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Speakout Advanced p 125. Writing: Character Reference.

One of your classmates sees this advert on the British Council
Have you ever wanted to teach abroad and improve your English? Can you think of classroom activities that
would help students in the UK to improve their language skills? If so, the Foreign Language Assistants
programme might be for you.
Your role will be to work with the teacher in the classroom or on your own with small groups of students in order
to help them gain confidence in your language. It is also a good chance for them to learn more about the culture
in your country.
If you are a language assistant wishing to teach Spanish in the UK, you must apply to the office in your home
Ms Conchita Hernandez
Ministerio de Educacin
Subdireccion General de Cooperacion Internacional
Paseo del Prado 28-2
28014 Madrid
You will need to send the application form and at least one character reference letter.
Your task:
Your classmate asks you to write the character reference letter for him. Use 230-260 words.

Useful language:
To Whom It May Concern
I am writing this letter of recommendation for _________________ who has worked as a ______________ in
___________ for quite some time.
As the ______________, I have observed her and have spoken to her about her philosophy of _______________ and her
strategies in working with _________________.
At each stage in her career here _______________has shown great enthusiasm for her work and has always managed to
combine a friendly, outgoing nature with a dedicated, professional approach. Her willingness to respond to circumstances
and work extra hours if required has been a major asset to the company
In addition, we were fortunate to have her in _______________ because her contribution in
___________________________ was very helpful for _____________.
She is an outstanding model of ___________________ at many different levels.
Her keenness to learn and dedication to work are two of the main characteristics which paved the way to success.
Indeed, her ability to work accurately and with attention to detail is one of her greatest strengths, particularly in this field of
I am in no doubt that ____________ has the makings of an excellent ______________. Not only is she extremely
knowledgeable, but she also has a talent for ____________, with an enthusiastic combination of___________.
She is at all times very approachable and enjoys the affection and respect of her colleagues. She is also extremely adept
at dealing with difficult ____________
She would make a valuable contribution to _______________
My colleagues and I were impressed by her wealth of knowledge, her level of experience, and her unbridled enthusiasm
for ________________.
Not only is she a highly talented ________________ but she is also an exceptionally gifted ____________
She is a skilled __________

She is a proficient ______________

She is an expert ____________
She is a promising ___________
She is an accomplished ______________
She has a talent for ___________
She has a flair for ____________
She has a gift for ___________
She has acquired outstanding computer skills.
She has the necessary managerial skills
She has developed the necessary interpersonal skills.
She has advanced problem-solving skills
She has excellent organizational skills
Naturally, with her experience she is familiar with all aspects of ___________, and quickly assimilates new developments.
In addition to her obvious passion for ____________, ________________ has a very warm, friendly manner and always
shows great patience and sensitivity towards others. These qualities enable her to communicate easily and effectively with
_______, and he would be just as at home talking to _____________ as he would be to _______.
She has a helpful nature
She has an outgoing nature
She has a sensitive nature
She is highly approachable
She is attentive
She is caring
She is dedicated
She is easy-going
She is flexible
She is industrious (Diligent and hard-working)
She is likeable
She is loyal
She is outgoing
She is responsible
She is also an excellent listener and voracious reader, capable of assimilating large amounts of new information with great
ease. This would undoubtedly help her acquire the relevant background knowledge about _________________ in a very
short space of time.
She has a determined nature
She has all the necessary personal qualities.
She shows great patience
She shows great sensitivity towards others.
She shows great enthusiasm
She shows great potential
She shows strong leadership qualities
She has adopted an enthusiastic approach to her work
I have continued meeting up with ___________________ with regard to her project in ________________________.
__________________ has continued to demonstrate that spirit that has always been so evident in her. She believes in
She is committed to _________________ and is passionate when talking about all aspects of ______________. She is
well liked by my colleagues and she shares her knowledge with all of us through her interesting ____________ and with
me through our meetings. She is indeed a very good resource for the staff.
She settled into this position quite easily in ___________ because of her enthusiastic response to new experiences.
She displays the right personal qualities_____________
These qualities enable her to ___________________
For these reasons I am more than confident that ________ has the necessary qualities for this job and she would be a
great asset to your _________. She has always been a faithful and trustworthy ___________ and I am sure she would
make an equally loyal and reliable ______________.
In light of my personal experience with her, I am confident that she is well suited for the post in your company.

