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Chapter 4.

1 Newtons Laws

Newtons 1st Law (Galileos Law of Inertia) - A body

set in motion and left undisturbed, will forever continue with that
constant motion. (Becomes obvious in space.)
At rest is just a special case of motion.
All uniform motions are forms of constant velocity.
A net force is required to make a change.

Newtons 1st Law (Galileos Law of Inertia) - A body

set in motion and left undisturbed, will forever continue with that
constant motion. (Becomes obvious in space.)
At rest is just a special case of motion.
All uniform motions are forms of constant velocity.
A net force is required to make a change.
Newtons 2nd Law A net force will cause an object to change its motion.
A force causes a mass to accelerate.
Fnet = ma

Newtons 1st Law (Galileos Law of Inertia) - A body

set in motion and left undisturbed, will forever continue with that
constant motion. (Becomes obvious in space.)
At rest is just a special case of motion.
All uniform motions are forms of constant velocity.
A net force is required to make a change.
Newtons 2nd Law A net force will cause an object to change its motion.
A force causes a mass to accelerate .
Fnet = ma
Newtons 3rd Law To every action (force) there is an equal and
opposite reaction (force).
Forces always come in pairs, act in opposite directions.
(Usually act on different objects.)

Chapter 4

Law of inertia - A body set in motion and left undisturbed, will forever
continue at a constant speed. (Becomes obvious in space.)
Newtons first law - every body continues in a state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line except when a force acts on it.
(Rest is just a special case of motion.)
Uniform motion and rest are forms of constant velocity.
Requires a force to change motion.
Force push or pull
Agent of change, alters motion
(4 fundamental forces)
Gravitaty, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces.)
Weight force of gravity.
Easy conversion: a mass of 1 kg = a force of 10 Newtons = 2.2 pounds
Force is a vector. Have to add forces vectorally.
Net force - resultant of all force vectors acting on an object,
decides actual motion.

1st Law:
Ex1) Determine the resultant, or net force, exerted on the stationary elephant by
the two clowns. What is the tension on the rope attached to the elephant?

F1 = 300 N
F2 = 400 N

Ex1) Determine the resultant, or net force, exerted on the stationary elephant by
the two clowns. What is the tension on the rope attached to the elephant?

F1 = 300 N

Fnet = F1 + F2
F2 = 400 N

= 300 2 + 400 2
= 500 N

Ex1) Determine the resultant, or net force, exerted on the stationary elephant by
the two clowns. What is the tension on the rope attached to the elephant?

F1 = 300 N

Fnet = F1 + F2

= 300 2 + 400 2
= 500 N

F2 = 400 N

Fnet = 500 N

FE = Fnet = 500 N

Ex2) Determine the NET force exerted on the ring by the 3 people:

F2 = 707 N 30o 45o

F3 = 966 N

F1 = 500 N

Ex2) Determine the NET force exerted on the ring by the 3 people:

F2 = 707 N



F1 = 500 N

F3 = 966 N

F1x = F1.cos
= 500N.cos45
= 353.6 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 500N.sin45
= 353.6 N
F2x = F2.cos
= 707N.cos60
= - 353.6 N
F2y = F2.sin
= 707N.sin60
= 612.3 N

F3x = 0 N
F3y = - 966 N

Ex2) Determine the NET force exerted on the ring by the 3 people:

F2 = 707 N



F1 = 500 N

F3 = 966 N

Fnetx = F1x + F2x + F3x

= 353.6 + (-353.6) + 0
Fnety = F1y + F2y + F3y
= 353.6 + 612.3 + (-966)


F1x = F1.cos
= 500N.cos45
= 353.6 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 500N.sin45
= 353.6 N
F2x = F2.cos
= 707N.cos60
= - 353.6 N
F2y = F2.sin
= 707N.sin60
= 612.3 N

F3x = 0 N
F3y = - 966 N

Fnet = 0 N

2nd Law:
The force of gravity acting on an object is commonly referred
to as weight.
(Fnet = ma)
Fg = mg
The force that balances out gravity, when on level ground, is
referred to as the normal force, FN.
FN is always I to the surface.
Ex1) What is the weight of a 2 kg mass on earth?
Ex2) What is the mass of this 2 kg object on the moon?
Ex3) What is its weight on the moon, if gm = 1.67 m\s2 ?

3rd Law:
To every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force).
Force always occurs in pairs, point opposite direction.
If forces always occur in pairs that cancel out, how do things move?
Label interaction pairs:
Ex5) Person running
Ex6) Person jumps

Ex7) How does a nail work?

Ch4 HW#1 p128 9,10,11,14


Lab4.1 Inertial Mass

- due tomorrow
- Ch4 HW#1 due @ beginning of period

Ch4 HW#1 p128, 9,10,11,14

9) The two ropes attached to the hook in Fig P9 are pulled on
with forces of 100 N and 200 N. What size force acting in
what direction would produce the same effect?

100 N
200 N


9) The two ropes attached to the hook in Fig P9 are pulled on

with forces of 100 N and 200 N. What size force acting in
what direction would produce the same effect?

F1x = F1.cos
100 N
= 100N.cos45
200 N = 70.7 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 100N.sin45
= 70.7 N
F2x = F2.cos
= 200N.cos30
= 173 N
F2y = F2.sin
= 200N.sin30
= 100 N

Hw # 9) The two ropes attached to the hook in Fig P9 are pulled on

with forces of 100 N and 200 N. What size force acting in
what direction would produce the same effect?

F1x = F1.cos
100 N
= 100N.cos45
200 N = 70.7 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 100N.sin45
= 70.7 N

Fnetx = F1x + F2x

= 70.7 + 173
= 243.7 N

Fnety = F1y + F2y

= 70.7 + 100
F2x = F2.cos
= 170.7 N
= 200N.cos30
= 173 N
F2y = F2.sin
= 200N.sin30
= 100 N

Hw # 9) The two ropes attached to the hook in Fig P9 are pulled on

with forces of 100 N and 200 N. What size force acting in
what direction would produce the same effect?

