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0 Introduction
For trainee teachers who have undergone three phases of practicum, the job of being a
teacher is going to be around the corner for them. As I believe they are one step into being a
novice teacher. Since I am one of the trainee teacher who is in the last semester of the final
year, I have observed the reality of being a teacher in three schools that I have went for the
last three semesters among the teachers in the school whose I have considered them as my
colleagues and even friends. The reality of how the teachers cope with students, parents,
among themselves in the school community and as an educator in a society.
For this assignment, we are required to discuss regarding on how far the responsibilities
in the Malaysian Teacher Code of Ethics has been applied in the schools by the teachers.
Throughout the three phases of practicum, I have witnessed the act of responsibility among
teachers in the school. The school that I have chosen to be the evidence of my discussion
will the school that I attended for the third practicum since the most of the incidence in the
school are still fresh in mind which is SKPT.

2.0 Malaysian Teachers Code of Ethics

Generally, Malaysian Teachers Code of Ethics is a guideline for those who are involve in
teaching profession or the educators which they must follow or obey the guideline as it is in
the Malaysian education system. They are several importance of Code of Ethic Teaching in
Malaysia that will be further discussed in the next four sections (section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and
2.4) which are as following;

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y towards
and the

e of
Code of

y towards

y towards
and Nation

Figure 1: The Importance of Malaysian Teachers Code of Ethics

2.1 Responsibility towards Students
Teachers are devoted to serve students or pupils as their main purpose in their
job. This means that they have to focus more on the pupils welfare compared to
other matters. During the previous practicum, I have encountered a teacher who
acted heroic and had touched my feeling and I believe the others who were there to
witness. During our hiking activity at Mount Jerai, one of the pupils fell and injured

her knees and sprinkled her ankle. One of the teacher carried the pupil up to the rest
place where we finally stopped. My practicum partner and I offered to carry the girl
earlier but the teacher refused saying she did not want us to be caught in trouble if
something worse happen when we carry the girl. From there I could see that she was
aware of her responsibility and willing to sacrifice her energy even though she is
much older than us. If she was not aware of her responsibility, in my opinion she
would asked us to carry the injured pupil and save her energy to herself.
Teachers are responsible to influence pupils in obtaining new knowledge in the
pupils everyday life. They have to be able to be the driving force for the pupils to
change in order to meet the needs of globalization. As viewed by G. Fullan, M (1993)
To be effective at change, mastery is essential both in relation to specific
innovations and as a personal habit. In other to be a good example to the pupils,
teachers have to improve their efficiency and equip themselves by upgrading their
teaching quality. For instance, from the teachers in SKPT, they were always keen in
improving themselves by participating in courses like the course on FROG Virtual
Learning. Other than that, all of the teachers who have not received their Bachelor in
Education were working hard for the final semester. Even though they have their
other commitment in school and at home towards their family, they were willing to
sacrifice their resting time and energy to upgrade themselves for the sake of
improving themselves. I adore the teachers spirits in committing themselves to be
devoted in serving the pupils.

2.2 Responsibility towards Parents

In order to serve pupils, teachers are indirectly dealing with the pupils parents or
in other case the guardians. As mentioned by Bridgeman, J. (2007) Being a parent
brings with it manifold social, emotional and intellectual growth and development of
the child as well as his or her safety, security, happiness and well-being. Parents are
the "leaders" of their child. Since the parents are the closest person to their child
even as in blood relation, parents should watch over their children and teach them
how life works. This means that teachers have responsibility towards parents.
Therefore teachers have to respect that the parents have full authority towards their

