The Silent Pulpit The Law of Money

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The Law of Money–

Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience

Since We’re Talking Kingdom, We’re issues. The horticulturalist sees the
Talking Law land management issues. The ecologist
sees abuse of land and natural resources
Because we’re talking about a issues, typical at the hand of those with
coming Kingdom, and because that a profit motive. It is hoped that the
coming Kingdom is that of our LORD, Believer will also see the moral issues,
SAVIOR, HIGH PRIEST, KING and GOD, an angle the popular historians poo-poo.
namely YHVH, THE EVER-LIVING, These same historians cite “lack of
YAHSHUA HA’ MESHIACH, it makes good records” as a basis for concluding that a
sense to inaugurate this column, THE definite cause is “unknown.” In stark
SILENT PULPIT, with a discussion on contrast to that perspective, to know
Money. Why? Because Money is a Scripture is to know that the causes for
moral issue, and it’s one of the simplest, such decline and fall are never
most evident ways to show either our “unknown.” The theme is the same in
rebellion or our obedience. all cases: the EVER-LIVING judged the
rebellion. While money issues
Honest Weights and Measures is a constitute only one influence on the
moral issue decline and fall, and a relatively recent
influence, at that, what’s interesting is
In Part 1, we studied into usury. In how and when the money issue shows
Part 2, we examined into the terms up, and how monstrous an issue it is.
translated from Hebrew and Greek into
money. In Part 3, we translated silver, Understanding the current monetary
the Scriptural term synonymous with system.
money. In Part 4, we examined into gold
and its meaning in Scripture. It may be that the earliest forms of
trade tokens were made of clay. <http://
Here, in Part 5, the final part of this
inaugural study, we take the Money pdf>; <
issue and put it in its broader moral dept/d10/asb/anthro2003/readings/
context, even beyond that of Leviticus money.html>. Another study indicates
19. This discussion addresses briefly that the currency also included clay
how the “great” commonwealths in checks. <
history destroyed themselves through nbs_esylum_v05n19.html>. The use of
doing exactly what we’re doing in weighed silver and gold has been around
America. There may be as many causes since the time of Job (which may fit,
for the decline of any world-class society chronologically, immediately after
as there are primary areas of interest. Genesis 10, thus sometime well before
The military tactician sees the military Genesis 12). And, the minting and use
strategy, in strength and weakness. of coin has been around for many
The economist sees supply and demand centuries. <

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 1


timeline.html>; <http://www.labyrinth. to control the economic activity, one way>. The or another.
use of paper as representative of the
coin is a relative new practice. Id. And, In his book, THE CREATURE FROM
this concept that debt, now represented JEKYLL ISLAND (4th ed. 2003), <http://
by paper the world over, could be traded
just like money, has its origin in a time jek.html>, <
when the debt was represented by clay. exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0912986212/102-
< 4328086-3194541?v=glance>, <http://
chapter1.htm#profits>. Regardless of its
form or nature, counterfeiting wealth htm>, G. Edward Griffin details the
has been around for a long time. (It may plans for the present world influence
help one’s understanding of certain through the “federal reserve system,”a
prophetic teachings to know that the private bank, and its fiat currency.
practice of using of debt as the basis for
currency started in Babylon). <http:// In his book, THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (1983),
html>. <
htm>, <
Many churches find that money is php>, Eustice Mullins details the
not a comfortable topic. <http://www. operation of the private, fractional share>. banking system, and how it affects and
And, that’s simply the stewardship controls the economy in this country.
angle. Just wait until the dishonest See also <
weights and measures angle starts up! secrets-of-the-bank-of-rome.html>.

In his book, MONEY, YE SHALL HAVE Of course, there are critiques of this
HONEST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (1998), book, complete with charges of error,
<>, Jim exaggeration and speculation. To “take
Ewart shows the progression away from on” the Beast in its lair is to expect such.
paper that represents silver and gold
and toward paper that documents In his book, THE SECRETS OF THE
nothing more than a promise, i.e., debt. TEMPLE, HOW THE FEDERAL RESERVE
RUNS THE COUNTRY (1989), <http://www
(1899), <http://www.newswithviews. How_the_Federal_Reserve_Runs_the_
com/books/TheComingBattle.htm>, Country_0671675567.html>, <http://
battle.htm>, < -/0671675567/002-5988927-4028834?v=
ampp/comingbattle/cmgbtl.htm>, M. W. glance>, William Greider details the
Walbert details the very deliberate history of central banking, and how it
scheming by the bankers (the has come to operate via the “fed,” a
internationalist banking party) from the private bank and banking system here
earliest times in America’s development in America.