F1x = F1.cos
100 N
= 100N.cos45
200 N = 70.7 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 100N.sin45
= 70.7 N

Fnetx = F1x + F2x

= 70.7 + 173
= 243.7 N
Fnety = F1y + F2y
= 70.7 + 100
= 170.7 N

F2x = F2.cos
= 200N.cos30 net
= 173 N
Fnet = 298 N
F2y = F2.sin
= 200N.sin30
1 170.7
= tan
= 35o
= 100 N


Ch4 HW#1 p128, 9,10,11,14

10. The scale is being pulled on via three ropes.
What net force does the scale read?

F1 = 200 N


F3 = 200 N
F2 = 200 N

Ch4 HW#1 p128, 9,10,11,14

10. The scale is being pulled on via three ropes.
What net force does the scale read?

F1x = F1.sin
= 200N.sin 30
= -100 N
F1y = F1.cos
= 200N.cos30
= -173 N
F2x = 0 N
F2y = -200 N
F3x = F2.sin
= 200N.sin30
= +100 N
F3y = F2.cos
= 200N.cos30
= -173 N

F1 = 200 N


F3 = 200 N
F2 = 200 N

Ch4 HW#1 p128, 9,10,11,14

10. The scale is being pulled on via three ropes.
What net force does the scale read?

F1x = F1.sin
= 200N.sin 30
= -100 N
F1y = F1.cos
= 200N.cos30
= -173 N

F1 = 200 N

F2x = 0 N
F2y = -200 N
F3x = F2.sin
= 200N.sin30
= +100 N
F3y = F2.cos
= 200N.cos30
= -173 N


F3 = 200 N
F2 = 200 N

Fnetx = -100 + 0 + (+100) = 0

Fnety = -173 + (-200) + (-173) = -546 N
Fnet = -546 N

11. What is the net force acting on the ring? (F1 @ 30 to x axis.)

F1 = 200N
F3 = 200N

F2 = 100N

11. What is the net force acting on the ring? (F1 @ 30 to x axis.)

F1 = 200N
F3 = 200N

F2 = 100N

Fnetx = 173 + (+100) + (-200) = +73N

Fnety = 100 + 0 + 0 = + 100 N
Fnet = 124 N (pythag)

F1x = F1.cos
= 200N.cos 30
=173 N
F1y = F1.sin
= 200N.sin30
= 100 N
F2x = 100 N
F2y = 0 N
F3x = - 100 N
F3y = 0 N

14. Write expressions for the net horizontal and vertical forces due to the hands
acting on the block. The hand on the left pushes downward diagonally.

14. Write expressions for the net horizontal and vertical forces due to the hands
acting on the block. The hand on the left pushes downward diagonally.

F1x = F1.cos
= F.cos 45
=+ .707F
F1y = F1.sin
= F.sin45
= - .707F

F2x = F2.cos
= F.cos 45
=+ .707F
F2y = F2.sin
= F.sin45
= + .707F

Fnetx = (+.707F) + (+.707F) = 1.4F

Fnety = (-.707F) + (+.707F) = 0F
Fnet = 1.4F

Weight and Action/Reaction WS

1. I weigh 750 N. What is my mass?

Fg = mg

2. What is my mass on the moon?

3. If the acceleration of gravity on the moon, gm = 1.64 m/s2,
what is my weight on the moon?
4. At 3g, 3 times the acceleration of gravity,
walking becomes impossible.
What is my affective weight at 3g?

1. I weigh 750 N. What is my mass?

Fg = mg
750 N = (m)(10 m/s2)
2. What is my mass on the moon?
m = 75 kg
m = 75 kg
3. If the acceleration of gravity on the moon, gm = 1.64 m/s2,
what is my weight on the moon?
4. At 3g, 3 times the acceleration of gravity,
walking becomes impossible.
What is my affective weight at 3g?

1. I weigh 750 N. What is my mass?

Fg = mg
750 N = (m)(10 m/s2)
2. What is my mass on the moon?
m = 75 kg
m = 75 kg
3. If the acceleration of gravity on the moon, gm = 1.64 m/s2,
what is my weight on the moon?
Fgm = (75kg)(1.64 m/s2)
= 123 N
4. At 3g, 3 times the acceleration of gravity,
walking becomes impossible.
What is my affective weight at 3g?

1. I weigh 750 N. What is my mass?

Fg = mg
750 N = (m)(10 m/s2)
2. What is my mass on the moon?
m = 75 kg
m = 75 kg
3. If the acceleration of gravity on the moon, gm = 1.64 m/s2,
what is my weight on the moon?
Fgm = (75kg)(1.64 m/s2)
= 123 N
4. At 3g, 3 times the acceleration of gravity,
walking becomes impossible.
What is my affective weight at 3g? Fg3 = (75kg)(3.10 m/s2)
= 2250 N

5. At 12g loss of consciousness is eminent.

What is my affective weight at 12g?

6. A 7.5 kg bowling ball is set on the ground.

With what force does the ground push up on the ball?

7. A 5 kg sword is suspended from a rope,

with what force does the rope hold up the sword?

8. Complete the action/reaction pairs:

5. At 12g loss of consciousness is eminent.

What is my affective weight at 12g?
Fg12 = (75kg)(12.10m/s2)
= 9000 N
6. A 7.5 kg bowling ball is set on the ground.
With what force does the ground push up on the ball?

7. A 5 kg sword is suspended from a rope,

with what force does the rope hold up the sword?

8. Complete the action/reaction pairs:

5. At 12g loss of consciousness is eminent.

What is my affective weight at 12g?

Fg12 = (75kg)(12.10m/s2)
= 9000 N

6. A 7.5 kg bowling ball is set on the ground.

With what force does the ground push up on the ball?
Fnet = Fg FN
0 = 75N FN
FN = 75N
7. A 5 kg sword is suspended from a rope,
with what force does the rope hold up the sword?

8. Complete the action/reaction pairs:

5. At 12g loss of consciousness is eminent.

What is my affective weight at 12g?

Fg12 = (75kg)(12.10m/s2)
= 9000 N

6. A 7.5 kg bowling ball is set on the ground.

With what force does the ground push up on the ball?
Fnet = Fg FN
0 = 75N FN
FN = 75N
7. A 5 kg sword is suspended from a rope,
with what force does the rope hold up the sword?
Fnet = Fg FN
0 = 50N FN
FN = 50N
8. Complete the action/reaction pairs:
Head hits ball, ball hits head, etc.

Ch4.2 - Newtons Second Law (Fnet

= m.a)

Ex1) A 0.142 kg ball left a players hand at a speed of 20 m/s. If the straight
throw lasted 0.020 sec, determine the magnitude of the force exerted on a ball,
assuming it is constant. Fnet=?

HW #29) A bullet is fired from a gun with a 24cm barrel. Its muzzle speed is
350m/s and the mass of the bullet is 6.00g. Compute the average force
exerted on the bullet by the expanding gas.

Ex2) The kid in fig 4.14a pulls a loaded wagon having a total mass of 100kg.
He applies a constant force of 100N at 30. Ignoring friction, compute the
horizontal force on the wagon and the resulting acceleration.

