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Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

In some reading, In some reading: In most reading: Across a range of Across a range of
usually with support: In addition to the reading: reading:
In addition to bookband statements: • Read with fluency, • Relevant • Relevant points
bookband statements: understanding and points/information clearly identified
• Recall simple expression (AF 1) identified, across a text,
• Some simple information and supported by supported by
points from texts know where to AF2 reference to text or reference to text or
recalled and some look for it in the • Identify key quotation (AF2) quotation (AF3)
reference to pages book. (AF2) information from a • Make appropriate • Comments explain
or sections made. • Make simple text and refer to inferences across a inferences drawn
(AF2) inference linked to detail of the text to text (AF3) from across a text
• Make meaning text. (AF3) support ideas. • Talk about a whole based on textual
from a text which • Show awareness of Specific textual text in terms of its evidence (AF4)
may include some organisational references/quotatio structure and • Features of writer’s
simple inferences features of texts. ns not necessarily organisation (AF4) language are
and comments or (AF4) used. • Identify basic identified and
questions about • Comment of AF3 features of writer’s explained with
particular parts of effective use and • Make inferences language and some awareness of
text. (AF3) patterns of drawn from a comment on it. their effect on the
• Show some language. (AF5) single point/event (AF5) reader described.
awareness of the • Make statements in the text • Comment on (AF5)
meaning of simple about likes and • Responses to text writer’s main • Clearly identify
text features (AF4) dislikes with some are mainly literal purpose, viewpoint main purpose and
• Comment on reasons offered. and often are and the effect on view point with
obvious language • Show some related to personal the reader (AF6) some explanation
features (AF5) awareness that experience/specula • Comment on the of the effect on the
• Make simple writer’s have a tion or opinion features that reader. (AF6)
comments about viewpoint and AF4 connect texts • Identify similarities
likes and dislikes purpose for • Refer to text • Comment on the and differences
(AF6) writing. (AF6) structure and effect that a reader between texts.
• Talk about a few • Recognise organisation or writer’s context • Discuss how the
basic features of different types of AF5 has on the meaning context in which
well known texts texts and that they • Refer to writer’s of texts texts are written
and begin to make are set in different use of language (historical/cultural/ and read contribute
links to other well times and places. AF6 social) (AF7) to meaning. (AF7)
known texts. (AF7) (AF7) • Express personal
response to text
• Comment on the
writer’s purpose in
a simple form
• Make simple
between texts
• Identify some of
the features which
indicate the
context for a text

Level 3

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