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A 12-course, 36-credit
graduate program from the
University of Wisconsin

2015 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. All rights reserved.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


The time is right for a career in data science

A Message from Dean David Schejbal
Todays world is generating data at an explosive rate. In Wisconsin and
across the country, employers are in dire need ( of skilled
professionals with the ability to transform big data into big insights. That is
why we created the University of Wisconsin Master of Science in Data
Science in an online format that is ideal for busy adults.
This 12-course, 36-credit graduate program is a partnership of six
University of Wisconsin campusesUW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay,
Dean David Schejbal,
UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior, and
led by UW-Extension. Courses are developed and taught by expert faculty
from each of these campuses, and we have consulted with industry practitioners to make sure our
learning objectives are current and valuable to employers.
As a student in the UW Data Science program, you will:

Learn to harness the power of big data using the latest tools and analytical methods
Study online, on your time, so you can plan your studies around work and family commitments
Pay the same affordable tuition, in or out of state
Earn your masters degree from an institution employers respect

Best of all, you will gain the knowledge and skills that will make you a desirable candidate for
recruiters and hiring managers across the country. Now is the time. Call a friendly adviser at
1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) or email to find your future in this exciting field.
We look forward to helping you start or advance your career with a prestigious University of
Wisconsin degree.

David Schejbal, Dean

University of Wisconsin-Extension
Division of Continuing Education, Outreach and E-Learning


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Table of Contents
About Data Science........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
What is Data Science?............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
What Do Data Scientists Do?.................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Data Science Careers Outlook............................................................................................................................................................... 2
About the Degree...............................................................................................................................................................................................4
Program Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................4
Program Outcomes...................................................................................................................................................................................4
A Partnership of UW-Extension and UW Campuses........................................................................................................................ 7
About UW-Extension................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Fall 2015 Courses........................................................................................................................................................................................8
Coming in 2016.........................................................................................................................................................................................10
Application and Admission...........................................................................................................................................................................12
Admission Requirements........................................................................................................................................................................12
How to Apply.............................................................................................................................................................................................13
Help from an Enrollment Adviser........................................................................................................................................................13
Tuition and Financial Aid...............................................................................................................................................................................14
Course Schedule.......................................................................................................................................................................................16
About Online Learning...................................................................................................................................................................................17
Connecting with Faculty and Your Peers.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Learning.................................................................................................................... 17
Technology Requirements and Technical Support........................................................................................................................19
Online Writing Lab.................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Frequently Asked Questions........................................................................................................................................................................23
Contact Us.........................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Prospective Students...............................................................................................................................................................................27
Enrolled Students.....................................................................................................................................................................................27
Technical Support.................................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Take the Next StepLets Talk About Your Options

We understand that returning to school for your masters is a big decision. Our faculty and staff are here to help you
succeed in your journey, both as a graduate student and as a busy adult who must juggle your studies along with work,
family, and other responsibilities. If you have any questions about the online Master of Science in Data Science, please
let us know.
Call an enrollment adviser at 1-877-895-3276 from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT, Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the month, or email us anytime at If you
would prefer that we call you, just send an email with your phone number and the best time to talk.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


About Data Science

What is Data Science?
Data science is the art and science of deriving insight and opportunity from large sets of organized
and unorganized data.
Today, data-savvy professionals who possess the requisite skills in computer science, statistics,
applied mathematics, and visualization are in high demand. McKinsey Group estimates that in the
U.S. alone, 4 million positions will require data science skills by 2018. Professionals with these skills
will enable their employers to become high-performance, data-driven organizations that make
better decisions based on deep knowledge and understanding.
These data scientists are highly educated. According to industry resource KDnuggets, 88 percent
of data scientists have at least a masters degree and 46 percent have PhDs.

What Do Data Scientists Do?

In simple terms, a data scientists job is to analyze data for actionable insights. Specific tasks include:

Identifying the data-analytics problems that offer the greatest opportunities to the organization
Determining the correct data sets and variables
Collecting large sets of structured and unstructured data from disparate sources
Cleaning and validating the data to ensure accuracy, completeness, and uniformity
Devising and applying models and algorithms to mine the stores of big data
Analyzing the data to identify patterns and trends
Interpreting the data to discover solutions and opportunities
Communicating findings to stakeholders using visualization and other means


