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Fill in the blank with suitable tense. Change the verb into passive
voice if It is needed.

Tom will ring you as soon as he __________ (arrive).


They _________ (eat) by the time we arrived.


Trying _____________(stop) smoking is a very hard thing to do.


The train ______________(depart) from platform 8 goes to



There is a serious traffic jam. Therefore, John _____ still

___________ (trap) in the car and he ________________(be) late for
30 minutes.


Tracy _______ often __________(throw) at weddings.


A: ____________ you ever ___________ (go) to Sevilla'

B: Yes, I ___________ (be) there in 1982 with my schoolmates.


Yesterday ___________ (be) Jane's birthday. While we ____________

(clean) the house, the boys __________________ (prepare) dinner,
so everything ___________ (be) ready in a minute.


Italians immigrants ________________ (live) in America for a long

time. They _____________ (arrive) in the 19th century and many
of them ______________ (establish) in New York.

10. I _______________ (meet) my girlfriend's parents tomorrow

evening and I _________________ (be) very nervous.
11. It __________________ (rain) heavily, so we _____________ (not can)
go out.
12. Someone _____________ already ____________ (pick) all the
mushrooms in that part of the forest, so we ____________ (not
find) any last month.
13. I still remember the first day we ____________(met) our cat. When
it_____________ (get) into the room, all the dogs __________ (start)
to bark.
14. Oh look! A dog ________________ (eat) your lunch, but I think it
__________________ (not like) the bread in it. You see, all bread

_____________ in the bowl.

15. She ____________ (live) here for ages, so she ____________(be)
able to ___________ (tell) you the names of all the streets.
16. Many years ago my elder son ___________ (tell) me he
_______________ (be) a whale fisherman when he
_________________(grow) up. And now, he ____________(be) really a
fisherman, but not a whale fisherman.
17. If I _______________ (fly)to the sky, I ___________________
(bring)you all the records you want.
18. When she _____________ (open) her eyes she _______________
(say) that she _________________ (dream) of somewhere she
_______________ (be) before.
19. A: ___________________(see/you) Mary ?
B: No, not really. We have been working here for the whole
morning and I ____________ (see) anybody.
20. When the firemen ___________(arrive), the fire _________________
(destroy) most of the house.
21. A: What ________________(be) the weather like tomorrow ?
B: We ________________ (have) some rain and cold.
Plastic Surgery
I would never consider ______________ (undergo) plastic surgery
because Im happy with the way I ______________ (look), and there is
nothing I would like to ______________ (change). Apart from that I
would not ______________ (go) under the knife because such
operations ______________ (be) dangerous for mistakes might be
______________ (make). Moreover, operations are often painful, and
you run the risk of ______________ (be) dissatisfied with the way you
look after the operation. I think there are better ways to change
your looks than operations: You could ______________ (practise)
sports to keep fit.

A big party
I ________________ (invite) to Kimmy's birthday party last week. I
___________(be) amused when I ____________(arrive). I
________________(never/see) a party like that before. When I
______________ (get) there, there ___________ (be) at least five

swimming pools with water in different colours. It _____________(say)

her boyfriend _____________(propose) to her that night, that's why
her boyfriend _____________ (spend) a lot of efforts to
_____________(prepare) the party.

Peters lucky day

Last week Peter ____________ (be) very lucky. He _____________ (walk)
near his house when he ___________ (see) a $50 bill in the street. He
________________ (pick) it up and ______________ (put) it in his pocket.
Then he __________________(start) to think about what he
_________________ (want) to do with it. He _______________ (decide) to
wait until he _______________ (talk) to his wife about it. "I think we
should _________________ (have) a nice lunch today," she said. Peter
___________ (like) that idea because they ___________ (be) too poor to
eat well. They ______________ (eat) bread for lunch for several
months. They ______________ (go) to a restaurant near their house.
They ____________ (order) some Chinese food for lunch. The food
_________________ (smell) very good. It ______________ (smell) like the
meal ______________ (cook) by his mother when he ________________
(study) in school. It _______________ (make) him _______________
(miss) his mother a lot so he started to cry.

1. arrives
2. had eaten
3. to stop
4. departing
5. is; being trapped; has been
6. is; thrown
7. Have; go; have been
8. was; were cleaning; were preparing; was
9. have lived; arrived; established
10. will meet; am
11. is raining; cannot
12. had picked; didn't find
13. met; gets; start
14. is eating; doesn't like, is left/ is being left
15. has lived; is; tell
16. told; will be; grows; is
17. flew; would brought
18. opens; said; dreamed; has been
19. Have you see; saw
20. arrived; has destroyed
21. will be; will have

Plastic Surgery
I would never consider undergoing plastic surgery because Im
happy with the way I look, and there is nothing I would like to
change. Apart from that I would not go under the knife because
such operations are dangerous for mistakes might be made .
Moreover, operations are often painful, and you run the risk of
being dissatisfied with the way you look after the operation. I think
there are better ways to change your looks than operations: You
could practise sports to keep fit.
A big party
I was invited to Kimmy's birthday party last week. I was amused
when I arrived. I have never seen a party like that before. When I
got there, there were at least five swimming pools with water in
different colours. It is said her boyfriend proposed to her that
night, that's why her boyfriend spent a lot of efforts to prepared
the party.
Peters lucky day
Last week Peter was very lucky. He was walking near his house
when he saw a $50 bill in the street. He picked it up and put it in
his pocket. Then he started to think about what he wanted to do
with it. He decided to wait until he talked to his wife about it. "I
think we should have a nice lunch today," she said. Peter liked that
idea because they were too poor to eat well. They had eaten
bread for lunch for several months. They went to a restaurant near
their house. They ordered some Chinese food for lunch. The food
smelled very good. It smelled like the meal cooked by his mother
when he was studying in school. It made him miss his mother a
lot so he started to cry.

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