Exercises 3.1, p. 166

35.3i-j-5k I. ."

37. [ =: ] u (3. 1)

39. [ -1) (-3. -I)

41. [J 3. ) .
43.4..16 square units
45. 3JTT square units (3. I)
47. 24 cubic units
49. not coplanar
- x

Exercises 2.4. p. 157 (-9. -3)

z = -3+41
I,~W'" '.W ,,, "'" [ ~] ~ I AI"
(0'[ 'l)

1 0
= '" - "+ " [ :: ] I = AI ' "

{J~WnUrC~.L':U-e D :[ ~ ] } = A\ 'S'Z

l""W," ~w ,,,. [ ~] I = ,II "


~ds 0Xj1 JO jlllll mdn ~I UO SlU!od jO j;/S ~ S! i" 'I,
'0 = ::, +.\ .... r UO!1tm~ !P!.\\. ;Jtrnjd;HJl S! ,n '61

- " 'LT

.l- n

, n
([ 'f)



., '£I ,,\ 'S

Answers to Selected Odd·Number«! Exercises A..'dl

Exercises 3.2, p. 174 31. ..V(A) = Ix in R.l: X[ + 21: 2 = 0 and X.l = 0):
I. \V is a subspace. \V is the sct of poillls on the line with "R(A) = R2
equation x = 1.\'. 33. _\'(A) = Ix in R2 : X2 = OJ:
3. II' is not &subspace. "R(A) = Ix in R.l: .12 = lx] and x, = 3x[1
5, II' is the subspace consi~ting of the points on the y-allis. 35. Ar(A) = Ix in R.l: .f[ = -7xJ and Xl = 2_fll:
7. II' is 110I a subspace. "R(A) = Ix in R.l: -4.f[ + 2X2 + Xl = O}
9. II' is the subspace consisting of the points on the plane 37. ~\'(A) = {I}: "R(A) = R'
2f-y-:=0. 39. a) The vectors b in ii). v). and vi) arc in R{A).
11. II' is not a subspace. b) For ii), x = (1. of is one choice: for v). x = 10. I)
is one choice: for vi), x = 10. OJT is one choice
13. \V is DOl a subspace.
c) For ii), b = AI: fonl). b = A~. fon-il,
IS. II' is the SUbspace consisting of the points on the line
with parametric equations X "" 2/. -" "" -t . .:::::: t.
41. a) The vectors b in i). iii). v). and vi) are in RCA I.
17. II' is the SUbspace consisting of the points on the x-allis.
b) For i), x = [-I. 1. Olr is one choice: for iii I.
19. II' is the sct of points on the plane x + 2.1' - 3~ :::: O.
x = (-2. 3, O)T is one choice: for \).
23. II' IS the line formed by the two intersecting pl:lnes x = 1-2. I. OJT is one choice: for \i).
.f +2)'+2: = 0 :lndx +3)' = O. The line has p:lrametric x = 10. O. Olr is one choice.
equ&tionsx = -6/.)' = 2t.: = I. c) For i), b = -A[ T A!; for iii). b = -2A[ T JA; f
25. II' is the set of points on the plane x - : = O. \'), b = -2AI + A 2 : fO£ \i), b = OA I -OA~ - ,\
47. w[ = (-2. 1. 3JT. W2 = [0. 3. 2J'
Exercises 3.3, p. 186
1. SpeS) = Ix: x[ -I-Xl = OJ: Spes) isthe line witheqllation 49, WI =ll.2.2]T. W2 = 10.3. IV
Exercises 3.4. p. 200
3, SpeS) = Ie}: Sp(S) is the poim (0. 0).
1, II I. O. I. OV. [-1. I. O. liT}
5, SpeS) = R 1
3, [[ 1. l. O. O]T. [-1. O. l. OJ' .13. o. O. liT}
7. SpeS) = {x: 3x[ + 2x 2 = OJ: Spes) is the line with T T
S.I[-I.1.0.01 • [0,0.1.01 , 10.0.0. I]TI
equation 3x + 2)' = O.
7. H2. I. -I. OIT, (-I. 0, O. I]T}
9, SpeS) = R2