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In the book, Doing Data Science, the authors describe the data scientists duties this way:
More generally, a data scientist is someone who knows how to extract meaning from and interpret data,
which requires both tools and methods from statistics and machine learning, as well as being human. She
spends a lot of time in the process of collecting, cleaning, and munging data, because data is never clean.
This process requires persistence, statistics, and software engineering skillsskills that are also necessary for
understanding biases in the data, and for debugging logging output from code.
Once she gets the data into shape, a crucial part is exploratory data analysis, which combines visualization and
data sense. Shell find patterns, build models, and algorithmssome with the intention of understanding product usage and the overall health of the product, and others to serve as prototypes that ultimately get baked
back into the product. She may design experiments, and she is a critical part of data-driven decision making.
Shell communicate with team members, engineers, and leadership in clear language and with data visualizations so that even if her colleagues are not immersed in the data themselves, they will understand the implications.
Source: ONeil, C., and Schutt, R. Doing Data Science. First edition.

Data Science Careers Outlook

A shortage of data scientists means the employment outlook for professionals with the required
knowledge and technical skills is extremely positive.
A 2012 article in Harvard Business Review, Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century,
noted that the shortage of data scientists is becoming a serious constraint in some sectors.
The McKinsey Global Institute agrees. Demand for deep analytical talent in the United States
could be 50 to 60 percent greater than its projected supply by 2018. The result may be a shortage
of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts to analyze big data and make decisions based on their findings.
Demand for deep analytical talent in the U.S. could be 50-60%
greater than its projected supply by 2018
Thousands of People

Data science careers are growing in virtually every sector: manufacturing, construction, transportation, warehousing,
communication, science, health care,
computer science, information technology, retail, sales, marketing, finance,
insurance, education, government,
security, law enforcement, and more.


Projected range:


Source: McKinsey Global Institute, Big Data: The next Frontier for
Innovation, Competition and Productivity (May 2011)


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Data Science Job Titles and Salaries

Job titles in this field vary widely. According to job and career reviews site Glassdoor, the annual
median salary for a data scientist is $118,709 (last updated January 5, 2015). The Occupational Information Network lists the related title of business intelligence analyst (2013 median pay: $82,340 per
year) as a Bright Outlook occupationa new and emerging occupation in a high-growth industry.
In his article, Big Data Salaries: An Inside Look, founder Frank Lo conducted extensive research to identify the following job titles and salary ranges:
Data analystentry level | Annual salary: $50,000$75,000
Data analystexperienced | Annual salary: $65,000$110,000
Data science/analytics manager1 to 3 direct reports | Annual salary: $90,000$140,000
Database administratorentry level | Annual salary: $50,000$70,000
Database administratorexperienced | Annual salary: $70,000$120,000
Big data engineerjunior/generalist | Annual salary: $70,000$115,000
Big data engineerdomain expert | Annual salary: $100,000$165,000
Additional job titles related to data scientist include:

Data mining engineer

Machine learning engineer
Data architect
Hadoop engineer
Data warehouse architect
Commercial intelligence manager
Competitive intelligence analyst
Consultant, strategic business and
technology intelligence
Manager of market intelligence
Chief information officer
Director of enterprise strategy
Director of global intelligence

Data is the new oil. Unfortunately, the technology has evolved faster than the workforce skills to make sense of it, and organizations across sectors must adapt to this
new reality or perish.
Andreas Weigend,
Head of the Social Data Lab at Stanford

Take the Next Step in Your Career

Big data presents big opportunitiesfor you and for your potential employers. With a University of
Wisconsin Master of Science in Data Science, you can open new doors to professional advancement and personal satisfaction. As a student in this program, you will be able to use the skills you
learn immediately to solve real-world challenges in your own organization, and upon graduation,
you will enjoy expanded career opportunities in this emerging field.
Get started today!


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


About the Degree

Designed with an understanding that organizations in virtually every industry need qualified professionals with the skills to transform big data into big insights and better decisions, the UW Master
of Science in Data Science program will teach you how to clean, organize, analyze, and interpret
unstructured data, deriving knowledge and communicating your discoveries clearly to stakeholders using sophisticated visualization techniques and other means.

Program Overview
In the competitive world of data science, a masters degree is a requirement for advanced positions at top companies. The online UW Master of Science in Data Science is a smart choice for
busy adults who want to advance their careersor start a whole new careerbut dont have time
for on-campus courses.

Program Outcomes
The University of Wisconsin Master of Science in Data Science program prepares data science professionals to distill vast stores of complex and unstructured data into actionable insights, improved
decision making, and competitive advantage.