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 2


In his book, PIECES OF EIGHT (2002), reality is that such authority exists only
< if and when those ideas and practices
html>, < are agreed to, or assented to, or simply
mar312003.html>, Edwin Vieira details not objected to. That’s a vicious cycle of
the history of coinage, currency and the self-made variety. Yet, if we place
political influence of the banks in a way the “blame” on the person we see in the
no one else has, with a 1600+ page mirror, then we have at least a
work, that includes 6,600 footnotes. foundational understanding of
Scripture, history and Law. Where we
What’s fascinating to note is that start with the person we see in the
where a fee is charged for these mirror, we are more likely to see that
excellent works, the fee is measured in the international banking party is the
terms of the very same monetary system “Beast” (of all Beasts) raised up by God
that these works so deftly expose and to be the iron rod of correction in His
denounce. In contrast, the book (on CD) hand that His people have bent over
WE, THE POSTERITY: VOLUNTARY backwards (in rebellion) to “ask for.”
BONDAGE, which lauds the lessons This perspective will tend to manifest
taught by the foregoing works, among itself in reaffirmation in the Sovereignty
others, is priced in terms of troy ounces of The EVER-LIVING, i.e., that He is in
of silver. complete control in these matters,
repentance, re-commitment to truth and
Be the Political Manager–Place the mercy, and a desire to practice (once
Blame. again, or all the more) the Moral Code
written by God. Many still label that
As we “see” the insidiously evil Moral Code as Scripture, or as the Bible.
nature of the present monetary system
and policies, we’ll place “blame” in one of In short, we can blame “the other
two ways. How we place the “blame” guy,” or we can take responsibility.
tells the level of our understanding of Where the responsibility for the cause is
Scripture and of history. If we place the “out there,” then the authority for the
“blame” on the international banking solution is also “out there.” But, where
party, then we see only the “law of man” the responsibility for the cause is “right
and “arm of the flesh” perspectives. here at home,” then the authority for the
This will tend to manifest itself in anger solution is also “right here at home.”
and hatred, as well as, for some, feelings
of complete loss of control and utter Where the pulpit is silent regarding
helplessness, which tends toward God’s Laws, whether those specifically
justifying desperate thoughts and regarding honest systems of weights and
actions. To place the blame there is to measures or any other, then there exists
conjure authority that doesn’t exist. To from the leadership a “failure to object”
place the blame there is to suggest that to the system set up by those who so
such authority exists ipso facto and a blatantly hate God. There exists an
priori, i.e., to recognize and concede a “agreement by silence” with the God-
“divine right of kings,” where the legal haters. There exists the forbidden

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 3


agreement with the Canaanites. And, applies. In this context, religion is the
where one group of bankers and conduct by which the moral code is
“government” officials literally declare taken from the classroom discussion and
war on God and on His Law by put into practice in the laboratory we
confiscating first the gold (1933) and call life. To make a direct connection,
then the silver (1964), it’s rather the Money we use is one way we tell the
difficult to miss the conflict between the world which church we belong to, or at
ideas, economic policies and “laws” least, which churches we don’t belong to.
established by the international banking
party, and the ideas, policies and Laws State.
taught by The EVER-LIVING. The reality
is that the vast majority of us who What does the term state mean? At
consider ourselves Believers are so the practical level, the term state
distant from an understanding of God’s intends to convey the concept of an
Laws that we have gone silent for more organized social and political structure
than 70 years on this one point alone. that discerns and implements the will of
And, with this giant sequoia imbedded the congregated body politic. A state is
in our own eye, we seek to position the the institutionalized mechanism by
microscope so as to remove the fleck of a which a body politic preserves and
splinter from someone else’s eye. protects its moral code (it’s “way of life”).

“Church” and “State” are impossible Of course, at the theoretical level,

to separate state means and refers to at least one
individual, and his God (or god). In the
Church. ancient legal writings, the concept of
state stops with the individual; thus, an
What does the term church mean? individual may comprise all elements of
At one level, it means and refers to the the state as an independently recognized
body politic that congregates around a body politic. This perspective, though,
given moral code. That moral code may leaves out the critical element of how
be written by one who worships man, any proposed Law for such body politic
whether a nihilist, atheist, agnostic or is evaluated as admissible evidence of
whatever. No matter that author’s god, Law. And, making that evaluation is
there exists the moral code, and a god rendered impossible without the
that goes with it, and there exists a foundational moral code as a guide. For
church, a body politic that congregates example, whether it’s murder or not to
around that moral code. behead the queen because she’s barren,
and because “divorce” is immoral,
Thus, at the next level, church depends upon the moral code of that
means and refers to that particular body politic. (Who controls the fruit of
moral code. So, whether the reference the body? God. Why is the fruit of the
here is to the moral code itself, or to the body withheld? Judgment of the body
body politic that congregates around politic. See Deut. 27-28, in particular
that moral code, the term church 28:4, 18).

