Consciousness Writing

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Lets start the approach toward consciousness from view point of dualism ,which is

nothing but to classify

the things in two different categories

descartes theory:-reality devides into two basic kind of sub..first is ordinary matter
whose essential
feature is it is extended in space and any instance of it has lenght
,breadth,height,and occupies a
determinate position in space .he proposed second and radically different kind of
sub.,a sub. that has no
spatial extension or spatial position ,a sub whose essential feature is the activity of
thinking.this view
is known as cartesian dualism.he saw it that the real u is not ur material body,but
rather a non-spatial
thinking sub.,this non-physical mind is in systematic causal interaction eith ur body
and the desires and
desicion of it causes ur body to behave in puposeful ways.thus its cusal connection
with ur body are
what makes ur body urs,and not someone else body.
here are some arguments for the cartesian dualism that descartes thought of ,if
mind and matter are
different from each other in terms of it spatial existence.Then how is it possible for
mind to have any
causal influence on body? As Descartes was aware that ordinary matter in space
behaves according to
rigid laws that govern them,and one can not get bodily momentum or movement
from nothing (mind
defined as non spatial).So intutively it gets clear that how is this utterly non spatial
substance' has any kind of influence on something that is matter.Descartes
proposed a very subtle
material substance 'animal spirit' to convey the influence of mind on body ,but it
leaves with same
confusion that how can non spatial have influence on something that is spatialy
defined.In any case
,the basic division used by descarte is no longer plausible as it was in his day this is
because the

development of modern science forces to think that its neither useful nor accurate
to feature ordinary
matter as that which has extension in sapce and can be determined .Electron ,for
example,a tiny part of
matter lacks determined position in space(as known from theory of uncertainity
with cartesian dualism provides motive to consider less radical form of sub. dualism
anything that produces/influence material effect must be a material state
if consciousness is a material state ,then it should be able to reproduce (as it is
assumed to be material state and being material state it should have specific
properties thus should be reproducible. But from Zombie thought experiment its
quite clear that such case of zombie could not be plausible in any sense as the ones
own experience cant be reproduced same in other body )
the causal argument:for this lets assume that some bodily behavior is caused by conscious causes ,eg. I
walk to the fridge to get the beer , bcoz I consciously fell thirsty

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