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Coursework 1: Part 1
Coursework 1: Part 2

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3- 4
8- 9

1.0 Introduction
Children in primary schools are diverse in backgrounds and abilities especially
in this country Malaysia. This diversity may leads from the factors of diverse in
sociocultural and socioeconomics backgrounds. These factors further leads to the
effect of their performance and attitude in school. In addressing this diversity,
schools counsellors play an important role to conduct various programmes and
services for children in school.
As for the school where I went for a visit, there are many programmes and
services which the Guidance and Counselling Unit has provided for the pupils. The
school was Sekolah Kebangsaan Pinang Tunggal. SK Pinang Tunggal is a small
school in a sub-urban area. Even though it is a quite small school, the school carries
a quite vast number of pupils that is over 800 pupils in the school.

1.1 Coursework 1
1.1.1 Part 1
There are various types of guidance services that the Guidance and Counselling
Unit has provided for the pupils of the school. The type of guidance service that they
provided are personal record and inventory, information resources, group guidance,
Secretariat of National Anti drug Abused Agency, Consultancy and Referral and
parenting advisor skill.
For type of personal record and inventory, the school has the supervising of
the forms and records, the guidance and counselling room and files of guidance
record management. This will be held throughout the year where all pupils will be
affected to this service. This is because the personal records of all pupils in the
school are kept in the room. The person who is in charge of this service is the
Guidance and Counselling teacher.
As for information resources, the programme is the safety talk. The programme
is on February and will be held again on the month of October. All pupils are involved
with this programme and it is under charge of the guidance and counselling teacher
and also the Discipline Unit of the school. Another programme is the campaign and
talk on anti drug. This programme will be held on the month of October but will also
be exposed to the pupils once in each month of morning assembly and time taken
for the talk is about 5 minutes. The programme will be under the guidance and
counselling teacher and with the collaboration from Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah
(PPD) especially for the campaign. This particular programme can also be
categorised in the Secretariat of National Anti drug Abused Agency type of guidance
The school has the most programmes for the type of guidance service of group
guidance. One of the programmes is the leadership motivational camp and this
programme is especially for the leaders among pupils that are the school prefects,
library prefects and class monitor of each class of level 2 pupils. This programme is
held on February and will be held again on October. People in charge of the
programme are the guidance and counselling teacher and the Discipline Unit of the
school. Besides is the motivational workshop for the Year 6 pupils. This programme

is on the month of February, May and also August. Guidance and Counselling
Teacher, PIBG committee members, academic committee members and the Head
Panel of Agama Islam are the people who are involved in managing the programme.
Next is the mentor and mentee programme involving the participants of all pupils of
the school. The programme is under management of guidance and counselling
teacher and the Discipline Unit. Besides that is the Spiritual guidance programme
managed by the guidance and counselling teacher. This programme is held
throughout the year and all pupils are involved with this programme.
Next is the consultancy and referral type of guidance service. The
programmes are extra class and guidance programme in purpose of examination
and also workshop among the pupils of Year 5 and 6. These programmes are held
on March, October and every school holidays. The person who is in charge of the
programmes is the guidance and counselling teacher and with the collaboration of
the academic committee members.
Other than that is the type of guidance service for parental skill advisor.
There are three programmes which are the parents and guardians meeting for Year
6 pupils, parents and guardians meeting for Year 5 pupils and the Guidance and
Counselling meeting. For the guidance and counselling meeting all members of
PIBG are involved. For the parents and guardians meeting for Year 6 pupils, the
meeting is conducted on February, May and September. For the meeting of parents
and guardians of Year 5 pupils, the meeting will be held on May and October. As for
guidance and counselling meeting, it has been conducted once on the 26 th of
January and will be conducted again on 11th of May and the 22nd of July.
There are plenty more of the programmes that are planned by the guidance
and counselling unit but the above programmes are the programmes that could be
classified into the type of guidance service. The programmes are definitely important
for the sake of the pupils development in developing identity and knowledge.
Therefore, it is not only the job for one party but also with the help and collaboration
of the rest of the party in the schools community.