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 4


Thus, a state, at its essence, is not politic from God and His Law. Thus,
merely the individual, but is the there may exist a separation of God and
individual and his God (or god), for in state. (Do we not have the entirety of
that affiliation is the decision as to the human history to prove the disaster of
applicable Moral Code, according to such separation?) But, to say that the
which the evidentiary value of all other state of such body politic is separated
Law may be evaluated. from its church, i.e., to label that change
as a separation of church and state, is to
To change the church is to change the confess nothing short of a complete
state. flight of fancy.

Those who seek to alter the morality To identify squarely the very heart of
of the body politic actually seek to alter this ludicrous absurdity of separation of
the church, thus, the ultimate quest, to church and state is the reality that the
alter the state. But, where change of entire purpose in changing the moral
morality is competent to discuss, it’s code, and thus the church, is to create a
purely nuts even to suggest that it’s state that substitutes “man’s” (pagan)
even conceivable to separate the moral code for God’s Law, thus
morality around which the body politic substituting “man” (actually, the “world
congregates from the mechanism by government”) as god the world over,
which that body politic practices and without which substitution there is no
preserves its moral code (it’s “way of way “man” can ever pretend to supplant
life”). To advocate separation of church The EVER-LIVING as the ultimate world
and state is to self-assert evidence of a authority.
clinically identifiable departure from
reality. The mere notion that a body One of these days, we, as a people, as
politic may be separated from the moral a church, as a body politic that
code around which it congregates so far congregates around the Law of God, will
exceeds the realm of ignorance and lack see that God has perpetually proved,
of awareness that it crosses well over throughout all human history, the direct
into the area of psychosis. connection between immorality
(paganism) and Curses, on the one
One may certainly advocate to a hand, and morality (by God’s definition)
Christian nation that it formally and Blessings, on the other. Of specific
separate from God and His Law, thus focus, one of the Blessings is Liberty, as
formally depart from and abandon His is correctly identified in the language
Moral Code. One may certainly popularly called the Constitution. Yet,
advocate to a body politic that it just as with the people who built
formally adopt any of a multitude of “by Solomon’s Temple (not God’s Temple,
man, for man” moral codes. But, all but Solomon’s Temple), the focus was on
that occurs there is a change in moral the “institution of man,” rather than the
codes, away from God’s and toward “obedience to God.” Thus, the
“man’s.” To be sure, there is a “institution of man” became the god.
separation, a separation of the body One day, we’ll come to terms with the

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 5


fact that there is nothing, whatsoever, Getting Beyond Self

about the institutionalization of a
limited government that produces The Law is not something we put
Liberty, for Liberty is not a man-made into practice in order to obtain self-
consequence. Liberty is a God-made righteousness, for such focus is selfish
consequence, and it’s a consequence that and misplaced. The Law is something
has absolutely nothing to do with any we put into practice in order to benefit
particular form of government. In order “the other guy.” And, that “other guy”
“to secure the Blessing of Liberty,” we do may just happen to be the spouse, or the
not “ordain Constitutions” of our own kids, or the grandkids. For the Believer,
making. Rather, in order “to secure the that “other guy” who is benefitted will
Blessing of Liberty,” we practice God’s also be our (present or former) “enemy.”
Law. Obedience is the long and the
short of the entire matter. As from the beginning, we’re “moral
agents,” meaning that in the eyes of the
Liberty does not follow from Law, we have a decision to make, a
“building campaigns,” whether of choice to exercise. We can do things
buildings for worship or of institutions “man’s” way, and receive the Curses, or
of limited government. God is not we can do things God’s way, and receive
impressed with “building campaigns.” the Blessings. In the eyes of the Law,
(“Lookie at all this cool stuff we did in whichever direction we go, it’s purely
Your Name! We built a Temple, and we voluntary. Bondage or Liberty–it’s a
built a bigger parking lot for our Sunday choice we make everyday. And, it’s not
meetings, and a bigger gymnasium, and a choice that we make only for
we formed a limited government.” “Yes. ourselves, but rather also for our
I see what you did in My Name, and like children and grandchildren and
I said, ‘Scram!’ ”) Liberty is a Blessing, neighbors.
and Blessings follow from obedience. To
what? God’s Law. Thus, God is The choice we make determines the
impressed with “obedience campaigns.” nation of which we are a part. The body
(“When did we ever do this unto You?” politic that congregates around the
“When you did it unto the least of Mine. Moral Code written by GOD ALMIGHTY is
So, I’m pleased to bid you Welcome to a nation (a state) unto itself. See
the Kingdom.”) God blesses obedience, Matthew 21:43, Romans 2:14, Hebrews
not the “institutions of man.” 7:12, and 1 Peter 2:9. The groups that
congregate around any particular moral
code created by man are also nations
unto themselves. As we start to
understand that there are agnostic
states, atheist states, nihilist states,
catholic states, muslim states, jewish
states and protestant states, we’ll then
understand why the “great” nations
(states) of history have all fallen. The