")X~2[t]-[-] b)
-1.:: "" 0, II. Spes) = {x: Xl +X2 = 0): SpeS) is thc line withequalion
IWf of the sphere x+y=O.
13. SpeS) = Ix: X2 + X, = 0 and XI = OJ: Sp(S) is the line
through (0. O. 0) and (0. -I. J). The parametric equa-
x;,oo" I
tionsforthe line are x = 0.)' = -t.: = I.

~ ~ ~ t]
15. SpeS) = {x: Ix[ - X1 +Xl = OJ: Sp(S) is the plane with
equation 2x - )' -I- .:: = o.
17. Spes) = Rl <) x -3 [ - d) x 2[
19. Spes) = {x: X2 + XJ = OJ: Sp(S) is the plane with
equation)' + .: O. =
21. Thnectors u in b), c), and e) are in SpeS): for b)_ u = x: I 0 I ']
for c), u = ": for e). u = ],. - 4x. Il.a)8= 0 I I-I
23. dande o 0 0 0

,I 25. x and Y
27. -"(A) = Ix in R1: -Xl -lf2 = 01:
"R(A) = Ix in R1: lx[ +X2 = O}
29. N(A) = {S): "R(A) = Rl
b) A basis for .V(A) is {[- L -1. I. 0]1.
(-1.1.0. lIT}.
c) {AI. A 2} is a basis for the column space of
A; = AI + A 2 and Ai = A[ - A 1.
ANI2 Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises

d) ([LO.!. I). to. I. L-I]) is a basis forthc row 17. dim(W) = 2

spacc of A. 19. dim(lV) = I

o1 ° -1 2]
21. (( -2. WI is a basis for ..V (A): nullity(A) = I:
I I-I rank(A) = 1.
13. a) B=
[ oo 0
23. {[-5. -2, If} is a basis for N(A): nullity(A) = I:
rank(A) = 2.

1..) [
b) A basis for N(A) is ([I. -1. 1, of. [-2. 1. 0, WI. 25. HI. -I. If. [0. 2. 3)T) is a basis for R(A): rank(A) =

c) (AI. A 2} is a basis for the column space of A: 2; nullity(A) = I.
A] = -AI +A 2 andA 4 =2A I -A, . 27. a) ([I. 1. -2). [0. -1. If. [0. o. W} is a basis for IV: d1
d) Il I. O. -I, 2], [0. 1. 1. -I JJ is a basis forthe row dim(W) = 3,
space of A. b) (II, 2. -I. If. [0.1, -1. If. [0.0. -1. 4n is a 3. c) i:;,
basis for W: dim(W) = 3. 9. F is
1 2 0 ]
15.a)8= 001 29. dim(W) = 2 11. F i~
[ (33. a) rank(A) ~ 3 and nullity(A) ~ O. 13. F i~
b) rank(A) ~ 3 and nullity(A) ~ 1. 15. F j,
b) A basis for N(A) is ([ -2, I. Of I·
c) rank(A) ~ 4 and nullity(A) ~ O. 17. F i,
c) (A I' A31 is a basis for the column space of A:
A 2 = lA I. 19. al
d) HI. 2. 0). [0. o. III isa basis for the row space of A. Exercises 3.6, p. 224
17. Ill. 3. W. [0. -1. -If I is a basis for R(A). S. ur U3 = 0 requires a - b + c = 0: ur U3 = 0 requires
19. Ill. 1, 2. Of. [0. I. -2, IjT} is a basis for R(A).
la + lb - 4c = 0: therefore c = Oanda +b = O.

