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Volume 5, Issue 4

Home of the Nyami Nyami

August 2015 Edition

Length: 4 pages

The Carnival is back again...

August rush...
Welcome to yet another exciting edition
of your newsletter, Kariuwa, the home
of the legendary monster and provider
nyama nyama . We hope that it is
keeping you abreast of what is happening in and around your favourite all time destination,
A lot of things happened
between now and the last
newsletter. It is with regret
that Cecil the lion was shot,
and prompted world wide
outrage , in his death all
attention was focussed on
our country and he even
made it to the Times
Square. We hope that those
responsible, for this will be brought to
justice. August was a rush as we mentioned earlier and it saw us become
busier, than ever before, just before the
beginning of the fateful month, we
hosted the 2nd Winter School of Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe. From
there we went on to attend for the first
time the Mashonaland West Agricultural Show and came back to attend the
Kariba Half Marathon. It was an interesting one, and because of construction at the dam wall, the route was

Inside this issue:

Half Marathon 2015

Magical Musango Safari

HAZ Winter School 2015

Picture Story

changed and athletes had to sum their power and climb

the Mica Point Hill and back to make up for the distance
to the dam wall and back. If only Robert Currie and
Sonya McMaster had heard the grumbles and cries by
athletes they would have chosen an easier route.

The colourful artistic Harare International Carnival is back again, bigger and promises to be
better than previous editions This years edition will be held from 22 to 27 September. But
just what is the carnival..?
The Harare International Carnival is a week
long annual festival that encompasses a series
of events and festivities. It is aimed at advancing the arts, culture and heritage of Zimbabwe
as well as uniting the populace. It is all about
celebrating diversity, getting communities together, getting to know one another, in the
love and harmony that builds our country into
a peaceful and promising place for everyone.
Zimbabwe as a country boasts of the rich cultural traditional events which celebrate the

We are delighted that our warm winter is just past, and

the forests are drying up and the temperatures will soon
be soaring in preparation of the Tiger Tournament,
which will be held from the 14th to the 16th of October.
So it is ideal to get to Kariba, before the skies open up,
this time is ripe for those who enjoy bird viewing, the
trees and bushes are almost bare and the birds can be
seen easily. The animals can also be seen easily as they
gather around the lake shore during the cooler hours of
the day early morning or late noon, elephants can be
seen bathing in mud or taking a plunge in the lake to
cool off, while herds of buffalo , impala and the water
bucks are now common sights along the highway from
Makuti and in Charara. For those opting for the river
elephants in Chirundu are close to tame but those in
Mana are even tamer. With the rising temperatures fishing is on the increase, but those going on the lake,
please note the lake level has dropped down, the Antelope Island tree line is visible so drive your boats carefully and soberly.
Please note Makuti Service Station is not operational at
the moment when it re-opens we will advise you. We
said goodbye to Paridzirai Mhuriro, who finished her
attachment, we will sadly and greatly miss her for her
brimfulness and demeanour, and her good cheer. We
wish her well as she completes her studies, she will contributing to the newsletter, while she is at school.
To end, we would like to thank you for your support, for
your co-operation and for always rallying behind us. We
salute you. Enjoy ..!

seven wonders of the country in activity, jubilation and color. The week long event, is meant
to prove to the world that we are a peace loving people and are a happy people said the
Chief Executive of ZTA Mr. Kaseke during the
inaugural carnival.
The carnival has grown to be the must attend
event, and has been dubbed the biggest street
party to ever grace Harare , let alone Southern
Africa. This years event has already seen a
number of countries already confirming participation and more still to confirm. Those that
have attended previous years events will not
forget the team from Trinidad and Tobago who
used their brass band to play a local song
huya uone kutapira kwaita manhanga., nor
can we forget Bev and her antics.
This years carnival will among other activities
have a welcome reception hosted by the City of
Harare, the famous street party and other

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Kariba Half Marathon from the sidelines

Musango Safari Camp by Par Mhuriro

The Kariba Half Marathon is a 21.1km road race, one of

the toughest Half Marathons on the African race calendar. It includes a 10km Fun Run/Walk and a very popular
2km Baby Race for the under 8's. Held anually over the
August Long Weekend at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Hosted
by Lomagundi Lakeside Assocation and organised by a
committee made up of local Kariba Residents.