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Upon completion of your masters degree, you will possess the following data science skills and
Identify and assess the needs of an organization for a data science task.
You will be able to:
Conduct a needs assessment.
Frame tasks in the context of organizational goals.
Communicate data science options and limitations that could meet organizational needs.
Collect and manage data to devise solutions to data science tasks.
You will be able to:
Collect, clean, and prepare data.
Evaluate data in terms of source, volume, frequency, and flow.
Select, apply, and evaluate models to devise solutions to data science tasks.
You will be able to:
Identify and classify relevant variables for data science tasks.
Choose and apply tools and methodologies to solve data science tasks.
Assess the model used to solve data science tasks.
Interpret data science analysis outcomes.
You will be able to:
Interpret data, extract meaningful information, and assess findings.
Evaluate the limitations of data science findings.
Effectively communicate data science-related information effectively in various formats to appropriate audiences.
You will be able to:
Write, format, disseminate, and orally communicate technical materials.
Help non-technical professionals visualize, explore, and act on data science findings.
Facilitate data-informed discussions through listening, questioning, and presenting.
Value and safeguard the ethical use of data in all aspects of their profession.
You will be able to:
Identify and analyze social, legal, and ethical issues in data science.
Interpret and apply a professional code of ethics relevant to the data science profession.
Interpret the activities and choices of others within an ethical framework and determine an
appropriate action based on standards of professional conduct.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Transform findings from data resources into actionable business strategies.

You will be able to:
Integrate data science capabilities into the formation of a situation analysis.
Explain how data assets can be used to develop competitive advantage.
Identify and appraise the leadership and management skills required to direct a team of data
science professionals toward meeting organizational goals.

Aptitude tests such as the GMAT and GRE are not required for admission.
You may be eligible for admission to this program if you have completed a bachelors degree with
a 3.0 or better grade point average (GPA) and prerequisite courses in elementary statistics, computer programming, and database administration. Ideal candidates will have a background in math,
statistics, analytics, computer science, or marketing, or three to five years of professional experience in a related field. Not sure if you meet these requirements? Call 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)
or email to discuss your options.

To qualify for admission, you must have completed prior coursework in:
Elementary statistics
Introduction to programming
Introduction to databases
If you are not sure you meet these requirements, call 1-877-895-3276 or email to
discuss your options, such as a 60-credit degree completion program or a UW Flexible Option

Our programs faculty is one of its greatest strengths. You wont find another data science programonline or otherwisethat brings such diverse expertise together in one place. Thats because the Master of Science in Data Science is a collaboration between UW-Extension and six UW
System campusesUW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens
Point, and UW-Superior.
All courses in this online program are developed and taught by University of Wisconsin Data Science facultythe same faculty who teach our on-campus courses. To find out more about the
instructors who make up our faculty, please visit the Faculty page of our website.

Whether online or on campus, University of Wisconsin programs have a reputation for delivering world-class education and student support. Our accreditation is your assurance that you will


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


graduate with skills that are relevant to your field and valued by employers.
University of Wisconsin institutions offering the online Master of Science in Data Science are fully
accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The program has been approved by the University
of Wisconsin Board of Regents.

A Partnership of UW-Extension and UW Campuses

Where you earn your degree matters. University of Wisconsin institutions are among the most
recognized and respected in the country for delivering public higher education. The UW Master of
Science in Data Science is a collaboration of the University of Wisconsin-Extension and six University of Wisconsin institutions: UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh,
UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior, bringing you the best and brightest data science instructors
from across the UW System.
Although you will be asked to choose a home campus from the institutions above, you will earn
your degree entirely online. Your home campus is the institution that will grant your degree. Having a home campus also grants you access to specific campus resources such as advising, career
assistance, libraries, and financial aid offices.

About UW-Extension
Fulfilling the promise of The Wisconsin Ideathe philosophy that University of Wisconsin education and research initiatives should benefit all the people of the stateUW-Extension provides
statewide access to university resources and research so Wisconsin residents can learn, grow,
and succeed at all stages of life. The Division of Continuing Education, Outreach, and E-Learning
(CEOEL) coordinates University of Wisconsin continuing education programs at all 26 campuses.
Included in these are online degree completion programs and masters degree programs such as the
Master of Science in Data Science which enable more adults to earn a world-class UW education.
Graduates of our online programs earn the very same University of Wisconsin degrees as students
who attend classes on campus. As a graduate, you can feel proud and confident knowing that your
credential is recognized the world over and respected by employers.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


The UW Master of Science in Data Science program offers a rigorous curriculum grounded in
computer science, math and statistics, management, and communication. Because courses are
fully online, all course content, from multimedia lectures and e-learning tools to homework assignments, will be delivered to you through the programs online learning management system.
You can study and do homework whenever and wherever its convenient for you.
You are required to take each of the 12 Data Science courses in the curriculum. Each course is
three credits. Check our Course Schedule web page for semester schedules and a list of upcoming courses.

