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Samantha A.


Rollins College Dept. of Psychology

1000 Holt Ave., Box 2760
Winter Park, Fl 32789


Psychology & Neuroscience

Duke University in Durham, NC
Degree awarded May 2016
Dissertation: Identity Change Impacts Autobiographical Reconstruction of Identity-Relevant
Events: Influences of the Self-System on Remembering
Committee: Drs. David C. Rubin (advisor), Elizabeth J. Marsh, Mark R. Leary, & Rick H. Hoyle
Certificate in College Teaching


Psychology & Neuroscience

Duke University in Durham, NC
Degree awarded December 2013
Thesis: The Role of Self-Knowledge in Autobiographical Memory Reconstruction
Committee: Drs. David C. Rubin (advisor), Elizabeth J. Marsh, Mark R. Leary, & Rick H. Hoyle


Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA
Degree awarded May 2010, summa cum laude
Honors thesis: Semantic Categorization of Unfamiliar Tunes in Older and Younger Adults
Honors thesis advisor: Dr. Andrea R. Halpern

Professional Experience
Visiting Assistant Professor
Rollins College, Psychology, Fall 2016 present
Adjunct Instructor
Duke University, Psychology & Neuroscience, Summer 2016
Graduate Research Fellow
Duke University, Psychology & Neuroscience, Fall 2010 Spring 2016
Graduate School Administrative Intern
Duke University, The Graduate School, Fall 2015 Spring 2016
Bass Instructor of Record Fellow
Duke University, The Graduate School, Fall 2014

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Teaching Interests
Research methods and statistics (introductory and advanced)
Cognitive psychology
Social psychology
Introductory psychology

Teaching Experience
Visiting Assistant Professor, Rollins College, Fall 2016 present
Cognitive Psychology with Laboratory (F16)
Introduction to Psychology (F16)
Research Methods and Statistics 2 (S17)
Autobiographical Memory (S17)
Identity and Remembering (S17)
Instructor of Record, Duke University, Summers 2012, 2013, & 2016
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Instructor of Record, Vertical Integration Program, Duke University, Summer 2015
Applied Psychological Statistics Seminar
Instructor of Record, Bass Instructor of Record Fellow, Duke University, Fall 2014
Special Topics in Psychology: Identity and Remembering
Guest Lecturer
Introduction to Psychology, Duke University, Spring 2014
Teaching Assistant, Duke University, Spring 2012
Alcohol: Brain, Individual, and Society
Teaching Assistant and Discussion Section Instructor, Duke University, Fall 2011
Course: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

Honors and Awards

Summer Research Fellowship, Duke University, Summer 2015
Graduate School Conference Travel Award, 2014 & 2015
Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship, Duke University, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention, 2010, 2011, & 2012
Claire Hamilton Conference Travel Award, 2011 & 2012
The Bucknell Prize in Neuroscience, 2010
Departmental Honors in Neuroscience, Bucknell University, 2010

Deffler 3

Rubin, D. C., Berntsen, D., Ogle, C. M., Deffler, S. A., & Beckham, J. C. (In Press). Scientific evidence
versus outdated beliefs: A response to Brewin (2016). Journal of Abnormal Psychology.
Deffler, S. A., Fox, C.*, Ogle, C. M., & Rubin, D. C. (In Press). All My Children: The Roles of Semantic
Category and Phonetic Similarity in the Misnaming of Familiar Individuals. Memory &
Deffler, S. A., Leary, M. R., & Hoyle, R. H. (2016). Knowing what you know: Intellectual humility and
judgments of recognition memory. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 255-259.
Rubin, D.C., Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., Dowell, N., & Graesser, A. (2016). Participant, rater, and
computer measures of coherence in posttraumatic stress disorder: Trauma vs. control
memories in clinical vs. control samples. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125, 11-25.
Deffler, S. A., Brown, A. S., & Marsh, E. J. (2015). Judging the familiarity of strangers: Does the context
matter? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1041-1047.
Deffler, S. A., & Halpern, A. R. (2011). Contextual information and memory for unfamiliar tunes in
older and younger adults. Psychology and Aging, 26, 900-904.

Manuscripts Under Review (available upon request)

Leary, M. R., Diebels, K. J., Davisson, E. K., Isherwood, J. C., Jongman-Sereno, K. P., Raimi, K. T.,
Deffler, S. A., & Hoyle, R. H. (Under review). Cognitive and interpersonal features of
intellectual humility.
Deffler, S. A., Umanath, S., & Rubin, D. C. (Submitted). Scene construction gives rise to a sense of
reliving: Implications for a fundamental change in our understanding of autobiographical,
episodic, and overgeneral memory.

Manuscripts in Preparation (available upon request)

Deffler, S. A. The relationship between autobiographical remembering and self-knowledge.
Deffler, S. A. & Rubin, D. C. Identity change impacts autobiographical reconstruction of identityrelevant events.

