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Personal Development Plan (PDP) Assignment




: 61610709


: Individual

To create a Personal Development Plan (henceforth called PDP), I wish to analyse my present
position and then build a bridge from present to where I wish to go.

Where are you now?

- Abilities: How I perceive my abilities?
I perceive myself as an individual with strong communication skills. I strongly believe that
my communication skills have played a major role in all my lifes achievements. In addition
to my communication skills, I believe that I am a very compassionate leader who has the
ability to motivate his team. On many occasions I have protected my team and hence gained
their trust.

- Perception: How others view me?

My colleagues, seniors, and sub-ordinates share a common stand on my communication
skills, resounding my belief. My seniors also feel that I am too friendly with my subordinates and often do not draw a line where it is required. Additionally, I have been
suggested by my seniors and peers that I should be more emphatic towards my team members
and should not be judgemental about either the situation or the person. I am also advised that
I need to be more open to constructive criticism and make effort to uplift peers who are less
capable than me.
My sub-ordinates feel that I a very risk averse and am cynical about things right from the
start. They feel that I tend to play safe and thus miss out on great opportunities many a times.

PGID: 61610709

Student name: Nitin Trivedi

Section D

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My peers and sub-ordinates advise me to be less intimidating and less harsh with my team,
which is unintentional, as I try to assert myself some times
In conclusion, I reckon that others think that I am low on empathy, too judgemental, not open
to criticism, and very risk averse.

Where do you want to go?

- Mission: What is my personal mission for career?
My career goals are very much attached to my personal goals as one of my dreams long
outstanding dreams is to be a good human being more than anything else. Along with this
philosophical thought, I wish to clarify that this doesn't mean that I am not ambitious and
focused. My end goal is to maintain perfect work-life balance.
During my professional career I have noticed that I seek and cherish acknowledgement, but
once I get it I get too carried away paving a path for complacency. I wish to mature in this
regard and value the awards for my hard work.
As far as business skills are concerned, I feel that I am a not-so-good businessman as I often
tend to neglect core values of business. Having worked with my father in family business for
a brief period of time, I realised that I focus my energy in areas which are more glossy and
less cumbersome such a marketing strategies when need of the hour is operations
management. I wish to learn how to prioritise my tasks well to utilise my time and energy
My 360 degree report revealed a lot about me which was hidden somewhere deep down in
my sub conscious mind till now. Some of the personal values which I feel I need to work
immediately upon C domain and A domain. The report informs that I am very low on
conscientiousness which I feel is extremely critical for my career as well as personal growth.

PGID: 61610709

Student name: Nitin Trivedi

Section D

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The report also brings to surface the fact that I am low on self-discipline. I concur with the
report and feel that lack of self discipline has played one of the most major role in most of my
failures, both professional and personal.
I wish to work on personal shortcomings on a priority which will link to improvements
required for business skills and/or career goals.

- Standards: What others expect from you?

My bosses, sub-ordinates, and peers expect and/or require me to stop procrastinating, less
aggressive, more emphatic, less judgemental, and less assertive.
Key developmental issues:
1. My strengths are my flexibility, pragmatic approach to situation in hand, and assertive
and convincing style of communication. My weaknesses, more in number, are lack of self
discipline, sometimes pessimistic outlook, lack of self confidence leading to feeling of
inadequateness, and less emphatic attitude towards other human beings.
2. One of the performance indicators that surfaced very prominently during LDP was my
weakness of giving up a little too early in a tough situation.
3. I hope to be a better time manager which will in turn help me to stop procrastinating. I
would like to be a part of non academic activities such as Cross Fit which will help me to
micro manage my time and improve my level of self discipline.
4. I wish to improve on my self discipline and time management because I strongly believe
that these two are the most prominent features in most of my failures and if I do not work
upon them I will not be able to progress at the desired rate in my personal as well as
professional career.
5. The realisation of the importance of above factors in my life must appear in my head so
that I can achieve the desired state.

PGID: 61610709

Student name: Nitin Trivedi

Section D

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6. ISB gives me an opportunity to push myself beyond my boundaries and experiment with
my life, career, and attitude. I wish to utilise this opportunity and experience each and
every possible means through which I can bring desired change in my personality.


Objectives: What do I
want to be able to do
or do better?

Actions: What methods Implementation: How

Success Criterion: How
I will use to achieve my will I practice and apply will I recognise
learning objectives?
what I learn?

I want to be better
manager of time and
learn the techniques of
optimisation of time
Additionally, I wish to
increase my level of
self confidence and
self discipline.

1. Try my hand at
everything I always
wanted to amidst the
academic pressure. I
believe this will help
me to micro manage
my time and highlight
the areas where I
usually falter.

I will try to be part of a

core committee of
active club where I can
test my learnings from
the action plan.

2. I will join Cross Fit

training program as I
have been completely
ignoring my health
which has led to
laziness. Intense
physical fitness
program will help me
instil self discipline.

I will know that I am

successful when I will
be able to find time for
anything I want to do
and not come up with
an excuse of lack of
time. True success of
my plan is where I do
not comprise on
anything important and
get to do everything I
wish to.

3. I will interact with

alums whenever I get
an opportunity to learn
the tricks of the trade of
time management.

PGID: 61610709

Student name: Nitin Trivedi

Section D

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PGID: 61610709


Student name: Nitin Trivedi

Section D

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