Fall 2015 Courses

DS 700: Foundations of Data Science
This course provides an introduction to data science and highlights its importance in business decision
making. It provides an overview of commonly used data science tools, including Excel, PowerBI, Access
2013, R, and SQL Server, along with spreadsheets, relational databases, statistics and programming
assignments to lay the foundation for data science applications.
Define data science and explain its role in decision making.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Provide examples of opportunities and challenges related to data science.

Explain analytical competencies and various tools and techniques.
Describe various database technologies and their strengths and weaknesses.
Create and manage simple databases in Access and SQL Server.
Write and execute SQL statements to retrieve and manage data.
Explain key statistical concepts that can help build a foundation for advanced courses in the
Analyze data to solve basic analytics problems using Excel and R.
Explain best practices that can improve the effectiveness of data science projects and
mitigate risks associated with such projects.
DS 705: Statistical Methods
This course will present statistical methods and inference procedures with an emphasis on applications, computer implementation, and interpretation of results. Topics include simple and multiple regression, model selection, correlation, moderation/interaction analysis, logistic regression,
the chi-square test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA), factor analysis, and canonical correlation analysis.

Examine and summarize data numerically and graphically.

Given a data set and a question, choose the appropriate statistical procedure.
Verify conditions for statistical procedures.
Perform hypothesis tests and compute confidence intervals.
Explore and model relationships among variables and use models to make predictions.
Use software package R to implement statistical analyses.
Interpret and critically evaluate statistical information and data-based arguments.
Effectively communicate results of a statistical analysis.
Use R Markdown to produce statistical reports and support reproducible research.

DS 710: Programming for Data Science

Computer programming is an essential part of data science. When working with large data sets, its
especially important to be able to write effective, efficient code to help you organize and understand the data. In this course, we will introduce you to two of the most widely-used programming
languages for data science: Python and R. You will gain experience working with real-world data
and leave the course with skills you can apply in other courses in your Data Science program, as
well as on the job.
Use Python and R to analyze real-world data.
Use Git for professional version control.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Use Python data structures to organize both numerical and text-based data.
Perform exploratory data analysis in R.
Test statistical hypotheses using R functions.
Use an application programming interface (API) to collect real-world data from social media.
Clean and format data for analysis.
Choose and implement efficient methods for analyzing data sets.
Follow best practices for documentation and readable code.

DS 715: Data Warehousing

This course will introduce you to the concepts and techniques to work with and reason about
subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collections of data in support of managements decision-making process.

Collect, clean, and prepare data.

Evaluate data in terms of source, volume, frequency, and flow.
Identify and classify relevant variables for data science tasks.
Choose and apply tools and methodologies to solve data science tasks.
Assess the model used to solve data science tasks.
Interpret data, extract meaningful information, and assess findings.

Coming in 2016
DS 730: Big Data: High-Performance Computing
This course will teach students how to process large data sets efficiently. Students will be introduced
to non-relational databases. Students will learn algorithms that allow for the distributed processing
of large data sets across clusters.
DS 735: Communicating About Data
This course will prepare you to master technical, informational, and persuasive communication to
meet organizational goals. Technical communication topics include a study of the nature, structure,
and interpretation of data. Informational communication topics include data visualization and design
of data for understanding and action. Persuasive communication topics include the study of written,
verbal, and nonverbal approaches to influencing decision makers.
DS 740: Data Mining
This course covers two aspects of data analytics. First, it teaches techniques to generate visualizations appropriate to the audience type, task, and data. Second, it teaches methods and techniques
for analyzing unstructured dataincluding text mining, web text mining, and social network analysis.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


DS 745: Visualization and Unstructured Data Analysis

This course explores data-mining methods and procedures for diagnostic and predictive analytics.
Topics include association rules, clustering algorithms, tools for classification, and ensemble methods.
Computer implementation and applications will be emphasized.
DS 760: Ethics of Data Science
This course explores ethical issues related to data science, including privacy, intellectual property,
security, and the moral integrity of inferences based on data.
DS 775: Prescriptive Analytics
In this course, you will discover procedures and techniques for using data to inform the decisionmaking process. Topics include optimization, decision analysis, game theory, and simulation. Case
studies and applications will be emphasized.
DS 780: Data Science and Strategic Decision-Making
This course examines the interaction between data science and strategic decision making. Students will learn how to leverage data resources for competitive advantage in the marketplace.
DS 785: Capstone
This course is the culminating experience taken near the end of the program. Students will apply
the skills and knowledge gained throughout the program to develop and execute a data science
project using real-world data and communicate results to a non-technical audience.