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 6


only nation that will never fall is the one War, Famine, Pestilence and Beasts
comprised of the Priesthood of Believers.
As we make the direct, and popularly It’s a study for another series, but to
poo-poo’ed, connection between the address the bottom-line lesson here,
moral code used by a body politic and where The EVER-LIVING judges a people,
the fall of that nation, we understand He sends His Four Sore Judgments, e.g.,
why that nation experienced the War, Ezekiel 14:21, also known as the Four
Famine, Pestilence (Disease, Plagues), Horsemen (of the Apocalypse)
and Beasts (e.g., tyrannical rulers) that (Revelation 6:1-8): War, Famine,
God, Himself, sent upon that nation. Pestilence and Beasts. To see these four
Judgments or Horsemen is to see the
So, we don’t opt for God’s Laws, e.g, revelation of The EVER-LIVING in a less-
use of honest weights and measures, than-desirable way. Thus, where we
simply because it’s God’s Law, or simply prefer and even encourage the
because it’ll be beneficial to ourselves. immorality, the “rebellion campaign,”
We’re not here to say, “Lookie what I we may continue to expect Him to judge
can do!” There’s nothing we can do that that rebellion. And, He’s very clear as to
gets us where we want to be, which is how He judges the rebellion, namely via
“into the Kingdom.” The Kingdom is His Four Horsemen. These have been,
open solely due to what MESSIAH already from time immemorial, God’s “out of
did. We opt for God’s Laws because bounds” markers.
that’s what brings the Blessings upon
those we care most about. When we get sick and tired of War,
Famine, Pestilence and Beasts, we’ll
To understand, on the one hand, start to look for the “solution,” and then
Money, and monetary policy, and what we’ll see that the “solution” has been
The EVER-LIVING teaches us about it, staring at us “for ever.” It’s called the
and, on the other, how the present Law of God, and it’s called repentance.
international effort is to encourage us to Where we rebel against His Law,
practice that the exact opposite of what whether knowingly or in ignorance,
God teaches (by which we make we’re destined for the Curses. And,
ourselves hideously repugnant in His where we do our best to learn His Law,
sight), is to understand not only the and to follow and apply it in all of our
voluntary nature of the (commercial) ways, we’re destined for the Blessings.
behavior, but also the voluntary nature
of our own self-destruction, at both the Since we have an intuitive
personal and national levels. understanding of the first three, to
address what is a “Beast,” it is a king or
government raised up by God to be an
iron rod of correction in His hand. To
study into the decline and fall of the
“great” (in human terms) civilizations in
history is to see War, Famine, Pestilence
and Beasts, thus, to see the Judgment of