I wish that she were staying in _____________ next year but I wish her well in her new post.
Write Dear + the persons name, if you know it (Dear Smith). If not, begin Dear Sir (for a man), Dear Madam (for a
woman), or Dear Sir or Madam (if it could be either). Dont use a title like Dear Manager.
In the first paragraph, clearly state your reason for writing. Use the middle paragraph to explain the details, beginning a
new paragraph for each main point. In the final paragraph, sum up and/or say what action you want to be taken.
Dont forget! If you began with a persons name, e.g. Dear Mrs Blake, you must end withYours sincerely, not Yours
faithfully,. These endings are followed by a comma.

First make it clear which job you are applying for, and mention where you saw the advertisement, and when. Give all the
necessary information about yourself (including age, qualifications, past employment and other experience). Say why you
are particularly interested in the job, and what you have to offer. Use a new paragraph for each main topic. It may also be
useful to mention when you would be available for an interview:
I was interested in the advertisement in (newspaper/magazine) on (date) and I would like to apply for the post/
position of (job title).
I am 21 years of age and I have a Diploma in Business Administration.
My reason for applying is that I am interested in tourism and I would like to be able to use my foreign languages.
I would be happy/able to attend an interview at any time which is convenient to you.

Explain why you are apologising and what the reasons were for your behaviour. If possible, offer to make up in some way
(e.g. by paying for the damage) and/or promise that the problem wont happen again:
I am writing to apologise for the things I said at our last meeting/losing my temper
I would like to say how sorry I am about the trouble I have caused/that you were disturbed.
The reason I missed the meeting was that my car broke down.
Please let me know how much it cost and I will gladly replace it.
I assure you that this will never happen again.

State the subject of your complaint clearly in the first paragraph. Use the following paragraphs to give all the necessary
details (including dates and times, the people involved, the inconvenience youve been caused, etc.). Try to be clear and
factual rather than emotional. Use the final paragraph to say what action you want to be taken now:
I am writing to complain about a holiday I booked with your company.
I am writing to say that I am not satisfied with the standard of service at your restaurant.
I must insist that you refund the cost of the bill.
I must ask you to

In the first paragraph, explain what information you need. If you are responding to an advertisement, mention where you
saw this. Use extra paragraphs to mention any specific questions you would like to answer to:
I am writing to enquire about
I was interested in your advertisement in The Daily News and I would like to have further information about
I would be grateful if you could send me full details of
Could you send me your brochure/catalogue?
I look forward to hearing from you/receiving the information.

Introduce the topic and give details of any letter, article, book or TV programme you are responding to. Develop your
argument in separate paragraphs and sum up in the final one:
I strongly disagree with/ I completely agree with Mr Smiths letter, which appeared yesterday.
I was interested to read the article on immigration in Mondays edition of your newspaper but I dont think it gave all
the facts.
I was horrified/shocked/disgusted to
In my opinion there is far too much violence in television dramas these days.
In conclusion I feel/I believe


Useful language
Letters objecting to someone's plans
I am writing to express my concern /disappointment / alarm at hearing ...
I was extremely alarmed/sorry/distressed to hear about your plans to ...
As I think you know,
May I point out that
I feel I really must object to ...
I am extremely concerned at the thought that ...
It must be very clear that ...
If these proposals go ahead, ... will happen.
Another threat to ... , if these proposals go ahead, would come from ...
I dread to imagine what damage this will cause.
May I respectfully suggest that you ...
I was wondering if you had considered this alternative?
Would it not be possible to ... ?
Letters of complaint
I am writing to complain about ...
I am writing to tell you how disappointed/annoyed I feel about ...
I was amazed/distressed/horrified to find that ...
As you must realise, ...
I am sure you know that ...
I am sure you can imagine ...
I am sure you will appreciate that ...
It goes without saying that ...
At the very least, I look forward to receiving ...
Unless you ... , I am afraid that I will have to take this matter further.
Letters of recommendation
I am writing to you on behalf of ...
I have known X for ... years.
She / He has shown herself/himself to be extremely ...
X would seem to fit the requirements of this job perfectly.
I have no hesitation in recommending X as a ...
Letters to the editor
I am writing about the article on ... , which appeared (in last night's paper).
I am writing with reference to the article you published (in last month's issue).
I have just read your article on ... and I feel I must ...
You raised some issues which I feel strongly about.

