UPB USC Minutes (July 27, 2015)

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1For comments, inquiries, and suggestions, feel free to visit the USC Office.

2Special session held on July 27, at 10 Balacbac Central, Sto. Tomas Proper, Baguio
7Yves Peter Carlo Medina
8Lance Garcia
Vice Chairperson
9Abdiel Orbon
Freshmen Desk Head
10Dexter John Monje
Gender Desk Head
11Giovahnn Antone Dominiq Bautista
Environmental Desk Head
12Christian Leonard Roman
Volunteer Corps / Special Events Committee
14Michaelangelo Medina
Sports Committee Head
15Mycah Helena Mutya
Secretary General Publications
16Committee Head
17 Nadya Hamawy
Finance Committee Head
18Edison Justin Deus
CAC Representative
19John Franklin Kennedy Caacbay
CAC Representative
20Jericho Allain Kyle Vidad
CS Representative
21Lucky Nio Baula
CS Representative
22Arvin Tamondong
CSS Spokesperson
23Pia Nathalia Velasquez
CSS Representative
24Edcel John Canlas
CSS Representative
28Camille Erika Jan Velasco
Nationalist Corps Head
29Nedlloyd Tuguinay
Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Desk
31Levy Lloyd Orcales
Basic Student Services Committee
33David Brianne Maalihan
CAC Spokesperson
34Joseph Christian Bautista
CS Representative*
36* Councilor Orcales and Representative Bautista were excused; they had important
37individual commitments to attend to.
39I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:35AM.
42II. Roll Call
The roll was called by Chairperson Medina.
45III. SPOA Presentation

47A. CSS Representatives
49Envisioned Projects:
51Transparency and Information Dissemination Projects
Under this plan the following may be found: CSS Committee Bulletin Board,
53CSS Facebook
54Group, CSS Official Facebook Page, CSS Twitter Account, and CSS E-mail Account.
55The purpose of these
56proposed projects are to keep relative information centralized and accessible online,
57to inform the
58students about matters that might concern them, and to post a copy of the minutes
59of the meeting of
60the USC, CSS Committee meetings, financial matters, accomplishment reports,
62announcements from the department and college, faculty schedules, NSTP
63announcements, etc. This
64will be in collaboration with the Administration, the USC, and concerned
67CSS Fair
A week-long event that will combine learning and socializati on, strengthen
69the CSS community
70and improve the relationship between the students and the Admin. This is also to
71further promote the
72different academic organizations of the CSS through lectures and/or seminars that
73will showcase their
74skills and knowledge. Lastly, this has been planned to help raise awareness on
75issues regarding the
76different fields of the social sciences. All these will be done in collaboration with the
78organizations in the CSS, OCS, Faculty and Administration.
In concretizing this project, the committee will have to coordinate with
82NGOs, the
83organizations of UPB, and other research arms in and outside the campus. A feature
84online account.
85This will serve as an outlet of information for the CSS students, and would help
86make them appreciate
87the beauty of the Social Sciences. It would also serve as an avenue for people to
88explore both UPB and CSS, and introduce them to feature articles, blogs,
89webpages, etc. of people who have greatly impacted the people therein. The
90committee desires that it be a motivation and inspiration for t he Colleges future

91professionals, and show the prowess of its constituents from the past and the
An event with the purpose of helping students, especially those of the
96graduating batch, gain more confidence and courage, prepare more effectively for
97that special job interview, incre ase the knowledge that they have regarding the
98real world, and step by step know the procedures to be taken when preparing for
99a job, or interview. From writing resumes to power dressing and perhaps, a
100mock interview, this event will surely aid some insecurities and fear-issues.
This has already been conducted by the Management of Economics Society
102last year, however, many have requested and encouraged that it be done again.
103This will done in collaboration with the ME Society, CSS Academic Organizations,
104Sponsors and Relative Companies.
108CSS Online
An online system connected to the library for the purpose of preserving
110important information, and ease the acquisition of reading materials and class
111resources. This system contains readings, e -books, PDFs, power points and other
112class resources needed for the social sciences. Collaborating with the UPB Main
113Library, Faculty, Admin and Staff of CSS, and System Office is essential to have this
114project be pushed through. This is a safe place for storing theses. In case of fire and
115other unwanted
116and unexpected disasters, the files that have been kept are secure and will still be
117ready for use and viewing.
119URCSS (Undergraduate Research Conference of the Social Sciences)
The academic organizations of the CSS, the faculty, administration and staff
121for the CSS, participating schools from around Northern Luzon, partnerships and
122sponsors will be needed for collaboration. This is an event that will showcase the
123different outstanding undergraduate research papers from the different fields of
124social science. To present the knowledge of the social sciences undergraduates
125from UP and other campuses. To expand the reach of these disciplines to other
126students. To teach and give tips on how to create outstanding papers and theses.
128MASIKAP (Makidiskurso at Solusyonan ang mga Isyung Kinakaharap ng
129Agham Panlipunan)
A round table discussion about the current issues of the society. To strive and
131address the
132problems of the society with the help of the different disciplines in the social
133sciences. To widen and
134strengthen the knowledge about the people and our society. These will still eb in
135collaboration with

