Chap 5-Individual Counseling

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The University of Choice

The University of Choice



The University of Choice

1. Characteristics of an effective Counselor

2. How to maintain effectiveness as a
3. Professional Helping Specialties'
4. Education of Professional Counselors

The University of Choice

Characteristics of effective counselors

The effectiveness of a counselor and of counseling

depends on TWO main variables including:
The personality and background of the counselor,
Formal education of the counselor, and

Effective therapists have an identitythey know who they are, what they are
capable of becoming, what they want out
of life and what is essential.


The University of Choice

Effective therapists are open to

change- they exhibit willingness and
courage to leave the security of the known
if they are not satisfied with the way they
are. They make decisions about how they
would like to change and they work toward
becoming the person they want to

The University of Choice

Effective therapists make choices that

are life oriented- they are committed to
living life fully rather than settling for mere

The University of Choice

Effective therapists respect and

appreciate themselves- they can give
and receive help and love out of their own
sense of self worth and strength. They feel
adequate with others and allow others to
feel powerful with them.

The University of Choice

Effective therapists are authentic,

sincere and honest- they do not hide
behind masks, defense, sterile roles and


The University of Choice

Effective therapists have a sense of

humor- they are able to put the events of
life in perspective. They have not forgotten
how to laugh, especially at their own
foibles and contradictions.

The University of Choice

Effective therapists appreciate the

influence of culture- they are aware of
the ways in which their own culture affects
them, and they respect the diversity of
values espoused by other cultures. They
are also sensitive to the unique differences
arising out of social class, race, sexual
orientation, and gender.

The University of Choice

Effective therapists make mistakes and

are willing to admit them- they do not
dismiss their errors lightly yet they do not
choose to dwell on misery.

The University of Choice

Effective therapists have a sincere

interest in the welfare of others-this
concern is based on respect, care, trust
and real valuing of others.


The University of Choice

Effective therapists possess effective

interpersonal skills-they are capable of
entering the world of others without getting
lost in the world, and they strive to create
collaborative relationships with others.

The University of Choice

The University of Choice

Effective therapists are passionatethey have the courage to pursue their

passions, and they are passionate about
life and their work.

The University of Choice

Maintaining Effectiveness as a Counselor

Effective therapists are able to maintain

healthy boundaries- although they strive
to be fully present for their clients, they
dont carry the problems of their clients
around with them during leisure hours.
They are able to maintain a balance in life.

Handling stressful life events while still

counseling others can result in
synchronicity, (Roehlke, 1988). In other
words, handling ones own life events
may enhance his/her counseling.


The University of Choice

Counselors who have healthy lifestyles and

learn from their mistakes and successes
are more likely to be effective with their
Those who wish to enter the profession need
to adapt to losses as well as gains and
remain relatively free from destructive
triangling patterns (i.e., mom tells daughter
about frustration with dad, dad tells daughter
about frustrations with mom).

The University of Choice

Ways to prevent burnout:

Associate with healthy individuals.
Work with committed colleagues and
organizations that have a sense of mission.
Use stress-reduction exercises.
Modify environmental stressors.
Engage in self-assessment.

The University of Choice

Avoid problematic behaviors, such as


Burnout is the state of becoming

emotionally or physically drained to the
point that one cannot perform functions
Counselors must develop interests
outside counseling and avoid taking
their work home.

The University of Choice

Periodically examine and clarify counseling

roles, expectations, and beliefs.
Maintain an attitude of detached concern
when working with clients.
Retain an attitude of hope.


The University of Choice

Professional Helping Specialties

Counselors frequently interact with

psychiatrists, psychologists, and social

The University of Choice

The University of Choice

have an MD and complete a residency in
They work with people who have major
psychological disorders.
They work within the biomedical model and
prescribe medicine for disorders.
Their clients are called patients.
They must pass a national and state exam

The University of Choice


Social workers

have a doctorate of philosophy (Ph.D.),

doctorate of education (Ed.D.), or a doctor of
psychology (Psy.D.).
Coursework and internships are centered on
clinical, counseling, or school-related areas.
Clinical counselors are usually listed in the
national Register of Health Service Providers.

usually earn a Masters Of Social Work

degree (M.S.W.); however, some
universities grant a bachelors of social
Some M.S.W.s have advanced training at
the doctoral level.
All social workers have completed
internships in social agencies


The University of Choice

The Education of Professional
Professional counselors hold either a
masters or doctorate (or both) in
counseling and complete internships in
specialty areas.
They are usually certified by the National
Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC)
and/or are licensed by a state.

The University of Choice

Registration submission of information to the

state about the nature of the practice.
Professional organizations, such as ACA, set
standards for qualifications as a registrant.

The University of Choice

Credentialing of Counselors
Four types of professional credentials
Inspection - mental health centers are subject
to personnel and program inspections (much like
a child care center must be inspected).

The University of Choice

Certification State or national boards or

departments issue certification stating that an
individual has met the requirements for a
specialty (just like teacher certification).


The University of Choice

The University of Choice

Think about
Almost always a state-governed process.
States usually oversee the codes of ethics for
the state and offer discipline to those who are
licensed who violate the codes.

What role do professional associations

have in counseling?
What are personal qualities of effective
Why is it important for counselor to be
aware of diverse cultures?
How would you show a client that you were
aware of diverse cultures?

The University of Choice

The University of Choice

Break into groups of 4-5 people.
Your group should create a list of:
What are qualities that you would like your
counselor to have if you were a client?


Class Discussion of your lists.

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