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The Tea Project

1. Trade
2. Operationalization
[i] Distribution
[ii] Promotion

1. Trade
The main question is, how are we going to obtain the tea?
a) Market data
- Market research report on tea consumption in German/EU
- Consumption ratios of black/green/white teas
- Germany/EU trade reports with China
- Quotas for tea imports/exports
- Volumes of trade
- Market research report on tea production/consumption in China
- Internal competition (national/regional/local)
- Consumption (national/regional/local)
- Regional/national tea market in China
- Main actors for internal production/distribution
- Main actors for the export market
- Overseas partnerships with German companies
b) Logistics: China ----> Germany/EU [KURT]
- Customs Regulations (China + DE)
- Logistical means (airplane or ship?)
- Labelling for Customs Inspection
- Bio Certification

c) Timetable [HAO]

- Production times and seasons

- Production capacities of the facility
- Seasonal turnover
- Total production capacity and surplus for green & white tea
- Shelf Life of Tea (Green/White)
d) Taxation [KURT]
- Determine customs duty
- Consult Anatre about tax regime and commission percentages
e) Merchandising [HAO]
- Side Products
- Portions per package
- Consumer information
f) Sales
- Determine final sales price for feasibility study

2. Operationalization (short-term)
[i] Distribution
We plan to discuss the possibility of receiving an initial free shipment from the production
facilities to conduct a feasibility study. The revenue generated from sales in the feasibility study
will be re-invested into purchasing the first paid shipment from production facilities.
a) Pilot feasibility study
- Minimum of 3 restaurants & maximum of 9 for test sites
- Selection of sample test sites
- Duration of study
- Determine locations for storage and inventory
b) Data collection
- Determine data collection methods on site-specific basis
- Promotion quotas
- Book-keeping methods for data collection
c) Execution of study
- Contact session with personnel at test sites to introduce the products
- Storage methods

- Service
- Necessary consumer information
- Implementation of data collection methods
- Macro data from sales point and cashier
- Micro niche market data from consumer feedback questionnaires
d) Data analysis
- Determine the amounts needed for first paid shipment
- Negotiate an asking price for paid shipments from data analysis

[ii] Promotion
Raise awareness about product and collect good feedback.
a) Design and ad placement
- Design a sign within premise of test site promoting the products
- Design a bookmark for the menu
- Design something for the table
b) Feedback
- Develop a questionnaire on products
c) Market research
- Visit other locations in Berlin offering similar products
- Discuss potentials for product diversification

Website for Chinese business etiquette:
(might be useful to read before speaking with Hao tomorrow)

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