Are you ready to begin the next chapter of your career?

Call an enrollment adviser at 1-877-895-3276 from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT, Monday through
Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the month, or
email us anytime at If you would prefer that we call you, just send an email with
your phone number and the best time to talk.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Application and Admission

Please read and follow the information on this page carefully.

Admission Requirements
Admission to the UW Master of Science in Data Science requires:
A bachelors degree and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. Official college
transcripts are required. Students with a GPA of less than 3.0 may be considered for a provisional admission. Please contact an enrollment adviser for more informationsee phone
hours and contact information below.
Prerequisite coursework in elementary statistics, introductory computer programming, and
introduction to databases. Relevant work experience may be considered in lieu of this coursework. Please contact an enrollment adviser for details.
Your resume.
Two letters of recommendation (can be professional or academic).
A personal statement of up to 1,000 words describing the reasons behind your decision to
pursue this degree and what you believe you will bring to the data science field. Space for the
personal statement is included in the online application.
No aptitude tests (GMAT, GRE) are required.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


How to Apply
Visit the Application and Admission page of the UW Master of Science in Data Science website.
Step 1. Select a home campus.
The UW Master of Science in Data Science is offered by six University of Wisconsin degree-granting institutions in collaboration with UW-Extension: UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh,
UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior. Although you will take courses taught by faculty from all six partner
campuses and complete your program entirely online, you must apply to one of these institutions to be admitted to the program. This institution becomes your home campus from which you will receive financial aid
(if you qualify), advising, career services, and ultimately, your diploma. Admission and graduation requirements
do not vary across the UW Master of Science in Data Science partner institutions, so your choice of a home
campus is essentially a matter of personal preference unless you live near one of these institutions and wish to
meet face-to-face with campus staff once youre an enrolled student.

Step 2. Complete the UW System Online Admission Application.

Step 3. Send your resume and letters of recommendation, and arrange to have your official college
transcripts (from each institution you attended), sent to the admissions office of the home campus
you applied to: UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point,
or UW-Superior.

Financial Aid Options

Financial aid is available to students who qualify. See our Tuition and Financial Aid page for details.

Questions? Were Here to Help

Call an enrollment adviser at 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) anytime between 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
CT, Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the month, or email us anytime at Well be happy to answer your questions
and guide you through the process.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition for the online Master of Science in Data Science program is a flat fee of $825 per credit
($29,700 total for 36 credits) whether you live in Wisconsin or out of state.
All courses are three credits. There are no additional course or program fees. As this is an online
program, students do not pay segregated feesfees in addition to tuition that cover the costs of
student-organized activities, facility maintenance, and operations such as student health centers.
However, textbooks (and software, if needed) are purchased separately and are not included in
Financial aid may be available to you as a returning adult student. Financial aid is awarded by your
home campus (see below for an explanation of home campus). Contact your home campus
financial aid office for details:
UW-Eau Claire Financial Aid
UW-Green Bay Financial Aid
UW-La Crosse Financial Aid

1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


UW-Oshkosh Financial Aid

UW-Stevens Point Financial Aid
UW-Superior Financial Aid
To apply for federal and state financial aid, fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Even if you havent made a final decision about whether or not you will apply for this program,
you may want to consider completing a FAFSA. Completing this form is always the first step when
applying for federal or state financial aid.

Other Sources of Financial Aid

As a returning adult student, you may also consider these resources to help with the cost of an
online degree:
Loans are typically offered at low interest rates. Loans must be repaid, usually once youve
left school.
Tuition reimbursement is offered by many companies to their employees. Check with your
human resources department to see whats available.
Military benefits are available to qualifying veterans and those currently serving.
Private loans are available in addition to federal grants and loans. You will need to repay them.
Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement or other criteria; financial need
is sometimes taken into account. You dont need to repay them.
Grants are awarded based on financial need, and you dont need to repay them.
Education tax benefits may be available. Talk with your financial adviser about possible tax

What is a Home Campus?