1.1.2 Part 2
Most of the programmes in this school are as guidance to the pupils where it
includes the involvement of mostly all pupils in the school and the programmes can
be classified into the types of services. There are six types of services that can be
found in SK Pinang Tunggal. Among the six types of services, the Guidance and
Counselling Unit of the school could plan several of programmes and activities for all
pupils in the school. They are able to plan programmes and activities that are
important and significant to the future development of the pupils even though for a
quite small school with a vast number of pupils.
Each programme has its own significance to the pupils and for the sake of the
pupils performance in the school. For the programme of a talk on safety, it is to
promote the importance of safety towards the pupils. It is on how the pupils should
manage themselves to the surrounding safely and know what to do when facing
difficulties and trouble. This is also in order to increase the knowledge of safety
among the pupils. Police officer from the police department of Sungai Petani will be
giving talk to the pupils in order to convince the pupils of the importance of safety.
Whereas for the anti drug campaign, the significant of the programme towards the
pupils is for the prevention and the awareness about the misused of drug. Knowing
the danger in misused of drug, pupils will be aware of the consequences and
therefore help the pupils to realise that they should avoid in involving themselves to
such activity. These two programmes certainly help in providing important
information towards the school society especially the pupils.
Next is the programme of leadership motivational camp. The significant of this
programme towards the leaders among the pupils in the school is to motivate them
in becoming a good and brave leader. It is also to motivate them to become leaders
that can lead and speak in front and brave in taking chances and opportunities.
Besides that the importance of the programme is certainly in teaching the leaders in
helping the teachers to manage any events in the school. The other programme is
the mentor and mentee programme where all pupils will be mentee and teachers will
be their mentor. This programme is for the teachers to monitor the discipline and the
academic progress of pupils who are under their supervision throughout the year. As
for motivational camp for year 6, the programme is for the sake of the pupils

preparation toward UPSR. There will be a lot of activities for the year 6 pupils in
motivate them to study and revise effectively. Besides, it is to create the identity of
the pupils so that they are aware of their responsibility towards the examination. The
Spiritual guidance programme is whereby in increasing the spiritual knowledge
among the pupils especially the Muslims. These programmes are rather in guiding
the pupils of this school according to the needs of the pupils and suitable to the
variety of the pupils background.
Other than that, the programme for consultancy and referral service that is the
extra class and guidance programme is where the pupils of level 2 preparing for their
UPSR. This is the extra effort of the school in monitoring the pupils academic study
and for the sake of getting them to adapt for the format of the examination. The
workshop for Year 5 and 6 is about the same as the previous programme. This is
also where the pupils will be consulted and focused upon certain subject at certain
For parenting skill advisor service, the programme for this service is the parents
and guardians meeting for year 5 and 6 pupils. The programme will be conducted at
different time according to the year of the pupils. The significant of this programme
towards the pupils is in helping the parents and guardians in monitoring the pupils
behaviour and academic development. This programme is also to inform the parents
and the guardians of the pupils upon the pupils UPSRs preparation so that the
parents and guardians could share and receive information about the pupils under
their care. Besides that is the Guidance and Counselling meeting. This is to plan and
discuss any activities and problems that the pupils are having in the school. Parents
and guardians are involve in order for them to share their opinions and know what is
best for their childs development in the school for school is considered as the place
where the pupils spend most of their time after their own home.
These are the programmes that run in SK Pinang Tunggal. For this I feel that the
programmes should be expanded in a wider scope and more services of guidance to
be included as beneficial to all parties such as teachers, parents and pupils. And we
need to change our view that, guidance and counselling unit is not only act as a unit
which provides counselling for problematic pupils, but rather have many functions
and affect the management of school. This is also because of the effect of guidance

and counselling has a huge impact upon the school society where the programmes
planned involved all of the school society.


Type of
record and



Month/ Period


People In

borang/ bilik /fail
Bimbingan dan

the year

All pupils

Guidance and

February &

All pupils

Guidance and
Teacher and
Discipline Unit

n anti dadah

October and
once a month
in assembly(5
February &

All pupils

Guidance and
Teacher and
Guidance and
Teacher &
Discipline Unit

February, May
& August

Year 6 pupils
and their


Motivasi Tahun 6

program mentor


January to

the year

prefects and
Year 4,5 & 6
class monitors

All pupils

All pupils

Guidance and
Teacher, PIBG
members &
Head Panel of
Agama Islam
Guidance and
Teacher &
Discipline Unit
Guidance and

Secretariat of
National Anti
drug Abused
and Referral

Parenting Skill

n anti dadah

October and
once a month
in assembly(5
October and
every school

All pupils

bengkel tahun 6

April, June,

Year 5 & 6

Waris tahun 6

February, May
& September

Parents and
guardians of
Year 6 pupils

Waris tahun 5

May &

Parents and
guardians of
Year 5 pupils

Guidance and
Teacher &
Year 5

bimbingan dan

26th January,
11th May &
22nd July

Members of

Guidance and
Teacher &
members of

kelas tambahan/

Year 5 & 6

Guidance and
Teacher and
Guidance and
Teacher &
Guidance and
Teacher &
Guidance and
Teacher &

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