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I heard a heavy knock on the front

iron door. I answered it to find a man
in a denim shirt that told me he was
here to see his first packaging printed.
I asked, Sir, we have a lot of print jobs.
What is your business?
He replied,
I started a microbrewery and Im here to
watch the first six-pack printing.
I later found out later the man was
named Jim Koch, co-founder of
Samuel Adams, and he was in the
business of brewing liquid gold.

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Copyright 2014 Adam Rehberg

All rights reserved.
Published in 2014 with help from Cards
Against Humanity and printed with The
Game Crafter as part of the 2014 Table
Top Death Match.
and direction:

Adam Rehberg


Christopher Givens,
Hello Please


Maki Naro


153x CARDS
117x ingredient cards
36x beer cards



12x game tiles

100x bottle caps
[5x of each of 5 colors]
[75x of Uncolored]

1x t his manual
5x Linen Bags




1. Each player takes a set of 5 Colored

Bottle Caps and 15 Uncolored Bottle
Caps and a linen bag for concealing
their bottle caps.
2. A separate deck is created of
Ingredient Cards and Beer Cards.
All decks are shuffled.
3. City Tiles are arranged by grouping
like regions in vertical columns.
4. Players are dealt three Beer Cards and
three Organic Ingredient Cards of
quality one.

The object of the game is to score the

highest number of total Victory Points.
Victory Points can be gained by:
*Launching a Beer Card
*Controlling a City at the end of the game
*Controlling a Region at the end of the
*Winning a Brewfest


The game is played in a series of rounds

and each round consists of three phases:
*Ingredient Auction
*Launch a Beer card(s)
*Resolve any Brewfests





After each round is complete, pass the

dealer and play another round. Any player
that has launched three beers triggers the
ending. The game ends by finishing the
current round, playing one more round,
and tallying final Victory Points.


Each brewery receives 5 Colored Bottle

Caps and 15 Uncolored Bottle
Caps at the beginning of the game.

Colored Bottle Caps are used to mark a

players launched beers.

The Uncolored Bottle Caps form the

players bank and will be used to compete
in the Ingredient Auction.
Any unused Uncolored Bottle Caps are
converted to Victory Points at the end of
the game if they are not spent.


Uncolored Bottle Caps represent startup funds for each Brewery and will be
used to bid for Ingredients in the Ingredient Auction Phase. Each player receives
15 caps at the start of the game.

Once an Uncolored Bottle Cap has been

used in the Ingredient Auction, it is then
converted into Market Demand by the
dealer placing it on any unclaimed city.
An Uncolored Bottle Cap is turned upside
down when it represents Market Demand.
Used in Scoring:
Cities: Each Market Demand on a City
is awarded as one Victory Point to the
player that has a Beer Card controlling
that City at the end of the game. This
number is doubled if the player controls
the City with a Beer type that matches
the city preference.
Regions: Each Market Demand contained
within a region is awarded as one Victory Point to the player who controls the
Region at the end of the game.
Player Bank: Any unused Uncolored Bottle Caps are converted to Victory Points
at the end of the game.


Every Beer needs four core ingredients:

Grain, Water, Hops, and Yeast

An Organic ingredient can be used in

the place of any core ingredient.

One Adjunct (additive) may be added to

any beer and contains a unique Action to
be executed only when used in Launching a Beer. Adjuncts are: Berry, Citrus,
Pumpkin, Coffee.

Each Ingredient Card has a quality value

of which a higher value is higher quality.
An ingredient discard pile should also be
formed as the game goes on with discarded face-up ingredients. If the ingredient draw pile should run out, shuffle the
discard pile.


Pass the Dealer to the person to the left.