2La) {[1.2jT}: b) (II.WI

7. ur U2 = 0 forces a = 3: then ur U3 = 0 requires
21. T (
-8 - b + 3c = O. while ui U3 = 0 requires
23. a) ([1.2.lf.[2,5.0jTj: 4 + b + c = 0: therefore b = -5. c = 1.
b) IlL2.ljT.[0.1.-2f)
9. V = (2/3)u] - (1/2)U2 + (1/6)U3
25. a) {l0.1.0n: b) {[-I. 1.0jT.[0.0. 1jT1 23. T (
11." = 3uI

c) ([-l.l.ofl
27. -2v] - 3V2 + \', = 9. so 5 is linearly dependent. Since
\'] = 2v] + 3V2. if" = a) VI + a,l', + aJ"] is in
Sp{\'I. v,. '·Jl. then v = (a] + 2a3)VI + (a, + 3aJ)\'l.
Therefore ,. is in SP(vl. \·l}.
29. The subsets are {Vj. "2. (VI. v,. V4),
13. u, = [n u, = [ ; u, = [ -:~:] 25. A,


[J J
{vl. V). '·4}. 27. A
33. 5 is not a basis.
15 u, = u, = [ u, = [ -;]
35. 5 is not a basis. 29..'"
Exercises 3.5, p. 212 1
L 5 does not span R ' .
0]~ [-1]
[-2 3] ""
3. S is linearly dependent.
5. 5 is linearly dependent and does not span R',
[ . u,= . u,= _:::
7. 5 does not span R3. 1. x'
9. 5 is linearly dependent.
II. 5 is a basis. -3] [
-I 7/11]
13. Sis nOl a basis.
15. dim(W) = 3
19. For the null space:
[° I


3. x·
Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises ANI3

[ '] [-11/6] 5. X' = 2x'+'6f1 ] . .

.11 arbltrary
, •
for the range space: 2.
-5/6 7. )' = 1.3t
1.1 9. y = 1.51
, 11. Y = 0.5t 1
+ 13. y = 0.251:+2.151+0.45

[a -a ,) [-: l
Exercises 3.7. p. 239

I..) b) [ Exercises 3.9, p. 266

.'- =

• d) [ -: ] 1. w' ~ IE, ]
[ ,.'. [:]
• 3. c) is not but a). b). :lnd d) nre.
9. F is a linear Iransfonn31ion.
11. F is not a linear transformation. 5. w' • [ : ] 7. w' • [ -: ]
13. F is a linear transformation.
15. F is a linear transformation.
17. F is nOl a linear transformation. 9w'. [ - : ]

1= u ~wre~
19.•j [ _: J =: J,) [_~ ]
bj [
11. w"" = i [~'] + 121 [-1/']

21. T ([ x,]) [x, + x, ]
= h

13.W'.[~]-4[ ~~',]
.T1 XI _

13. T ( [ ~: -;x, -;x, + ;x,

]). 1 I ']

:] 15.'-.'[ -; ].[ ~]
J 2
+ -.(,
+ -;c.

25. A = [~ ~]; .\~(n = lSI: 'R.(T) = R 2

rank(T) = 2: nullity(T) = 0
21. A = (3 2]: X'(T) = Ix in R 2 ; 3xI + 2t2 = Ol:

-~ ] 'R(T) = Rl : rank(r) = 1: nullity(T) = I

29. A =
[ o1-I 0] : A"CT) = (x in Rl; Xl = .1)

Exercises 4.1. p. 279

; ] nullit)(T) = I

and.1"1 = Xl}: 'RCT) = R2 ; rank(Tl = 2: 1.;.=l.x=a

I ] ,"0

;.=3.x=a[ ~]. a#O

-1:3 Exercises 3.8, p. 254

I: ],
1. x. = [ -5{13 ]
7/13 3.).• 1.'.,[ : ]. a #0:

).3,.,[ -: l ,"0
(28/74) - 3xJ
II 3. x· = (27/74) + XJ ]. x, ,m;"."

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