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VOL 9 No 331 RNI No: SIKENG/2006/18384


Prime Minster praises Sikkims

organic farming once again

HM Report
Gangtok, Aug 12: Prime
Minster Narendra Modi
while interacting with the
Journalists has yet again

praised the organic farming

of Sikkim at Conference Hall
of Lok Sabha on Wednesday.
Sikkims accomplishment in Organic Mission is
commendable and the simi-

SKM suggests Govt

to pursue Doordarshan
issue with Centre
HM Report
Gangtok, Aug 10: Sikkim
Krantikari Morcha has suggested the State Government
for immediate proposal to the
ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, seeking fully
functional Doordarshan
Kendra at Gangtok.
Union minister of State for
Information and Broadcasting, Rajyavardhan Singh
Rathore had assured to act
positively on the pending
issue of Gangtok Doordarshan, on receiving a concrete
proposal from the State while
interacting with the Journalists from Sikkim.
Issuing a press statement,
SKM said, We express our
dissatisfaction on inability to
inaugurate the Doordarshan

Kendra, after 11 years of its

construction. Irrespective of
innumerable requests from
the Organisations and Political Parties, State Governments disinclination to forward a concrete proposal is
an unfortunate and betrayal
to the people of Sikkim.
It is well known to all that
Sikkims only television channel, Nayuma does not highlight
the news on the Opposition
and acts as a publicity tool for
the ruling front added SKM.
Gangtok Doordarshan
Kendra is yet to be fully operational. The Kendra had
been set up in November
2004 and has been awaiting
the formal inauguration to
become a full fledged centre,
much to the dismay of the
Sikkimese people.

Team Liung United

smells conspiracy behind
its ouster from tourney
HM Report
Gangtok, Aug 12: The ongoing 69th Independence
Day Himalayan Open Volleyball Tournament organized
by the Independence Day
Celebration Committee 2015,
Simick-Lingzay has been
marred by controversy as
Liung United, the team which
fell short in making to the
tourney's semi-final, has filed
a protest against the organizing committee's decision of
ousting the team in particular, after being tied with the
other two teams-Majhittar
and Khamdung-from the
same pool, sharing 6 points
each after playing three
Terming the organizing
committee's decision as
'unjust' Ongden Bhutia,
Liung United's Manager
and team captain Tempo
Lendup Bhutia, registered
their protest, in a press conference held here today.
According to Bhutia, the
tournament which commenced on August 1, was
played in a league format
with four teams each in two
pools. Having lost their
opening match to Sikkim
Police, Luing United went
on to beat Majhitar and
Khamdung convincingly in
straight sets. Bhutia added,
Three teams in our pool,
Majhitar, Khamdung and
our team Liung United had
6 points each from three
matches. The organizing
committee members had

said that a tie breaker match

would be played to determine the second semi finalist from the pool. But after
our last pool match with
Khamdong, the organizing
committee suddenly announced that our team had
been ousted without being
made to play the tie breaker
The team's CaptainManager duo questioned
on what basis was the decision taken as the second
semi finalist team too had
the same points and Liung
United had also managed to
beat them in straight sets
during the pool match.
When we asked for the
reason of our ouster, the
committee members said
that the decision was taken
since we had lost our first
match, but the other team
had also lost their opening
match. On top of that, we
had managed to beat the
team convincingly in
straight sets in our pool
match. We were certain that
on the basis of our dominating performance in the
previous matches, we
would comfortably cruise
through to the semi final
round. But to our utter dismay, we were ousted from
the tournament without
any valid reason. said
Tempo Bhutia.
Suspecting conspiracy
behind the team's ouster,
captain Bhutia termed the
decision as "unjust and
against sportsman spirit".

lar mission can be followed

by the rest of the states
considering the market value and demand of the organic product Prime Minister Modi stated while re-

sponding to a question by
one of the Sikkimese Journalist.
Appreciating the work
by Sikkim Government on
organic farming, Prime Min-

ister added organic product is beneficial for health

and also good for the fertility of framing land.
Modi added that we are
trying to streamline the traditional knowledge by giving
skill development, to less
educated youths. He said
that skill development is for
illiterate and less educated
people. He was responding
to a question on lack of training on Skill Development for
the illiterate youths.
He has also assured to
visit Sikkim and discuss
about the development policies for the north eastern
A group of ten Journalists from Sikkim is in Delhi
to attend three day long
training on Parliamentary
Studies. Started in 2014, for
the reporters from across
the country, Sikkim is the
first North East State to attend the training.

