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BTEC HN eLearning Certificate

for Business
Assignment Feedback
Student: Ben Lee

Tutor: Jewel Cole

Unit no. & title: Unit 1 Business Environment: Unit Comment

Date due: 17 April 2015

Date submitted: 17 July 2015

Feedback date: 23 July 2015

(Tutors signature & date)





Summative Feedback:
LO1: Understand the organisational purposes of businesses
LO1.1. You were able to identify the different types of organisations, achieving the
requirements as defined in the assessment criteria (refer to comment 3 in the
annotated feedback). It is clear that you have made an attempt to compare
Tesco to another organisation. However, you need to do this by including
information such as the mission statement, aims and goals of both companies
(or more if you are comparing more than two). You need to ensure that a
comprehensive comparison is conducted. This means you must consider the
legal structure of both companies (or more if you are comparing more than
two) in your comparison, their aims/goals/etc, the sector they fall in and
generally the products/services they offer. As this assignment criteria was
not met you have REFERRED. The following example might give you some
"Tesco is a limited liability company operating within the tertiary sector. What this
means is that Tesco falls within the sales and services sector and is allowed to sell
its shares on the market. As a limited liability company Tesco has shareholders and
therefore its purpose is to ....... This is different to my local green grocer who is a sole
trader and operates within the primary sector and is solely responsible for any
financial losses and debts. Called Big Barn Farm, the local green grocers' purpose is
to...... Apart from these two types of organisations there are others such as voluntary
organisations whose purpose is to ...... Apart from this there is also credit unions,
etc, etc, etc.". Tesco's main aims and business purpose is to.....This is different to
the aims of Big Barn farm as its aims and purpose is to....
LO1.2 Again, you have done well to meet the learning criteria. However, whilst you
have met the criteria for learning outcome 1.2, your work could have been
greatly improved by drawing upon some practical examples. At this level it is
not sufficient to repeat the information you have read. You must demonstrate
your ability to apply knowledge by using some real examples that your
audience can relate to. Also, you must credit your sources by stating where
the information came from. Please consult your referencing guide. Despite
these short comings, you have been able to secure a PASS for LO1.2 (Pass).

LO1.3. Again you have met the requirements for passing learning outcome 1.3.
However, you must begin to draw on some practical examples. In order to be
successful at this level you must show your ability to apply the knowledge you
have gained in a practical way. Remember, business studies is about using
the academic information you have gained and applying/adapting it to
whatever type of company you might be employed in. You must show your
ability to do this by using examples (Pass).
LO2: Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses
LO2.1. You have amply met the learning outcome by defining the various economic
systems which gives some indication of how they allocate resources.
However, you could have enhanced your grade by using some practical
Examples (Pass).
LO2.2. In order to meet the learning outcome, you must fully explain what is meant
by the fiscal policy and similarly, what is meant by the monetary policy. It is
not sufficient to say that they will 'have a huge impact'. You must be able to
connect with your audience by providing definitions and practical examples
that they can relate to (REFER).
LO2.3. You did well here. You presented some very applicable information. You
balanced your work by highlighting both positive and negative influences of
the competition policy, and pointing out the consequences if companies are
found to be in breach of the law. However, you MUST cite your sources.
Your failure to do so has impacted upon the quality and validity of your work
and your grades. Please refer to the referencing material (Pass).
LO3: Understand the behaviour of organisations in their market environment
LO3.1. Good. A simple but not simplistic explanation of the monetary policy that has
the capability of resonating with audiences of varied abilities. This would
have been excellent followed up with a very practical example that the
audience can relate to. Please consult previous comments regarding
application of knowledge and the use of examples (Pass).
LO3.2. For the most part, you were able to give a very clear and sometimes easy
flowing explanation. However, your work would have been greatly enhanced
by analysing your explanation and drawing conclusions regarding how
organisations may respond to market forces. That is, what strategies might
they incorporate to ensure that these forces do not negatively affect their
business (Pass)
LO3.3. You have applied an appropriate technique (PESTEL) in answering this
question. In addition to applying the PESTEL Analysis in helping to identify
how the business environment affect the way Tesco operates, you must also
discuss the cultural environment. This requires you to look at both the culture
of the organisation as well as the culture of the environment that they operate
in. This environment includes the country (UK, USA, etc.), Town/city
(Bradford, Glasgow, etc), the community (lots of polish immigrants, lots of
Muslims, etc) that they operate. Try to consider how these cultural
environments affect how the store operates. Does it do things differently? If
so, why? (REFER)

LO4: Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape
national business activities
LO4.1. In order to meet the learning outcome for this sub task you need to discuss
the specific significance to Tesco and the UK retail sector. The short
paragraph presented is a very generalised statement that can be applicable
to any sector and most companies. Again, employ some good examples to
illustrate why international trade is so important to Tesco. Here's a tip; Think
about their fresh produce, where does a lot of it come from, how does it get to
the UK? (REFER).
LO4.2. A good assessment of the impact of global factors on the UK economy.
Again, this was a missed opportunity to use some very practical examples to
enhance your work (Pass)
LO4.3. This task requires you to write a memorandum to the CEO of Tesco. You
must use appropriate business formats in order to meet the criteria. In
addition, you must discuss all EU policies that have the potential to impact
upon how Tesco must treat its stakeholders, conduct its operations both in
the UK and abroad. What types of policies are these and what role does
each type of policy play? (REFER)
Formative Feedback:
Ben - It is very evident that you are a hard worker who strives to do well. You seem
to have a natural ability to interpret questions extremely well, and similarly, the ability
to produce appropriate answers. However, there are some areas where you fall
short, and care and attention must be paid to these areas if you are to pass the unit
or indeed, improve your grades. To improve your grades please note the following:

Always use examples. This could be real or hypothetical. incorporating

examples in your work serves a number of purposes. Firstly, It demonstrates
to the examiner that you are able to contextualise your work. It demonstrates
your ability to apply knowledge. It demonstrates your ability to communicate
with audiences that are both familiar with business topics and those who are
not. It demonstrates your ability to think creatively and it helps you to see the
whole picture thereby enabling you to draw conclusions.
Always reference your sources. You are unlikely to pass the course without
referencing your work. Whenever you make any claim of fact you must cite
the source of this information as you run the risk of being accused of making
false claims, being accused of misquotation, being accused of plagiarism. By
citing your sources, you are able to direct your reader to the information
quoted, thereby protecting yourself as a writer and defending your work.
Always include a bibliography. No matter how good your work is you cannot
receive a passing grade unless this is included (See comment 30 in
annotated feedback).
Ensure that you adhere to Harvard referencing (Please see the referencing
guide on the learning platform).
Always use a cover page as it makes your work look professional as well as
holds vital information (see comment 1 in annotated feedback).
Highlight headings and sub headings. It helps to make your work look
Ensure your name is on every page and each page is numbered. Not only
does this look professional, but it serves practical reasons. As students work
are randomly selected by the external verifiers, this will help to keep your

work together when they are sent off.

Try to draw conclusions after every task. Reflect on all the information that
was presented in the task and draw your own conclusions. It shows your
ability to make effective judgements as well as demonstrating your analytical

In addition to your positive skills highlighted at the top of this feedback There are
some other things that you do very well, and you should continue to do these and
improve your skills where possible, you will soon see a positive reflection in your

Continue to conduct additional research over and above the recommended

texts. This is a clear indication that you are able to study at this level, and it
also shows your desire to learn all you can about the subject/course and not
just to 'pass' it.

Unfortunately, you have REFERRED on Unit 1: Business Environment. You must


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