The University of Wisconsin Master of Science in Data Science is offered as a collaboration of
University of Wisconsin-Extension and six University of Wisconsin degree-granting institutions:
UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior.
Although UW Master of Science in Data Science students take courses taught by faculty from all
six partner campuses and complete their programs entirely online, you will still need to apply to a
home campus. Your home campus is the institution from which you will receive your degree when
you graduate.

Questions About Tuition or Financial Aid?

Contact a friendly adviser at 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT, Monday
through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the
month, or email us anytime at


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


We want to make sure your registration goes smoothly. The following steps will guide you through
the process. If you have any questions, please call 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) or email
1. Once you have been admitted, your home campus will notify us, and we will email you a
registration username and password.
2. Using that username and password, log in to the registration site via the link provided in
that email or click the Register Now link below. On the next page, you can view the current
semester course offerings and choose the course(s) you want to take.
3. For each course you select, the system will generate an enrollment permission reminder
number, which you will receive in an email along with a link to your home campus site.
Using your campus login, proceed to your home campus registration area and input the
enrollment permission number(s) to finalize your registration.
4. Pay tuition to your home campus according to the campus policy.
Register Now

Course Schedule
The selection of available courses varies semester. Check our Course Schedule web page for
semester schedules and a list of upcoming courses.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


About Online Learning

Online learning is a lot like face-to-face learning, except you can access your classroom anytime,
anywhere, from nearly any device. A simple Web interface makes it easy to access courses, connect with instructors and classmates, check your grades, and get support when you need it.
Whats more, a UW online degree provides you with the same accredited, first-class education,
renowned faculty, and rigorous standards that the University of Wisconsin is known for and that
employers highly regard.

Connecting with Faculty and Your Peers

Many students are surprised to find that they get to know their instructors and classmates better
online than in a traditional classroom. You will receive personal attention from your instructors as
they deliver lessons, direct you through activities, and answer your questions. You will feel connected and supported as you engage with other students through email, chat, video conferencing,
discussion boards, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Learning

Why might someone take an online course?
Online courses offer greater flexibility than classroom-based courses. Students still have deadlines
and due dates, but there is never a specific time you need to be online. This makes it much easier
to earn your degree while still having time for work and family commitments. Online learning also
eliminates the need to drive to campus, find a place to park, and hike to the classroom.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Do I need to be proficient with using a computer?

Online learning requires only basic skills, such as attaching a Word document to an email or posting photos on Facebook. However, the technical nature of this program requires familiarity with
computer hardware and software applications. If you experience an outage or technical issue with
the online learning management system, technical support is available throughout the day and
evening hours.
Do I ever need to come to campus?
No, you never need to come to campus. So long as you have an Internet connection, you can
study whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. However, you are welcome and encouraged to participate in the graduation ceremonies at your home campus.
Do I ever talk with instructors?
Yes, instructors are available by email and phone. Some use Skype. There is also an Ask Your
Instructor discussion board within each course. This allows students to post questions and everyone can see the answer. Some instructors give online office hours as well.
Do I have to be logged into my course at a certain time?
No, you do not have to be logged in or participating at any specific time. UW Master of Science
in Data Science students live in all parts of the country, and it would be difficult to get everyone
online at the same time. However, your courses will have deadlines. For example, a discussion post
might be due on Friday. But some students may write their posts on Tuesday and some may wait
until Friday. This allows students great flexibility for their busy lives.
How do I take tests?
Tests are taken online inside the Desire2Learn (D2L) learning management system. Some exams/
quizzes may have time limits. When you log in and click start, the clock timer will begin and allow
you the designated amount of time. You will be given a window of time in which to complete each
test (for example, Tuesday through Friday), and you will be able to log in and take the test when it
best fits your schedule.
Are there group projects?
Some courses offer opportunities to work with fellow adult learners. Groups tend to work via email
or Skype. There may be an extra piece of technology inside a course to assist with a group
PowerPoint presentation or other special situation. We provide any tools like this that are necessary inside the course. Many students enjoy this group work and have formed friendships with their
online colleagues.
What are the technology requirements for this program?
Visit our Technology Requirements and Technical Support section for details.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


What if I have technical difficulties?

If you experience an outage or other technical problem with your computer or with our online
learning management system, our technical support team works generous hours to make sure you
get back up and running fast.
Do I have to use the same computer every time I do schoolwork?
No, you will have a user ID and password that are unique to you. You can use these to access
courses from nearly any devicedesktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphoneso long as you
have Internet access and adequate processing capabilities.

