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Name : Asma Akhtar

Class : BS IV
Semester : 8th
Subject : Modern Novel
Submitted to : Sir Zafar
Submission date : 31st.July. 2015

Question# 2:
A number of problems emerge in cross culture exchanges between the Indians and
British. Are these normal cross culture issues or is the colonial rule the dominating
factor. Discuss?
Edward Morgan Forster was born in 1st January 1879 and died in 7th June 1970. He was an
English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. He is best known for his irony and best
creator of novel to examining class differences. He has written A passage to India in 1913 and
published in 1924. Through this novel he got a great success. He was also nominated to achieve
Noble Prize in Literature.
Boris Ford said: Forster, representing the finest and most human in the liberal spirit, began
in A Passage to India the tradition of using Indian life as an image of personal experiences
(1983:319).This Quote highly represented that what Forster aim to elaborate his experiences
after visited the India.
They were discussing as to whether or no it is possible to be friends with an Englishman.
Mahmoud Ali argued it was not, Hamidullah disagreed, but with so many reservations that
there was no friction between them. Delicious indeed to lie on the broad verandah with the
moon rising in front and the servants preparing dinner behind. And no trouble happening
Well, look at my own experience this morning
I only contend it is possible in England, replied Hamidullah who had been that country
long ago, before the big rush, and had received a cordial welcome at Cambridge. It is
impossible here ,Aziz! The red-nosed boy has again insulted me in Court. I do not blame him.
He was told that he ought to insult me. Until lately he was quite a nice boy, but the others have
got hold of him.
In the beginning of the novel Chapter# 2 Characters were discussing that whether or not possible
to be friends with Britain. We can clearly sees that Hamidullah arguments are strong as he had
lived with them for a long time of period. On that time Britain had a command to rule over
Indians .It significantly shows that this novel contain colonial dominating factor.
Both were ladies, Aziz lifted his hat, the first who was in evening dress glanced at the indian
and turned instinctively away
Mrs. Lesley, it is_a_ tonga , she cried.
Ours? enquired the second, also seeing Aziz, and doing likewise.
So it had come, the usual thingjust as Mahmoud Ali said,
Take the gifts the gods provide, anyhow, she screeched, and both jumped in , O Tonga,
wallah, club , club. Why does not the fool go?
Go, I will pay you to-morrow, said Aziz to the driver, and as they went off he called
courteously, You are most welcome, ladies They did not reply, being full of their own affairs.

This evidence also showed us a cold behavior of Mrs. Lesley and Mrs. Callender towards Aziz.
Like both women first took his Tonga(carriage) without his permission and still showed a cruel
attitude towards him. Its happened because there is a vast difference between English colonial
elite and native people of India. Most of Britian tried to disrespect them .Moreover, Aziz agreed
with Mahmoud Ali in this lines that he is right it just a colonial factor that is why they behave
them like that. Though, if they lived in their territory so probably their behavior will not be cold
as in India.
Beside this, Britain wanted to maintain great relations with the Indians whom they interact.
Though They were not interested to understand and know about the Indians. From the beginning
of the Novel Ronny Heaslop comments that;
"No one can even begin to think of knowing this country until he has been in it twenty
years." When Adela Quested rebukes him for his attitudes, he replies that "India isn't
home"that is, it is not England.
Furthermore, in chapter# 3 Adela Quested said I want to see the real India, I only want to
meet those Indians whom you come across socially as your friend. Adela Quested had a keen
interest to see the real India. Her curiosity and emotions became out of control to see she
wondered because she wished to understand their culture. However, some of Britains was very
kind with Indians. They dealt them politely but most of them were not likewise Thereupon, the
truth struck him and he cried! Oh, good gracious! Not a Mohammedan? Why ever didnt you
tell me youd been talking a native? I was going all the wrong. Ronny Heaslop become angry
when he comes to know the truth that her mother is talking about Indian Mr. Aziz. His
behavior exemplifies the colonial resistance in his mind .In fact; E.M Forster conveyed that is the
effect of colonial system in India.
On the other hand, we can see that the Britain planned to arrange Bridge Party between east
and west. This party purpose is to create friendly environment and relation between them but in
reality the purpose of their hierarchies to degrade others to elevate the elite. This is power which
only Britain had. The British conquered over Indians. The quote is well said by the British poet
Rudyard Kipling, who was born in India and lived there for several years as an adult, wrote:
"East is east and West is west, and never the twain shall meet."
The most substantial chapter# 5 in which colonial factor emerged like Britain only invited those
whom he knew and gave their services. They excluded poor ones .It represented all of problem
of cross-culture exchanges between Indian and Britain.
Moreover, the party had not gone successful as they expected because most of the Britains shows
negative attitude towards them and who attended the party did not behave well with them. They
made a party system mean just talk with their class people and criticizing on them that they
dressed up fancy mixing of half western and eastern look. Only few of them treated them well
e.g. Mrs. Moore and Miss Adela Quested very disappointed for the deplorable behavior of
Britains towards Indian. They were only who reluctant to learn about their culture. In this regard
they talked with Mrs. Bhattacharya. These two ladies wanted to visit Mrs. Bhattacharya house
and she is ready to invite them on coming Thursday. Forster also indicated that desire for each
group to be sensitive and polite.

After that, Mrs. Moore argued with Ronny Heaslop behavior with them but he said: Were not
out here for the purpose of behaving pleasantly. She replied: Because India is part of the
earth and God has put us on the earth in order to pleasant to each other
God has put us on earth to love our neighbours and to show it and he is omnipresent even in
India, to see how we are succeeding.
Ronny Heaslop just doing his duty and he is not interested to be pleasant with Indians.and
Mrs.Moore felt bad that his son dont behave well with them thats why he argued with him. But
she feels awkward when she included christianity in this conversation. But it was not her fault
because she was getting old and in this age it is ok to say this. Mrs. Moore is basically Christian
in her outlook. However, she experiences a crisis of faith during her visit to the Marabar Caves,
and her belief in God or in any meaning to life is destroyed.
In my perspective, I would like to say on that time colonial culture difference was very high.
People were very conservative thought and it happens when once has a command or hold in a
specific territory. So it is obvious they got some proud in them and these colonial cultural
exchanges are dominating factor not a normal because in many cases. They tried to conquer over
them as we have seen in first five chapters.

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