Ch4 HW#2 p130 20,21,26,29,30,33

Ch4 HW#2 p130, 20,21,26,29,30,33

20. Suppose that an air hockey puck, having a mass of 0.25 kg, is pushed along
by a 10.0 N force for 10.0 s. Determine its acceleration.

21. A 60 kg ice skater holds up a large sheet of cardboard that can catch the
wind and drive her (frictionlessly) across the ice. While shes moving at 0.5
m/s, a wind that is constant and horizontal for 5.0 s exerts a force on the
cardboard of 2.0 N. What is the skaters initial acceleration once the wind
begins to blow?

26. Studies show that a male lion (170 kg) accelerates toward prey at about
10 m/s2, which is about the same rate a human sprinter can achieve (compare
that to 3.8 m/s2 for a Porsche). How much force must the lion exert on the
ground during such a charge?
m = 170 kg
a = 10 m/s2

30.Suppose a car stopped on the road is hit from behind by a bus so that it
accelerates up to 4.47 m/s in 0.10 s. If the driver of the car has a mass of
50kg and her front-seat passenger has a mass of 80 kg, what average force
must the seat exert on them?
vi = 0 m/s
vf = 4.47 m/s
t = 0.10 s
mtotal = 130 kg
Fave = ?

33. A bullet fired into wet clay will decelerate fairly uniformly. If a 10 g bullet hits
a block of clay at 200 m/s and comes to rest in 20 cm, what average force
does it exert on the block?

30.Suppose a car stopped on the road is hit from behind by a bus so that it
accelerates up to 4.47 m/s in 0.10 s. If the driver of the car has a mass of
50kg and her front-seat passenger has a mass of 80 kg, what average force
must the seat exert on them?
Fnet = ma
vi = 0 m/s
v f vi

Fnet = m
vf = 4.47 m/s
t = 0.10 s
mtotal = 130 kg
4.47 0
Fave = ?
= (130kg )


= 581.1 N
33. A bullet fired into wet clay will decelerate fairly uniformly. If a 10 g bullet hits
a block of clay at 200 m/s and comes to rest in 20 cm, what average force
does it exert on the block?

Ch4 Lab4.1 HW
12. 500N
200N 300N





= 200N

F2 =100N
F3 = 100N
19. Net force on net:

Side view:

Ch4 Lab4.1 HW
12. 500N
200N 300N
Fnet = 400N




= 200N

F2 =100N
F3 = 100N
19. Net force on net:

Side view:

Ch4 Lab4.1 HW
12. 500N
200N 300N
Fnet = 400N




= 200N

Fnetx = 0 N

Side view:
Each person exerts: Fy = F.sin30
= 100 N
Fnety = 4 x 100 N = 400N

Ch4.3 Apparent Weight

Ex1) A 50kg person stands on a bathroom scale on earth.
Label the forces present. What is the persons weight?

Ex2) A 50kg person stands on a bathroom scale on earth, in an

elevator. The cable slips, and the elevator accl downward at 5m/s2.
Label the forces present. What is the persons apparent weight?

Ex3) elevator accl downward at 10m/s2.

Ex4) elevator accl upwards at 5m/s2.

Ex4) elevator accl upwards at 10m/s2.

Free Fall
At Earths surface, all objects falling thru a vacuum
accelerate at the same constant rate,
regardless of weight, shape, etc.
Most people believe falling bodies descend at a rate
proportional to their weight.
vi = 0
Galileo started our correct thinking

a = 9.8 m/s2



Air Drag (contributes to our incorrect thinking)

As an object falls faster, breaks thru more air,
creating a larger resistance force.
Eventually reach the point where
force resisting = force pulling

Fair = Fg
If the net force = 0 the object will continue with
a constant velocity
Terminal speed depends on
shape, surface area, and weight of object.

a = 9.8 m/s2

vi = 0

Air Drag (contributes to our incorrect thinking)

As an object falls faster, breaks thru more air,
creating a larger resistance force.
Eventually reach the point where
force resisting = force pulling

Fair = Fg
If the net force = 0 the object will continue with
a constant velocity
Terminal speed depends on
shape, surface area, and weight of object.

a = 9.8 m/s2

vi = 0

a = less

Air Drag (contributes to our incorrect thinking)

As an object falls faster, breaks thru more air,
creating a larger resistance force.
Eventually reach the point where
force resisting = force pulling

Fair = Fg
If the net force = 0 the object will continue with
a constant velocity
Terminal speed depends on
shape, surface area, and weight of object.

a = 9.8 m/s2

vi = 0

a = less

Ch4 HW#3 1 4


Ch4 HW#3 1 4
A 100kg person stands on a bathroom scale in an elevator.
Draw and label the forces present, set up an Fnet equation, and solve for
what the bathroom scale reads in each picture.

1) a = 0 m/s2

2) a = 2 m/s2



Ch4 HW#3 1 4
A 100kg person stands on a bathroom scale in an elevator.
Draw and label the forces present, set up an Fnet equation, and solve for
what the bathroom scale reads in each picture.

1) a = 0 m/s2

2) a = 2 m/s2

Fnet = Fg FN
m.a = 1000N FN
(100)(0) = 1000 FN
FN = 1000N

3) a = 10 m/s2

Fnet = Fg FN
m.a = 1000N FN
(100)(+2) = 1000 FN
FN = 800N

4) a = 2 m/s2

Ch4.4 Incline Planes

Inclined Planes
Ex p105) A 50kg skier coasts along the frictionless snow,
tilted at 30.
a. Compute the normal force.
b. Compute the force down the incline.
c. Compute her accl.

Ex2) A 15 kg chunk of ice slides down a glacier with an angle of incline

of 11. What is its acceleration?