Technology Requirements and Technical Support

Technology Requirements
Learning and completing your online Master of Science in Data Science coursework requires sufficient technology and Internet access. While the online learning management system is accessible
from nearly any device, from desktop to smartphone, a desktop or laptop computer is necessary
to open and run various applications you will use in this program.
Watch our website for minimum hardware specifications as they are finalized.
Technical Support
If you have questions about using specific software applications for this course (such as Access
2013, R, and SQL Server), please contact your course instructor.
If you are experiencing an outage or other technical problem with your device or with our online
learning management system:
Call: 1-877-724-7883 (6 a.m. to 1 a.m. CT, seven days a week)
Email: (Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. CT) except legal holidays
Please provide your name, your course number, and the Web address (URL) you are attempting to
access, any error messages, and a brief summary of your concern.
You may also visit our Tech Support Portal for helpful information and resources.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Online Writing Lab

When you need help with writing projects, visit the Online Writing Lab (OWL) for an extensive
range of writing references and tools, from handbooks and style guides to expert feedback on
your written drafts.
As you would expect, grammar, punctuation, and style are covered. But you will also find resources to help you refine your topic, write a thesis statement, organize and outline, and construct
paragraphs that support your points.
If you need to use a particular documentation style, you can find help with APA style, MLA style,
and Chicago style. And if writers anxiety strikes, you can find tips on how to deal with it. You can
even find tips on how to get the most out of your word processor.
Submit your drafts for review and advice
To learn how to improve your writing, send a draft to the OWL. Submit your application essay, research paper, or other project, and a qualified writing coach will respond with advice on developing and organizing your document so that it better meets its purpose. You will also receive suggestions for improving your writing style, all usually within 24 to 48 hours.
Visit the Online Writing Lab now.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Most UW Master of Science in Data Science courses require a textbook. Textbooks may be purchased through the University of Wisconsin-Extension Bookstore, powered by Neebo Connect.
Students may also look into using other online or traditional retail bookstores. (Purchasing your
books through the UW-Extension Bookstore will ensure that you get the right editions of the right
books for your classes.)
When purchasing textbooks, please be sure to verify the title, edition, author, ISBN number, etc.,
that are listed for each required text in your class(es), and plan ahead to have your textbooks available by the start date of your course(s).
Visit the Bookstore
Materials may also be purchased from Neebo via phone, fax, or mail:
Neebo Connect
5240 South 19th Street
Lincoln, NE 68512
Phone 1-800-466-1365
Fax 1-402-421-0781


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


When ordering textbooks from Neebo by phone, identify yourself as a UW-Extension student and
specify your program of studyData Sciencealong with the course numbers and titles to identify
your courses and texts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Textbooks

New or Used Textbooks?
In most cases, you have the option to purchase a new or used textbook. When purchasing a used
textbook, please note that some textbooks require students to have a special code to access required supplemental materials. These codes are often not available with used textbooks, but they
can be purchased separately. If you purchase a used textbook, refer to your course syllabus and
then purchase the code if you need it. You will need to purchase the code through the books
What Is the Neebo Return Policy?
Read about the Neebo return policy here.
May I Purchase Texts from Other Vendors?
You are welcome to buy your books anywhere. However, it is your responsibility to obtain the correct book (and appropriate edition) for your class. Be careful to use the exact ISBN numbers to ensure you have the correct edition of the text. Allow enough time for delivery to ensure your books
arrive by the start of your course. UW-Extension is not responsible for texts purchased through
another vendor. Please review the return and book-buyback policies when purchasing.

If You Have Additional Questions

Please contact a Student Services adviser at 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
CT, Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the month, or email us anytime at


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about the University of Wisconsin online Data Science masters program.
Why earn a masters degree in data science?
Data science is a fast-growing field and demand is high for professionals with the skills to transform large and complex data sets into actionable information and competitive advantage. A
University of Wisconsin Master of Science in Data Science degree will teach you how to clean,
organize, analyze, and interpret unstructured data, deriving knowledge and communicating your
discoveries clearly using sophisticated visualization techniques and other means. This degree can
be the foundation for a variety of positions, including:

Data scientist
Data or research analyst/manager
Data warehouse architect
Enterprise strategy consultant
Business intelligence manager/analyst
Hadoop engineer
Market intelligence analyst/manager

See our Careers Outlook page to find out more about the data science profession and opportunities in this field.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


For whom is the program intended?