If it is the first round, the dealer is the
person who most recently visited a brewery. The dealer creates the Ingredient
An Ingredient Batch is created by drawing
ingredient cards from the ingredient deck
and laying them face up in a column to
create an Ingredient Batch. The dealer continues laying face up cards on the
Ingredient Batch until he lays a card down
that repeats an Ingredient Type found in
that Ingredient Batch.
The dealer then moves to the next Ingredient Batch and continues this process
until forming one Ingredient Batch for
each player in the game.
Next, players simultaneously reveal a bid
of Uncolored Bottle Caps from a closed
fist. The Linen Bag can be used to conceal
a players bank.
The highest bid will be the first player to
select one Ingredient Batch and take the
cards into their hand. The second highest bid will select the second Ingredient
Batch and take it into their hand and so on
until all players have claimed an Ingredient Batch
Any tie is resolved by awarding the ingredient selection turn to the player closest
to the left of the dealer.



All bids are collected by the dealer.

Players who did not submit the winning bid in the Ingredient Auction get
a refund on their bid according to the
following grid. Refunds are awarded
from the bids the dealer collected and
paid to the lowest Ingredient Selection
Turn first.
Selection Turn 2

(Bottle Caps)

The Ingredient Auction phase is complete after all players have selected one
Ingredient Batch.
Post refund, all remaining bottle caps
collected by the dealer should then
be distributed (Upside Down) across
any number of unclaimed cities at the
dealers choice. These Bottle Caps act as
Market Demand and will count as Victory Points at the end of the game. If
no unclaimed cities exist then the dealer
should form a Market Demand Side Pool
which will be awarded at the end of the
game to the highest quality beer.
After everything in this phase is complete, then the game progresses to the
Launch a Beer Card(s) phase.






+1 Market Demand

+4 MD

+2 MD

+2 MD


Beer Recipe
Type and Quality requirement
Beer Quality

Required Adjunct
Required to launch
the beer. Not all
beers have this

Beer Style
Lt. Blue is Pilsners
and Lagers


Starting with the player to the left of the

dealer, each player now has an opportunity to launch up to two Beer Cards. A Beer
Card may be launched when you contain
enough ingredients to launch it (Grain,
Water, Hops, and Yeast). Follow these
steps to launch a beer:
1. The quality number on the Ingredient
Cards must match or exceed the Ingredient quality numbers on the beer recipe.
No bonus is given for exceeding the recipe
2. The player confirms they have satisfied
the beer recipe by laying the Beer Card
and the Ingredient Cards on the table in
front of them.

An Adjunct can be played on any beer but only one per

beer. Some beers have a required Adjunct that must be present to launch the beer.


Player Bottle Cap

Each beer automatically receives one
Player Bottle Cap.

7 Quality = 7 VP

3. The player places one of their own

Colored Bottle Caps on the beer to mark
its owner.
4. The player now has two options:
OPTION A. Select an uncontrolled City and
control it. Place your launched beer on
the City.
OPTION B. Challenge a controlled City and
thus the beer and player controlling it to a


4 Market Demand
Unclaimed City

5. Next the player should discard all ingredients used to the ingredient discard
pile. If they added any adjuncts, then
they should perform the action on the
6. Finally the player draws two new Beer
Cards and discards any one Beer Card
they have to return them to a total of 3
Beer Card.
If a Beers Style matches the Beer Style
preference on the city, then any Market
Demand on the City is doubled when
totaling Victory Points awarded from the
Players are encouraged to name their

Name: Snozberry Lager
After all players have had an opportunity
to launch a beer, proceed to the Resolve
any Brewfests phase.

City claimed by Player Orange.

Beer Style
Lt. Blue is Pilsners and
Lagers. The Beer Style
does not match the
preference of the City
in this instance.



A Brewfest is a an event that resolves

the conflict when there is competition for
a City as a result of the Launch a Beer
phase. Challenging a player to a Brewfest
does not cost anything. Any number of
players may participate.
Steps to a Brewfest:
1. Each participating player selects up to
four Ingredient cards from their hand.
2. Each participating player selects one
unrevealed opponent card of their choice
and discards it permanently.
7 Beer Quality
+1 + 2 + 1 quality Ingredient
Cards =10 Total

10 Beer Quality
+1 quality Ingredient Card =11

(1 quality discarded at random) (5 quality discarded at random)

The player(s) that lose the Brewfest removes their Beer
and Bottle Caps from the City and place it face up in
front of them.
This is termed a Skunked Beer and will still count towards Victory Points at the end of the game.