At the start of your article, you appear to claim that ...

I am afraid I totally disagree.
I am completely in agreement.
I am sure readers will agree with me when I say that ...
At first / To start with/In the beginning, ...
Then/Next/After that, ...
The next thing that happened was ...
The next thing I knew was ...
Seconds/Minutes later,
Late on/Some time later,
It wasn't until much later that ...
After some time/After what seemed like years, ...
Finally/In the end, ...
At last, ...
Simultaneous events
Meanwhile/In the meantime,
While all this was going on,
In the middle of all this, ...
During all this time, ...
Sudden or unexpected events
Suddenly/All of a sudden, ...
All at once, ...
Out of the blue, ...
Without any warning, ...
Just when I was least expecting it, ...
The next thing I knew was ...
Rapid events
As quick as a flash, ...
In the wink of an eye, ...
In a matter of seconds/minutes, ...
In no time at all, ...
Looking back
In retrospect, ...
When I think back to what happened then, ...
Introductory comments
I recently visited (the new Leisure Centre) and have prepared the following report for
your consideration.
Further to my visit to ... , I have prepared the following report.
The following report relates to my recent visit to ...
General comments
On the whole, I found that ...
Although ... , I should point out that ...
It is a fact that ...
Concluding comments
All things considered, I believe that ...
Taking all these points into consideration, I would recommend ...
I recommend that we look into the possibility of ...
Comparing places or facilities

One of the main differences between X and Y is that

X is completely/entirely/totally different from Y in that
Unlike X, Y is ...
While/Whereas/Although X is ... , Y is ...
X is a little/slightly/somewhat/a great deal (bigger/more elegant than Y.
X is not quite/nearly as (comfortable/expensive/ convenient) as Y because ...
X is virtually/exactly the same as Y when it comes to ...
As requested, I am submitting the following proposal on ...
The purpose of this proposal is to...
I recommend that we ...
I therefore recommend that we should...
It is strongly advised/ recommended...
We feel certain that...
We hope to develop...
I propose that we ...
I propose that radical changes should be made to...
We should also ...
I believe that ...
It is vital...
It would seem sensible...
We could ...
This would be of considerable benefit to...
This course of action would be...
It is a fact that , which means that ...
There appears to be no alternative to ...
If we were to , it would ...
I suggest we .We would then be able to ...
I feel strongly that we should ...
The best solution seems to be...
The evidence (undoubtedly) points towards...
...these proposals will be given due consideration...
I trust these recommendations...
I trust you will give my proposal your full consideration.
x has much to recommend it.
X is, at heart, a(n) love/spy/adventure story.
It is based on a book by ...
It is set in the countryside/the future.
The film has a quality cast.
The film was directed by ...
The film score is enchanting/evocative/scary.
The film captures the spirit of ...
The hero/heroine/villain is ...
I felt/thought it was
I was impressed by
What struck me most was ...
What I liked most/didn't like was ...
The plot was gripping.
The characters were very convincing/very well drawn.
On reflection, I think it was ...

It struck me as being ...

