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February 2010

Planting Malawi Isaiah 61.3

INTERNATIONAL MALAWI an update from the VanWoerdens in Malawi

PRAYER & PRAISE: Chikaonda Ambulance [needed a few days earlier]

 The heavy rains have finally ar-
rived, which has rescued some of This month we distributed four bicycle lance. They haven’t seen any devel-
the crops. But now that the maize ambulances to remote communities; opment activities in their area from
is almost mature, if these rains two of them to rural health centres government or NGOs so they really
continue, the little maize that and two of them to communities very didn’t believe we’d deliver until we
grew with the drought might rot far from the nearest health centre. actually arrived that day with the
because of the late rains. Chikaonda Village is 16 kilometres bicycle ambulance. One of the elders
 We enjoyed a week in South Af- from the nearest health centre. To get told us that they would be dancing
rica, visiting some of Alex’s family there we had to travel some pretty and singing because of what we had
(as well as the shopping malls,
bad village ‘roads.’ Many sections brought them but they had just had a
beach, game park, etc.). We are
grateful for the opportunity with are so badly eroded it looks more funeral the previous day and were
all expenses paid. like a drainage than a road. As you still mourning. A man from their vil-
 There has been an increase in get closer to the village, the road is lage had travelled to Mozambique
crime in Zomba in the last few no more than a foot path with tall
weeks and safety has become a grass on both sides. This is the kind of [continued on p. 2]
concern. road that you should not be able to
 With the end of our 2-year term drive during the rainy season but this
in sight, we are trying to figure hasn’t been a typical rainy season
out our future plans and search with prolonged dry spells. When we
out God’s direction for us. get to Chikaonda Village, they almost
can’t believe that we’ve come through
on our promise of a bicycle ambu-
clouds but little rain...

School or Marriage [a student chooses her future]

Last year two groups of Canadian selected had to find the means to pay
Rotarians visited Malawi and helped for the first semester. But when we
give Misangu Primary School in Na- followed up on the students to see
masalima a makeover. One of the how they were managing, we found
couples from this group was so im- out that one of the girls had not man-
pacted by the challenges the students aged to come up with the school fees
face to get an education, they have and was not attending school. We
decided to sponsor several students thought, no problem, we’ll start her
graduating from the school to go on sponsorship for the next semester
to secondary school. We didn’t man- (since it was already late in the term
age to launch the sponsorship immedi- and students were writing exams). But
ately at the beginning of the first then we were told another bit of in-
term so the students who had been formation that was quite alarming.
[continued on p. 2]
P L A N T I N G M AL AWI | F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 0

Ambulance [continued] late with the bicycle ambulance. Per-

haps because of this incident and the
Out of the four bicycle ambulances
we distributed, the Chikaonda ambu-
on his bicycle to buy maize but had fact that this is the first development lance was by far the most impressive
fallen ill during his travels and died. they have ever received, the commu- and gratifying because I know it will
Some other men from their village had nity showed us how much they valued be used well by the five villages in
to retrieve his body, which they had to the bicycle ambulance and committed this community and it will have a ma-
prop up on the back of the bicycle us- to a high level of care so that per- jor impact in their lives.
ing a makeshift frame of bamboo haps we would assist them with other
poles. We were just a few days too developments in the future.

Chikaonda Village bicycle ambulance distribution

(a typical village meeting)

School or Marriage [continued]

She was already engaged to be mar- week to decide between marriage wishers who were touched by stories
ried! Because she didn’t manage to and education but she fears that she’s exactly like this, some of her class-
come up with the school fees for the already pregnant and schooling is out mates are receiving full scholarships
first term, she had already given up of the plan. This story is so heart- for their four-year secondary educa-
hope that school was going to be an breaking. In 2014 she could’ve been tion, including school uniforms, allow-
option for her, so the alternative was graduating secondary school and ances, and bicycles for transport.
marriage. She just finished primary have a chance at employment or
school at age 15 or 16 and was about higher education. Now it looks like she School fees are about $15 per term
to get married! We immediately went will be married with a small family or $45 per year at a community day
to her home to see if we could per- and surviving off the land in her home secondary school and about $55 per
suade her to reconsider schooling and village, joining the ranks of poverty. term or $165 per year at a
an alternative future. We gave her a But thanks to some generous well- boarding school.

Andre & Alexandra VanWoerden [Lara, Talia, Ezera] Emmanuel International Canada
Private Bag 12 Zomba Malawi PO Box 4050 Stouffville ON L4A 8B6
265.888.169.380 (Andre) or 265.888.169.382 (Alex) 905.640.2111

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