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1. Borang Maklum Balas Kerja Kursus

2. Halaman Pengakuan


3. Muka Tajuk


4. Table of Contents

5. Assignments
5.1 Task 1b

5.2 Task 3

6. References

7. Appendices

Task 1b : Justification

Justify the reasons for choosing each of the articles. Write justification for about
250 to 300 words.
The article entitled The School of The future is chosen to study about main
point and supporting details aspects. The reason I choose this article is because
it conveys about the effective ways of learning among students. Besides, the
teachers and students will become a first class minded person. Next, it also will
make the students use the gadgets correctly. The new generations nowadays are
the one who will make this hope comes true. In order to make this dream a
reality, the students need to change their attitude to be a better person.
In addition, I found an article which discuss a topic of high tuition cost in
America. This article is mainly about how a family with low income can support
their childrens education. About 90% of the students from a low income family
choose to drop out from the university. Moreover, as the tuition fee is high, it
affect the recent graduates children in their education expenses. Education
becomes harder from time to time, so students should plan their future properly.
Furthermore, I choose an article that brings up a topic of Is the use of
standardised test improving education in America? to study on the facts and
opinion course. This is because people are busy complaining about the
standardised test. I get to know that there were several advantages and
disadvantages of standardised test while reading. Thus, everything depends on
ourselves so, we need to justify it and make a wise decision.
In conclusion, while doing this tasks I get to know a lot of new knowledge
on academic and social context. I improve my soft skills and I can imply things
that had learned in classroom throughout this tasks.

Task 3 : Academic Writing


Topic : We are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on gadgets. Is this

dependence on gadgets a good thing or we should be more suspicious of
their benefits

Gadgets is a small device, tool or machine that has a particular but usually
unimportant purposes (New Oxford Fajar, 2006). In this new era of globalisation,
mobile phones are essential for everyones life. But, it does not mean that we
cannot live without it. Mobile phones has its advantages and disadvantages. It
depends to the student to manage their gadgets properly. Student can improve
themselves with the help of mobile phone, meanwhile they can also spoil their
life with it. There are many advantages of using mobile phones which are, useful
in emergency situation, access to information and functioning as a
communication tool, while the disadvantages are wasting time, get tired easily
and no quality time with family.
Firstly, mobile phones are useful in emergency situation. It is easy to
contact anyone when necessary if we have mobile phones. For instance, a
student with a phone can contact police or fire brigade at any harmful situation.
Mobile phones is useful for students who study abroad or far from their home.
This is because, if something happen to their family or close relatives, they can
get the information earlier and can manage their time to get back home. So, it is
clear that the mobile phone is one of the best solutions for any emergency
Mobile phones also help most of the students to access into information.
We can get a lot of information using our fingertips. Things have changed now,
differ from the old days where our grandparents need to read so many books in
order to get information, but now, we just need a gadget in order to search for it.
It is also essential for students to share information to friends who cannot attend
the classes. They can just snap pictures and share it in the social media so that
their friends will not miss any of the useful information. The teachers can also
use this medium to deliver any information outside the classroom.
Furthermore, gadgets also functions as a communication tool. This is the
main reason why the mobile phones is created. We can easily get in touch with
our friends all over the world. The world without boundaries makes us to know
new friends and, we can lengthen our relationship with them. Students are lucky

if they happen to find a tutor in their friend list as they can do a learning session
throughout the media social using their gadgets.

The disadvantages are wasting time. Students spend most of the time on games.
A study from Pew Internet Research finds that 70% of college students play video
games at least once in a while. (Weaver, 2013) For instance, student who plays
online game tend to sit in front of their laptops for hours. They do not care about
time as they concentrate fully on the game. This is a waste of time as they have
other important things to do such as assignments and schoolwork. As a result,
their work will not complete by the due date and this will affect their carry mark.
They also choose night time for playing. About 41% of college gamers play after
9 p.m. with only 8 percent reporting that they play before noon (Weaver,
2013).They do not care about time as they concentrate fully on the game. The
next morning, they get tired and be less proactive in classroom. We must sleep
early so that we would start next day with fresh and confident.
Besides, when we attach to gadgets, we will not have a quality time with our
family. This is a major problem faced by many of the families nowadays. Survey
shows that young adults spend up to seven hours a day interacting with
communication technology and their attitude can spill over into a problem
(Alleyne, 2012). Both parents and children spend their free time on gadgets, so
there is no communication between family members. Family members should
take actions such as have meals together to tighten the family bond and
generate love between them.
In the nutshell, gadgets have its own advantages and disadvantages. One
should know themselves better whether this dependency on gadgets are good or
they should be more suspicious about them. Current generation determine the
future! So we should use the technology in the best way to create a bright future.


1. Advantages And Disadvantages of Mobile Phones For Students. (n.d.).
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/USERNAMER/Desktop/Documents/advantage
2. Alleyne, R. (2012, November 30). Mobile Phone Addiction Ruining
Relationship. Retrieved from The Telegraph:
3. Cromwell, S. (1998, December 1). The School of the future. Retrieved from
4. Hart, L. (n.d.). The Effects of High Tuition Cost. Retrieved from Global Post:
5. Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
6. New Oxford Fajar. (2006). Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd.
7. Weaver, J. (2013, July 6). College students are avid gamers. Retrieved from

Alleyne, R. (2012, November 30). Mobile Phone Addiction Ruining Relationship.
Retrieved from The Telegraph:
New Oxford Fajar. (2006). Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd.
Weaver, J. (2013, July 6). College students are avid gamers. Retrieved from NBC

1. Advantages And Disadvantages of Mobile Phones For Students. (n.d.).
Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/USERNAMER/Desktop/Documents/advantage
2. Mobile Phone Addiction Ruining Relationship. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. NBC News. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. New Oxford dictinary. (2006). Oxford Fajar.
5. Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
6. The Effects of High Tuition Cost. (n.d.). Retrieved from
7. The School of the futere . (n.d.). Retrieved from



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