Take Nepali seat reservation

issue to centre: BJP
HM Report
Gangtok, August 12: The
state BJP today suggested
forming a special delegation
to take up the Nepali seat reservation issue with the central government in Delhi. In a
press meet held here today,
the party seeking support of
various political parties in the
state for the seat restoration
issue said that the state's ruling SDF party can lead the
delegates if they wish. In case
the SDF denies the proposal
to lead, the state BJP chapter
will shoulder the responsibility, N. B. Khatiwada, senior
state BJP leader said. Meanwhile, giving a continuation
to an ongoing war of words
between the ruling Sikkim
Democratic Front and Former
Minister K.N Upreti, SDF
Spokesperson today stated
that the latter has remained
lackadaisical and failed to
ponder over the Partys initiative of securing Nepali Seat
Reservation by providing the
tribal status to the Nepalese
and on the basis of Constitution.
SDF Publicity Secretary,
Krishna Kharel lamented
former minister by reiterating
that, Upreti acted as a right
hand of R.C Paudyal and filliped him to file a case at the
Supreme Court demanding
proportionate seat reservation. However he chose to
enter the Nar Bahadur Bhandaris Congress Government,
snubbing and betraying
Paudyal.Concerning the claim
in regard to the proposals by
then Bhandari Government to
the Centre in favour of Nepali
seat reservation, SDF assert-

SDF asks Upreti to ponder over

Burman Commission Report

Siliguri, Aug 12: Darjeeling

District Court has sent two
Chinese nationals to 14 day
Police remand on Wednesday.
Qiu Qinghua (36) and
Chai Jun (30) of Fujian in
China and Surendra Tewari a
Delhi resident were arrested
with sandalwoods on Tuesday from Matigara block under Siliguri sub-division with
sandalwood weighing about
300 kgs. Tewari is the driver
of Xylo car in which the Chinese.
The trio was produced
before the Court, which sent
them to 14-day-long police
remand as demanded by police investigating the case.
Due to language barrier

HM Correspondent
Darjeeling, Aug 12: A
Gorkhaland Territorial Administration team led by GTA
Chief Bimal Gurung urged for
the formation of a River Management Board in the GTA
area to Uma Bharati, Union
Minister for Water Resources, River Development in
New Delhi on Wednesday
The River Management
Board would perform the
task of planning and flood
Justifying the need for a
River Management Board
the GTA delegation apprised
the Union Minister that protection walls constructed by
hydel projects near numerous settlements in the GTA

area have been damaged

owing to the rise in water level in this monsoons season,
posing a grave danger for
villages and towns near major and minor rivers. Large
sections of the protection
walls have already been
washed away.
The Minister was also
apprised of the fragile eco
system of the Darjeeling Hills
with the swift mountain rivers Teesta, Relli, Great Rangit, Mechi, Rungdung, Chota Rangit, Lodhoma, Siri, Balason, Mahananda, Lish,
Gish, Chel,Ramman, Murti,
Ghel, Rangbhang and
Jaldhaka on which a number
of hydel projects have been
built stated a press release
from Binoy Tamang, a mem-

ber of the delegation.

The Minister assured us
that a River Management
Board would be constituted
for the GTA area added
Tamang. Along with this the
Minister also asked the GTA
delegation to submit detailed
survey reports on habitation,
conditions of rivers , bridges, embankments, irrigation
systems, power projects and
cleanness of rivers in GTA
area so that funds can be
immediately released.
Funds from this ministry
used to come for Darjeeling
till 2005 but no funds have
been received in the last 10
years claimed Tamang. SS
Ahluwalia, BJP MP from Darjeeling had accompanied the
GTA delegation.

Dist administration and NGOs to initiate

programme for less fortunate children
HM Report

ed we want to aware Upreti

that when the Centre desisted any positive action on the
proposals sent by Bhandari,
the SDF Government initiated a Burman Commission and
has been working towards
fulfilling the demand since
As far as the resolution by
Bhandari in 2000 and Sonam
Lama in on July 27, 2015, both
the parity proposals are not
in the interest of public. Moreover, had the resolution
moved by Lama was with
good intention, then he
would have made his statement on the basis of recommendation of the Burman
Commission report.
SDF party hopes that all
these issues will be pondered
over by Upreti added a re-

14 day police remand

for Chinese sandalwood smugglers
HM Correspondent

GTA team meets Union

Minister Uma Bharati

during the interrogation, Police have failed to unearth

anything major in a case,
though a local man knowing
Chinese language was roped
in to interpret their statement.
Shyam Singh the Deputy Commissioner of police
said, We need more time for
their interrogation. Police
believe that they are a part of
big international racket dealing with red sandalwoods.
Police officers dealing
with the case are hopeful that
more sandal woods are likely to be recovered and more
arrests can be made. Sudip
Roy Basunia the additional
public prosecutor said, The
police would take them to
Delhi and the next production date is fixed on August

lease. The private member

resolution was moved by
Sangha MLA of SKM on July
27 in the Sikkim Legislative
Assembly demanding Nepali
seat Reservation which has
triggered a debate in the State.