136the already mentioned groups of people, and additionally with the issue-based
139CSS Week
A week-long celebration of the CSS that is inclusive of food sales, article
141submission drives, CSS Org events, seminars, competitions and a special night to
142serve as its culminating event. It will feature
143the different academic organizations, and the contributions of the faculty and admin
144in the
145development of the college as a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary institution.
147Income Generating Projects
CSS Shirts and merchandise for the raising of funds that shall finance future
149endeavours that
150will be spearheaded by the committee.
152SOKSAY Manual
A booklet that will provide the students with all the things they need to know
154regarding life in
155the College of Social Sciences. In cooperation with the BSS Committee and the USC
156as a whole, and
157other organizations.
159Project ALINDOG:
Alalay sa panahon ng lindol at sakuna, at gabay para sa seguridad nating
161lahat. A project that aims to inform the students about the excavation plans, fire
162extinguishers and alarms locations inside the CSS area. To push this through,
163coordination with the UPB Red Cross Youth, KTRC, and UPB Police will be considered
164and requested.
166Career Talks and Orientation
An event that will give us knowledge about the possible future of the CSS
168students. This is in line with the SUIT UP project.
170Just So You Know Project
This is inclusive of the CSS Facultys class schedules, consultation hours,
172faculty and staff
173members, room schedules and a faculty map. To update and inform students about
174the latest news in
175the college and UPB, and matters regarding their subjects and professors. In
176collaboration with the
177OCS, Faculty, Admin and Staff.
179Freshie Welcome Party


A one night event specially planned for the CSS Freshmen.

182Citation Seminar and Workshop

An event purposed to help familiarize the student body with different citing
184materials and
185styles. This will also be in direct collaboration with the faculty.
187End of Presentation
For the benefit and betterment of the project, Councilor Orbon suggested that
191the Freshmen
192Welcome Party be done earlier than September, for if it was to be so, it would be too
193late. September
194would be the time for Freshie Night preparations.
Councilor Bautista also commented that the Committee may collaborate with
196the Envi Desk and
197BSS Committee regarding the trash bins in the CSS.
In relation to the new online projects of the CSS Committee, Chairperson
199Medina added that the idea of becoming more inclined to the new technology made
200available to us, and the accessibility
201of online documents and files are part of the new deans SPOA.
Having no other concerns or suggestions, Councilor Medina moved to adopt
203the SPOA of the CSS Committee. The body seconded the motion. No objections.
205IV. The Finalization of Bloc Parenting Assignments
208CAC 1 Kennedy Caacbay
209CAC 2 Michaelangelo Medina
210CAC 3 Edison Deus
211BALL 1 Nadya Hamawy
212BALL 2 Nedlloyd Tuguinay
213BALL 3 Lance Garcia
214FA Ace Maalihan
217BIO 1 Jericho Vidad
218BIO 2 Levy Orcales
219BIO 3 Gio Bautista
220BIO 4 Yves Medina
221International bio Camille Velasco
222Physics 1 and 2 Lucky Baula
223Math 1 and 2 Joseph Bautista
224ComSci Christian Roman

227Econ 1 Dexter Monje
228Econ 2 Pia Velasquez
229History Edcel Canlas
230Soc An Mycah Mutya
231ME Arvin Tamondong
233V. Tasking for the Freshie Welcome Assembly
235Hosts: Representatives Vidad, Velasquez, and Maalihan
236Stage managers: Representatives Deus and Caacbay
237Runners: Councilors Medina and Bautista
238Ushers: Councilors Monje, Hamawy, Velasco, Tuguinay, and Representatives
239Tamondong and Canlas
240Tech: Councilor Roman and Representative Baula
241Lost and found : Councilor Orcales
242Documentation: Councilor Mutya
243Center of Command : Chairperson Medina and Vice Chairperson Garcia
245VI. Year Planning / Calendaring
247VII. Meeting was adjourned by 12:56NN.

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