Tucker Announces Public Hearings and Constituent Road Trip On Red Light Cameras - Press Release - 02!26!2010

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Scott Tucker
Candidate for Illinois House of Representatives, 11th District
Voice: 773-230-2682; Fax: 773-327-2842

Tuesday: Illinois Senate Subcommittee on

Red Light Cameras to Hear Public Testimony
Chicago Motorists Plan “Road Trip” to Testify

Chicago, IL, February 26, 2010 – Public hearings will be held next Tuesday evening, March 2nd, to
consider banning red light cameras statewide, except at railroad crossings. The hearings will be
Tuesday, at 6:01 p.m., in the State Capitol’s room 400.

“The hearings will give citizens the opportunity testify, sharing with senators on the Subcommittee on
Red Light Cameras just how red light camera tickets are impacting their families’ finances, and
reducing intersection safety due to shorter yellows,” said Scott Tucker, GOP candidate for state
representative in Chicago’s north-side 11 th District.

“In additions to less safety, and more money out of your pocket, these cameras are impacting small
businesses in the community, such as restaurants for instance. These small businesses are laying-off
and closing-down, because folks have less money to spend in the community,” said Tucker.

“We need citizens to join us Tuesday, on our Constituent Road Trip to Springfield, to testify in Senate
Subcommittee against these ATMs, Automatic Ticket Machines. Tuesday will include 3 press
conferences, and constituent testimony in the Subcommittee,” Tucker said.

“If you’re fed-up with red light cameras in Illinois, this is your chance to get them banned for good. SB
2466 is the bill I’m backing, and that we ’ll be testifying in support of it,” said Tucker.


31st Street & Lake Shore Drive, southeast corner parking lot, free parking all day long
Arrive at 11:00 am CT
*Chicago presser at 11:30 am CT
Leave at 12:00 pm noon CT

We will be carpooling from the Chicago & Channahon rally points.

I-55 South, Exit 248 (first exit south of I-80), turn left, cross I-55 via overpass, carpool lot is on your
Arrive at 1:00 pm CT
*Channahon presser at 1:00 pm CT
1:30 pm: QUICK lunch break at restaurants at this exit
Leave at 2:00 pm CT

Arrive Springfield at 4:30 pm, QUICK dinner break

State Capitol, 301 S 2nd St, Springfield

*Springfield presser, at Lincoln’s Statue, east lawn (front) of Capitol Building, 5:30 pm CT

State Capitol, Room 400, Subcommittee on Red Light Cameras, 6:01 pm (or slightly later start time;
Red Light Camera Subcommittee starts immediately after Transportation Committee adjourns.)
*Anti-red light camera constituent testimony

Drive back to Channahon & Chicago

A Facebook event page can be found at this link: http://tinyurl.com/PublicHearings.

Please e-mail Scott@TuckerMailServer.com for an electronic version of this release.


Senator Dan Duffy (R), 26th District, author of SB 2466, (847) 277 -7100
Barnet Fagel, National Motorists Association, (847) 420-3511
Senator Martin A. Sandoval (D), 12th District, Senate Transportation Committee Chair, (708) 656-
Senator John J. Cullerton (D), 6th District, President of the Senate, (773) 883-0770
Rep. Michael J. Madigan (D), 22 nd District, Speaker of the House, (773) 581-8000

ABOUT SCOTT TUCKER – Scott Tucker is an active duty veteran of the United States Navy. He’s a
business owner and resident of Roscoe Village, and is running for State Represenitive in the 11 th
District. He may be reached at 773-230-2682.
- END –

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