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Luz Angela Giron - Written opinion about topography

Civil engineering is a complete career, which comprises and integrates a large

number of sciences, between which are mathematics, physics, calculus,
studying the behavior and use of water, soil and the different existing materials
that are used in construction and can also find the analysis of structures.
To carry out a construction or analysis of it must take into account many factors
and one of the most relevant is the field in which they will work, going from the
knowledge of its dimensions until details like slope of the land and its
distribution, there a very important and influential science appears: The
Topography plays an important role in the construction, and which is present in
all the stages and is required before, during and after completion of the work.
Without optimal survey for the qualities of the land would be very difficult to
work on it, as is needed during to corroborate that things are running well
placed and disposed in the place that I need, and then make a general review
of how it turned out my work distributed. Not always used during the execution
of the work, it is often necessary to uprisings in works that have for many years
built for diagnosis for possible changes, or just with the aim to check that
changes have had my land because of external factors.
As future engineers this is a science that contributes most to us, because in
turn has other integrated science we need in other areas, when I say this I
mean geometry, manufacturing planes and the correct interpretation of them,
that is in this matter where we see the application of other basic sciences and
the opportunity to work with tools and familiar with the work environment in
which we will be involved maybe tomorrow.
I think one of the most enriching things about this matter is able to practice,
because not only learn to handle different instruments and therefore know
when the measurement was taken wrong, but also tests our ability to organize
and lead a group of people, factors come into play such as collaboration,
performance, commitment to what is done, tolerance and more relevant to me:
leadership, because this is where you begin to make the leaders are learn to
direct and delegate responsibilities as fulfill them.
The fact that this science involves many things and requires professional know
other sciences, make tests attitudes and skills he possesses, makes it very
important in the life of a civil engineer, reveals some of what will be a work
field and were preparing to go to work to deal with each of the problems that
arise, whether climatic factors, they handle large groups of people and form
good work habits, qualities such as order and dedication are essential in the life
of a civil engineer. For these and many more things I think the presence of the
topography in civil engineering is relevant and need to know and master this
science to perfection, as it helps us better professionals, more prepared and
competent front situations or problems our way.

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