History of The Boys' Brigade in Malaysia

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History of The Boys' Brigade in Malaysia

1st Penang Company 1946

The Boys' Brigade was founded in Glasgow, Scotland on 4
October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. It became
the oldest uniform youth organisation in the world. It
spread rapidly to North America, Europe, Africa, Australia
and New Zealand. However, the BB did not appear in the
Asian scene until 1915 when the first Company was
founded in the Chinese city of Swatow by the Rev Guthrie
Gamble (the famous Swatow BB was to become a legend
in later years in China) The BB came to South East Asia in
1930 with the founding of the 1st Singapore Company by
Mr James Fraser.
The Boys Brigade did not come to Malaya
until the after the second World War. A British
soldier by the name ofimages/rd.jpg (10412
bytes) Robert Davis (former Captain of 6th
Birkenhead Company at the Tranmere
Freehold Methodist Church and later
Tranmere United Reformed Church) gave
the idea of The Boys Brigade to one of
Penangs great educationist, the late Mr Geh
Hun Kheng, who accepted the challenge
becoming the first BB Captain in Malaya. Mr
Geh realised that he had to do his "small
share" to win the Boys over from the various
subversive groups that were so rife after the
Pacific War. The first meeting of 20 Boys was
held in the Methodist Church in Madras Lane
on a Sunday in September 1946. Penang
thus became the images/merdeka.jpg
(16678 bytes)springboard from which
Companies were started first in Kuala
Lumpur and then in other parts of the
country. When Malaysia achieved
independence on 31 August 1957, The Boys
Brigade was given the honour of being
invited to take part in the Merdeka Parade
(Independence Day Parade).

After Merdeka (Independence), The Boys Brigade began to

spread rapidly as a result of the formation of the Malayan Council
of The Boys Brigade under the initiative of Mr Khoo Oon Soo.
More and more Companies were founded in every major town in
Malaya. Even small rural towns began to have BB Companies
functioning efficiently. By this time firm and friendly contact had
been made with the BB in Singapore which helped in the supply
and sale of equipment and with the founding of the first Company
in Borneo in 1959, the 1st Kuching Company. In 1962, the BB in
Malaya became a member of the Pacific Regional Fellowship
(subsequently joined the East Asia Regional Fellowship when it
was formed later) and the first Pacific camp was held with the cooperation of the Singapore Battalion in Port Dickson in December
On 5 December 1964, the former Federation of Malaya Council of
The Boys Brigade, the Singapore Battalion and the 1st Kuching
Company merged into The Boys Brigade in Malaysia. With the
political separation of Singapore from Malaysia, The Boys
Brigade in Singapore ceased to be a component District of The
Boys Brigade in Malaysia as on 19 August 1965. With Malaysia a
reality the National Council began to establish Companies in
Sabah and Sarawak, maintaining friendly ties with the BB in

The development of The Boys Brigade in Malaysia took a revolutionary turn when it invited girls to be
members. It was first introduced in 1989 and debated for a few years before experimental measures were
approved in 1992. The move received favourable response and strong support from churches and
individuals. Today, more than 20 companies in the BBM have girls on their membership roll, and many
girls have been appointed NCOs, and they have proven to be capable in adapting well to the activities of
the BB.
images/bbthai.jpg (13507 bytes)Since 1992, The Boys Brigade in Malaysia has also begun to play
significant role in the extension of BB work in the East Asia Regional Fellowship, including conducting
training and support BB works in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Today, there are over 70 Companies spread throughout the length and breadth of Malaysia. Ever since
the setting up of a BBHQ in 1989, a permanent building has been purchased, and currently staffed by a
team of 5 able full-time personnel.
The Boys Brigade in Malaysia has come a long way since 1946. Many things have since changed, many
had come and gone with many new developments taken place. Throughout all these years, the BBM has
been able to hold on to its object and continue in serving the youth of Malaysia. As the nation is fast
moving towards greater heights in development, it is believed that the BB shall be called on to play an
even greater role in the development and training of the Malaysian youths.

Who Are We

The Advancement of Christ's Kingdom among members and the promotion of habits of Obedience,
Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Character.
SURE & STEDFAST (taken from Hebrews 6:19). The original Old English (King James Version) spelling
of "Stedfast" has been retained.
The emblem is original an anchor. Like the motto it stems from the verse "We have this hope as an
anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19)
The BB is recognised by the Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Ministry of Education) as a school's extra
co-curricular activity. BB is also an affliated member of Majlis Belia Malaysia and Council of Churches of

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