What I didn't understand was how ...
In spite of these few criticisms, I think ...
I would have no hesitation in recommending
Useful words and phrases
These words and phrases can be used in the following text types, depending on what are
asked to write about:
Expressing and supporting opinions
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
I believe/do not believe that ... (because) ...
Personally I feel that ... Let me explain why.
In my opinion, ... Just consider ...
As I see it, The reason is ...
It seems to me that This is because ...
I would argue that for the following reasons.
I feel very strongly that ...
I am convinced that ...
I am of the opinion that ...
I am very much in favour of/against ...
I am completely opposed to ...
The reasons why I believe that ... are as follows.
Opening phrases
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
People (sometimes) claim that but I feel that ...
It is often said/argued that ... However, it seems to me that ...
It is a fact that ...
Over the past few months/years, it seems that
Recently, we have all become concerned that
Nowadays, we are all realising that ...
In the past, people used to , but now ...
These days, it seems that .
Making statements
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
It is clear that ...
On the whole, it appears/seems that ...
We must take into account the fact that ....
It goes without saying that ...
It is important to remember that ...
Explaining/Expanding ideas and giving examples
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
... This means that ...
... This is largely due to ...
For example/For instance, ...
In other words, ...
Take, for example, the situation in ...

Listing arguments
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
Firstly/In the first place / To begin with,
Secondly/A second area to consider is
Another point to remember is ...
Finally, ...
In conclusion, ..
Last but not least, ...
Evaluating ideas, Dismissing contrary arguments
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles.
I think it is true that ...
I totally disagree/agree with the point that
It is questionable whether
I am sure/I doubt whether
It is true that ... On the other hand, ...
While nobody can deny that ... , I would like to point out that
I agree that However, ...
Although it is true that , we must remember that ...
It could be argued that However, I would like to point out that ...
Despite all the arguments, I still feel that ...
Notwithstanding the claim that ... , I would argue that
It may be true that ... , but all too often ...
In no way can I agree that ...
Surely it is completely unacceptable that ...
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters and proposals.
I would urge you to consider
I am sure you will agree that
Surely you must agree that
I would urge you very strongly to ...
When you hear the arguments, I am sure you will agree that ...
These words and expressions are especially useful in reports, proposals and reviews.
I was extremely impressed by
I was rather disappointed by
While X has much to commend it, I feel that some aspects could be improved.
The problem could easily be solved if ...
I would like to praise the ...
Another area for complaint is
My overall impression was that
I am sure that visitors/readers/holidaymakers will thoroughly enjoy ...
While some people will love ... , others may feel less happy.
A major problem is that ...
I was less happy with ...
Making recommendations
These words and expressions are especially useful in proposals and reports.
I recommend that we ...
I propose that we ...
We should also ...
I believe that we should ...
We could ...

If we were to , we could ...

I suggest we We would then be able to ...
These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays,articles, reports,
proposals and reviews.
All in all, I think that ...
To sum up, I believe that ...
In conclusion, the facts suggest that ...
These words and expressions are especially useful in articles, reviews, and letters.
He tends to be ...
She can be ...
He is inclined to be ...
She appears/seems to be ...
Hobbies and interests
He is crazy about ... -ing.
She loves ... -ing.
His greatest love is ...
What she loves most in life is ...
He spends all his time ... -ing.


1) FORMAL WRITING (Reports and proposals)
-The main purpose/aim of (this report) is to
present / discuss / examine / evaluate
-This report (outlines/looks at)
-This report is based on

-On the whole,
-In general,

Making recommendations and concluding

-It is clear from customer feedback that
-In light of the above, we believe the following
-With regard to, the general view seems to
measures should be adopted
-In the short/long term, we suggest you should
-In the light of (this years experience),
-Perhaps the most effective way of
-My recommendations are as follows:
-If the (centre) is to attract more customers, it is -In my view, in future, we should
vital that
-To improve the situation, we recommend
-It would be a good idea to
-It is recommended that
-It is (therefore) believed / obvious thatwould -To sum up,To conclude,
-I hope that the plan outlined/presented in this
ideal for
report meets with your approval
-It would (not) be advisable / practical to
-I hope that the recommendations outlined/
-We suggest/propose that
presented in this report will receive your
-We suggest/propose + ing
-A (more spacious area) would be the

an effective way of
Adressing the reader
-Have you ever wondered (what the college would be like if)? If the answer is (yes),
--If you want a different kind of experience, / As you know,
-Doesnt it just make everyone feel (positive about)?
-If you have a few hours to spare,is worth seeing.
Describing location
-Located / Situated (just a few miles away
from), X
-Built (just next to), X is
-Some minutes from, X is
Giving information
-Throughout it history, X
-X is by far the oldest
-Y is the best known
-What is particular spectacular is
-Recent additions/changes include