Siliguri, Aug 12: The Darjeeling district administration

in association with local
NGOs has decided to initiate
project "We Care" for children in need of care and protection. Around 30 different
NGOs today attended a meeting with Anurag Srivastava,
DM, Darjeeling to deliberate
on the activities to be taken
up o provide good nutrition,
education, safety to children
effected by conflict and disaster, children suffering
from HIV/AIDS, abandoned/
neglected children, differently abled, mentally ill, abused

and trafficked children along

with those effected with other various problems. A directory of Institutions working
in this field, their capabilities
and needs along with the
need of various other works
be taken up in this field are
the main objective behind
the initiative. The works will
start from small interventions
like providing slippers to
street children or larger initiatives like sponsoring children in institutional homes.
Various voluntary organizations along with private companies will be approached to
consider taking up such
works as part of their corpo-

rate social responsibility programmes and Byabasayi

samities will be approached
to contribute during their
clearance sale. Other initiative includes approaching
schools to provide free education for needy children and
medical associations would
be requested to contribute by
conducting free medical
check-up, etc. Subdivision
level committees under the
Chairmanship of SDOs including al NGOs will be
formed along with prominent
NGOs to ensure that they
meet regularly in small groups.
A webpage will also be developed for the initiative.

PMS inaugurated at Kalimpong hospital

HM Correspondent
Kalimpong August 12: After stealing international
eyes, the state government
sponsored Fair Price Medicine Shop (FPMS) found its
way to Kalimpong sub-divisional hospital on Wednesday through the Gorkhaland
Territorial Administration
(GTA). Asha Gurung, the
GTA executive member incharge of the Health Department inaugurated the shop
that will remain open 24 X 7
for the patient parties.
The hospital, a premier
health care unit in the subdivision, also added bed to

the existing ones at the maternity and paediatric wards.

Gurung also inaugurated
pay cabin for the hospitals,
thus giving the much need
upgradation for the hospital.

This is an old hospital

and the number of beds had
not increased. Since now the
population have increased it
was mandatory that the
number be increased. The

pay cabins will comfort people to the fullest, said Gurung while addressing after
The fair price shop is 7
yards away from the main
building of the hospital. The
medicines will be available for
patient parties at discount
and genuine as well, said
Gurung. Sources said discounts upto 62 percent are
available in the shop.
Gurung said the GTA is
putting its hard effort to upgrade the Mirik Primary
Health Centre under
Kurseong subdivision. The
FPMS will also be opened at
Mirik she added.

Class X drop out launch semi eco-friendly car

HM Report
Gangtok Aug 12: A drop out
from a government school, 19
year old Bikal Rai certainly
could not study further leaving school in mid class ten.
Rai is passionate about
studying science but has to
unfortunately cut grass in
fields and repair mechanical
equipments to earn his livelihood. He ultimately has to
support his family financially.
All these though did not
deter him to go ahead with his
dream project to make a semi
eco-friendly car. Rais dream
came true on Wednesday
here when he launched his
semi eco-friendly car demon-

strating it along National

Highway 1o at 32nd mile.
I started the project since
January 2015. Till I gave this
car a finishing touch, it cost
me Rs 40, 000 to make it, said

the enthusiastic Rai. The

tough part in the making however was the funding. I
earned this Rs 40, 000
through grass cutting in
fields and repairing mechanical equipments in my locality, added Rai, who is a resident of 32nd mile along NH
10. It has been eight months
since Rai has bought anything for himself.
With limited resources,
Rai had a hard time to get a
new engine. But when one
vows for something there is
no looking back. Rai managed to get a dead engine to
give his dream car a shape.
Within no time, the boy now
quite famous for his cre-

ations in the state, was able

to bring the dead engine back
to life thus paving way for
success to his project.
His neighbours at his native village said Rai had no
helper to complete the
project. . He invented this car
on his own from assembling,
wielding to finishing. Rai creativity can be applauded because despite being a dropout he has managed to do
what others have not done
so far said one of his neighbours. All those money
which he earned invested on
this project after his families
important requirements,
added the neighbour.
Contd. on Page 8




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