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Physics Handout 1A




What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Why are we doing this investigation?

Can we describe the motion of the toy car in a quantifiable (numerical) way?

Background/Assumptions What do we already know for sure?

What can we assume is true?

Motion implies a change in position

Variables What can we measure relevant to the question we are trying to answer?
Position of some part of the car

Independent variable: Time

Dependent variable: Position

If we collect data on the motion of the toy car by measuring its position over some span of time, we will be able to
describe the motion of the car for as long as it continues to move that way.

Socratic Brain, 2015

adapted from Lusher Charter School Science Dept, 2014

Physics Handout 1A

1. Toy car
2. 10 or so pennies or other small objects to use for marking position
3. Timing device option A) a stop watch
or Timing device option B) a computer running, set to 60
or Timing device option C) a phone running a metronome app

Experimental setup Make a sketch of the experimental setup, or write some notes


Record the toy cars number in the data section below


Start your metronome.


Repeat step 5 as each second passes, until at least 5 pennies have been accurately placed.

Choose some part of the car whose position you are going to measure for example, the left front wheel, the
right back wheel, the back bumper. Record your choice in the data section below.
Start the buggy from the general location and direction assigned by your teacher
Once the buggy has started moving, with each tick of the metronome place a penny marking the position of the
part of the buggy that you chose in step 2 above.
Record the position of each penny in the data table below. The first pennys position is recorded as time

Socratic Brain, 2015

adapted from Lusher Charter School Science Dept, 2014

Physics Handout 1A

We used toy car number _________ in our experiment
We marked the location of the __________________________________

Time (s)

Position (m)

Carefully create a sketch of the measuring tape, and all pennies that you placed, clearly showing
their positions. Label each of your pennies with a number indicating the order in which they were
put down

Socratic Brain, 2015

adapted from Lusher Charter School Science Dept, 2014

Physics Handout 1A

Create a graph of your data on the grid at right.

1. Format your graph with a title and axes

labels with units
2. Number each axes appropriately. Notice
that the zero position is already marked
on the graph. (If you dont know how to
do this, get help from a partner. If no
one in your group knows how, see your
teacher for help)
3. Plot each data point on the graph
Draw a best-fit line

1. Align a ruler so that the edge of the

ruler comes as close to each point as
possible (it does not need to go through
ANY of the points or the origin of the
2. Once your ruler is aligned, draw the line
onto the graph
Determine the slope of the line
1. Circle two spots on the line you drew that go through the intersection of the grid lines (the farther apart they
are, the better)
2. Record the coordinates of the two spots you circled below
3. Calculate the displacement of the car (the later position the earlier position) : _______________ meters
4. Calculate the time interval of motion (the later time the earlier time) : _________________ seconds
5. Use the space below to calculate the slope of the line (the slope of a line is always the rise/run; in this case,
thats displacement / time interval)


Prepare your whiteboard for our group discussion

On your groups whiteboard, be sure to include:


Each group members name written clearly at the top of the board
Your groups car number
A sketch of the pennies and measuring tape
A sketch of the graph of your data (theres no grid here, so just a rough idea)
Your groups best estimate of the slope of the graph of your data
Your best attempt at the equation of the line of your graph
A sentence making a claim about the relationship of the position of the car to the time it was in motion

Socratic Brain, 2015

adapted from Lusher Charter School Science Dept, 2014

Physics Handout 1A


After our group discussion, record a clear and concise claim, citing supporting evidence.

Socratic Brain, 2015

adapted from Lusher Charter School Science Dept, 2014

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