Ch4 HW #4 1 5

Ch4 HW#4 Inclined Planes 1 5

1. Find Fg|| and Fg for a 10 kg mass on incline of 20.

2. What is the normal force on a 15 kg box set on an incline of 45?

Ch4 HW#4 Inclined Planes

1. Find Fg|| and Fg for a 10 kg mass on incline of 20.
Fg|| = Fg.sin
= 100N.sin20
= 33.5 N
Fg = Fg.cos
= 100N.cos20
= 92.1 N
2. What is the normal force on a 15 kg box set on an incline of 45?
Fnet = Fg FN

3. What is the acceleration of a 7.5 kg bowling ball down a 40 incline?

4. What is the tension of the spring?

3. What is the acceleration of a 7.5 kg bowling ball down a 40 incline?

Fnet = Fg||
m.a = Fg.sin
a = 10m/s2.sin40
=6.3 m/s2
4. What is the tension of the spring?
Fnet = Fg|| - FT

3. What is the acceleration of a 7.5 kg bowling ball down a 40 incline?

Fnet = Fg||
m.a = Fg.sin
a = 10m/s2.sin40
=6.3 m/s2
4. What is the tension of the spring?
Fnet = Fg|| - FT
0 = Fg.sin - FT
FT = 50N.sin30
FT = 24.5N

5. In which diagram is there a better chance of the board breaking?



5. In which diagram is there a better chance of the board breaking?



Fg breaks the board

Fg = Fg.cos
Fg = Fg.cos
= Fg.cos25
= Fg.cos15
= .91.Fg
= .97.Fg

Ch4.7 Coupled Motion

1. What is the acceleration of this system?


2. What is the acceleration of the system? (No friction)



3. What is the acceleration of the system? (no friction)




4. What is the tension in each rope?



Ch4 HW#5 1 5

Ch4 HW#5 Coupled Motion 1 5

1. What is the acceleration of this system?


Ch4 HW#5 Coupled Motion

1. What is the acceleration of this system?
Fnet = Fg8 FT + FT Fg6
mTa = 80N 60N
(14kg)a = 20N
a = 1.4 m/s2


2. What is the acceleration of this system?



2. What is the acceleration of this system?



Fnet = Fg6 FT + FT
mTa = 60N
(8kg)a = 20N
a = 7.4 m/s2

3. What is the acceleration of this system?




3. What is the acceleration of this system?




Fnet = Fg3 FT1 + FT1 + FT2 + FT2 Fg1

mTa = 30N 10N
(6kg)a = 20N
a = 3.3 m/s2

4. What is the acceleration of this system?




4. What is the acceleration of this system?



Fnet = F FT1 + FT1 FT2 + FT2

mTa = 25N
(10kg)a = 25N
a = 2.5 m/s2

F = 25N

5. What is the tension in each rope?



5. What is the tension in each rope?

Fnet = Fg30 FT1 + FT1 + Fg30 FT2
mTa = 300N + 300N FT2
0 = 600N FT2
FT2 = 600N

Fnet = Fg30 FT1

30kg mTa = 300N FT1
0 = 300N FT1
FT1 = 300N

Ch 4.7 Coupled Motion cont.

Ex 5) What is the accl of the system?
What is the tension in the rope?

Ex6) What is the accl?

What is the tension in both ropes?







Ex8) Accl? Tension?




Ex p106) 50kg Mary and 70kg Don are tied together by a rope of
negligible mass. Mary stands on a frictionless sheet of ice, when
Don falls..
a. What is the tension in the rope?
b. What is the accl?
c. What would happen if she cut the rope?

Ch4 HW#6
p131 38,45,50,61

Lab4.2 Mass of a Key

- lab due @ end of period
- go over HW#6 first

Ch4 HW#6 p131, 38,45,50,61

38. What is the smallest force needed to lift a 0.50-kg bullfrog up from the ground,
and under what circumstances would that answer be applicable?

45. Someone of mass 100 kg is standing on the top of a steep cliff with only an old
rope that he knows will only
hold 500 N. He plans to slide down the rope using friction to keep him from
falling freely. At what minimum rate can he accl down the rope and not break it?

45. Someone of mass 100 kg is standing on the top of a steep cliff

with only an old rope that he knows will only hold 500 N.
He plans to slide down the rope using friction to keep him
from falling freely. At what minimum rate can he accl down
the rope and not break it?
Fnet = Fg FT
m.a = 1000N 500N
(100kg)a = 500N
a = 5 m/s2

50. A rescue helicopter lifts 2 people from the sea on an

essentially weightless rope. Jamey (100 kg) hangs
15 m below Amy (50.0 kg), who is 5 m below the
aircraft. What is the tension:
a. On the top part of the rope? b. Middle?
c. Repeat with the helicopter accl at 9.81 m/s2 upward.

50. A rescue helicopter lifts 2 people from the sea on an

essentially weightless rope. Jamey (100 kg) hangs
15 m below Amy (50.0 kg), who is 5 m below the aircraft.
What is the tension:
a. On the top part of the rope? b. Middle?
c. Repeat with the helicopter accl at 9.81 m/s2 upward.
Fnet = FgJ FT1 + FT1 + FgA FT2 Fnet = FgJ FT1
0 = 1000N + 500N FT2
0 = 1000N FT1
FT2 = 1500N
FT1 = 1000N

Fnet = FgJ FT1 + FT1 + FgA FT2 Fnet = FgJ FT1

mTa = 1000N + 500N FT2
mTa = 1000N FT1
(150).(-9.81) = 1500N FT2 (100)(-9.81) = 1000N FT1
FT2 = 3000N
FT1 = 2000N

61. The pulley in fig 4.21a is weightless and frictionless.

If m1 = 10.0 kg and m2 = 98.1 N, what is the tension
of the rope and the accl of m1?

Ch4 Lab4.2 HW p131+ 40, 62,64,71

40. The gravitational acceleration on the surface of Mercury is
0.38 times the accl on Earth. What is the weight of a 1kg mass?
62. What is tension on right rope if system accl at 0.50 m/s2?


FT = ?

Ch4 Lab4.2 HW p131+ 40, 62,64,71

40. The gravitational acceleration on the surface of Mercury is
0.38 times the accl on Earth. What is the weight of a 1kg mass?
FgM = m.gM
= (1kg)(.38x9.81m/s2)
= 3.8N
62. What is tension on right rope if system accl at 0.50 m/s2?


Ch4 Lab4.2 HW p131+ 40, 62,64,71

40. The gravitational acceleration on the surface of Mercury is
0.38 times the accl on Earth. What is the weight of a 1kg mass?
FgM = m.gM
= (1kg)(.38x9.81m/s2)
= 3.8N
62. What is tension on right rope if system accl at 0.50 m/s2?

