Anam StepNotes

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Had one Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question. I was given an allelic prevalence and had to find
out the percentage in the population for the Heterozygote form.
Had to calculate one Relative Risk problem.
Had one bias question
Had many pharm questions regarding S/E of drugs all kinds, immuno, micro, heart.
o Ca blocker Verapamil is c/i in CHF.
o Tetracycline binds onto 30s and stops tRNA from binding to ribosome.
I-Cell dz is a defect in the Golgi body, not ER
Achondroplasia FGF3 activity is increased in Dwarism
Had a couple questions to calculate the risk of X-linked and AR diseases. Notice if the question
asks to calculate for a child or if it is a boy or girl.
Tdt positive marker is seen in ALL
Asians lack Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme, not Alcohol dehydrogenase
Had several questions relating to Vitamin D.
Pyruvate carboxylase enzyme is seen in gluconeogenesis
Be able to know where the lestion is in the brain is for eye sight loss
Carnitine shuttle is for Beta-Oxidation
Botulism is an EXOtoxin, not endotoxin.
Know which bugs can differentiated by sensitivities/resistence to Novobiocin, Optochin, and
S. Aureus infects the tricuspid valve
Cholera see increased Gs and cAMP activity
Had a photograph of Giadia Lamblia see greasy diarrhea
Treat T.vaginalis with Metroidazole the question just described it greenish discharge and
motile organism seen
Know RNA and DNA viruses the question asked what virus replicates in the cytoplasm so u
had to choose the one RNA virus listed.
Hep C is treated with Ribavirin
Know what interleukins causes pain
No Adenosine deaminase results in SCID
Lateral Pterigoid opens jaw and medial closes it.
Know the graphs for pharm competitive antangonist and non-competitive ones
Tented T-waves from Hyperkalemia
Give indomethacin to close PDA questions asks: What drug to give when you hear a machinelike murmur in baby.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy seen in teenage athele
21 hydroxylase deficiecncy causes salt-wasting so see hypotension and 11B-hydroxylase
deficiency causes hypertension
Had a pic of eyeballs bulging out Graves Dz
I had a question, what nerve stops voluntary defecation I chose pudenal.
Adhesions after surgery can cause bowel obstruction
Clopidogrel blocks ADP receptors
4 gene deletion in alpha thalassemia will cause death
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is caused by antibodies to platelets.
Know what causes increase in PT or PTT

Know sensory innervation map on the hands.

Several brachial plexus questions
Procencephalon forms the two hemispheres
Downs syndrome would see altered BAPP proteins in Alzheimers Dz
Pee from belly button is from failure of the Allantois/Urachal duct to obliterate and Poop
from belly button is from failure of the viteline duct to obliterate
There was one question on pharyngeal derivatives what does the Superior Parathyroid come
from the correct answer is 4th pouch I put third pouch which is inferior parathyroid
Androstenedione is made in the Theca cells
Asbestosis is seen in the lower lobes.
Interleukin II for pain
Lesch-Nyham is a Purine salvage deficiency problem
Know the dermatomes on the arm/hand
Know all the effects of Aspirin overdose
Know the gout meds and side effects
Know the muscles around the arm for rotation and their nerves
Know physiology of Aspirin overdose

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