This Is A Class Set The Syllabus and Procedures Are Available On Cannot Access The Internet Please Ask The Teacher After Class To Get A Hard

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This is a class set the syllabus and

procedures are available on If you
cannot access the Internet please
ask the teacher after class to get a
hard copy.


2015 - 2016
REQUIRED TEXT: World History, Prentice (Publisher)

This course is a study of modern world history, including the foundation of world religions and beliefs,
exploration, intellectual revolutions, violent revolutions, industrial revolution, nationalism/imperialism through
the world wars, cold war, the quest of countries seeking independence and changes in current global patterns.
Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of world history including economics, geography, politics, and
Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents.

DAILY MATERIALS NEEDED: 1 subject spiral notebook, 3 ring binder, Loose-leaf paper, Pen, Highlighters
(for notes), Planner, Assigned Homework, Textbook
LATE WORK: All homework is due at the beginning of class. If you are absent, you have the number of days
you were absent to make up any work. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU MISSED,
Any late work will automatically lose 10% for each day late. Once it loses all value, students will not be able to
complete the assignment for a grade. Work will be posted on the class twitter and extra copies will be in
designated folders on the community table! All homework is to be turned in to the periods In folder on the
community table.
*Students AND parents should monitor eSembler on a regular basis for their grades.
**Extra credit work may be offered for students based on teacher discretion. Students MUST have all regular
work turned in to receive extra credit opportunities.
Honors Classes:
World History honors offers scaffolded learning opportunities for students to develop the critical skills of
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation in a more rigorous and reflective academic setting. Students are empowered
to perform at higher levels as they engage in the following: analyzing historical documents and supplementary
readings, working in the context of thematically categorized information, becoming proficient in note-taking,
participating in Socratic seminars/discussions, emphasizing free-response and document-based writing,
contrasting opposing viewpoints, solving problems, independent projects, etc. Students will develop and
demonstrate their skills through participation in a capstone and/or extended research-based paper/project (e.g.,
history fair, participatory citizenship project, mock congressional hearing, projects for competitive evaluation,
investment portfolio contests, or other teacher-directed projects).



90 100
80 89
70 79
60 69
0 59

Interactive Binder: very important!

Students will keep a binder for his/her coursework. Students will add their work to his/her binder EVERY day
this includes ALL assignments given to students AND student notes. The syllabus will be the first thing they
enter in their binder. They may keep their binders in the classroom cabinet on the shelf designated for their
period. One day a week I will select specific assignments to be graded that week. Please allow a minimum of a
week for the assignments to be graded and returned. Once the student receives the graded assignment they must
return the assignment to their BINDER IN ORDER. Also students will complete assessments based on their
binder assignments. This way EVERY assignment will be evaluated. By the end of the year each student will
have created his/her own textbook!
Ms. Millers Rules and Procedures for Classroom Conduct:
1. School Policy: ALL school rules and policies must be maintained in the classroom.
2. Ready:
Students will sit in assigned seats when the bell rings. Remain in your seat at all times unless otherwise instructed and
until the bell dismisses you. Students will NOT STAND AT THE DOOR FOR THE BELL TO RING. You will not be
dismissed if there is paper/garbage left on the floor/desk.
Be prepared! Everyday bring your notebook and writing utensil. Have everything ready by the bell! Electronic pencil
sharpeners can only be used at the beginning of class/group work otherwise use your OWN hand held sharpener. The
notebook is an essential for this class and you will be required to take notes in this class.
3. Responsible:
Check the class twitter: MillerLOLHS, for make up work and announcements!
TEXTBOOKS MUST REMAIN IN THE CLASSROOM unless special permission is granted by signing a book out.
Each student is required to keep the area around his/her desk area and workspace clean before leaving class. Also
students are required to help maintain cleanliness after activities, group work, etc. Belongings left in the classroom
will be submitted to lost and found.
Cheating will result in an automatic zero and will also be subject to the school discipline policy. Cheating will
include the copying of answers for test, quizzes, homework, or ANY other assignments. This includes copying of
plagiarism on ANY assignment, test, project, etc.! Plagiarism is ANYthing copied without permission (from author
AND teacher) and citation.
4. Respectful: Respect for both teachers and peers is demanded.
Therefore cursing, inappropriate/vulgar language is prohibited. Sleeping in class will never be permitted. Proper care
of the classroom is expected of all students. No student has the right to interfere with the education of his /her fellow
RAISE YOUR HAND IN CLASS TO BE HEARD for any reason unless otherwise called upon by the teacher.
Shouting/talking while the teacher or another student is talking is rude and disruptive and it will not be tolerated.
Students must treat all humans with respect regardless of how they feel.
Electronic devices will be used for class purposes only otherwise please keep them silent and in back pack.
5. Participation:
Each student is given a participation grade; this will reward student effort and help motivate them to stay on task.
Students will be marked down in participation if they are engaging in off topic conversations/activities/etc. until their
task is completed. Complaining about assignments will result in a deduction of participation points. See grading.


Please sign and return this half of the page to Ms. Miller no later than Friday, August 28, 2015.
We, the parent/guardian and the student, have fully read, understood and agree to abide by
Ms. Millers classroom procedures, discipline consequences, and expectations.
Student Signature and Date

Parent/Guardian Signature and Date

Students name printed

Parent/Guardian name printed

Class__________________________ Period _____

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por favor firme y entregue la parte debajo de esta pgina, para el 28 de Agosto, 2015.
Yo, el padre/guardin del estudiante he ledo, comprendido, y estoy de acuerdo con los procedimientos de la clase, las
reglas y consecuencias disciplinarias, y lo que se espera del estudiante en este curso escolar.
Firma del Estudiante y Fecha
Nombre del Estudiante

Firma del Padre/Guardin y Fecha

Nombre del Padre/Guardin

Clase ___________________ Periodo _____

Cut here------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE TO PARENTS/AVISO A LOS PADRES

Please sign and return this half of the page to Ms. Miller no later than Friday, August 28, 2015.
We, the parent/guardian and the student, have fully read, understood and agree to abide by
Ms. Millers classroom procedures, discipline consequences, and expectations.
Student Signature and Date

Parent/Guardian Signature and Date

Students name printed

Parent/Guardian name printed

Class__________________________ Period _____

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por favor firme y entregue la parte debajo de esta pgina, para el 28 de Agosto, 2015.
Yo, el padre/guardin del estudiante he ledo, comprendido, y estoy de acuerdo con los procedimientos de la clase, las
reglas y consecuencias disciplinarias, y lo que se espera del estudiante en este curso escolar.
Firma del Estudiante y Fecha
Nombre del Estudiante

Firma del Padre/Guardin y Fecha

Nombre del Padre/Guardin

Clase ___________________ Periodo _____

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