Fnet =FT2
mTa = FT2
(20)(.5) = FT2
FT2 = 10N


Fnet =FT1 FT2

(30)(.5) = FT1 10N
FT1 = 25N

64. Someone pulls down on mass 1 with a force that causes an accl
of 9.81 m/s2, what is the tension?

71. Tension, Accl




Ch4 Mid Chapter Review p128 18,27,31,49, HW: 68,69,70,71

18. 3 people pulling down on ropes, each with 200N, on a 20m tall
post, at a distance of 20m from the base. If the lines are 120 apart,
what is the net force on the post?
(top view)
(side view)

Ch4 Mid Chapter Review

18. 3 people pulling down on ropes, each with 200N, on a 20m tall
post, at a distance of 20m from the base. If the lines are 120 apart,
what is the net force on the post?
(top view)
(side view)

(cancel out)

Fy = F.sin
= 200N.sin45
= 141N x 3
= 424N

27. A 100kg gentleman standing on slippery grass is pulled by his two

rather unruly children. One tugs him with a force of 50N north, while
the other hauls with 120N east. If friction is negligible, what is
the mans accl?

27. A 100kg gentleman standing on slippery grass is pulled by his two

rather unruly children. One tugs him with a force of 50N north, while
the other hauls with 120N east. If friction is negligible, what is
the mans accl?

Fnet = 130N
Fnet = m.a
130N = (100kg).a
a = 1.3 m/s2

31. When a golf club strikes a 0.046kg ball, the ball will attain
a speed of 70m/s during the 50 ms collision. Find the average
force exerted by the club on the ball.
t = .050s
vi = 0m/s

vf = 70m/s

31. When a golf club strikes a 0.046kg ball, the ball will attain
a speed of 70m/s during the 50 ms collision. Find the average
force exerted by the club on the ball.
t = .050s
vi = 0m/s

vf = 70m/s

Fnet = m.a

Fnet = m

(v f vi )

= (.046kg )
= 64.4 N

(70m / s 0m / s )
.050 s

49. A 2000kg car at the top of a 20 incline driveway rolls freely

downhill. At what speed will it hit the garage door 20m down?
Fnet = Fg||

49. A 2000kg car at the top of a 20 incline driveway rolls freely

downhill. At what speed will it hit the garage door 20m down?
Fnet = Fg||
= Fg.sin
m.a = 20000N.sin20
(2000kg).a = 6703N
a = 3.35 m/s2
vf2 = vi2 + 2as
vf = 11.6 m/s

68. (Modified) Compute the accl of the system, and tension.



68. (Modified) Compute the accl of the system, and tension.

Fnet = Fg18 FT + FT Fg13
mTa = 1800N 1300N
(310kg)a = 500N
a = 1.6 m/s2
Fnet = Fg18 FT
(180kg).a = 1800N FT
FT = 1512N



69. An 80.0 kg man inside a 40.0 kg dumb-waiter pulls down on the rope.
At the moment the scale on which he is standing reads 200 N.
Determine the elevators acceleration.
Forces acting on man:

Forces acting on elevator:

69. An 80.0 kg man inside a 40.0 kg dumb-waiter pulls down on the rope.
At the moment the scale on which he is standing reads 200 N.
Determine the elevators acceleration.
Forces acting on man:
Fnet = FN Fg + FT
mTa = 200N 800N + FT
(80kg)a = 600N + FT
Forces acting on elevator:
Fnet = FT Fgtotal
mTa = FT 1200N
(120kg)a = FT 1200N


Ch4 Test #1
- Projectile Motion Review
- Force Vectors
- Fnet eqns
- Incline Planes
- Coupled Motion

Ch4.8 - Friction
- Force that opposes motion
Kinetic Friction (Ff,k) moving friction

Ch4.8 - Friction
- Force that opposes motion
Kinetic Friction (Ff,k) moving friction
Static Friction (Ff,s) non-moving friction (prevents object from moving)

(Ff,s) varies between 0 and a max value

- It will equal your force until your force exceeds the max value.

Ch4.8 - Friction
- Force that opposes motion
Kinetic Friction (Ff,k) moving friction
Static Friction (Ff,s) non-moving friction (prevents object from moving)

(Ff,s) varies between 0 and a max value

- It will equal your force until your force exceeds the max value.

Ff depends on:
1. Types of materials
2. Force pressing surfaces together
Friction doesnt care about the area of contact or speed!
Formula: FF= FN
HW#73) A dog weighing 300N harnessed to a sled
can exert a max horizontal force of 160N
without slipping. What is the coefficient of
static friction, s for the dogs pads on snow?

Ex p113) Someone wants to push a 100kg box full of books along the
floor by exerting a constant horizon force of 608N. If s = 0.6 and
k = 0.1, can the crate move, and, if so, what is its accl?

HW#81) A crate in transported on a flatbed truck. The s = 0.50 between

the truck and crate. If the truck is traveling at 14 m/s, what minimum
stopping distance is requited so that the deceleration is small enough
and the crate doesnt move.

Ch 4 HW #7 pg 133 + 73,74,76,81,84,85

Ch4 HW#7 p133, 73,74,76,81,84,85

74. Assume your mass is 70.0 kg and that you are wearing leather soled
shoes on a wood floor. Now walk over to a wall and push horizontally
on it. How much force can you exert before sliding away?

76. Mass m1 sits on top of mass m2, which is pulled along at a constant
speed by a horizontal force F.


Ch4 HW#7 p133, 73,74,76,81,84,85

74. Assume your mass is 70.0 kg and that you are wearing leather soled
shoes on a wood floor. Now walk over to a wall and push horizontally
on it. How much force can you exert before sliding away?
Fnet = Fw pushing p Ff s
0 = F .FN
F = (.3)(700N)
F = 205N
76. Mass m1 sits on top of mass m2, which is pulled along at a constant
speed by a horizontal force F. k = .3


Ch4 HW#7 p133, 73,74,76,81,84,85

74. Assume your mass is 70.0 kg and that you are wearing leather soled
shoes on a wood floor. Now walk over to a wall and push horizontally
on it. How much force can you exert before sliding away?
Fnet = Fw pushing p Ff s
0 = F .FN
F = (.3)(700N)
F = 205N
76. Mass m1 sits on top of mass m2, which is pulled along at a constant
speed by a horizontal force F. k = .3

Fnet = F Ff k
0 = F .FN
F = (.3)(150N)
F = 45N

84. (Mod) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Now suppose coefficient of kinetic friction between the table and block is 0.40.
The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward force push on it is 10N.
How much horizontal force is needed to pull the block at a constant speed
if your hand stays on the block while it is moving?

84. (Exactly) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Slide the block on the table, k = 0.40 still. Suppose the block slides under the
hand while hand remains stationary with respect to the table, and k = 0.50
between block and the hand. The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward
force push on it is 10N. How much horizontal force is needed to keep the
block moving at a constant speed?

84. (Mod) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Now suppose coefficient of kinetic friction between the table and block is 0.40.
The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward force push on it is 10N.
How much horizontal force is needed to pull the block at a constant speed
if your hand stays on the block while it is moving?

