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This Weeks Calendar Events

Sunday, August 23
Children & Preschool Choirs Begin
8:15 am - Praise Team - Sanctuary
9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School
10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School
12:15 pm - Youth & Family Cook-out/
Parent Meeting - behind Thrive Room
2:00 pm - Choir to McCready Manor
4:30 pm - Preschool & Children S.S.
Teachers meeting
5:15 pm - Praise Team - Sanctuary
6:00 pm - Children & Preschool Choirs
6:00 pm - Evening Worship
Monday, August 24
9:30 am - TCBA Senior Adults Young at
Heart - Cumberland Falls - meet at TCBA
1:00 - 5:30 pm - MCA - Gym
2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
Tuesday, August 25
1:00 - 5:30 pm - MCA - Gym
5:00 pm - REFIT - Aerobics Rm
6:30 - 8:30 pm - TCBA Ladies Bible Study
at the Association Office
7:00 - 9:00 pm - BBall Scrimmage - Gym
Wednesday, August 26
Choir Practice Begins
9:30 - Womens Bible Study - 118
2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
5:15 pm - Family Meals - Gym
6:30 pm - Womens Bible Study - 118
6:30 pm - Youth Worship - Youth Rm
6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study - FH
6:30 pm - MOPS AM Mtg. - Ed. Bldg
6:30 pm - RAs, GAs, Mission Friends
6:30 pm - Sanctuary Choir - Choir Room
8:00 pm - Set up Gym for BCM Dinner

Taking Bids
We will be taking sealed bids from
church members for the overhead
lights in the Sanctuary (20) and the
Foyer (7). If you are interested in
bidding, please submit a sealed bid to
the church office by August 31st.

Wednesday Night Meals

August 26
Hamburgers/Hot Dogs & sauce
Mac & Cheese/Chips
Ice Cream

Thursday, August 27
5:00 pm - REFIT - Aerobics Rm
5:00 pm - BCM Progressive Dinner The
Taste of Churches - Gym
6:30 pm - Mission Adventure for Kids
Planning Meeting - FH
7:00 - 9:00 - Praise Team - Sanctuary
Friday, August 28
1:00 - 5:30 pm - MCA Practices - Gym
2:00 - 3:00 - Body Recall - FH
6:00 - 9:00 pm - Private Party - Gym
Saturday, August 29
10:00 am - Wedding Shower - FH
1:00 - 3:00 pm - BBall Scrimmage - Gym
Sunday, August 30
First Grade Book Bag Ministry
Lords Supper - PM
8:15 am - Praise Team - Sanctuary
9:15 am - 1st Service/Sunday School
10:45 am - 2nd Service/Sunday School
12:00 - 2:00 pm - Wedding Shower - FH
5:15 pm - Nominating Committee Mtg.
5:15 pm - Praise Team - Sanctuary
6:00 pm - Children & Preschool Choirs
6:00 pm - Evening Worship/Lords

Sunday, 8/23/15 Morning Worship

Dr. Deron Cobb
Series: Living Faithfully in Babylon
Message: #10- Faithful in the Midst of a
Spiritual War
Daniel 10

I. Daniel was __________________ to Pray and Fast (10:1-3)

A. His Concern for the Jewish People ______________.
B. His Concern for the Jewish People ______________.
D. His Concern for His Own Clarity of the ___________.

II. Daniel was _________________as a Divine Figure (10:4-9)

A. _______________ Daniel Saw.
B. _______________ Daniel Saw

A. Daniel was _______________ by an Angel

C. Daniel is _______________of the Invisible War (v. 10-20)

General Fund










We fight the spiritual enemies of God



We fight for the Gospel (Jude 4; Romans 1:16)



We fight to free people by the Gospel

We fight the inward struggle with the flesh

Building Fund

FLC Loan Balance:


Ministerial Staff
Deron Cobb - Senior Pastor
Gary Maynard - Minister of Education/Senior Adults
Dwayne Abrahamson - Minister of Students/Recreation
Linda Coulter - Director of Childhood Ministries
Jordan Nickell - Minister of Music

Please fill out a

reservation form and place
Support Staff
Dawn Burns - Church/Financial Secretary
it in the basket at the
Becky Hereford - Administrative Assistant
Welcome Center.

