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Q1. Take up any five newspaper articles of your interest and then make a word-book of minimum 30 new
words, writing the word and its meaning and paste the newspaper article in which you came across it by
its side. (You can cut colored sheets in square or rectangles, paste the articles and write on the sheets and
paste the entire word-book in your homework notebook.)

Q2. On a sheet of paper, write an e-mail to your friend telling him/her about your trip in the summer
vacations. Paste it in your H.W. notebook.

Q3. Comprehension Task

Literature Reader: Read Building a Shelter. Do the back questions in H.W. notebook. Do the back
exercises, wherever required, in the book.

Happy Holidays. Happy Reading. J

1- dchjnkl@jghe ds thou o jpuk ls lacf/kr tkudkjh ,df=ar dj kstsDV cukb,A
2- vius ?kj ds vklikl xfeZ;ksa ds ekSle esa nsf[k, fd fpfM+;k ;k vU; dksbZ i{kh
viuk ?kksalyk dSls frudk& frudk tksM+dj cukrs gSa A ?kksalyk cuus ds fnu rd dk
C;kSjk ij ,d vuqPNsn vius kCnksa esa fy[kksA
3- ^^fk{kk ds fcuk euq; v/kwjk gS^^ bl fok; ij 200 kCnksa dk vuqPNsn fy[kksA
4- gfjoa'k jk; cPpu dh dfork ^^esgur djus okyks dh gkj ugha gksrh^^ dfork dks
dfork ds fy, ;kn djks o x`gdk;Z iqfLrdk esa fy[kksaA
Q1. Find the population of 5 different states and write them in Indian and International system
of numeration in H.W. copy.
Q2. Write 5 telephone numbers of your relatives and friends. Write their predecessor and
successor in H.W. copy.
Q3. Prepare a scene using 3 dimensional figures on a colorful chart paper.
Q4. Make a project on invention of decimal.
Q5. Do Ch- 3 Playing with numbers Ex- 3(C) , 3(D) , 3(E) of New Mathematics in H.W. copy.

*H.W. is to be done in a scrap book
Q1. Map Work
a. On the political map of India mark and label all the states of India
b. On the river map of India mark and label the following rivers
Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna , kaveri, Narmada
and Tapi
c. On the political map of India mark and label the following National Parks
Rajaji, Jimcorbett, Bandipur, kaziranga, Gir and Simlipal
d. On the political map of India mark and label the cities where the following monuments are
Taj Mahal, Gate way of India, Hawa Mahal, Charminar, Qutub Minar and Victoria
Q2. Compare the Indus Valley Civilization with the Egyptian Civilization.
How to go about the project

Find out the names of the river along which these Civilizations flourished.
Find out the time period in which these civilizations flourished.
Write down five important features of the above mentioned civilization
Mention how rivers have helped in developing these civilizations
Also paste pictures to support your research

Q3. The Ancient Caves of India depict marvels of the bygone era. Find 2 caves in India and write
a report on them based on the following points:

Geographical location
Paintings in the caves
Sculptures carved out of solid rocks.

Q4. Make two tools used by humans with stones during Stone Age periods. Use thermocol,
cardboard etc.
Q1. Make a 3D model to show the food pyramid of a balanced diet.
Q2. Information about the nutritional contents of food can be found on labels. Check the labels of
10 food packages at home paste them in H.W. copy and decide which ones would be good sources
of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Which ones contain most vitamins also write the kinds of
vitamins they contain?

Q3. Visit a departmental store with your parents and make a list of 20 different items found
there. Classify the objects on the basis of different properties learnt in Lesson - 4 like,
appearance, solubility, transparency etc. in H.W. note book.
Q4.Surf and find out what is earths magnetism. Also find out why earths geographical poles are
different from its magnetic poles and why a magnet gets demagnetized on heating and
hammering? Do it in H.W. notebook.
Q1. Make a PPT on computer dictionary from A-Z alphabets and bring it on CD( eg: A-Abacus, AALU)

Practice French at home.

1. R.NO 1 to 15
Make a chart of le corps humain i.e. human body & mark parts of body in French.
Dont forget to put articles.
2. R.NO 16 to 30

Make a chart on seasons les saisons in French. Paste pictures of seasons and write
atleast 5 lines about each season.
Bonnes vacances


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