Fnet = F Ff k
0 = F .FN1
F = (.4)(20N)
F = 8N
84. (Exactly) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Slide the block on the table, k = 0.40 still. Suppose the block slides under the
hand while hand remains stationary with respect to the table, and k = 0.50
between block and the hand. The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward
force push on it is 10N. How much horizontal force is needed to keep the
block moving at a constant speed?

84. (Mod) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Now suppose coefficient of kinetic friction between the table and block is 0.40.
The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward force push on it is 10N.
How much horizontal force is needed to pull the block at a constant speed
if your hand stays on the block while it is moving?

Fnet = F Ff k
0 = F .FN1
F = (.4)(20N)
F = 8N
84. (Exactly) Place a block flat on a table and press down on it with your hand.
Slide the block on the table, k = 0.40 still. Suppose the block slides under the
hand while hand remains stationary with respect to the table, and k = 0.50
between block and the hand. The blocks mass is 1.0 kg and your downward
force push on it is 10N. How much horizontal force is needed to keep the
block moving at a constant speed?

Fnet = F Ff k1 Ff k2
0 = F .FN1 .FN2
F = (.4)(20N) + (.5)(10N)
F = 13N

Ch4.8b - Friction on Incline Planes

Ex 1) A block slides down an incline plane angled at 30 at a constant
speed. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block
and the plane?

Ch4.8b - Friction on Incline Planes

Ex 2) A 5kg iron block is placed on a wooden board. The coefficient of
static friction between iron and wood is known to be 0.55. At what
angle will the block begin to slide?

Ex 3) A 2kg block is placed on a 30 incline plane.

If it is sliding and k = 0.25, what is its accl?

Ch4 HW#8 Friction Problems

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

1. A block slides down a carpeted incline plane angled at 45 at a
constant speed. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the plane?

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

1. A block slides down a carpeted incline plane angled at 45 at a
constant speed. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the plane?
Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
0 = Fg.sin .FN
0 = Fg.sin Fg.cos
0 = sin .cos
= 1.0

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

2. A 7.5 kg iron block is placed on a iron board. s = 0.6.
a. At what angle will the block begin to slide?
b. Once sliding, if k = 0.5, what is its acceleration?
c. If the ramp is 2 m long, how fast will the block be sliding at the
d. If instead you wanted the block to move at constant speed after it
had started sliding, what angle would you lower the board to?

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

2. A 7.5 kg iron block is placed on a iron board. s = 0.6.
a. At what angle will the block begin to slide?
b. Once sliding, if k = 0.5, what is its acceleration?
c. If the ramp is 2 m long, how fast will the block be sliding at the
d. If instead you wanted the block to move at constant speed after it
had started sliding, what angle would you lower the board to?
a. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
0 = Fg.sin .FN
0 = Fg.sin Fg.cos
0 = sin 0.6.cos
= 31

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

2. A 7.5 kg iron block is placed on a iron board. s = 0.6.
a. At what angle will the block begin to slide?
b. Once sliding, if k = 0.5, what is its acceleration?
c. If the ramp is 2 m long, how fast will the block be sliding at the
d. If instead you wanted the block to move at constant speed after it
had started sliding, what angle would you lower the board to?
a. Fnet = Fg|| Ff s
0 = Fg.sin .FN
0 = Fg.sin Fg.cos
0 = sin 0.6.cos
= 31
b. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
m.a = Fg.sin .FN
m.a = Fg.sin Fg.cos
a = g.sin31 (0.5)g.cos31
a = 0.9 m/s2

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

2. A 7.5 kg iron block is placed on a iron board. s = 0.6.
a. At what angle will the block begin to slide?
b. Once sliding, if k = 0.5, what is its acceleration?
c. If the ramp is 2 m long, how fast will the block be sliding at the
d. If instead you wanted the block to move at constant speed after it
had started sliding, what angle would you lower the board to?
a. Fnet = Fg|| Ff s
0 = Fg.sin .FN
0 = Fg.sin Fg.cos
0 = sin 0.6.cos
= 31
b. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
c. vf2 = vi2 + 2as d. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
m.a = Fg.sin .FN
vf = 1.9 m/s
0 = mgsin - mgcos
m.a = Fg.sin Fg.cos
a = g.sin31 (0.5)g.cos31
a = 0.9 m/s2

Ch4 HW#8 Friction on Incline Planes

2. A 7.5 kg iron block is placed on a iron board. s = 0.6.
a. At what angle will the block begin to slide?
b. Once sliding, if k = 0.5, what is its acceleration?
c. If the ramp is 2 m long, how fast will the block be sliding at the
d. If instead you wanted the block to move at constant speed after it
had started sliding, what angle would you lower the board to?
a. Fnet = Fg|| Ff s
0 = Fg.sin .FN
0 = Fg.sin Fg.cos
0 = sin 0.6.cos
= 31
b. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
c. vf2 = vi2 + 2as d. Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
m.a = Fg.sin .FN
vf = 1.9 m/s
0 = mgsin - mgcos
m.a = Fg.sin Fg.cos
= 27
a = g.sin31 (0.5)g.cos31
a = 0.9 m/s2

3. A 13 kg block is placed on a 10 incline plane.

If s = 0.12, k = 0.06, will the block slide, and if so,
what is its acceleration?

4. A skier on a 4.0inclined, snow covered run skied downhill at a

constant speed. Compute the coefficient of friction between the
waxed skies and the snow on that day when the temperature was
around 0C. Why is it that if the temp were to drop to 10C, k
would rise to around 0.22? Neglect air friction.

5. A youngster shoots a bottle cap up a 20inclined board at 2.0 m/s.

The cap slides in a strait line, slowing to 1.0 m/s after traveling some
If k = 0.4, find that distance.

5. A youngster shoots a bottle cap up a 20inclined board at 2.0 m/s.

The cap slides in a strait line, slowing to 1.0 m/s after traveling some
If k = 0.4, find that distance.

Fnet = Fg|| Ff k
m.a = Fg.sin .FN
m.a = Fg.sin Fg.cos
a = g.sin20 (0.4)g.cos20
a = 7.17 m/s2
vf2 = vi2 + 2as
0 = 4 + 2(-7.17)s
s = .21 m

Ch4 HW#9 Lab4.3 HW

1. A 50 kg box slides down a 30 incline plane at constant speed.
What is the net force acting on the box? What is the net accl of the
box? What is k for the box?

