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Mn: Vn ha M
Thi gian: 60 pht
Describe a typical US house. Why do parents need to knock before entering
their chidlrens bedrooms?. (2pts)

What is the typical feature in American food?Why is American food various

and diversified?Explain the statement: Americans always seem to be fighting a

battle between what they want to eat and what is good for them.(2pts).

What is dual earning family, sing-parent family, resonstituted familly and

generation gap? How is the American family life changing ? (2pts).


How was America explored? Why was America an attractive land to

Europeans? (3 pts).

Summarize the Civil War(1861 - 1865) ? (2 pts).

Who are the American people? When did they first settle in the US? What do
melting pot and mosaic refer to? (3 pts).

THI GIAN: 60 pht
1. Fill in the blank:The United States is not merely a nation but a nation of

A. Wealth.
B. Nations.
C. Peoples.
D. America.
2. What is the official US motto?
A. One nation under God.
B. In God is Our Trust.
C. In God We Trust.
D. God Protects Us.

3. The state motto of the South is: We dare to .. our rights.

A. protect.
B. take.
C. defend.
D. preserve.

4. How many states left the Union to form the Confederacy?

A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12

5. Who helped the United States change from a mainly agricultural to a mainly
industrial country?
A. The immigrants from Northern and Western Europe.
B. The British.
C. The immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.
D. The Hispanic-Americans.

6. Which is NOT one of the main American People?

A. The Australian Americans.
B. The British.
C. The Asian Americans.
D. The African Americans.
7. Why were The Native Americans called Indians?
A. Because they wore Indians clothes.
B. Because The Native Americans and the Indians were related.
C. Because Columbus arrived Indiain 1492.
D. Because Columbus thought that he had reached the East
8. Why did the priests come to America?
A. They came to search gold.
B. They came to teach native people.
C.They came to find adventures.
D. They came to discover new land.

9. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The Spanish explored North America to find adventure and gold.
B. The British explorers came to teach the Indians.
C. Priests came to American to find better place to live.
D. The Spanish explored South America to find adventure and gold.

10. Who was Christopher Columbus?

A. He was a French priest.
B. He was a Spanish sailor.
C. He was a Indian traveler.
D. He was a British explorer.

11. Why did the colonists refuse to pay British taxes?

A. because they were poor.
B. because they already had a lot of taxes.
C. because they didnt have a vote in the British government.
D. because they didnt want to share their money.

12.When did George Washington become the first U.S. president?

A. in 1776.
B. in 1789.
C. in 1781.
D. in 1775.

13.Where did the Revolutionary War start?

A. in Philadelphia
B. in Virginia
C. in Boston
D. in Massachusetts

14.What was the Stamp Act?

A. a battle in the Revolutionary War.
B. a tax on printed materials.
C. a rebellion.
D. the right to vote in England .

15. Which of the following was the main cause of the Civil War?
A. The issue of slavery.
B. The issue of states rights.
C.The issue of freedom between the North and the South.
D. Both A&B.
16. Which of the following is correct?
A. Wooden frame houses with pointed roofs are common in the South.
B. Clapboard house are popular in New England.
C. Large wooden house in the antebellum style are built after the Civil War.
D. Brownstones are the house which can be found in the North easily.

17. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. Christopher Columbus wanted to sail to China but discovered North America.

B. The Indians were native Americans.

C. European explorers crossed the Pacific to learn about the New World.
D. The British and the French explored North America.
18. What happened in 1863?
A. Abraham Lincoln was elected President
B. The Civil War began
C. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued.
D. President Lincoln was assassinated.

19. What does Reservations mean?

A. The land that is set aside for the Native Americans
B. The land that the Native Americans can buy with a good price.
C. The land that is set aside for the people from Africa.
D. The land that people come to see the Native Americans.