Opening Prayer........Mr. Buck McCloud/Mr. Garnett Parke

Song of Celebration:
Days of Elijah
Welcome/Greeting..............................................................Dr. Deron Cobb
Songs of Gods Word:
How Firm A Foundation ~ Hymn 338
Today is the Day
Speak, O Lord
Message...Dr. Deron Cobb
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus ~ Hymn 411
Offertory Prayer................Mr. Michael Patterson/Mr. Neil Parke
Worship Through Giving..Ms. Joanna Cobb
Announcements.Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson/Rev. Gary Maynard
Closing Song

B. Daniels __________________ was calmed by the Angel

(v. 12, 18:19)

Financial Stewardship Update

(As of 8/16/15)


Morning Worship

C. His Concern for the Jewish People ______________.

III. Daniel was ________________ by an Angelic Figure (10:10-20)

S.S. Attendance: 419

AM Worship: 462 PM Worship: 169

August 23, 2015

IV. Daniel __________________ Our Spiritual Warfare (v. 21)

When we know Jesus is standing with us and fighting for us, we can
accept any circumstance and accomplish any task He gives us.
Warren Wiersbe

Evening Worship
Song of Assurance:
Grace Greater Than Our Sin ~ Hymn 329
Welcome/Opening Prayer..............................................Rev. Dwayne Abrahamson
Songs of Worship:
He Knows My Name
Take My Life, and Let it Be Consecrated ~ Hymn 277
Message...Dr. Deron Cobb
Trust and Obey ~ Hymn 447
Offertory Prayer..................................................................Usher
Worship Through Giving.Emylie Mills
By Faith
Closing Prayer..........Mr. Bob Stephens

Senior Adults


Overflow, Sundays at 5:00 pm, FLC Basement 122
Family Cook-Out/Parent Meeting: Sunday, August 23, 12:15 pm, behind the Thrive
Room. Food and games. Parent meeting at 2:00 pm. Child-care provided for children 5th
grade and younger. Important for new and current youth parents. Watch for more details to
HRIVE Worship: Wednesday, August 26, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Mission Trip Sharing &
Celebrate August Birthdays. If you went to KY Changers, PowerPlant Cleveland, or Student
Life, come ready to share. Wear your camp shirt.
5th Sundays - August 30, following the evening worship service, Ice Cream at the
Coulters, 1975 Red House Road
HRIVE Worship: Wednesday, September 2, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Begin a New Series: Live
Life Loud
Pinnacles & Papalenos: Monday, September 7. Meet at 3 pm at the church. Return to the
church by 7 pm. Bring $ (about $10) for Papalenos. Sign-up by Sunday, September 13.
Middle School: Converge, Break-Out Lexington, Saturday night, September 19. Meet at
the church at 6:00 pm. Cost: $22. Deadline (with payment), Wednesday, September 2. NO
LATE SIGN-UPS. Bring additional money ($5) for ice cream.
High School Seniors: Passion Conference, January 2-4, 2016, Atlanta, GA. See details
under College.
HRIVE Twitter Acct: @RedHouse_Youth - Follow for updates, reminders, etc.
Mi$$ion Po$$ible:
Grace Now: Thursday, August 27, 5:30 pm
Grace Now: Monday, September 28, 5:30 pm

Mens 3-on-3 Fall Basketball

Sign-ups: August 10 - September 6
Cost is $20 per team. Limit 12 teams with a
maximum of 6 players per team.
If you do not have a team and would like to play, sign
up as an individual and we will find you a team.
Sign up at FLC table.

Taste of Churches (formerly the Progressive Dinner for the BCM at EKU),
Thursday, August 27. Note the date change! We will be the host church for salads.
Students will be at Red House at 5:00 pm. We are in need of 10-12 Lazy Susans by
August 23. We also need people to help prepare salads on Thursday, August 27 at 3:30
pm and people to host. If you can help with any of these areas, please sign-up at the
FLC Table.
MGM (Movies, Games, More), Saturday, September 12, 6 pm, Home of Dwayne
& Joni, 1327 Travis Dr., Richmond. Plus a cook-out. Cost: FREE!
Passion Conference, January 2-4, 2016, Atlanta, GA. Cost: $239 thru September
23 ($139 for conference plus Hotel). Only $50 deposit due at this time. Remaining
balance due in November.
BCM Events at EKU:
August 25 - Cook-Out & Amplify (Worship), 6:30 pm
August 28 - Movie Night
September 3 - Tailgate & EKU Football, 5:00 pm
September 18-20 - Fall Retreat - $25
Other BCM Events:
Tuesdays, Amplify, 7:30 pm
Thursdays, The Well, 5:00 pm (Free Food)

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