2. A 100 kg trunk loaded with old books is to be slid across a floor by a

young woman who exerts a force of 300 N down and forward at 30
with the horizontal. If k = 0.4 and s = 0.5, compute accl.

2. A 100 kg trunk loaded with old books is to be slid across a floor by a

young woman who exerts a force of 300 N down and forward at 30
with the horizontal. If k = 0.4 and s = 0.5, compute accl.

Fnet = Fx Ff s
= F.cos .FN
= 300N.cos30 (.5)(1000N+300N.sin30)
= 260N 575N

3. Suppose the woman in #2 puts aside some of the books so that the
mass of the load is 50 kg.
a. Pushing with the same force, whats the accl now?
b. A bit annoyed, she squirts some oil under the trunk so that

s= 0.4 and k= 0.3. What now?

3. Suppose the woman in #2 puts aside some of the books so that the
mass of the load is 50 kg.
a. Pushing with the same force, whats the accl now?
b. A bit annoyed, she squirts some oil under the trunk so that

s= 0.4 and k= 0.3. What now?

a. Fnet = Fx Ff s
= F.cos .FN
= 300N.cos30 (.5)(500N+300N.sin30)
= 260N 338N
b. Fnet = Fx Ff k
ma = F.cos k.FN
= 260N (.3)(500N+300N.sin30)
50a = 65N
a = 1.3 m/s2

4. Determine the force (F) needed to keep the blocks

moving at a constant speed: m1 (5N) to the right and m2
(10N) to the left. k = .40 for all surfaces.


4. Determine the force (F) needed to keep the blocks

moving at a constant speed: m1 (5N) to the right and m2
(10N) to the left. k = .40 for all surfaces.


Fnet = F Ff k2 FT + FT Ff k1
0 = F k.FN2 k.FN1
0 = F (.4)(15N) (.4)(5N)
F = 8N

Ch4.8c Friction and Coupled Motion

Ex1) What is the accl of the system? k = .10 between m2 and table.
What is the tension in the rope?


Ex2) What is the accl of the system? k = .22 between m2 and table,
m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 2 kg, m3 = 1 kg. What are the tensions in the



Ch4 HW#10 1 3

Ch4 HW#10 1 3
1. A 50g mass hangs over the edge of a table. It is attached to a 25g mass,
on the table, with k = .5 coefficient of kinetic friction.
What is the accl of the system, what is the tension in the rope?


Ch4 HW#10 1 3
1. A 50g mass hangs over the edge of a table. It is attached to a 25g mass,
on the table, with k = .5 coefficient of kinetic friction.
What is the accl of the system, what is the tension in the rope?

Fnet = Fg50 FT1 + FT1 Ff k
mT.a = 0.50N .FN
Fnet = Fg50 FT1
(.075kg)a = 0.50N (.5)(.25N)
ma = 0.50N FT1
a = 5 m/s2
(.050)(5) = 0.50N FT1
FT1 = 0.25N
Fg50 > FT1 > Ffk
0.50N > 0.25N > 0.125N

2. What is the accl of the system? k = .15 between m2 and table,

m1 = 10kg, m2 = 3kg, m3 = 3kg. What are the tensions in the ropes?




2. What is the accl of the system? k = .15 between m2 and table,

m1 = 10kg, m2 = 3kg, m3 = 3kg. What are the tensions in the ropes?

Fnet = FT2 Fg3


ma = FT2 30N
(3)(4) = FT2 30
FT2 = 42N

Fnet = Fg1 FT1 + FT1 Ff k + FT2 + FT2 Fg3

mT.a = 100N .FN 30N
Fnet = Fg10 FT1
(16kg)a = 70N (.15)(30N)
ma = 100N FT1
a = 4 m/s2
(10)(4) = 100 FT1
FT1 = 60N


3. A 15g mass hangs over the edge of a table. It is attached to a 25 g

mass, on the table, with an unknown coefficient of kinetic friction.
If the system is moving at constant speed, what is the value of the


Ch4.9d More Friction and Coupled Motion

m1 = 20 kg, m2 = 3 kg, k = .14, find the accl, tension.


Write an expression for in terms of the given masses, angles,
and tension (T).

Ch4 HW#11 1 3

Ch4 HW#11 1 3
1. m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 4 kg, k = .2, = 30, find the accl, tension.


Ch4 HW#11 1 3
1. m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 4 kg, k = .2, = 30, find the accl, tension.


Fnet = Fg||1 Ffk1 FT1 + FT1 Fg2

mT.a = m1gsin1 .FN1 m2g
14a = 50N (.2)87N 40N
14a = - 7.4N
Whaa, Whaa, no movement FT = ______

2. m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 4 kg, grease the incline k = .02, = 30,

find the accl, tension.


2. m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 4 kg, grease the incline k = .02, = 30,

find the accl, tension.


Fnet = Fg||1 Ffk1 FT1 + FT1 Fg2

mT.a = m1gsin1 .FN1 m2g
14a = 50N (.02)87N 40N
14a = 8.3N
a = 0.6m/s2
Fnet = FT1 Fg2
ma = FT1 40N
(4kg)(0.6m/s2) = FT1 40N
FT1 = 42.4N

3. What is the acceleration of this system?

m1 = 25kg, m2 = 10kg, k = .25



3. What is the acceleration of this system?

m1 = 25kg, m2 = 10kg, k = .25

Fnet = Fg||1 Ffk1 FT1 + FT1 Ff k2 Fg||2

mT.a = m1gsin1 .FN1 m2gsin2 .FN2
35a = 125N (.25)217N 50N (.25)(87N)
a = 1.17 m/s2

Ch4.9 - Statics
Net Force = 0

(Object either at rest or moving at vcon)

Ex p119) Engine weighs 800N. = 20, compute:

A) Tension in each rope.
B) Horizontal force pulling on pins.

Ex p121) Determine the angle in arrangement. (Fig 4.38)


scale = 150N

Ex p122) A 400 N sign is suspended from the end of a 2.0 m long,

negligibly light bar, pivoting on wall. The bar is held up by a rope,
at 50 with the bar, with 0.70kN of tension. The bar is 2.00m long,
and the rope is attached 0.50m from its end. Find the reaction
force on the pivot on the wall.



Ch4 HW#11

Ch4 HW#11 p134 95,97,101,107,109

95. What are the tension forces acting on each of the weightless ropes?



Ch4 HW#11 p134 95,97,101,107,109

95. What are the tension forces acting on each of the
weightless ropes?
FnetTop = Fg1 FT1 + FT1 + Fg2 FT2
FT1 Fg2
0 = 100N + 100N FT2
FT2 = 200N
FnetBottom = Fg1 FT1
0 = 100N FT1
FT1 = 100N

97. The 10kg block is held at rest by the four ropes shown. If the tension in the
ropes on the right and top are each 98N. What is the tension in the
remaining two ropes?