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 7


The EVER-LIVING. And, to be on the we’ll be ready to petition for a halting of

receiving end of His Judgment is first to the Curses (War, Famine, Pestilence
have been found guilty of rebellion and Beasts), will be sometime after
against His Law. we’ve adopted the behavior, and the
thoughts and words that end up
From another perspective, to find producing the behavior, that God said
War, Famine, Pestilence and/or Beasts He would Bless. See Romans 1, 2.
is to find His People, while they are still
rebellious, thus, still in the condition Here’s one timeline that shows the
that calls for judgment. Since the entire major time periods and transitions.
world is, in one way or another, subject <
to at least one of these Horsemen, that med/timeline.html>. Here’s another
fairly well answers where The EVER- timeline. <http://www.templesanjose.
LIVING finds His People. As to the who, org/JudaismInfo/history/israeltimeline.
hopefully it suffices to say that Israel is pdf>. Here’s yet another. <http://www.
called to set the example for the rest of
the nations, peoples, races and yearsall.html>.
languages, all of which are His.
Matthew 12:46-50 (“For whoever does Here’s a general overview of the full
the will of My Father Who is in heaven, time period of focus here. Note carefully
he is My brother, and sister, and the mention of War, Famine, Pestilence
mother!”) Where does His Law apply? (Plague) and Beasts (cruel, unfair,
Everywhere. Who is subject to learning unlawful rulers). <
it and obeying it? Everyone. Who is
burdened with setting the example? html>. Those who make that connection
Israel. How is Israel identified? understand history rather instantly. To
Obedience. learn the history is to understand the
present, and to understand the present
Borrowing from the “watchman on is to see how inundated we are with
the wall” lesson, talk is cheap. We can War, Famine, Pestilence and Beasts.
tell our family, friends and neighbors
about the coming of the Lord until we The pulpit is silent to these points.
are blue in the face, but where we’re not The pulpit is silent to the reality that
acting like we’re expecting His arrival, we’re four-square under God’s judgment
what, really, is it that we’re teaching? in exactly the same way that every
Is it not the practice of the idea, i.e., single major civilization in history has
setting the example by doing, that been. God’s judgment and destruction
accomplishes 90% of the teaching? Do will find us, whether we’re presently in
we not already have thousands and Western Europe, Australia, Canada or
thousands of years of examples of what America. The “preachers” are preaching
not to do? Are we ready to act like the “Peace! Peace!” where there is no Peace!
Priesthood of Believers we are called to We have waged war against our God.
be? If so, we need to start proving it, by And, where we continue to wage war
setting the example. The time when against God, God will continue to

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 8


engage that battle and crush us, to the <

fullest extent necessary the motivates us Street/5809/discover/decline2.html>
never to travel the road of rebellion [military defeats].
again. Eventually, the people will put
the pieces together and will stop waging <
war on God. The only question is how Street/5809/discover/decline4.html>
many more world-class nations He has [cultural changes].
to crush before the people make the
connection. God’s ever-living Law of <
morality matters. Practice it, and live. htm>; <
arthur_kemp/hwr8.htm>; <http://www.
Decline and Fall of Sumer
html> [race mixing].
Constant “civil war” and salination of
the fields through improved irrigation <
are two major “worldly” influences of the 20.htm> [governmental corruption].
decline of Sumer. Scripturally, we’d say
War and Famine. The monetary issue There was a time when money and
wasn’t much of a factor in the decline of silver (or gold) were so synonymous that
this barter-based economy. it was possible to run out of money.
That was another part of the problem
< Egypt ran into. <http://www.geocities.
sumer.htm#akkad>; <http://www.iun. com/BourbonStreet/5809/discover/
edu/~hisdcl/h113_2001/ancientmeso decline3.html> [money problems].
potamia.htm> [military defeats].
Ultimately, Egypt fell because The
< EVER-LIVING judged it. <
prosperity/meso7.html>; <http://www. coglinks/wcglit/hoehcompendium/ hhc1ch9.htm>.
mesopotamia.html> [headed toward
famine, due to salt water, which Decline and Fall of Canaan
diminished farming production].
Some still debate when Canaan got
< started. <
schools/Central/Curriculum/ELEMEN uk/article_canaan_bimson.html>;
ancient_mesopotamia.htm> [barter and lorenzini/exodus.html>.
Canaan, the son of Ham, the son of
Decline and Fall of Egypt Noah, was cursed from very early on.
Gen. 9:25. Many generations later,
< Abraham sent his servant to his own
html> [a time chart]. people to find a wife for Isaac. Gen.
24:1-4. In turn, Isaac instructed Jacob

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 9


not to take a wife from the Canaanites. In terms of law and government,
Gen. 28:1. It follows that the problems Canaan fell. But, in terms of “religion,”
that survived the Deluge, through the Canaan has yet to fall. It is for this
agency of Canaan, promulgated through reason that we continue to suffer today
the generations, and that the family of the same Judgment rendered upon the
Abraham found those ways and beliefs Canaanites of old: War, Famine,
so incompatible as to prohibit Pestilence (Disease, Plague) and Beasts.
intermarriage. Joshua is many See Num. 33:50-56.
generations later still, and the problems
remained. God turned the land over to Decline and Fall of Assyria
Israel, under the guidance of Joshua,
who refused to yield to the Canaanite <
ways. Joshua 24:15. html> [outline, sequence of events].