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Colloquia and Invited Talks

Deffler, S. A., & Rubin, D. C. (2016). Interactions between Identity and Autobiographical
Remembering: Results from a 4-year Prospective Longitudinal Study. Annual meeting of the
North Carolina Cognition Group, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Deffler, S. A., Scharf, J. M.*, & Rubin, D. C. (2015). Identity Change Affects Autobiographical
Remembering. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, Elon University, Elon,
North Carolina.
Rubin, D. C., Umanath, S., & Deffler S. A. (2015). A Theory of Memory for Laboratory,
Autobiographical, and Future Events. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group,
Elon University, Elon, North Carolina.
Deffler, S. A., Umanath, S., & Rubin, D. C. (2014). Relationships between Spatial Information and
Sense of Reliving Events. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina.
Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., & Rubin, D. C. (2013). Autobiographical Narratives of Trauma in PTSD.
Biennial meeting of the Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands.
Deffler, S. A. (2013). Autobiographical Memory and Self-Knowledge. Invited talk presented to the
Center on Autobiographical Memory (CON AMORE), Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
Deffler, S. A., Brown, A. S., & Marsh, E. J. (2013). Judging the Familiarity of Strangers: Does the
Context Matter? Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Deffler 5

Poster Presentations
Deffler, S. A., & Rubin, D. C (2015). Changes in episodic future thought as a function of identity:
Results from a 4-year longitudinal study. Annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society,
Chicago, Illinois.
Scharf, J. M.*, Deffler, S. A., & Rubin, D. C. (2015). Predicting students departure from Pre-Health at
Duke. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, Elon University, Elon, North
Deffler, S. A., Scharf, J. M.*, & Rubin, D. C. (2014). Changes in remembering as a function of identity:
A 3-Year longitudinal study. Annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Long Beach,
Choi, S. C.*, Deffler, S. A., & Rubin, D. C. (2014). Cross-cultural differences in troublesome typical
events. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, Duke University, Durham,
North Carolina.
Deffler, S. A., Umanath, S., & Rubin, D. C. (2013). Qualitative characteristics of memory for events:
Relationship between spatial information and sense of reliving. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Toronto, Canada.
Deffler, S. A., & Rubin, D. C. (2013). Cross-cultural differences in future negative events. Poster
presented at the CON AMORE Conference 2013: Social Perspectives on Autobiographical
Memory, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
Fox, C. R.*, Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., & Rubin, D.C. (2013). All my children: Factors underlying the
misnaming of familiar individuals. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North
Carolina Cognition Group, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., & Rubin, D.C. (2012). Subject ratings of autobiographical memory quality
vary with objective measures of narrative content. Poster presented at the annual meeting of
the Psychonomics Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., Dowell, N., Graesser, A. C., & Rubin, D. C. (2012). Measuring coherence in
A1 trauma memories of adults with and without PTSD. Poster presented at the CON AMORE
Conference 2012: Clinical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory, Aarhus University,
Aarhus, Denmark.
Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., Dowell, N., Graesser, A. C., & Rubin, D. C. (2012). Life narratives of adults
with and without post-traumatic stress disorder. Poster presented at the annual meeting of
the North Carolina Cognition Group, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Deffler, S. A., Ogle, C. M., Dowell, N., Graesser, A. C., & Rubin, D. C. (2011). Measures of coherence in
life narratives of adults with and without PTSD. Poster presented at the Emory Cognition
Project Symposium on Mental Time Travel, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Deffler, S. A., Marsh, E. J., & Brown, A. S. (2011). Dont I know you? Exploring how context affects the
perceived familiarity of strangers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Seattle, Washington.

* indicates author was an undergraduate mentee

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Mentorship Experience
Vertical Integration Program, Duke University, Summers 2011, & 2014, 2015
Advisees: Jean Kay Ho, Jackson Scharf, Halimah Mohammed
Graduation with Distinction, Duke University, Summer 2014 Spring 2015
Advisee: Jackson M. Scharf
Title: Predicting Students Departure from Pre-Health at Duke
Research Practicum, Duke University, Spring 2014
Advisee: Rikera Taylor
Independent Study, Duke University, Fall 2013 Spring 2014
Advisee: Sooji Choi
Graduation with Distinction, Duke University, Summer 2012 Summer 2013
Advisee: Cassidy R. Fox
Title: Semantic factors underlying the misnaming of familiar individuals
Karl E. Zener Award for Outstanding Honors Thesis

Organizer, Preparing Future Faculty Writing Group
Duke University, Summer 2015 Fall 2015
Organizer, Graduate Student Perspective, External Department Review
Duke University, Spring 2015
Contributor to Professional Development Blog
Graduate School, Duke University, Spring 2014
Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Neuroscience Recruitment Weekend Coordinator
Duke University, Spring 2013
Graduate Student Representative at NC Psychological Association Undergraduate Conference
Duke University, Fall 2012
Panel for Graduate Teaching Workshop, Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience,
Duke University, Summer 2015
Panel for Preparing Future Faculty Information Session
Duke University, Spring 2014
Panels on Applying to Graduate School
Graduate School Information Session, Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience
Duke University, Fall 2015
Vertical Integration Program Seminar, Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience
Duke University, Summers 2011, 2014, & 2015
Graduation with Distinction Seminar, Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience
Duke University, Spring 2011
Guilford College Graduate School Information Session
Guilford College, Fall 2013

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Professional Memberships
Association for Psychological Science
Society for Applied Research on Memory and Cognition
Psychonomic Society
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Phi Beta Kappa
Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society
Psi Chi
October 2016

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