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Code of Conduct on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Child Protection

All Handicap International (HI) Sri Lanka Programme, both international and national staff, as
well as HI consultants and contractual partners, must uphold the highest standards of
professional and personal conduct. At all times, they must treat the local population with
respect and dignity, in particular groups made more vulnerable by social and economic crisis or
natural disasters, such as women and children.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are acts of unacceptable behaviour and prohibited conduct for
all HI personnel, consultants and HI contractual partners. They erode the confidence and trust
in the HI Programme in Sri Lanka and damage its image and integrity.

Any type of sexual activities with children (persons under the age of 18 years), wherein
mistaken belief in the age of a person is not a defence;
Use of children or adults to procure sexual services for others;
Exchange of money, employment, goods or services for sex with prostitutes or any other
member of the local population;
Any sexual favour in exchange for assistance provided to the beneficiaries of such
assistance, such as food or other items provided to vulnerable groups;
HI obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and
sexual abuse. Managers at all levels have a particular responsibility to support and develop
systems that maintain this environment

All HI personnel, consultants and HI contractual partners must contribute to an environment

that prevents sexual exploitation and abuse. Managers have a particular responsibility to
ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct. All Personnel must report any concerns or
suspicions with regards to sexual exploitation and abuse in violation of this Code of Conduct,
through the established reporting mechanisms.
Any violation of this Code of Conduct will be considered as serious misconduct. Sexual
exploitation and abuse will be investigated and may lead to drastic disciplinary measures,
including summary dismissal, suspension, immediate repatriation, and in the case of
contractual partners, termination of the contract.

Staff or those working on behalf of HI

Volunteers/ Community Based

Partner organisation personnel, or
those working on behalf of the

Disciplinary action up to and including

Action up to and including termination of
Action up to and including the withdrawal of
funding or support and/or termination of
partnership agreements
termination of contract


HI staff must be aware of the power dynamics that may exist within the communities where we
are operational, and those between Hi staff and other programme participants, in particular

beneficiaries. Abuse of power is often at the base of incidents of harassment, exploitation and
inappropriate behaviour.
The following are considered as measures to reduce the potential for abuse of power and it is
the responsibility of Country Director to ensure that these measures are taken and that they
address the situation of all programme participants including PWDs, women and children:

As far as possible, ensuring field-work teams are gender-balanced at all levels of

responsibility, in both main and sub-offices.
Ensuring that no individual staff member can create a situation where he or she alone is
perceived to be the sole and final authority responsible for allocating benefits.

Making all beneficiaries aware:

That they are entitled to assistance: beneficiary selection criteria, quantity and variety of
items they should receive, how the distribution is taking place (day, time, location,
method), etc
That HIs and partner organisations staff have a duty to deliver assistance without
That goods and services delivered cannot be withheld or withdrawn on the arbitrary
decision of the staff members or those working on behalf of HI or its partner
That it is unacceptable for the staff or those working on behalf of HI or its partner
organisations to solicit or accept bribes, rewards, gifts, or sexual favours from a
Standards of behaviour expected of staff members and those working on behalf of HI
and its partners.
Particular consideration needs to be given to ensure the accessibility of this information.
This may require translation into Sinhala and Tamil languages, the use of picture based
information, or ensuring that children can understand the language being used.
Developing complaints and response mechanisms and clarifying them to all programme
Electing focal points who can receive complaints and concerns in relation to the policy
and the HI Code of Conduct. The focal points responsibilities include forwarding the
complaints to the Human Resources department or the appropriate senior manager.
Training senior staff members in each field on how to investigate complaints.


As staff working within HI, we will ensure that our conduct is consistent with and reflects
the values: respect for fundamental human rights, social justice and human dignity, and
respect for the equal rights of men and women. We will be guided by the core values of
the HI system, including professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity, and will
maintain an international perspective at all times.
As HI staff, our primary commitment is to ensure the protection of and assistance to
beneficiaries. We are committed to supporting the fullest possible participation of
beneficiaries in decisions that affect their lives.