20. Which of the idea is correct?

A. People who come to the United States must adopt the American culture as their own.
B. People from around the world have come to the United States and influenced its
history and culture.
C. The British and the immigrants from European countries lead to the American culture
D. All American people came to the United States because they hoped to find better

21. Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The carpet baggers went to the South to get power easily.
B. After the Civil War, Blacks were given freedom and rights,

C. The Souths new governments lost their money into politicians.

D. Not all the southern states became part of the United States right after the Civil War
22. Who were the carpet baggers?
A. They were the northern politicians.
B. They were the southern politicians.
C. They were the slaves and former slaves in the Civil War.
D. They were women who worked as spies on both sides.
23. Which of the following is correct?
A. There are no longer differences between the North and the South after the Civil War.
B. The South was satisfied after the Civil War.
C. Abraham Lincoln was voted by the southern citizens for next term.
D. Many people believe that the Civil War showed that the US is one country.
24. Which of the following food comes from America?
A. Chop suey
B. Burritos
C. Tacos
D. Pumpkin pie
25. How long did the Civil War lasted?
A.1 year
B. 2 years.
C. 4 years.
D. 6 years.

26. Which of the following is correct?

A. Most women in the US wait until their thirties to have their first child.
B. Modern American culture tends to value age rather than youth.
C. The US has a high divorce rate.
D. Children from previous and present marriages do not live together in reconstituted

27. What is denomination?

A. a religious groupwhich has slightly different beliefs from other groups which share the
same religion .
B. protestant member who believe the exact words of the Bible
C.the Muslim religion
D. a special kind of church only for Christians
28. Which of the following sentence is true?
A. About half of Americans believe in God.
B. It is stated in the law that religion and government are separate
C. American Presidents go to church regularly
D. American football players do not kneel together before a game.
29. What is reconstituted family?
A.a family in which both wife and husband work outside to earn money
B. a family in which people are divorced and get married again
C.a family with three generations live together.
D. a family in which theres only one person to look after the children without a husban, a
wife or a partner

30. Which of the following foodis often eaten by Americans?

A. potatochips, cookies and noodles
B. vitamin, mineral supplements and fizzy drinks
C. ice cream, hamburger and tofu
D. burritos, egg rolls and olive oil

31. Which of the following may lead to argument between parents and kids?
A.The childrens responsibility to clean their rooms.
B. Freedom in the childrens bedrooms.
C. The childrens right to decide when cleaning is necessary .
D. All are correct.
32. Who is the breadwinner in the traditional family?
A. The husband.
B. The wife.
C. Both A&B are correct.
D. Both A&B are incorrect.
33. Which of the following is correct?
A. It is unusual for a woman to have her first child in her mid-thirties
B. There are more than one reason for married women work outside the home.
C. Many teenaged mothers are rich and lead a happy life.
D.By the year 2020, Americans population will be younger than it is now because of the
increase in birth rate.

34. Which of the following food originally comes from America?

A. Egg foo yong.
B. Cornbread
C. Enchiladas

35. What is Synagogues?

A. a religious book that is read by most Americans
B. a building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion
C. a kind of religious food for the Baptists
D. a special game that most Christians play in churches before praying.
36. Which of the following is correct?
A. Americans also often order food in.
B. American eat only fast food, especially hamburgers.
C. Americans often use basic ingredients when they cook at home
D. Ethnic food is maintained the same in the US as in the country it comes from
37. Why do Americans prefer to live in suburbs?
A. They want to live in a tranquil and peaceful environment.
B. They want to have plenty of space to build big and modern houses.
C. Both A&B are correct.
D. Both A&B are incorrect.
38. Which of the following is correct?
A. There are three types of houses in the US
B. Brownstones are places where poor people live
C. Tenement is similar to British terrace.
D. Some people keep their mobile home and never move it.

39. Most houses in the US have

A. more than four rooms
B. more than five rooms
C. less than five rooms
D. less than four rooms
40. Which of the following is correct?
A. Children often sleep in the same room with their parents.
B. There are two storeys in a typical US house.
C. Americans mainly use central heating in the winter to keep warm.
D. Porch is a garden where the whole family can play sports.

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