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PG 2179

Good effects:
Produce goods / materials // any examples
Use in daily life
Motor vehicles tor transport

Bad effects:
Releases sulphur dioxide / nitrogen dioxide
Dissolve in atmospheric water vapour
Forms sulphuric acid / nitric acid / acid
Down pour as acid rain
Dissolves minerals in soil
Less fertile for plant growth
Releases poisonous chemicals / aluminium // other examples
Water in rivers / lakes lower pi I
Upsets ecological balance
Death of planktons / flora / fauna\
Destruction of food chain / web
Extinction of species
Acid cause leaves turn purple death
Destroy marbles / buildings // other examples
Pg 134

Water pollution
Caused by abundant supply of fertilisers (that are discharged from the plantation
into the river).
Fertilisers contain high concentration of nitrates and phosphates Encourage
They promote the rapid growth of algae // As a result, the population of algae
The surface of river is covered up by the algae (which grow extensively).
The plants in the lower depths of the water cannot obtain sunlight.
Hence, the plants die (when they are unable to carry out photosynthesis).
The number of aerobic bacteria / decompose the dead plants also increases.
They use more of the oxygen (in the water) during the decomposition.
This reduces the concentration of oxygen in the water Causes the death of more
aquatic organisms.
The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) increases (as a result of the rapid
growth of the algae and the process of decomposition of the bacteria).

Any 10 marks

Good effect:
Trap heat / provide temperature suitable to sustain life on earth.
Bad effects:
Increase global temperature // Greenhouse effect.

Reduce agricultural productivity // Rate of photosynthesis.

Change in global climate // Draught // Hurricane.
Melting of ice caps in the artic.
Rise in sea level // Big flooding // Sea water entering agricultural area.
Death of plants / animals / humans // Reduce biodiversity.
one good effect + four bud effects

C) i)
Opinion: Yes
F1 : Avoid cutting down tress / deforestation
El : Plants absorb CO, in the atmosphere

F2 : Replanting
E2 : To absorb CO, by plants through photosynthesis

F3 : Avoid open burning

E3 : To avoid the release of CO, into the atmosphere

F4 : Use public transport/I.RT

E4 : Less vehicles producing CO,
F5:Use alternative energy from natural source (such as solar, wind, water flow)
E54: To decrease the release of CO, by using fossil fuels as the energy source.
Opinion + Any two pairs of F and E

Pg 54
PI : Farmers use fertilizers that usually contains nitrates/phosphate
P2 : Fertilizer/animal waste/silage which contain nitrate/phosphate may washed
out in
water when it rains/leaching/run into the lake.
P3 : Algae/green plant in the lake grow faster (when they are supplied with extra
P4 : (they may grow so much) that they completely cover the water.
P5 : block out the light for plants growing beneath them.
P6 : Photosy nthesis rate reduced
P7 : Dissolve oxygen also reduced
P8 : Plant on the top of water and beneath water eventually die.
P9 : Their remains are good source of food bacteria //bacteria decomposed the
dead plant rapidlz/bacteria breed rapidly
PIO : The large population of bacteria respires, using up oxy gen, so there is
very little oxygen left for other living organism
PI I : BOD increased
PI2 : Those fish which need oxygen have to move other areas or die
Any ten
b) i)
Treating sewage
PI : The sewage contains harmful bacteria /substance which provide
nitrate/nutrient for microbes.

P2 : Remove harmful bacteria/most of the nutrient which could cause

eutrophication before it is released into the rivers.
P3 : When sewage has been treated, the water in it can be used agaia 'sewage
treatment enables water to be recycled.
P4 : Microorganisms used in sewage treatment
Anv three
ii) Using organic fertilisers rather than inorganic
1. Example of organic fertilizers : Manure
2. Example of inorganic fertilizer : Ammonium nitrate
3. Organic fertilizers do not contain many nitrates*which can easily he leached
out of the soil.
4. They release their nutrients gradually (over a long period of time) giving
crops time to absorb them efficiently.
Any three P

c) F : Deforestation can cause soil erosion

PI : The leafy canopy trees protect the soil from the impact of falling rain.
P2 : The roots of the trees hold soil and water
P3 : (With the trees removed) the soil is exposed directly to the rain
P4 : topsoil get washed away during heavy rain.
P5 : (heavy rain flows down hillside to river with) eroded soil deposited
blocking the flow of water
P6 : The water levels in rivers rise rapidly causing flood to occur.
Any four /'

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