Need a hideout in the African wilderness? A place where hippos graze

all day and elephants are right next to them drinking from the lake? Do
you want to live like you are playing a part in the Lion King and might
actually be lucky enough to meet some lions? If this is what you need
for a holiday then Musango Safari Camp is where you should be. This
African Paradise is run by a couple that is hospitable by nature. The
team they have put together is so coordinated they are like a family and
once you enter the island you feel like you are meeting your old friends
for the first time. One can smell the bush as soon as they set foot on
this beautiful island which is an hour thirty minutes away from the main
land by boat. The mix of fresh clean air, dung and bugs is intoxicating
you. Musango Safari Camp offers a therapy for the mind no psychologist can ever achieve.

We have some of the "toughest hills" according to the

Comrades King, Bruce Fordyce!
So says the caption from Den Dairy website, who are one
of the major sponsors of the marathon.
The 11th edition of the marathon was held on Sunday
the 9th of August at the usual, long weekend, meaning
that visitors had lots of times to spend in and around
Kariba. The soft somber morning began quietly with
each athlete aiming to do better than last year and hoping to improve on their personal best.

As one enters the reception area cum dining and bar area, one can only
be held in awe of the beauty. A combination of luxury, Africa and bush
all merging to create an environment meant to allow you to communicate with Mother Nature. The place is built from stone and thatch, the

As ZTA Kariba, we participated at our watering hole, as

our racing experts from Harare, Tendai Williams, Rangarirai Mafunda and Edson Maruma , took part in the 10km
race. Our watering point was moved from the usual dam
wall to Mica Point turn off and thereby directing runners
to turn right and climb the steep Mica Point Hill.
The day progressed very well, with the usual front runners not caring about water or coke but middle and last
runners chatted and made conversation. Our only challenge was athletes speeding down the slope shouting
water at the top of their voice, at Usain Bolt speed and
missing the penny cools.
We are pleased to see a lot of Kariba residents seriously
taking up running and taking part in the race, we had
increased runners from Kariba in the 21 km race. Meaning that our dream of a winner from Kariba is nearer than
I hoped. At the time of going to print official results had
not been out, but watch this space for more details and
more pictures will be posted on our Facebook page.
We would like to thank the organisers Robert Currie ,
Sonya McMaster , sponsors and everyone who made this
years edition a success, and we wish former organizer
Kiara Hammond better luck next year in the 21 km race.
To the athletes and the families that came out to race
and to enjoy our warm winter we thank you very much.
See you all next year, results and more reports coming
out in the next edition...

colours are put together in a way that brings peace and happiness
somehow, earthy greens and browns with orange and blue cushions.
The lounge is about ten metres from the lake with a beautiful swimming
pool between the lounge and the lake. About two metres opposite the
pool and less than four metres from the lake is an exquisitely designed
round table for meal times that can accommodate more than 12 people and still allow conversation to flow across the table.
Leaving the reception area are paths paved with stones from the lake
that lead to the lodges going past a Mini Museum with Dinosaur Fossils
among other interesting collections. The paths are lined with green
lantern lamps hanging on tree stumps. So thick is the bush if not for the
arrows giving directions to the lodges one could literally walk past the
lodges which are a few metres from the path. There are six twin safari
tents, each with an en-suite bathroom built of natural stone. Musango
also boasts two honeymoon suites built of natural stone, under thatch
with canvas interiors that ensure total privacy. These have private verandas and secluded plunge pool to cool off during the hot, summer
Musango is not just about being secluded in the bush and sleep. A lot
of activities are available including fishing with experienced boat captains who know the fish hideouts. Within Musango one can also go for
walking safaris, canoeing, sailing and game drives. Musango was involved in the re-introduction of black rhino into the Matusadona National Park and has experienced guides who will help you track the rhino on
foot. If one wants to be in touch with the local original people in Kariba,
Musango will take you to either Musamba Fishing Camp or Chitenge

Volume 5, Issue 4

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HAZ 2nd Winter School by Daisy Guvamombe

