Call For Proposals: "Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities (CSO-LA) "

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Call for proposals: "Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities (CSO-LA)"
Reference: EuropeAid/136898/DD/ACT/MD

Question 1:
We represent a local Moldovan Representation of the Swiss Foundation and we do posses an own resident
statute and are registered in the Republic of Moldova.
Our question is: are we fully eligible to apply as an applicant together with two of our local partner
organizations as co-applicants in the above mentioned call for proposals?
Answer 1:
Please note that the eligibility of applicants is restricted to CSOs and their associations originating from:
a)the EU partner country where the action takes place; the Republic of Moldova,
b) the EU Member States and contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
Question 2:
We are interested to apply for the call for proposal EuropeAid/136898/DD/ACT/MD, however when reading
the guidelines we came accross the following question: Article 1.4 1.4. SUBMISSION OF SUPPORTING
An external audit report produced by an approved auditor, certifying the applicant's accounts for the
last financial year available where the total amount of the grant exceeds EUR 750 000 (EUR 100 000 for an
operating grant). The external audit report is not required from (if any) the co-applicant(s)).
Does this requirement means that we need to have a turnover for the closed year not less then 750 000 EUR?
Answer 2:
It means that if you apply for a grant that exceeds EUR 750.000 (which is not possible in the framework of
this call as the maximum amount requested is EUR 625,000.00) you must present an external audit report by
an approved auditor. As a result, in the framework of this call, you dont need to present an external audit
report certificating your accounts for the last financial year.

Question 3:
Is the <call for proposals number> and Reference number (EuropeAid/136898/DD /ACT/MD) the same
thing? If not, what should we indicate in Call of Proposal Number line from the very beginning of the
Cover Sheet?
Answer 3:
Yes, the Call for proposals number is the reference number EuropeAid/136898/DD /ACT/MD.
Question 4:

What does Lot means? It is requested in the Cover Sheet table and in the Section 1.1 table from the
Concept Note form. Can you explain also how important is to answer this question in case if it is not relevant
to us.
Answer 4:
In the framework of this call, there are no lots. Applicants are as a result not required to specify this part.
Question 5:
What does Publication Reference in the following mark means: <PUBLICATION REFERENCE +
CSO-LA 21 02 08 03> (requested before Check-list table). What exactly we must write in the yellowmarked section.
Answer 5:
The publication reference is EuropeAid/136898/DD /ACT/MD to which you should add CSO-LA 21 02 08 03
Question 6:
Does the CALL REFERENCE (requested in Annexe J Information on the tax regime applicable to grant
contracts) means Reference number?
Answer 6:
Yes, the Call for proposals number is the reference number EuropeAid/136898/DD /ACT/MD.
Question 7:
We are a CSO from Republic of Moldova without an audit report for 2014. Does it mean that we can request
funding ranging between following amounts only: EUR 625,000.00 EUR 750,000.00?
Answer 7:
Please see answer to question no. 2 and also refer to point 3.3.3. of the Grant application form.
Question 8:
Can we take for-profit organization (SRL) as a co-applicant?*
Answer 8:
No, the co-applicants underlie the same application criteria as the main applicant. As a result the coapplicant cannot be a for-profit organisation.
Question 9:
Can we take for-profit organization (SRL) as an affiliate?*
Answer 9:
No, the same eligibility criteria apply for affiliated entities as for main applicants and co-applicants. As a
result, for-profit organisations are not eligible.

Question 10:
Can we take an abroad non-profit organization (CSO) as a co-applicant, an affiliate or as an associate?*
Answer 10:
Civil society organisations from the EU Member States and contracting parties to the Agreement on the
European Economic Area are eligible as co-applicants, affiliates and associates. Associates do not have to
meet the eligibility criteria referred to in section 2.1.1, as a result they don't underlie any eligibility criteria
based on nationality. Please see also section 2.1.3. of the Guidelines for applicants.
Question 11:
Can we become considered as a main grant applicant if we were registered legally on 17th March 2014?
* - we are asking this questions as a specification for points 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 from the Guidelines for
grant applicants.
Answer 11: Yes
Question 12:
In the context of guidelines for applicants, what is implied by "local level": Moldova as a country, or regions
within Moldova?
Answer 12:
"Local level" must be understood as any level which is lower than national level.
Question 13:
In case of the applicant and two co-applicants, what are the requirements for showing what budget is
implemented by each of them? (e.g. the application should include three separated budget documents or one
document but multiple sheets, specify the responsible co-applicant next to each budget item in the
justification sheet etc).
Answer 13:
Budget for the action shall be estimated by the applicant together with co-applicants. The coordinator must
submit the budget worksheet as per template (Annex B) attached to the Grant application form.
Question 14:
When should the applicant submit the request for contingency reserve to the Contracting Authority?
Answer 14:
Provision for contingency reserve may be indicated in the budget of the action under point 10 of Annex B.
For further reference please also see Art. 14.6 of General conditions to Grant contracts.

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