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Water and Wastewater

The following is from our text "MATH TEXT for WATER


(In the text we start with the "basic level" topic such as this,
show an example, and then have you do several just like it.
You are able to check your answers against ours for each
problem. We then move to the intermediate level, and then to
the advanced level. We show an example at each level, and
have several additional problems for you to do on your own at
each level... all with answers!)
This is meant to be printed out... that is the only way
you will be able to properly view the two math
Hydraulics is defined as the study of fluids at rest and in
motion. In water and wastewater that almost invariably
means water, and water containing solids.
Discharge Head: is the verticle distance between the pump
datum point and the liquid surface in the receiving tank. The
pump datum is at the center line for horizontal pumps and at
the entrance eye of the impeller for vertical pumps.
Suction Head: if the water to be pumped has its surface
ABOVE the center of the pump, then this relationship is called
a "suction head". More technically, it is the positive verticle
distance between the pump datum and the liquid surface in
the suction well.
Static Head: "Static head is the distance that the water is to
be lifted."
Therefore, if the liquid level is above the datum, then it is a
"positive value", as the water does not need to be pumped to
that elevation. In the calculation:
(Static Head, ft) = (Discharge Head, ft) - (Suction
Head, ft)
"Once more for emphasis", the suction elevation is subtracted
from the discharge head as the water is already at a positive,
"not needed to be pumped elevation" ABOVE the pump. This

resulting value is known as the static head.

Suction Lift: If the liquid level is BELOW the pump datum,

then it is a negative value, as that is additional elevation that
the water has to be lifted up to the pump zero level. This case
is termed as having a suction lift. (Although it is rare for this
case to happen, it does occur.) This is illustrated in the suction
lift drawing:

In the calculation:
(Static Head, ft) = (Discharge head, ft) - (Suction Elev. ft)
Note that the suction elevation (lift) is below the pump datum.
In this case the elevation is a negative number (minus) and
therefore "a minus subtracting a minus is a positive value " in
the equation. To illustrate a suction liquid level 5 feet BELOW
the pump datum, with a Discharge head of 35 ft:
(40 ft) = (35 ft) - (-5 ft)
Friction Head: is the head necessary to overcome the
friction in the pipes, fittings, valves, elbows, etc. This
information is gathered empirically, and then recorded in
tables so that we can estimate these values according to the
flow, the pipe size, the pipes material it is constructed out of,
pipe age and any deposits, the type of valve, etc. This
additional resistance to flow must be compensated for, in

order to deliver the desired flow rate. Please refer to the

illustrations for suction head and suction lift, where you will
notice that the friction head in feet, is added to the static
head which results in a new value called the Total Head or
Total Dynamic Head.
Total Head or Total Dynamic Head: The Total Head, also
called the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), is the sum of the Static
Head and the Friction Head. The Total Head, or TDH, is the
value used in the horsepower calculations.
A pump can operate effectively only within the system for
which it is designed. The system must take the above energy
consumers into account, to deliver the fluid properly.
EXAMPLE: The influent pump discharges into a channel
where the liquid level is 14 feet above the pump datum line.
The pump draws its suction from a wet well, whose water
surface is 5 feet above the pump. The friction head is 5.6 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet.
Static Head, ft = (Discharge Elev, ft) - (Suction Elev., ft)
Static Head, ft = (14 ft) - (5 ft) = 9 ft Static Head
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), in feet.
TDH = (Static Head, ft) + (Friction Head, ft)
TDH = (9 ft) + ( 5.6 ft) = 14.6 ft TDH
PROBLEM: The influent pump discharges into the grit
chamber, where the liquid level is 8 feet above the pump
datum line. The pump draws its suction from a wet well,
whose water surface is 2 feet above the pump. The friction
head is estimated at 2.5 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet. (Ans: 6 ft)
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), in feet. (Ans: 8.5 ft)

PROBLEM: The polymer makeup pump discharges into the

solution tank, where the liquid level is 8 feet above the pump
datum line. The pump draws its suction from a sump, whose
water surface is 2 feet above the pump. The friction head is
1.5 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet. (Ans: 6 ft)
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), in feet. (Ans: 7.5 ft)
EXAMPLE: The influent pump discharges into a channel
where the liquid level is 14 feet above the pump datum line.
The pump draws its suction from a wet well, whose water
surface is 3 feet BELOW the pump. The friction head is 6 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet.
Static Head, ft = (Discharge Elev, ft) - (Suction Elev., ft)
Static Head, ft = (14 ft) - (-3 ft) = 17 ft Static Head
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), in feet.
TDH = (Static Head, ft) + (Friction Head, ft)
TDH = (17 ft) + (6 ft) = 23 ft TDH
PROBLEM: The influent pump discharges into the grit
chamber, where the liquid level is 8 feet above the pump
datum line. The pump draws its suction from a wet well,
whose water surface is 2 feet below the pump. The friction
head is estimated at 2.5 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet. (Ans: 10 ft)
Calculate the Total Head (TDH), in feet. (Ans: 12.5 ft)
PROBLEM: The raw water pump discharges into the sand
trap, where the liquid level is 18 feet above the pump datum
line. The pump draws its suction from a sump in the reservoir,
whose water surface is 2 feet below the pump. The friction
head is estimated at 4 ft.
Determine the Static Head, in feet. (Ans: 20 ft)
Calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH), in feet. (Ans: 24 ft)

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