Silver and gold are not really issues <

here, either, because it’s the (only) assyria.htm> [military overview] [watch
monetary system the people knew. for pop-up window–substance is likely
What is at issue is that the spiritual behind the pop-up].
silver and gold didn’t really exist, yet,
for Israel was far from ready to claim its <
inheritance. They still doubted, rather empire-history.html> [interaction with
than trusted, God <http://www. Israel].
numbers/mh/numbers13.htm>; and no <
sooner had they physically defeated the part_seven.htm>; http://ragz-
Canaanites than they were found
practicing the very “religious” practices [military losses, voluminous Aramean
that cost the Canaanites their immigration, additional factors].
ownership of the land. See, e.g., Ezekiel
16 (God is judging Israel, but on the <
grounds that Israel is acting like the A0856744.html> [incessant military
Canaanites). And, for this reason, the activity caused need to import food].
conquest took generations. It was the
participation in the pagan (Canaanite) <
practices that perpetuated the Wars, neareast/ne04.html> [internal and
which prompted the people to seek out a external influences].
military leader, hence Saul. Having
completely missed the point, the people <
only dug the hole wider and deeper. php ?id=26> [more on military losses].
They saw only war at the “law of man”
level, utterly bypassing the root of the <
problem–the War they were waging ch16.htm> [internal and external
against God in the first place; hence, the conflicts].
wars with the Canaanites.

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 10


< <
Dynasties/Assyrian_Invasions.htm> htm> [all kinds of information on
[more on war and invasion]. Babylon and Assyria].

<> <
[suggestion that King David is the html> [religious division].
reason for the decline of Assyria].
< #alexandria>: <http://www.newadvent.
resources/english/etext-project/history/ org/cathen/02179b.htm>; <http://www.
phoenicia/part-2chapter4.html> [more>.
on the invasions and wars]. [military losses, in particular to Persia].

< Ultimately, why did Babylon fall?

prophet/prophet.html> [weakness Because God judged it. <http://www.
brought on by internal civil war].
Is12_13.htm>. Why will Mystery
The environmentalists tell us that Babylon fall? Because God has judged
the decline coincides with “overstocking, it. In the immediate present, we’re
over-cultivation and deforestation and, living the decline and fall of Mystery
to a lesser degree, irrigation and Babylon. And, if it’s still a mystery as to
urbanisation.” <http://archive. who and where Mystery Babylon is, one should start by looking at Western
fulldesert.html>. And, they, along with Europe, Australia, Canada and America.
the popular historians, miss the point
completely. Assyria came to prominence Decline and Fall of Medo-Persia
due to repentance and adhering to the
Law of God. They became nothing due <
to abandoning that Law. <http://www. empire-history.html> [interaction with>. Israel].

Why did Assyria fall? Because God <

judged them. < rome/hellen.htm> [war and internal
200syl.htm>; http://www.thywordis politics].>.
Decline and Fall of Babylon WH1/2002/Student%20Websites/
burchfield,colpini/decline.htm> [war,
Some people question whether famine].
Babylon has either declined or fallen.
< More recently, to make the note in
Prophets.html>. this context, the change of religion is
noted, and not as a favorable
development. <

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 11


reviews/showrev.cgi?path=13987108425 <
7386>; < .htm> [immorality, generally].
shatt-al-arab.htm> [adoption of Islam as
the religion]. <
2000-11-09.html> [secondary use of
Why did the Medo-Persian empire monuments and offerings].
fall? Because God judged it. See Daniel
11. < <
king11.htm>. philosophicalrealism.htm> [change
away from firm philosophical
Decline and Fall of Greece principals].

“Due to the lack of written records, <http://www.worldhistory1b.homestead.

we don’t know what caused the decline.” com/ALEXANDER.html> [internal war,
< external war, form of government].
greece_chapter_5.htm>. One wonders
what these authors think the Bible is. <
The fact that the record preceded the kautsky/1908/christ/ch05.htm> [slavery,
event hardly means there’s no record, or usury, internal war among city-states].
that we’re absent an understanding of
the cause. The Believer has both a <
sufficient record and an understanding mcluhan/mc_28.txt> [roads, which were
of the cause of the decline and fall. a product of the written word, which is a
change from the oral tradition].
cassavant/GrtoRom.html> [brief time- <
line]. Acropolis/2216/clsctexts/hubbard_
respectability3.htm> [division away
< from community toward internal
lostworlds/timeline/lwstory15.htm> splinter groups].
[extensive time-line].
< vol1no2/jr-contribution.html>
_20.doc>; [multiculturalism; ethnocultural
~rauhn/hellenistic_world.htm>; http:// dangers of empire building].
preservation/geo/europe/page11.htm>; <same> [anomie, see <http://www.
< lr=&ie=
php?author=haaren&book=greece&story UTF-8&oi=defmore&q=define:Anomie>
=fall> [internal self-destruction; (“without law,” “lawlessness,” conflict
external military losses]. arising from break down of social norms
and moral consensus) (from the Greek
< an- “absence of” and nomos “name, law,
athens2.htm> [luxury]. order structure”) individual disorder,