We will respect the dignity and worth of every individual, will promote and practice
understanding, respect, compassion and tolerance, and will demonstrate discretion and
maintain confidentiality as required. We will aim to build constructive and respectful
working relations with our partners, will continuously seek to improve our performance,
and will foster a climate that encourages learning, supports positive change, and applies
the lessons learned from our experience.
We will show respect for all persons equally without distinction whatsoever of race,
gender, religion, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, marital status, sexual
orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disability, political conviction, or any other
distinguishing feature. We will strive to remove all barriers to equality.
We will respect the cultures, customs and traditions of all peoples, and will strive to avoid
behaving in ways that are not acceptable in a particular cultural context. However, when
the tradition or practice is considered by the relevant organ of the HI to be directly
contrary to an international human rights instrument or standard, we will be guided by
the applicable human rights instrument or standard.


I will always seek to care for and protect the rights of children, and act in a manner that
ensures that their best interests shall be the paramount consideration.

I will keep myself informed about HI's policies, objectives and activities and about PWDs
concerns, and will do my utmost to support the Offices protection and assistance work

I undertake not to abuse the power and influence that I have by virtue of my position
over the lives and wellbeing of PWDs and other persons of concern.

I will never request any service or favour from PWDs or other persons of concern in
return for protection or assistance. I will never engage in any exploitative relationships
sexual, emotional, and financial or employment related with PWDs or other persons of

Should I find myself in such a relationship with a beneficiary that I consider nonexploitative and consensual, I will report this to my supervisor for appropriate guidance
in the knowledge that this matter will be treated with due discretion. I understand that
both my supervisor and I have available to us normal consultative and recourse
mechanisms on these issues.

I will act responsibly when hiring or otherwise engaging PWDs or other persons of
concern for private services. I will report in writing on the nature and conditions of this
employment to my supervisor.

I will not work under the influence of alcohol or drugs (with the exception of prescribed
drugs for health reasons) or illegal substances that affect my ability to perform my duties.

I will not engage in or tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace, including sexual
harassment and abuse of power.

As a manager/supervisor, I will not solicit favours, loans or gifts from staff, nor will I
accept unsolicited ones that are of more than token value.

I recognize that there is an inherent conflict of interest and potential abuse of power in
having sexual relations with staff under my supervision. Should I find myself in such a
relationship, I will resolve this conflict of interest without delay.

I will bring to the attention of the relevant manager or the Human Resources manager
within HI any potential incident, abuse or concern that I witness, I am made aware of, or
suspect which appears to break the standards contained in this Code.

I will not intentionally make malicious or false accusations in relation to this Code against
any programme participant.

I will ensure that all information about breaches of this Code is handled with the utmost

All HI staff, the representatives of partner organisations, and all people associated with HI
programmes must be given a copy of this policy and the HI Code of Conduct in a language that
they can understand, and an explanation of the content of both documents. They must confirm
that they have read them, understood their content, and that they agree to conduct themselves
in accordance with them.
Duty to report

Any known or suspected case of abuse, exploitation, or harassment of programme

participants must always be brought to the attention of the line manager, or a senior
manager, or the Human Resources department or the focal points elected in the projects
to receive complaints.

In the event that staff members have HI related to the behaviour of the Country Director,
they may raise these concerns directly with the Desk Officer.

The reporting of HI may result in a confidential, thorough and prompt investigation being
conducted. Such investigations may reduce the level of concern or lead to the realisation
that further action is appropriate.

People reporting possible violations and/or involved in such investigations including

the subject of the complaint - will be protected against any form of intimidation, threats,
reprisal or retaliation resulting from the alleged incident.

If any member of staff is found intimidating or retaliating against a person making a

complaint or assisting in an investigation, disciplinary action - up to and including
dismissal - will be imposed. All information related to the case will be held in the strictest
confidence. It will be disclosed only on a need-to-know basis in order to resolve the

Any intentionally false, malicious or vexatious statement, misrepresentation or

accusation against another staff member or third party will be considered gross

All concerns about breaches of these standards of behaviour by HI staff or other

programme participants must be handled with the utmost confidentiality, recorded and
the record held in a secure location with the Country Director.

In the event of an allegation that involves a criminal offence, the member of staff (the
subject of complaint) should be informed that, in addition to disciplinary action, the
investigation may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities for further investigation.

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