The UW Master of Science in Data Science is intended for individuals who would like to advance
their education and careers in the exciting world of big data. Working parents, professionals, and
veterans will find the flexibility of online courses to be especially convenient.
Ideal candidates will hold a BS in math, statistics, analytics, computer science, or marketing, or
have three to five years of professional experience as a business intelligence analyst, systems analyst, data analyst, financial analyst, information technology analyst, database administrator, market
research analyst, computer programmer, statistician, or similar position.
What are the admission requirements?
See the Application and Admission section for details.
Are there any course prerequisites?
Admission to the program requires prior coursework in elementary statistics, computer programming, and database administration. If you have any questions about whether you meet these prerequisites, please call 1-877-895-3276 or email
How do I apply?
See the Application and Admission section for details.
Do I need to take the GMAT or GRE?
Neither the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) nor the Graduate Record Examinations
(GRE) test is a requirement for admission to this program.
What campuses are offering this degree?
The UW Master of Science in Data Science is granted by six University of Wisconsin institutions:
UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point, and UW-Superior.
Do I need to choose a home campus?
Yes. Although UW Master of Science in Data Science students take courses from all six partner
campuses and complete their programs entirely online, you will still need to apply to a home
campus: UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point, or
UW-Superior. Your home campus is the institution from which you will receive your degree when
you graduate. Having a home campus also grants you access to specific campus resources such
as advising, career assistance, libraries, and financial aid offices.
Is this an online program?
Yes, this degree is offered completely online; there are no on-campus meetings or requirements.
Books and materials are handled through an online bookstore. For a list of frequently asked questions about online learning, please see our page, About Online Learning.

1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Are there specific enrollment/start times?

You may enter the program at the beginning of any term: fall, spring, or summer. Fall semester
begins in early September, spring semester in late January, and summer semester in early June.
Who are the instructors for the program?
Courses in the UW Master of Science in Data Science program are taught by faculty from the six
participating University of Wisconsin campuses. Online courses have the same rigor, requirements,
and expert faculty as classes taught on campus.
What subjects will the program cover?
View the section on Courses for details.
How long does it take to complete a Master of Science in Data Science?
It depends on whether you choose to study full or part-time. The program consists of 12 courses.
Students are encouraged to consider their own time constraints when estimating time to completion. Students with work, family, and volunteer obligations may require a slower pace.
How long do I have to earn my degree?
Some campuses do require program completion within a specified amount of time. Check with
your home campus for more information.
Are internships a required part of the program?
Students are encouraged to participate in internships that provide opportunities to apply what they
learn in work or field settings, but no internships are required.
What are the programs tuition and fees?
Tuition for the online UW Master of Science in Data Science program is a flat fee of $825 per credit
($29,700 total for 36 credits) whether you live in Wisconsin or out of state. All courses are three
credits. Textbooks are purchased separately and are not included in tuition. There are no additional
course or program fees. As this is an online program, you will not pay segregated feesfees in
addition to tuition that cover the costs of student-organized activities, facility maintenance, and
operations such as student health centers.
Can I get financial aid?
A variety of financial aid opportunities are available for returning adult students. Contact the
Financial Aid Office at your home campus for detailed information.
Are there benefits for veterans?
Yes, benefits are available for veterans. Contact the Veterans Coordinator at your home campus
for detailed information.

1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Are there ways I can support returning adult learners?

Yes. Visit the University of Wisconsin Foundation to donate online to the Adult Student Scholarship
Fund. Click the link for Adult and Nontraditional Student Scholarships.

Have More Questions?

Call a friendly adviser at 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276) from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT, Monday
through Thursday; 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 a.m. to noon on the first Saturday of the
month, or email us anytime at


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Contact Us
Prospective Students
Call or email an enrollment adviser to get fast, friendly answers to your questions, or schedule a
no-obligation phone call to discuss your education and career goals when it is convenient for you.

Call: 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)
Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. and
4:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9:00 a.m. and noon on the first Saturday of the month. If you are hearing
impaired, you may call 711 for Wisconsin Relay.

Enrolled Students
Contact a Student Services Coordinator for answers to questions about policies, curriculum, textbook ordering, online learning, and more.

Call: 1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)
Student Services office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, U.S. Central Time.
If you are hearing impaired, you may call 711 for Wisconsin Relay.

1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)


Technical Support
If you have questions about using specific software applications for this course (such as Access
2013, R, and SQL Server), please contact your course instructor.
If you are experiencing an outage or other technical problem with your device or with our online
learning management system:

Call: 1-877-724-7883 (6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Central Time, seven days a week)
Email: (Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.

to 4:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Please provide your name, your course number, and the Web address (URL) you are attempting to
access, and a brief description of your concern, including any error messages.


1-877-UW-LEARN (895-3276)

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