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Chapter 16 Review Sheet

Joe Springer Hr. 2 APUSH Coffey

The South and the Slavery Controversy
Please write a paragraph describing what effect the cotton gin had on America and
how it created the “Cotton Kingdom”. Describe how all of this shaped the south’s
economy and their relationships with foreign nations.

In the pyramid provided, put the following terms where they belong, and briefly
describe that class and their differences from the others.

Small Farmer

Poor Whites

Slave Driver

Large Plantation Owner

Subsistence Farmer

Field Slave


House Slave
Examine the differences between Free blacks in the North and Free blacks in the
Free Blacks in the North Free Blacks in the South

In a brief paragraph, describe the differences between the lives of slaves and the
lives of unskilled immigrants. What kind of feelings did they have for each other?

African American’s went through many difficulties in slavery, what kind of

difficulties did they have from the following?





If you were a trying to convince a southerner in the 1830’s to rid his plantation of
slaves, what kind of points would you bring up and how would you convince him?
(Paragraph here please!)
Founded in 1817, focused
American Colonization on transporting the blacks
Society back to Africa.

Founded in 1822 as a
Republic of Liberia refuge for former slaves
coming back to Africa.

Abolitionist who spoke

Theodore Weld against slavery, wrote
pamphlet American
Slavery As it is, Which
argued Slavery
A Boston patrician known
as “Abolition’s golden
Wendell Phillips trumpet”

Wrote “Appeal to the

Colored Citizens of the
David Walker World” which advocated a
bloody end to white
Lectured widely for
Frederick Douglas abolitionism; looked to
politics to end slavery.

Freed black woman who

Sojourner Truth fought for black
emancipation and
women’s rights
A revolutionary militantly
“The Liberator” antislavery newspaper
published by William Lloyd
Backed the abolitionists in
Liberty Party 1840

Opposed extending
Free Soil Party slavery to the western

Backed the abolitionists in

Republican Party 1850

Abolitionist (Much smaller and not as dangerous) Monster Matching

I know we’re all sick of it compared to Chapter 15’s monster matching, but this is
nothing compared to it. Remember to identify WHY the event/person mattered and
how it helped or not helped the movement.

The South Responds!

What did the nullification crisis of 1832 cause, and how did white southerners
respond? What did they argue? What kind of impact did the gag rule have on this?
(Paragraph here )

Please compare and contrast the three major slave rebellions:

Gabriel Denmark Vessy Nat Turner

In a short paragraph, please describe what kinds of actions were taken in order to
silence the Abolitionists. (Elijah Lovejoy)

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