97. The 10kg block is held at rest by the four ropes shown.
If the tension in the ropes on the right and top are each
98N. What is the tension in the remaining two ropes?
FT = 98N
FR = 98N

Fnetx = FL FR
0 = FL 98N
FL = 98N

Fnety = Fg + FTbottom FTtop

0 = 98N + FTB 98N
FTB = 0N

99. Determine the scale reading in the right arm of the suspension and the
angle .




99. Determine the scale reading in the right arm of the suspension and
the angle .




Fnety = Fg FTLY FTRY
0 = 20.sin30 FTRX 0 = 30N 20N.cos30 FTRY
FTRX = 10N
FTRY = 12.7N
= tan-1 (10/12.7) = 38

101. In the static arrangement, the pulleys and ropes are essentially
weightless. Determine the value of m3. Check that the system is in




101. In the static arrangement, the pulleys and ropes are essentially
weightless. Determine the value of m3.

45 20



FnetY = Fg3 FT15Y FT31Y

0 = Fg3 (15N)(cos45) (31N)(cos20)
Fg3 = 39.7N

107. Determine the weight of the mass m . Assume the pulleys and ropes are
all essentially weightless. Both ropes make 20 angles to the horizontal.



107. Determine the weight of the mass m . Assume the pulleys and ropes are
all essentially weightless.

(FT = Fg1 = 10N)

Fnet = Fgm 2FTY
0 = Fgm 2(10N.sin20)
Fgm = 6.7N





109. A 533.8-N tightrope walker dances out to the middle of a 20-m-long wire
stretched parallel to the ground between two buildings. She is wearing a
pink tutu, of negligible weight; the wire sags, making a 5.0 angle on both
sides of her feet with the horizontal. Find the tension.

109. A 533.8-N tightrope walker dances out to the middle of a 20-m-long wire
stretched parallel to the ground between two buildings. She is wearing a
pink tutu, of negligible weight; the wire sags, making a 5.0 angle on both
sides of her feet with the horizontal. Find the tension.

Fnet = Fg 2FTY
0 = 533.8N 2(FTsin5)
FT = 3062N

Ch4.9 cont.
Ex1) What is the tension in the rope?
What is force on each wall attachment?



HW#104) What is the tension in each length of rope,

if the object is at rest?

HW#108) This apparatus is set up, and when the 100N mass is attached
to the rope, the rope sags 10cm. Determine the spring scale reading.

Ch4 HW#13 p135+ 103,104,108,110,111,113,114,116

Lab4.4 Statics
- due tomorrow
- Ch4 Rev#2

due tomorrow

- Go over Ch4 HW#13 103,110,111,113 today

(114,116 with review)

Ch4 HW#13 p135+ 103,104,108,110,111,113,114,116

103) If the hand pulls down so that the 10N weight remains at rest,
what is the tension in the long rope?
What force is exerted down on the right-most ceiling bracket?

110) If a force of 100N holds the weight motionless, what is its mass?
What is the tension in rope 1?

111) Determine both the angle at which the pulley hangs

and the tension in the hook supporting it?

113) Figure P113 depicts a rod of negligible mass pinned to a wall at

one end and supported by a rope at the other end. The load is 2.00kN
and the scale reads 1.00kN. Compute the horizontal and vertical
reaction forces on the rod at the wall.

114) A very light-weight beam is attached to a wall via a pinned bracket

if the load is 2.00kN, determine the reading of the spring scale
and the force exerted by the wall on the beam.

116) The three bodies are at rest. If a fly lands on the 80.0 kg mass and
the system then begins to move what is the static coefficient of friction
for the box and surface? The pulleys are weightless and frictionless.

Ch4 HW#13 p128+ 15,25,35,78

15. What is the net force acting on the ring?




Ch4 HW#13 p128+ 15,25,35,78

15.What is the net force acting on the ring?
Elegant way:
Fnet = 500N


Not so elegant way:

Fnetx = F400X F300X
= 400N.cos40 300N.cos50

= 40 + tan-1(300/400)
= 77

FnetY = F400Y + F300Y

= 400N.sin40 300N.sin50

Fnet = FnetX + FnetY (pythag)

= tan-1 (FnetY/FnetX)

25. A kid on an old dirt bike is being pushed along at constant speed
by her father w/ 10N force downward at 30.
Combined mass of kid+bike is 30kg, find the total retarding force.

F = 10N

25. A kid on an old dirt bike is being pushed along at constant speed
by her father w/ 10N force downward at 30.
Combined mass of kid+bike is 30kg, find the total retarding force.
(FX = Ff)
(FN = Fg + FY)






Fnet = FX Ff
0 = F.cos30 Ff
Ff = 8.7N

78. A 30kg youngster is dragged around the living room

at a constant speed via a 60N force. Find the coeff
of friction.


F = 60N

78. A 30kg youngster is dragged around the living room

at a constant speed via a 60N force. Find the coeff
of friction.


Ff k

F = 60N

Fnet = F Ff
0 = 60N .FN
0 = 60N (300N)
= .2

87. A 100kg bale of hay falls from a truck travelling at 24.4m/s.

It skids for 100m before coming to a stop. Find .


87. A 100kg bale of hay falls from a truck travelling at 24.4m/s.

It skids for 100m before coming to a stop. Find .

vi = 24.4m/s
vf2 = vi2 + 2as
Fnet = Ff k
ma = .FN
(100kg)(3m/s2) = (1000N)
= 0.3

vf = 0
s = 100m
a = 3 m/s2

Bonus#1) A snowboarder starts at rest, and slides down a 30

incline with a coefficient of friction = 0.22.
How fast is he going after 10s?

Bonus #2) Find accl of system, tension in rope,

( = 0.3)


Bonus #3) What is the reading of scale 2?




A single fixed pulley doesnt change the force, only the


100N 100N







35. A 4265 lb Jag requires 164ft stopping distance from a speed of 60mph.
Compute ave stopping force.


35. A 4265 lb Jag requires 164ft stopping distance from a speed of 60mph.
Compute ave stopping force.


vi = 60

s = 164
vf = 0
vf2 = vi2 + 2as
a = 11

Fnet = Ff
ma = Ff
(4265)(11) = Ff

Ff = 46,800N

F2 = 20N

F1 = 25N



50 o

F3 = 20N





F = 20N

35 42









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