Giving your opinion

-X is intended for young(er) people
-X is popular with (children)
-Its clearly been a good idea to
Giving practical information
-Anyone wishing to (apply)can/should
-(We) participate in/organise/run
-(The club) offers/provides a range of
matches for)
-One of the most popular (features of our club
-Members have the opportunity to/are
able to

Attitude clauses and phrases

Generally speaking,
Annoyingly, Naturally, Strangely, Surprisingly, Evidently,
Indeed, In fact, Admittedly, Presumably,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-A great number of people share the view that tourism will have a negative impact on the
-Today there is general / widespread agreement that pollution from cars and planes is
threatening the
future of our planet.
-It is now widely accepted that the universe began with the so-called 'big bang'.
-Opinions differ about the proper relationship between the mass media and society.
-There is considerable disagreement among experts about the usefulness of these tests.
-There has been a great deal of controversy over abortion in the US.


-Regular exercise has many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease.
-Despite a few problems with the design, the car's advantages clearly outweigh its
-The major drawback of this method is that it can be very time-consuming.
-The downside of running your own business is that you are responsible if anything goes
-lead to: The research could lead to a cure for many serious illnesses.
-result in: The fire resulted in damage to their property.
-be responsible for: He was responsible for the accident.
-bring about:The war brought about enormous social change.
-give rise to: Poor performance in exams can give rise to depression and even thoughts
of suicide.
-trigger:to make something suddenly start to happen, especially a bad situation such as
a crisis or a war, or
a medical condition: Certain foods can trigger allergies.
-contribute to: Passive smoking could contribute to the development of respiratory
diseases among
-factor: Cost is often the deciding factor when choosing any product.
-impact on: His work has had an enormous impact on the study of genetics.
-influence on: In his book, he examines the influence of the media on our society.
-affect: (v) The disease affects women more than men.
-influence: (v) She has influenced him a lot.
-implications: The results of the study could have important implications for future
educational policy.
-I would like to stress that the research is still at an early stage.
-It should be noted that there are a number of alternative methods available.
-It is worth bearing in mind that 90% of the scientists researching herbicides in the US
are employed by
chemical companies.
-Factors such as temperature and acidity play a crucial role in determining how well the
process works.
-These insects play a vital part in the food chain.
-It is essential that the work is carried out as soon as possible.
-The climate is much colder, especially in the far north.
-issue: Issue is used especially about problems that affect a lot of people in society:
International terrorism
is the biggest issue (=the most important issue) facing the world today. Previous
governments failed to
address (=try to deal with) social issues such as unemployment and homelessness.
-challenge: something difficult that you must do or deal with, which needs a lot of skill,
effort, and

determination: She said she was looking forward to the challenge of starting up a new
business on her
-difficulty: The company has managed to overcome (=deal with) its recent financial
Many people experience difficulty in sleeping at some time in their lives.
- trouble: a problem or several problems that make something difficult, spoil your plans
etc: Students of
English often have trouble with phrasal verbs. The company ran into trouble (=started
to have problems)
when it tried to expand too quickly.
-setback: something that happens which stops you making progress or which makes
things worse than
they were before: Despite some early setbacks, his campaign for the presidency was
-obstacle: Criminal gangs are the biggest obstacle to democratic reform.
-dilemma: The doctors were faced with a moral dilemma.
-vicious circle: Some developing countries get caught in a vicious circle. They cannot
afford to pay their
debt repayments, and so the debts get even bigger.
-increase by (percent): Last year, the number of burglaries increased by 15 percent.
-go up: Last month unemployment went up from 1.6 million to just over 1.7 million.
-grow: The volume of traffic on our roads continues to grow.
-expand: After two years of no growth, the economy started to expand again in 2003.
-double/triple/quadruple: Since 1950, the number of people dying from cancer has
almost doubled.
-growth: (n) There has been a huge growth in sales of big 4-wheel-drive vehicles.
-decrease by (percent): The average rainfall has decreased by around 30 percent.
-go down: The percentage of fat in our diets has gone down.
-fall: The number of tigers in the wild has fallen to just over 10,000.
-drop: At night, the temperature drops to minus 20 degrees.
-decline: decline is used about numbers or amounts, and also about the level or standard
of something:
In rural areas, the standard of living continued to decline.
-respect /
look up to: The children need someone they can look up to.
-think highly of: Most of the students and staff think very highly of Dr. Smith.
have a high opinion of
highly regarded/respected: a highly respected surgeon
-sophisticated / high-tech (equipment) / state-of-the-art (technology)

