Radioactivity Worksheet

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Decribe the main features of Daltons model of the atom

Describe the main features of JJ Thomsons model of the atom

In 1910, Ernest Rutherford conducted an experiment to see if JJ
Thomsons Plum Pudding Model of the atom was an accurate
description of the atoms interior. He did this by firing a beam of
positively charged alpha particles at a very thin gold foil and observing
where they came out.
(i) describe the THREE main observations Rutherford made
(ii) state what each observation suggested about the structure of gold
(iii) give an explanation for each of your answers.

Draw a simple diagram to show the structure of the atom.

Radioactive emission occurs when the . of an atom is unstable and

There are three types of radiation an unstable atom can emit ALPHA,
They penetrate matter by different amounts.

(or a few cm's of air)


Put the correct radiation in each box.

Alpha, Beta and Gamma are different things from each other.

An ALPHA PARTICLE is made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

A BETA PARTICLE is a fast moving electron.

A GAMMA RAY is an electromagnetic wave.

1. Which radiation is negatively charged?





is neutral?
is positively charged?
travels the fastest in a vacuum?
does NOT cause a change in the type of nucleus?

Radioactivity occurs naturally. What are two sources of radiation?

Borland is more radioactive than Invercargill. Why?
The half

life is the average time for the number of undecayed nuclei in a sample to halve

6. Iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days. If you are given 30 g of I131,
how long will it take to decay to 7.5g of I131? Plot a graph of number
of parent nuclei vs. time and find out how long it would take to
decay to 20% of its original value.
As a radioactive sample decays, the number of original parent nuclei decreases therefore the
activity of the sample decreases.

A Geiger Muller counter


Q. CO2 in the atmosphere contains a small

percentage of radioactive C14. Plants
tke up carbon, including radioactive
carbon as they grow.
a. Draw a graph to show how the activity
of C14 changes with time.
(half life = 5800 yrs)
b. The carbon in some grains of barley
found during an archaeological dig
were only 62% as active as carbon from
recently harvested barley. How old are
the Barley grains?

The radiation from radioactive substances can break up molecules into charged particles (ions). This is

Nuclear Fission occurs when Neutrons are fired into U235, which cause
it to become unstable and decay into smaller nuclei releasing

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