own child. No matter how they want the children to cope in school, teachers have to
respect the parents decisions especially if it is for the childrens good. In a situation
where I have encountered, parents of a top student in the school did not allow their
child to join any camp that require the pupil to spend nights with other pupils. The
parents excuses were they did not want their child to be influenced by the childs
peers throughout the night spent together because they belief that moment is where
their child might learn negativity from other pupils bad habits. The teachers who are
in charge of the camp respected the parents decision and give exception to the
particular pupil. The teacher told us that they believe different parents have different
kind of approach given to their child. Since all of the particular parents child are good
students in the school, the teacher could understand that the parents approach is
the best for the children.
By respecting the parents decision towards their own child, teachers could
establish affable relationship and collaboration between the school and the students
parents. As viewed by Baum, H. S. (2003), Indirectly, cooperation between
community groups and a school affirms to parents and students that the school
values the community that community concerns have a place in the school, and that
both community and the school want students to learn. The teachers agreement to
understand the value by respecting the parents decision will indirectly create a
cooperation between these two communities. The previous discussion is very much
interrelated with this discussion. The teachers in SKPT as well as the school
administration had worked hard to build a good relationship with the parents of the
students. Every events that the school organized, the parents will support by coming
to the events and help out in building tents and canopies at the school compound.
Some parents were even volunteered to do selling for the event. Throughout the
duration of my practicum there, there were countless events going on even at night.
In my opinion, without the collaboration from the parents of the pupils, the event
cannot be held as successfully and as frequently as what I have observed. I believe
that the teachers at the school had made a good job in applying their responsibility
towards the parents of their pupils. This is also means that the parents really have
the sense of belonging as part of the school community and therefore they are
satisfied to send their children to the school.
2.3 Responsibility towards Society and Nation

Serving the society that lives in this culturally diverse country, it is the teachers
job to spread the knowledge about this country to create an open minded generation.
This in order to instill positive attitude so that the pupils respect the fact that there are
differences in our culture and religion. From what I have observed in SKPT, they are
really trying their best in introducing the pupils in the school to the different cultures
that exist in Malaysia. Since all of the pupils in the school are of the same race that is
Malay, the teachers in the schools are aware that they should exposed them to other
culture. I could see the handicrafts hanging at the wall of the staircase area just like
the ones that my grandmother and late grandfather used to make. A big map of
Malaysia is also pasted on the wall of other staircase area contains labels of different
ethnics that is majority populated in a particular area on the map. I was quite touched
to see effort of the teacher in introducing the pupils to other culture.
Besides, one of the teacher were so excited having me around as the trainee in
school and he borrowed my traditional costume for his lesson in the class. I could
see that the teachers are keen to give exposure to the pupils in hope that positive
value will be instilled among the pupils. Pertaining to the teachers effort, I could see
that the pupils in the school recognize me as someone from the west Malaysia.
Some of them even asked me whether I am Kadazan or Iban. I was quite surprise
because compared to the previous school where I went to, the pupils had no idea of
my race and keep on asking why I have never worn shawl to cover my hair even
though I always wear Baju Kurung. This showed that the pupils in SKPT are
exposed to other culture in Malaysia. Thus the teachers had successfully created
pupils with minds that respect other culture and beliefs.
2.4 Responsibility towards Colleagues and the Teaching Profession
In obeying the code of ethics, teachers are supposed to avoid negative activities
that can affect their performances as an educator. After undergone several
experiences in practicum in different schools as a trainee teacher, I could see most
teachers sacrifice their time and energy to be effectively performed in their career.
Unfortunately there was a case where a teacher was caught spending most of her
nights in the club. After further actions taken into the teacher, the teacher were able
to leave that particular habit. She even shared that it was not worth it to have fun
until late night and even consume alcohol for almost every week. She always felt
sleepy and did not focus or fulfill her pupils need compared to how she had
performed after the incident where she was caught involving in such activity.

This would further affected the teachers academic and social progress as an
educator if the case was not resolved. The teacher was so glad that she was able to
dedicate more on her responsibility in order for her to be an effective teacher towards
the school community.
If the teacher was not caught earlier for the action, I believe that it will affect the
good name of the teaching profession. The teachers in the school made a good
decision in helping the colleague to improve herself so that good name of the
teaching profession can be maintained.
3.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the teachers in SKPT are highly involve in following and obeying the
Malaysian Teachers Code of Ethics. They were passionate in inculcating good values to the
school community especially the pupils, parents and among the teachers themselves. This
means that they are aware of their responsibility and genuine in committing into this
teaching profession. As mentioned by G. Fullan, M. (1993) Especially in moral occupations
like teaching, the more one takes the risk to express personal purpose, the more kindred
spirits one will find.

4.0 References
Baum, H. S. (2003). Building the Education Field. In Community action for school
reform (p. 38). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Bridgeman, J. (2007). Parents, Young Children and Healthcare Law. In Parental responsibility,
young children and healthcare law (p. 1). Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.
G. Fullan, M. (1993, March). Educational Leadership:The Professional Teacher:Why Teachers
Must Become Change Agents. Retrieved from

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