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 12


social disorder < <

definition/Anomie>]. campbell1/bookreviews/r/cooke.html>
[love of show and luxury, a widening gap
< between rich and poor, an obsession
interprs.doc> [overview notes of various with sex, freakishness in the arts
influences, including Divine masquerading as originality].
< preservation/geo/europe/page19.htm>
/nietzsche.beyond.good.and.evil.html> [centralized national government,
[Nietzsche, a nihilist (“God is dead.”) incompetent local government, wasteful
sees the problem with Greece as a economic practices, heavy tax burden,
purely political matter.]. slavery, people (leaders) softened by
luxury; marked decline in education,
< German (Teuton) (pagan Israelite)
Acrobat%20files/Dispensations.pdf> [a independence, revolt by the Goths
dispensational view, Divine (better known today as a segment of the
Sovereignty]. Israelites), Attila the Hun (Goths joined
Romans to defeat the Huns)].
Ultimately, why did Greece fall?
Because God judged it. <http://biblical < vol1no2/jr-contribution.html>
be_trusted.html>. [immigration, in order to increase the
tax base; heterogenization, which led to
Decline and Fall of Rome social, psychological and religious
destabilization, which produced the
< appeal for cults and non-biological sense
politics04.html> [focused chronology]. of community].

< <
history.htm> [very detailed chronology lecture14b.html> [internal pressures,
includes first use of coinage in Rome]. corrupt political intrigue, external wars,
change of social view (away from unity
< as a nation), schizophrenic leadership].
[links to several related web sites]. <
< 83txt/apr28bar.htm> [sacking of
ppt> [overview]. Jerusalem, moral malaise].

< <>
mi_m2185/is_7_14/ai_109668527> [luxury, too many economic controls,
[military losses]. expensive army, too much internal
leadership change, lead poisoning,

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 13


change of religion (pagan society can’t <

withstand transition to Christianity)]. php?rec=true&UID=3163> [Rome
outgrew its resources].
mat115x/days/day24.html> [lead <
poisoning]. Hist221/rise_and_fall.ppt> [transition
away from Republic and toward military
< dictatorship, the state exists to support
courses/wc1/lectures/14romefell.html> the army (suggesting perpetual war)].
[middle class squeezed out of existence,
farmers and laborers became serfs, <
governmental debt from governmental speeches.nsf/0/de541cc2ddfcfda585256ce
spending, always increasing tax rates, 5005bebca?OpenDocument> [failure to
willingness among the people to trade maintain aqueduct system].
independence for governmental control,
enormous expansion of bureaucratic <
government, overspending on how_lost.htm> [loss of Africa–Rome’s
community entertainment (Colosseum), primary source of food].
overspending for luxury for leadership
and army, foreignization of the army]. <
3RDCENT.HTM> [crisis in leadership,
<same> [plagues]. social crisis, both of which motivated
philosophical and religious changes].
science/articles/History/Child's_bones_ <
proof_of_ancient_malaria.html> 7365> [economic change and military
[malaria]. overstretch].

< <
m130/m130lect1.html> [small pox, articles/122502-war.html> [imperial
measles, bubonic plague]. overreach].

< <
article-018.html> [economic problems wk01lec.ppt>; <
derived from “welfare state” mentality, uk/ec/ec120/wk01lec.pdf> [economic
coin clipping (encouraged by Nero) factors, which include taxation and
ruined silver coin as the medium of slavery].
exchange, minting of bad money].
< Visual%20Statistics%20Illustrated/
15/jun97/gibbon.htm> [economic Visual%20Statistics%20Illustrated/oral
deterioration]. %20history.htm> [the state became
more important than the individual].