SURPRISING (Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)

-amazing / unbelievable / incredible / astonishing / staggering
-come as a surprise / come as a shock / amaze / astonish
SURPRISED (Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)
-amazed / astonished / speechless / be taken aback (He was taken aback by the news)
EXCITING (Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)
-thrilling / gripping / exhilarating / action-packed
-dull / tedious / monotonous / uninspiring
(Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)
-attractive / good-looking / gorgeous / striking / stunning
(Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)
-breathtaking / stunning / awe-inspiring / striking / spectacular
-spotless: very clean
(Avoid using colourful vocabulary in formal writing!)
-unattractive / unpleasant / unsightly / hideous (=extremely ugly)
-filthy: very dirty
-in bad condition / dilapidated / run-down
-latest / brand-new / innovative (idea or system)
-old-fashioned / outdated / obsolete
-absolutely / extremely / highly / incredibly / remarkably
-excellent / outstanding / impressive / exceptional
-suitable / right / proper / appropriate / be suited to
-incorrect / inaccurate / misleading
-unjustified / unreasonable / without good reason

-unwind / wind down: Set in spectacular countryside, the Shiga Hotel is the perfect place
to unwind.
-make someone feel at ease
-relaxed / feel at ease / laid-back (not easily worried or annoyed) /
-tense / uneasy / anxious / be under stress
-facilities: The facilities at the hotel were excellent -- tennis courts, swimming pool,
several bars and a good
-amenities: things such as shops, parks, or restaurants that make living or working in a
place more pleasant
I prefer this part of the city because there are plenty of good amenities.
-a great deal / far / much + comparative (cheaper / more economical than)
-a bit / slightly / barely + comparative (cheaper / more economical than)
-by far / easily the + superlative (This is easily the best solution we can think of)
-dramatically / significantly / slightly
-As well (as) / in addition to: Over 600 people will lose their jobs, in addition to the 400
people who left
the company last year.
-In addition: A fifth of the world's population lives on less than $1 a day. In addition, over
100 million
children are living on the streets.
-Furthermore / Moreover: used at the beginning of a sentence when adding an important
fact that is
connected with what you have just said: The drug has strong side effects. Furthermore,
it can be
-as long as / on condition that / provided that
-alternatively: You can go up into the mountains. Alternatively, you can stroll around one
of Switzerland's
delightful cities where the old mixes with the new.
-on THE one hand ... on the other (hand)
-As / since: As it was a hot day, they decided to leave all the windows open. Since it is
difficult to predict

how the climate will change, it is not possible to say which countries will suffer the
-thanks to
The delay was due to a problem with the ship's engines.
-DUE TO/OWING TO + THE FACT THAT + subject + verb
The men did most of the work in the fields. This was partly due to the fact that the men
were stronger.
-While / whereas / by contrast
-However: However is usually used in the middle of a sentence, separated from the rest
of the sentence by
commas: Jack and his family managed to escape before the soldiers arrived. Other
families in the village,
however, were less lucky. Or it comes at the beginning of a sentence: He began his
academic career as a
mathematician. However, his main achievements were in the field of nuclear physics.
-Nevertheless: Nevertheless is usually used at the beginning of a sentence, or at the end.
Despite his lack of formal education, he became one of the world's leading
This was a dinosaur that weighed only 10 tons, in spite of being some 28 metres long.
Many people are worried that cellphones may be dangerous to health, despite the fact
that most of the
research suggests that there is little risk.

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