The 2nd edition of the Hospitality Association of
Zimbabwe Winter Schoolwas held in Mashonaland
Best no Mashonaland West
Province. This is the predecessor to the first winter
school that was in Manicaland last year. I must say
that the idea to hold a winter school has been done by
other professional bodies
and eventually caught up with HAZ last year.
The 71 year old association is the trade association representing and promoting the interests of
owners of hotels, restaurants, clubs and related
establishments throughout the country. The Hospitality industry is the largest sub-sector of the
tourism industry. It is a major employer, earner
of foreign currency and contributor to the national economy.

tion , shaping the future Hospitality Experience. For me personally it was a priviledge
to attend the school, even though I missed
the first leg which was held in Chinhoyi,
which had lectures, a dinner named 7 Heroes after the 7 gallant sons that fought the
battle of Sinoia and triggered the 2nd Chimurenga.
It was my first time to learn about the blue
ocean and the red ocean strategy, and the
emphasis on hoteliers to use innovation as
an edge to outdo or outsmart their competition. All the lectures that were present all
pointed out to innovation and how it can be
used to somehow shape the future of the

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority

Head Office
Tourism House
55 Samora Machel Avenue Harare
Tel: + 263 4 780651/758714/30
E-mail :
Web: ,
Kariba Office
Observation Point Building
P.O. Box 160 Kariba
Tel / Fax: +263 261 2146276
Mobile : +263 773 384 844 ( Tendai )
: +263 772 357 196 ( Daisy )
Skype : tendai_mushangwe
Facebook : ZTA Kariba


To create awareness of the industry and its
national significance. To represent the industry
on government policy issues and to encourage
the right environment for growth of the industry.
To inform members on relevant legislation,
regulations and topical issues to enable them
to make informed decisions. To liaise with suppliers and make sure that the industry is adequately serviced and equipped. To promote
professional standards and provide training for
members to enhance operational efficiencies and
guest satisfaction levels.
The Association which is currently headed by a Doctor in the making , Mr. Tamuka Macheka together
with his robust team of hardworking Secretariat ,
worked round the clock to ensure a memorable
winter school.
The Mashonald West Chapter which was organised
by Mr. Innocent Manyera from CUT Group of Hotels

and Mr. Arnold Chikwanda from African Sun based

at Caribbea Bay, ensured the school went on without a hitch. The theme for this year was : Innova-

On their return to shore , they were treated

to old school music and snacks. Just to
show that this is an all purpose boat.

The quality of presenters were also top

notch as the association brought forward
experts in innovation, systems thinking,
ethics, labour, green tourism all bringing in
world class information from their respective bases in the United Kingdom, America
and other places. A winter school of this
calibre is a must attend not only to the manager or player in the hospitality industry, but
anyone in the service industry whose wish is
to see their organisation develop that edge
and keep abreast of competition.

Cutty Sark were given the last day to host

the school and delegates were cooped up
the whole day in intense lectures and discussions at their conference room , only
stopping during breaks and meals. ZTAs
very own Tawanda Munamba gave a presentation on Green Tourism and its benefit to
the industry, economy and also the community.

To end the school a beach party was held at

Caribbea Bay beach, with the water levels,
so low delegates could have mistaken themselves that they were in the Bahamas or
Hawaii. The food was prepared to perfection
that even Mr. Hwingiri from African Sun was
pleased with what his team had done to
The school was not only all learning an no
show delegates what a Caribbean Dinner is
play, makes Jack a dull boy. Upon arrival to
all about.
Kariba, delegates were given a Karibian
welcome by boarding our world famous 52 In conclusion we would like to thank sponfoot Zambezi Trader houseboat, and to
sors and everyone who worked to make the
show off what we can do as a destination, school a success and to HAZ for bringing the
delegates were treated to lunch, aboard the school to us.
boat and a cruise to Antelope Island ,
where the whole afternoon session was
held at Buffalo Feeding Station. To mark the Join us on Facebook, search for our
page ZTA Kariba and click Like or
end of the session, delegates were treated
follow this link
to a sight of a fine herd of buffaloes that are fed by Kariba Animal Welfare Fund.

and click like to get updates.

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