3. All players reveal remaining Ingredient

cards entered and scores are summed.
The winner of a Brewfest takes control or
retains control of the contested City and
is the player with the highest total sum of
Beer Quality and Ingredient Quality.
*Beer Quality
*Total Ingredient Quality (non-discarded
Brewfest Score
A tie is awarded to the player defending
the city.
All non-discarded Ingredients used in the
Brewfest Scoring will be returned to by
each players hand.


All Brewfests execute one at a time starting with the Brewfest that contains the
first participating player to the left of the
dealer. If that player is in two Brewfests,
then it is their choice which to execute
Brewfest Clean-up:
After the brewfest, all Market Demand
on that city should be divided into X piles
where X was the number of players in the
Brewfest. Any remainder is distributed to
the winners pile. Each participating player
receives their pile.
The Winner of the Brewfest can perform
any combination of:
1. Recycle their Winner Pile of Market
Demand as start-up capital.
2. Leave their winner pile of Market
Demand on their claimed City hoping to
maximize points from it at the end of the
The Loser(s) of the Brewfest must recall
their beer from the City tile and this is
called a Skunked Beer. The loser(s) of
the Brewfest must allocate their loser pile
of Market Demand to an unclaimed City
tile(s) as Market Demand.
If no unclaimed Cities exist, then a Side
Pot is formed with these Bottle Caps.


Winner Market Demand Pile: The winner

may leave the Market
Demand on the City
hoping to maximize
victory points, or may
convert it to start-up
capital for bidding or
Loser Market Demand
Pile: The loser must place
Market Demand on an
unclaimed city or if no
unclaimed cities exist then
create or add to a Market
Demand Side Pool.
A Market Demand Side Pool is a pile of Uncolored Bottle Caps created or added to from any miscellaneous
transactions or when no Unclaimed Cities exist. This is
awarded to the highest quality beer at the end of the
game. Left over Ingredient Quality sums may be used as
a tiebreaker if needed for this award.
Miscellaneous Transactions Available:
1. When launching a beer, any one Ingredient Quality may
be purchased and used immediately at a cost of 3 Uncolored Bottle Caps from the players bank.
2. A Skunked Beer may be relaunched at the cost of 5
Uncolored Bottle Caps.



There are four Regions that player may

compete for control. Pacific, Mountain,
Central, Atlantic.
The player with the most claimed Cities in
a Region controls the Region. This is resolved at the end of the game and the Region is worth X Victory Points determined
by the total amount of Market Demand on
that Region at the end of the game.

Player Orange
controls the
Central Region
in this example.

Example Score:
Orange: 5 pts for region, 3pts for controlling the
top City, 2pts for controlling the middle city,
15 pts for Beer Quality launched
= 25pts
Pink: 0pts for region, 2pts for controlling the
bottom City, and 10pts for Beer Quality launched.
= 12pts

A tie for majority control of Cities in the

region does not count for points toward
any player.
A 2-3 player game should be played with
one less City from each Region at random.


Play end is triggered when the first player

launches his 3rd beer. After the end of
the Launch Beer and Brewfest phase, one
final turn with all three phases is played
and then scores are totaled.



At the end of the game, total score can be

calculated by summing up the following.
For controlling a Region, Xpts where X
is the total Market Demand found in the

For controlling a City, Xpts where X is the
Market Demand on the city. This value is
doubled if the Beer Type matches the Beer
Preference on the City.
For Launching a Beer (Controlling a City or
Skunked), Xpts where X is the Quality of
the Beer.
1pt for each Uncolored Bottle Cap left in
your bank.
If a Market Demand Side Pool exists, it is
awarded to the highest quality beer at the
end of the game. Left over Ingredient
Quality sums may be used as a tiebreaker if needed for this award.
The winner is the player with the
most total points.

Market Demand

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