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 14


< The Inescapable Parallels

/xromans.htm> [lack of innovation,
mysticism (cited as a cause but is more In all cases, the “great” societies and
likely a result), failure to incorporate nations fell when the internal conflict so
people of conquered lands as equal weakened the people that the external
citizens]. conflict polished them off. Are we not
being torn apart internally? Women
< against men; old (social security) versus
htm> [dependence upon slavery, young; race against race; poor versus
produced luxury, which produced lack of rich; sexual perversion against Biblical
innovation and absence of economic sexuality; public school versus home/
specialization]. church school; illegal immigrant versus
native citizen; pagans versus Believers.
allatonce.asp?gid=16535&g16535=x& In all of the “great” nations of
g19126=x&g30028=x&g20991=x& history, there is one common theme: the
g21010=x&g19965=x&g19963=x&amid= people were separated from The EVER-
16535> [moral decay]. LIVING, and either a man or a
government was substituted as the god
< or gods for the people to worship. The
Erskine97.html> [moral decay, inherited people worshiped “man” and depended
from the Greeks]. on the “arm of the flesh” to obtain
“success” and “prosperity.” And, for this
< reason, i.e., rebellion, The EVER-LIVING
am/pages/sermons/2000serm/jerem50. judged every single one of them. One
html> [moral decay]. need see only the consistency of War,
Famine, Pestilence (Plague, Disease)
Ultimately, why did Rome fall? and Beasts (kings or governments raised
Because God judged it. <http://biblical up by God to be an iron rod of correction>; in His hand) to make the connection.
01324.html>; < Some additional parallels are
davenportsda/danbeast.htm>; <http:// discussed here: <http://www.ovaloffice. org/e4destr.htm>; <http://www.rumor
Daniel_07.htm>; <http://www.666man.
net/GrandPanoramaView.html>; 26572> [“99% of problem is economic,”
< which actually describes a symptom, not
ta67a.htm>; <http://www.whyprophets. a cause, the cause being rebellion, one
com/prophets/whore.htm>. indicator of which rebellion is the
refusal to use an honest system of
weights and measures]; <http://www.
html>; <
1dec96.htm>; <http://www.daveblack

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 15


< any of the prophets, major or minor, or
intpol/jan02_lee.html> [“(a) Accelerating to read the prophetic writings, or the
social and economic inequality. (b) historical writings, is to understand
Declining marginal returns with regard God’s commitment to His word and to
to investment in organizational those people who are also committed to
solutions to social and economic His word. For this group, which is very
problems. (c) Rapidly dropping levels of much alive and well, this discussion
literacy, critical understanding, and intends to be a word of confirmation,
general intellectual awareness. (d) and a word of hope, for God’s
Spiritual death ... the emptying out of commitment to His word on the side of
cultural content and freezing (or discipline (and destruction of rebellious
repackaging) of it in formulas - kitsch in nations) is dwarfed into microscopic
short.”]; <http://www4.rightnowtech. insignificance when contrasted with His
com/petra/classical.pdf>; <http://www. overflowing Blessings to the obedient. Those who are committed to His word
en.html>; < know already that God protects His
public/1993/may/mt4.cfm>. own, and that through their individual
examples of repentance, He will
As we reflect on the concept of eventually reach the entire world with
independence, we can see that declaring the Good News of His Kingdom on
independence from King George was a earth.
good idea. However, declaring
independence from the King of Kings is We’re not going to see an instant
never a good idea. It’s always a bad change by practicing God’s Law in any
idea. We have the entirety of recorded one particular areas, whether of using
human history as proof. honest weights and measures or any
other. We see where money has played
The secular humanist historians and a role in the ultimate destruction of a
economists have certainly been well few of these “great” nations in history,
published, but they still miss the point Rome (“roam,” as in traveling aimlessly
completely. We’re not dealing simply without purpose, direction or plan) and
with political and economic and (multi-) Babylon (confusion, as in “babble on”),
cultural and environmental influences, in particular, but it’s really been only
as the popular (“politically approved”) “one more” part of the problem. We see
voices would have us believe. We’re in Leviticus 19, for example, a whole list
dealing with moral issues, the very of items that need our immediate
issues that The EVER-LIVING had His attention. We can’t fix it all today. But,
prophets and teachers document for the we can start, and by using the Money
benefit of all at the time and for all who we’re supposed to be using, we put our
would come later. repentance, our faith and His Law into
Morality matters, and the standard
by which morality is measured is the Blessed be the reading of His word. 

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 16


THE SILENT PULPIT is a column written for To Face West Ministries by Harmon L.
Taylor with the purpose of addressing topics that are addressed seldom, if at all, in
the popular “Christian” activity of our day.

For there is no distinction between [Judean] and Greek; for He Himself is Lord
of all, enriching all who call upon Him; for WHOEVER CALLS ON THE LORD SHALL

But how can they call upon [W]hom they have not believed? And how can they
believe about what they have not heard? And how can they hear without a
preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
Yet all will not believe the good news. For Isaiah says:
Therefore, the faith comes from a report: but the report through the
arrangement of God.

Romans 10:12-17 (Ferrar Fenton).

International Common Law Copyright claimed only on original work, by To Face

West Ministries, A.D. 2004. No restriction on reproduction for educational
purposes, where this copyright notice is included.

To Face West Ministries (not in “this state”) is an outreach ministry of

The Church of North America (not in “this state”), where we teach the Gospel of the
Kingdom, with the British-Israel understanding.
No non-Republican Form, “unlimited trustee” public trust theory entity benefits
Harmon L. Taylor, Chaplain

The Law of Money–Part 5: Rebellion or Obedience 17

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